Chapter 170: Hogwarts' Unseen Defenses
Luna's POV
The five Hogwarts students were sitting worried about their friend. It was about this time that the fight should have been over, and they hadn't heard anything yet. They tried to call either Harry or Sirius on the mirrors that Harry had given them just the day before, but neither answered. Remus did answer, and he told them he was just as concerned, and that he would let them know the second he heard anything. They tried to focus on their homework, but soon settled to talking about the Ball in a privacy ward that Hermione invented. It was much like a Mufflito, but instead of buzzing it sounded like whispers that were just out of hearing range.
When talks of the Ball faltered, they turned to the prank they were going to pull. It had gone from a few small things, like what Harry and Sirius had done at the Ministry, to something that would affect the whole school. There were drawings and layouts passed between them and each person kept adding more and more. It was going to take a few nights just to set everything up. Good thing they could all turn invisible. The plan was to have it all go off at the same time, on Christmas Eve morning, it would last the whole of the year, perhaps longer. When they noticed that others were trying to listen in, they packed it up, dropped the ward and settled for chatting about mundane things.
Right before dinner, there was a commotion near the doors of the Great Hall as a woman they had never seen before was making a fuse over Malfoy. He looked terrible, his hair was in complete disarray and his clothes were once again replaced with a barrel with the flashing word 'bully' writing all over it. Only this time chimes went off with each flash, causing everyone to giggle and point.
The woman tried to dispel whatever caused it but could not. The more she tried the angrier she got, until she grabbed the barrel as if to pull it over his head. Of course, Malfoy loudly protested, calling her stupid woman, and that his father would hear about it. This started a tug-of-war between the two, making everyone laugh harder.
Everyone would have thought that Draco would have learned by now not to pick on others, but it looked like it was going to take a few more times to get it through his thick head that he was not king of Hogwarts. Since it was just a barrel, he did learn to only use words. The last time he tried to curse someone, he was left in the Hospital Wing for a day and a half.
Even Ron, who still had the emotional range of a teaspoon, had learned to curb his words. However, it did take an entire week for him to stop bluntly saying everything that came to mind. The poor boy still couldn't look at the girls on the Quidditch team. They never found out what he had said, but he had spent a day with the words 'Potty Mouth' written in bright red on any shirt he put on.
The anti-bullying ward had done wonders for the moral of the school. Fred and George didn't need to pull as many pranks. Well, that was until McGonagall had kicked Harry out. Without Dumbledore and Harry here, everyone was feeling anxious. They had no idol to turn to and it was making them feel vulnerable. Hence, the need for the big prank.
The woman was marching Draco to the front of the room. Dragging him by the arm, since he was fighting her every step of the way. His face, and what parts if his body they could see, were redder then a Weasleys hair. She looked over the school of giggling children and teen and sniffed. "I want to know who did this to this fine upstanding young man," she demanded, like they hadn't had Snape for a professor. This woman looked like a wet cat, and not very harmful at all, well you might get a few scratches, but you'd survive. Whereas, Snape always made you feel like you would not survive any confrontation with him.
Flitwick tried to interrupt before she made more of a fool of herself. "Madam Sterns, it is the wards of Hogwarts. It will wear off on its own in a few minutes. Mr. Malfoy must have been bullying again. That is the only time the wards go off. We've checked," he squeaked, yet his voice had a tone of knowledge that demanded to be heard.
"Fiddlesticks, there is no such ward, or we, the Board, would have heard of them," she stated, looking down on the Charms professor. She never like goblins, and had not wanted this… man hired, but Dumbledore went over her head, since she wasn't the Chairperson at that time. Nor was Malfoy, or none of these half breeds and muggleborns would have been there. With that thought her hair turned a bright purple and frizzed out to the side, like a demented clown, making the students laugh harder. The fact that she didn't seem to notice, made a few students fall to the floor. "Enough of this," she yelled to be heard, producing a bang from her wand. "I want to know who is doing this to Mr. Malfoy, or I will have the whole school in detention."
"Madam Sterns, we have guests," McGonagall stated, looking smug and pointing to the two foreign Heads, who were giving the purpled-haired woman a look of disdain. They knew it was the wards. Many of their students had commented on them when they had been about to be bullied, and for her to dismiss one of the professors so rudely didn't speak highly of her. Both were thinking of putting them on their schools.
Sterns sniffed again and then gently pushed Malfoy to his table as his clothes returned to him. She then turned back to the student body and all but sneered, which looked frightfully stupid on her face that was surrounded with bright purple hair. "I am Abigail Sterns, Provisional Headmistress of this school. From what I've seen in the few minutes I have been here, I think you all need discipline. What happened to Mr. Malfoy is unexpectable. I will not tolerate such actions against purebloods…"
Suddenly she stopped talking and felt an overwhelming need to leave the school. She fought it with what little will she had, and slowly started taking steps towards the doors to the Great Hall. She started to run when she made fifteen steps and fear started to lace through her. She never felt so unsafe in all her life. The quicker she got out of the school the better. Someone else would have to take over. She was going to get to the bottom of this… after she left.
"Well, looks like the wards work on adults too. That means we'll never have another Snape. I hope they last a long, long time," Neville said as dinner filled the table.
"They will," Luna predicted. She was going to have to talk to Harry about keeping some things a secret. Like his power, only an overly powerful person could enhance the ward stone of Hogwarts. Perhaps, they wouldn't be able to teach the magic to everyone. It might prove better for the Wizarding World if they didn't share. If someone like the Senior Malfoy knew how to wield such power, then no one would be safe. She shuddered at the thought of men like You-Know-Who knowing. No, this might have to start being classified as family magic. Meaning he would had to keep the books in the family vault. This thought brought her back to Harry's fight, she wondered who won. All she could see was that Harry was alive, beaten up a bit, but alive.
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