OMNI:First Origin

Chapter 1022: Chapter 46

Alone that he has from birth with lucas saying man you really know how it really feels to be watch and stare by everyone around himself how does he do it you know ignore it all with no care in the world the guy says man all you have to do is focus on the ball and basket itself with your mind and body only then just release the ball into the hoop with your shot as lucas does this he shoots the ball into the basket making it once again without touching anything around it with the coaches once again cheering out to him that the guy watching this and helping lucas out just laughs to himself saying come on man some part of you must really like all this attention for your are getting for your age right lucas says not really he just wants to be a normal kid again to everyone like he was before he touch the basketball for the first time in his elementary school as the same boy says oh my bad he hasn't introduced himself with him placing his right hand forward saying my name is dilan noxx from the croatian region what about you my friend with lucas putting his right hand forward shaking dilan hand saying lucas martin from usa region born and raised.

Here with dilan smiling saying you are a funny guy before he let's go of lucas hand saying what do you plan to do in the future after you graduate with lucas saying oh he has no idea yet he was just planning on becoming a hunter for his home region with dilan saying oh so that means that you must be good at close combat art's with lucas saying yeah he don't mean to bragged but he has gotten trained we'll to the point that he was called a warrior prodigy by his training master who he knew since he was younger so he can hang with many old or new coming warrior's with dilan saying could he spar with him for a bit he needs someone strong to fight with for a bit so he can test himself for his first hunter job he has took so he wants to see if he is doing we'll in his close combat style training after leaving his own region with lucas saying sure he would love to fight someone other than doing mind training by himself as both lucas and dilan go to the gym coaches who stare at them both saying what's up guy's why you stop playing basketball with lucas asking the coaches could it be possible for them to go to the training room.

To spar with one another just for a bit to see how good they are with one of the coaches saying they could but they will have to be super careful to not get hurt or take it too far when just sparring with each other the other coach just says do not make a mess inside the training room when they are done with there sparring lesson if they do don't forget to clean it up yourself they aren't your maid's as both lucas and dilan agreed to there terms going inside the training room with one of the coaches putting a key in the doorknob to open it first before leaving back to his seat since no one but themselves used it as they head inside with the two kid's walking to the middle of the training room with them seen putting on the boxing gloves to not caused harm to the other person body they look at one another before tapping there own gloves with the other person gloves saying good match as they split up from one another with lucas saying this is a friendly match nothing too serious as dilan says sure both charge toward the middle fast with there speed that send a bit of strong wind all over the training room that can be felt by the coaches.

Sitting down in there comfy chair's saying youngsters this day's have no patient's as the two can seen still clashing with there swung right arm's at each other that lucas says to himself that this is kid is the real deal with dilan saying so he wasn't just spitting out lies he is good like he said he was in the first place with lucas swinging with his left arm a straight punch for dilan face but he just duck's under lucas left arm with dilan seen taking this chance to break apart from one another saying come on kid let's get this fight started he has so much to learn with lucas smiling saying okay let's take it to the next level he dashes toward dilan personal space about to throw a right hook aiming for his ribs but dilan blocks the hit with his shoulder that he takes this chance to sneak attack lucas with right arm hitting him on the chest area pushing him a bit back but he just smirks saying you are good dilan you might be even with him in both strength and speed but he has not learned how to fight we'll just yet he can tell by his movement's that he just barely started practicing close combat training is that right with dilan saying you got him good.

He just started training with a close combat teacher just last week after he was moved here from his own home region by someone of higher class who paid him lot's of money just to have him be here as his guard itself is that much safer he thinks to himself but he is just a kid who knows a bit of magic with lucas saying oh that is so cool he can use magic what kind with the boy saying all four nature element's like earth, wind, fire, and water that he is good at right now with lucas saying wow that is awesome he sometimes wishes he could do magic but he is just only good with fighting long and close ranged distance with dilan saying don't worry mate he will be strong he has the talent already all he has to do is practice a lot if he want to called a master martial artist in the near future with lucas saying are you a student or have you become an elite magician like he thinks he has with dilan saying oh you old chum you can read him like a book yes he has far surpassed his own magic teacher's in both magic teaching and mana potential release now he is trying to become a very powerful battle mage like his ancestors who we're both.

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