One Piece: Gold And Fire

Chapter 40: Chapter 40 : Orange Cat

"I knew something was wrong, he was too nice and strong for a unknown person he had to be a secret pirate who has been living under the radar for years." Nami grumble to herself.

After she left him behind with the Krieg pirates, who stole her ship and money, nothing was on Nami's mind but Ragna.

In any other time, she wouldn't have cared much about a pirate, but there was something strange this time. Ragna kept in mind that no matter how much she tried to forget the guy, she couldn't.

"I thought that he was just a strong fool but It was me who was the real idiot." Nami gritted her teeth thinking what about she saw back there.

At first she found that pirate flag in her ship and then she saw him actually trying to help those Krieg pirate to capture her.

"The girl has to be on the ship, where else she could be." Those words of Ragna kept on coming to her again and again.

And the more she think the more angry she was getting. However, this anger wasn't just for Ragna, this anger was also for herself.

Even after years of sailing alone she couldn't tell him apart from a Pirate. She thought that she was taking advantage of him but that wasn't the case.

It was Ragna who has been pulling the strings all along.

However, what more was troubling was that, even after getting of there alive, she can't get him out of her mind.

That face of his looking at her, shouting while she took his ship kept on coming to her mind.

"Stop thinking about it, he's just a pirate, just like arlong." Nami told to herself, gritting her teeth.

However, even after coming to her home town, burring that money which she stole from him and going to call Arlong for once again remind him about his promise, She couldn't take that boy out of his brain.

She was even seeing him in her house with Nojiko with him.

Or at least that what she thought when her eyes went wide and reality sinked in.



The gun fired.

But in that split second, Ragna moved.

He wasn't expecting to see Nami here, let alone the crazy girl to immediately shoot upon seeing him. However, there was more trouble.

She was using his gun, as the owner he knew that gun better than anyone, even the small gun barrel was pointing at him, he knew were the bullet will travel...

Without thinking, he jumped forward, shielding Nojiko with his body.

Pain exploded in his side as the bullet pierced him, blood quickly soaking his clothes.

"Ragna!" Nojiko cried out in horror.

Nami too was startled seeing Ragna making the sudden move and maybe that why she press the gun in the first place. Otherwise she wouldn't have fired the gun with Nojiko being so close to Ragna.

Pain rang through his body and blood flow out, but Ragna with adrenaline didn't stop with just pain.

Ignoring the pain, he bolted forward, his speed shocking Nami. Before she could react, Ragna used the back of his sword to knock the gun out of her hand, sending it skidding across the floor.

Only after making sure the gun was far away, Ragna turned to Nami, his eyes burning with anger.

"You mad, what kind of person just come in and put someone at gunpoint, let alone someone you already have stole from. Ain't I am the one supposed to do that." Ragna said with gritting teeth. He was loud and angry so he literally shouted and put his blade at her neck, almost making her froze on her place.

"Or after looting from me you get a promotion, from common thief to a daytime robber." Ragna spat out and put one of his hand on his wound.

"You, what are you doing here." Seeing Ragna not attack her and Nojiko completely fine, she now didn't knew what to say.

"What, cat got you tongue, oh no you are the one who stole things don't you, stole my ship, my money, and now you break into others' house and shoot them?!" he yelled.

Nami clenched her fists. Her legendary Nami Haki acting. "Yo.. you. You're a pirate! You don't get to shout at me about morality. You were lying to me from the start! If I knew that you were a Pirate then I would have stole that money long ago. And how did you follow me. How did you outrun Krieg." Nami shouted back.

Both at this point were glaring at each other, even Nami who wasn't in the condition where her neck was inches apart from getting pierce by Ragna's blade.

Ragna took a deep breath, barely holding back his frustration. He wanted to fight back, but… she was a girl, though he mostly believed in equality but still being raised by a single Mom, he was just raised with those values. But that didn't mean he was just going to let her go. First he gonna get his money back and then his ship and then she goes directly behind bars.

"Really, you didn't get any better excuse then to call me a pirate. You idiot, pirates don't get one of this, your lie will be revealed in seconds" he said with wipping out his bounty hunter card, narrowing his eyes he continue. "I'll take you to the Marines myself, try putting those acting skills in front of marines while you are behind the bars"

Nami's eyes widened in panic. "What?!... huh like you dare to go in front of Marines. Come on if you can" Nami was startled hearing Marine's name but then thinking this was coming from a Pirate, she argued back.

"Try me." Ragna smiled sweetly and grab her by the hand before dragging her out of the house. Both completely ignored the blue hair girl looking at them with ridiculous face.

Just as the situation was about to get worse, Nojiko finally stepped in. Part confuse at what was going on, part anger on both Nami and Ragna, the former for firing inside the house and latter for treating her little sister like this. And last, she was just too tired after going though that roller coster of emotions and finally gathering the courage to ask for Ragna's help.

"Wait!" Nojiko shouted. "Ragna, the sister I was talking about… is Nami!"

Ragna froze.

His eyes slowly shifted between Nojiko and Nami.

"Bullshit, you don't look alike at all. Look at your calm elder sister like beauty and now look at this bitch, with shark teeth...

"What did you say." Nami immediately revealed her hidden set of pointy shark teeths as her eyes went pointy and complete white.

"We are adobted," Nojiko replied thought a slight blush appear on her face at that compliment.

Ragna wanted to just shrug off what Nojiko said like she was joking but her expression looked serious.

"Really ?" Ragna looked at the two sister, one was talking calmly while others was behaving like a girl possessed.

"Really..." Nojiko nodded.

"Like real real"

"Yes... real real" Sighing she nodded.

Now that he think about, Nojiko's did tell that her sister had to resort to thievery to get that much money...

He didn't wanted to believe it but ultimately let the struggling Nami go who immediately bolted towards Nojiko while still staring Daggers at Ragna.

"Now will both of you start talking, what the hell is going on here." Nojiko folded her hands and demanded an explanation.


[Word Count: 1200]

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