One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 511: Chapter 511: Phantasm Popora

Vivi, Hina, Raki, Saphir and Kaya walked down the Mountain Zone. "It is cold," Vivi remarked as she shivered. 

"It is certainly chilly," Kaya agreed. "We might get a cold if we stay here too long," Kaya added. 

"That would mean Ben might treat and care for you," Raki remarked. She teased them both.

"Vivi already gets the princess treatment," Saphir remarked. 

Hina blushed and sighed. She thought they should be a little serious. However she knew they were strong. She did think about the Princess' treatment by Ben. She shook her head. 

They walked down the path and saw an altar with a shiny orb. There were some markings on the floor. The floor around the altar was concrete. 

"That did not take long to find," Saphir remarked. 

"Must be our lucky day,"Kaya added.

"Or unlucky," Hina remarked. 

"Ben said to not fight Yonkos, Admiral or their number 2 and 3s," Vivi said. They all nodded. 

As they stepped onto the concrete, the orb began to glow softly. A vision suddenly emerged. 

The scene began with baby Alvida, a chubby and rosy-cheeked infant lying in a cradle. She was crying loudly, her tiny fists waving in the air. Her mother smiled at her. The scene shifted to young Alvida in a small, rundown home. Her youthful face was filled with hope, but her plump figure already set her apart from the other children. The next scene showed her surrounded by a group of beautiful, slender girls who sneered at her. They poured a drink over her head. The girls laughed cruelly, pointing at her soaked and humiliated form. The vision shifted again, showing Alvida sitting alone in her room, her fists clenched and her face flushed with anger. 

The scene changed to Alvida confronting one of the girls in an alley and punching her. She sent the girl stumbling to the ground. The vision continued, showing Alvida being screamed at by everyone. Her mother looked disappointed. The next scene changed to Alvida in school being attacked by a group of older girls. Alvida beat them all. The scene changed to people screaming at her and saying vile stuff. Alvida then left the town. Her body grew wider and rounder. She looked at the pretty girl and smashed her face. The vision changed to Alvida beating up random people who looked attractive. The next scene showed her finding a strange fruit. Alvida bit into it. The scene changed to a slim beautiful Alvida leading a group of pirates. Her enemies quaked as she smashed through them with her iron kanabo, her laughter ringing loud and triumphant. The scene shifted to Alvida lounging on a deck, surrounded by stolen treasures. The final image was of Alvida meeting Ben. 

Suddenly, the orb started to glow. There was a bright light. From the bright light a figure started to form. They saw a tall muscular young man with jaw-length curly black hair. He wore an open-front shirt and black knee-length shorts with an eyelet-studded orange belt. He wore black shoes. He wore a red beaded necklace and an orange hat with two blue smileys, one frowning and one smiling, and a string of red beads sitting above the rim. "Phantasm Ace," Phantasm Ace remarked.

"It is Luffy`s foster brother," Vivi remarked.

"We met him during Alabasta," Kaya added. 

"He is the Second Division Commander for the Whitebeard Pirates," Hina shouted. 

"Let's leave this one," Vivi quickly said. 

"Yes, let's leave," Raki agreed. 

The group exited and Ace went back into the orb. "He looked strong," Saphir remarked. 

"He is," Hina said. She knew about the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"He is a fake version so we can beat him together," Raki said. She thought Ben was strong. They all nodded. 

The group continued down and saw an altar with a shiny orb. "We have found another one," Saphir pointed out. 

"Our lucky day," Kaya said. 

"I wonder who it will be this time," Vivi said to herself. 

"Probably not good," Raki said. 

As they stepped onto the concrete, the orb began to glow softly. A vision emerged. The scene began with baby Saphir, cradled lovingly in her mother's arms. Her small giggles echoed in the cozy home as her mother smiled down at her. Her mother looked at her three beautiful babies. The vision shifted, showing Saphir playing with her sister. Their mother stood nearby, watching them. The scene changed, showing the family at home. Saphir helped her sister bake bread, her hands covered in flour, while her mother hummed a cheerful tune. The vision darkened abruptly as men stormed into their home. Saphir screamed as they dragged her and her sisters away. Her mother fought fiercely but was struck down. She saw men with large orbs in their heads. They looked disgusting. The scene changed to her mother being shot down. The next vision showed Saphir and her sisters in a dim, dingy room, their wrists bound. They huddled together, trembling. The scene changed to another fishman looking at them. The scene changed, to an explosion. They all escaped together. The scene shifted to Gad barking orders at them, exposing them to dangerous tasks for his benefit. Saphir's once-bright eyes were dimmed with fear, but she stayed close to her sisters. The scene continued, showing their time with the Simon Pirates. The harshness of pirate life. Saphir's body bore bruises from battles, and her hands grew calloused from hard labor. The scene changed to Saphir watching in anguish as her sister was taken away, hushed into a distant corner by Simon's men. The vision brightened slightly, showing Saphir years later. She stood on the deck of a ship when she first met Ben and smiled. There was a blush on her face. Her sisters also had a small blush. 

Suddenly, the orb started to glow. There was a bright light. From the bright light a figure started to form. They saw a tall, slim, yet muscular man and had black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips. He wore a white buttoned-up vest with a standing collar over a long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes. "Phantasm Aokiji," Phantasm Aokiji remarked.

Raki got angry seeing him. "Him," Raki said. 

Vivi's eyes flashed red. However they both calmed down. "We need to leave," Vivi said. 

"As instructed by Ben," Raki added. 

"I think so too," Hina said. They all stepped back. "That felt like a close one," she said. 

"I hate retreating all the time," Raki remarked. 

"Ben would say otherwise," Kaya said. 

"Let's continue for now," Vivi said. They all nodded and headed down the path. The group continued down and saw an altar with a shiny orb. "Our luck finding three all together," Kaya remarked. 

"Let's see who it is this time," Raki added. 

 They stepped closer. Suddenly, the orb started to glow. There was a bright light. From the bright light a figure started to form. They saw a rabbit-like creature holding a staff. "Phantasm Popora," Phantasm Popora remarked. 

"That is the protector?" Saphir asked. 

"It is a fake one," Vivi asked. 

"We can beat him," Raki said as she transformed into her beast form. 

"There are no other robots here," Kaya said. 

"It will make it easier for us," Saphir said. 

"Petrifying Gaze," Raki said as her eyes locked onto Phantasm Popora's. For a moment, he faltered, his body beginning to stiffen. Cracks of stone formed across his limbs as he was turned to stone. 

Vivi transformed into her hybrid form. She stepped forward, her left hand glowing with an ominous energy. "Dark Necrotic Beam," she said as a thick, pulsating beam of shadow shot forth. The beam hit Phantasm Popora squarely, erupting with an eerie hiss as it burned away at his stone body. The smoke surrounded him.

Kaya also transformed into her beast form. "Giant Angel Heaven's Arrow," she said as she formed a massive arrow shimmering with celestial energy. Kaya channeled every ounce of her power into the construct. She hurled the arrow with incredible speed. It struck Phantasm Popora, piercing through his chest with a thunderous impact. The force of the blow shattered him. 

Phantasm Popora turned to light. 

"That was quick," Saphir remarked. 

"Very fast," Hina agreed. 

She looked at Raki, beast form. A mythical zoan that can turn anyone into stone just by looking in her eyes. She thought she could rival the Pirate Empresses herself. 

They all turned back into their human forms. "It was a team effort," Raki said. 

"It was for sure," Vivi agreed. 

Phantasm Popora stone body levitated from the ground. His body spun around and turned into light and went back into the orb. The orb started to shake as it also levitated and turned into a light and went into the air. The momentum which held the orb threw outfits. 

Kaya went towards them. She saw there was a blue one piece dress and a bra and shorts all were blue. "Police," she read out.

"These look like uniforms," Hina remarked. 

"Bizzare," Saphir said, holding a pair of handcuffs. 

"Let's show it to Ben later," Raki said. 

"We should head back, it is getting dark," Vivi remarked. 

They all nodded and headed back. 

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