Chapter 28: 28 - "Chaos and Strength"
28 - "Chaos and Strength"
"Leave your power stones or votes, they help a lot!"
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"Zoro, where are you?!" —Chopper shouted as he ran through the streets of Alubarna.
Bururubururu Gacha!
—Haa… Hello, Chopper? Is that you? —Kara asked through the Den Den Mushi.
—Kara! What do I do? Zoro got lost again! —Chopper said quickly, worried.
—Ah, don't worry about the idiot. He found someone to train with —Kara replied casually.
—Is that so? —Chopper asked, feeling more at ease.
—Well, I need you to do something for me. You don't have to fight, just give a hand to a couple of loud idiots. I think they're looking for something in the plaza. I have to make sure the king of this place doesn't die —Kara said quickly.
—A couple of loud idiots? Who—? Gacha!
But before Chopper could finish asking, Kara hung up without another word.
—Aaah, damn it! You didn't tell me who I'm supposed to help! —Chopper shouted, frustrated.
—That old mole said Luffy was dead, so… —said a person approaching Chopper on a camel. He was covered in bandages, full of wounds, and two more people ran alongside him.
—C-Could it be true? —asked a child wearing a frog-shaped hat.
—Idiots. You actually believed that? —said a blond man in a suit, smoking a cigarette.
—Of course not! Are you stupid? —the bandaged man said angrily, while the child and even the camel glared at the blond man.
—I didn't believe it either! —the child shouted.
—I see… Then we have to get to the palace as soon as possible —the blond man quickly said.
—Excuse me… —a small voice spoke softly, approaching them.
The three men, plus the camel, turned to see Chopper, who stepped forward a little shyly.
—Could you be the ones Kara said I had to help? —Chopper asked.
—And what are you supposed to be?! —Usopp shouted in surprise, but Sanji lightly smacked him as he approached Chopper.
—Are you the beautiful Kara's pet? —he asked, his voice holding a hint of excitement, seemingly forgetting the disdain Kara had shown him on Luffy's ship.
—I'm not her pet, I'm the doctor! —Chopper yelled, offended.
—Doctor? —Rab asked, scrutinizing Chopper—. You don't look like one —he quickly said.
—Well, you don't look like a doctor either —Usopp said, eyeing Rab, who threw a vial at him that made his wounds sting.
—Doesn't matter. The beautiful Kara sent you to help, you can come with us —Sanji said, easily integrating Chopper into the group, while Usopp and Rab exchanged blank looks.
—I remember she said she liked women, right? That's not going to win her affection —Usopp whispered to Rab.
—Being a simp… what a tragedy —Rab said, shaking his head.
—Idiots, I can hear you —Sanji growled, hitting them both.
—These must be the loud idiots —Chopper said proudly, looking at the three.
Then, he left with them, noticing that Usopp's wounds were well taken care of. He realized that Rab, the guy who looked like a kid and dressed oddly for some reason, was actually a pretty good doctor. They quickly started talking about medicine, which made Rab see Chopper in a new light, and they became fast friends.
—Aaah, how boring —Kara muttered as she stood atop a roof, waiting for Smoker to give her the signal to capture Crocodile.
Meanwhile, beneath the building where she stood, the army and the rebels were about to clash. But Kara, as a Marine, wasn't allowed to intervene in civil wars. After all, this was a fight for the kingdom. Both the soldiers and the rebels were fighting for their causes. Kara would only step in if there were innocent bystanders or common civilians in the middle. After all, the Marines' job was to protect civilians and kingdoms from pirates and criminals. If the kingdom itself went to war, it was no longer the concern of the Marines or even the World Government.
Kara wasn't exactly thrilled with that policy, but she also understood that, for example, if the Marines fought against a pirate, these kingdom soldiers wouldn't even glance their way or offer help. After all, it was their job.
The rebels were considered civilians, but when they took up arms and fought for their interests, they lost the privilege of protection. Although, of course, Kara would help minimize the damage, as that was Crocodile's plan.
Then, Kara watched as the war began after a man hidden among the military shot the leader of the rebel army.
—Ugh, I could have intervened there, but I can only save innocent civilians. Sorry —Kara said as she apologized to Koza. Although she knew this guy would survive, she wouldn't save him. After all, he was the one who fell into Crocodile's trap, turning a bunch of ordinary people into soldiers for war.
Purupurupuru! Gacha!
—Kara, this is bad! There's a bomb! —Chopper shouted desperately when Kara answered.
—It's okay, calm down. Where are you? —Kara asked calmly.
Meanwhile, Chopper was on the phone, surrounded by the Straw Hat crew, who were watching with concern.
—We're near the clock tower —Chopper said quickly.
—Oh, well, here I am —Kara said, appearing behind them. Everyone jumped in surprise at how fast she had arrived.
—Hello —Kara greeted with a smile—. Oh, Zoro, how did you end up with their group? —she asked, seeing Zoro sitting not far from the others.
—There's no time for that! There's a bomb about to go off! —Chopper said, looking at Kara.
—Sigh… Well, I sent you to help them search, but I feel a bit guilty for not being able to help the rebels and the military, so I'll do the job —Kara said calmly as she walked toward the clock tower.
—Here it is —she said, pointing at the clock above them.
—What? —Usopp asked dumbly.
—What's here? —Nami asked, confused.
—The bomb. It's right under your noses —Kara said calmly, looking at them as if they were fools.
—What?! —everyone shouted in shock.
—Well then, I'm off —Kara said, turning around to leave again.
—Wait, wait! —Nami said, stopping her.
—Are you sure it's there? —Vivi asked.
—Sigh… It makes me sad that you don't believe me —Kara said as she lightly struck the clock tower. Then, it split into cubes and began to collapse behind her.
The Straw Hats all gaped in astonishment at Kara's power.
—I always forget she's an even bigger monster than Luffy… —Usopp said with a slight tremor.
Then, they all saw a giant bomb falling behind Kara.
—Well, since I started it, I should finish the job —Kara said, effortlessly catching the bomb with one hand, leaving everyone even more stunned. Then, she tossed it into the sky as if it were just a rock.
—All Crash —she said, pointing at the bomb in the sky, causing it to explode and drawing the attention of everyone in the plaza who was fighting.
—One moment —Kara said as she picked up her Den Den Mushi, noticing everyone's shocked faces.
—Kara, we have the evidence! You can arrest Crocodile. I think he's fighting Straw Hat and has King Cobra as a hostage —Tashigi said quickly.
—Well, it's about time. I almost ended up destroying… —before finishing her sentence, she realized she had already destroyed several things—. Hmm… what a shame. The kingdom's war destroyed a beautiful clock tower… —she said quickly, while those around her wanted to complain but quickly covered their mouths, remembering her power.
—Zoro, Chopper, arrest as many Baroque Works members as you can. That'll help with your promotion —she said before leaping into the air and leaving effortlessly.
—Tsk… That woman just gives orders —Zoro said as he stood up—. Let's go, Chopper —he called out to the reindeer, who was still in shock along with the others.
After all, he had never seen Kara use her strength before.
—Ah, right… —he said, pulling himself together before saying goodbye to his new friends.
—You shouldn't get along with them. They're pirates, and we're marines —Zoro said, noticing that Chopper looked sad about parting ways with his new friends.
—Pirates?! —Chopper asked in shock, realizing he had never asked them.
—Sigh… Whatever, their captain is Kara's brother anyway —Zoro said, shaking his head—. Come on, let's see who can arrest more —he said with a grin before running ahead of Chopper.
—Wait, Zoro, that's not the right direction! —Chopper quickly shouted.
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