One piece: The Fairy Of Justice (English version)

Chapter 33: 33- "Revenge"

To the readers, I apologize if this chapter feels a bit forced. I have an ear infection, I couldn't sleep all night, and I just got back from getting an injection. In any case, I'll put more effort into future fights. Without further ado, here is the chapter.

33- "Revenge"

An island called Kroa was not very well known, as only a few indigenous people lived there, and they disliked contact with outsiders.

That small but beautiful island was now engulfed in flames, while what was possibly the last indigenous man had his neck gripped by a large, fat man with a foolish-looking face, who stared at him with interest.

—Alright, my son, kill him. We'll take all the gold from this island at once —said a small elderly woman excitedly as she hugged a pure gold statue that the natives had unearthed and used for their rituals.

—T-that's a… gift from the gods. Y-you can't…

Crack. The man couldn't finish speaking before the enormous brute snapped his neck like a mere twig.

—Mommy, I'm done —he said with a dumb smile, waiting for his mother's praise.

—Well done, my dear boy. Those fools didn't even know the value of this ore and only used it for pregnant women to touch. How ridiculous! —said the woman with disdain—. Let's get out of here; it reeks of blood —she added, walking toward where they had left their ship.

When they arrived, they were shocked to see their ship destroyed, its remains floating in the sea.

—Who the hell dared to do this?! —yelled the old woman angrily upon seeing her precious ship, which she had stolen from the Marines.

Meanwhile, at the center of the island, where a massacre had just taken place—where not even children or elders were spared—bodies were scattered everywhere.

Kara observed the scene with no expression. Her empty, emotionless gaze scanned the corpses of what had once been a village.

If the Marines saw Kara at this moment, they would be terrified. After all, this was the furious version of Kara—the version where rage completed the cycle and left only emotional emptiness within her.

Kara simply pulled out the Golden Den Den Mushi, which she had initially requested just to annoy others. Without a second thought, she pressed the button and then began walking toward where Stussy and Edward Weevil—the supposed wife and son of Whitebeard—were located.

—Sir! The Silver Den Den Mushi has been activated! That means someone triggered the Buster Call —a marine reported as he rushed into Sengoku's office.

—It seems she activated it… Notify the vice admirals and Aokiji —Sengoku ordered quickly.

Without wasting time, several heavily armed warships set sail toward the location of the signal.

As they were the latest-generation warships, it would take them only a few minutes—at most, an hour—to arrive, using the Marine's travel routes to move faster.

—Hmm… It's unusual for her to activate the Buster Call —commented Aokiji as he lay back on a lounge chair, waiting for the ship to advance.

—Who was the bastard?! They'll pay for this! Edward, find someone else on the island and bring them here —Stussy ordered furiously.

—Yes, mommy —Weevil responded immediately.

Then, both of them heard approaching footsteps. Turning around, they saw Kara staring at them expressionlessly.

—So, it was you, wasn't it? You'll pay for this. After my son catches you, I'll tear you apart, limb by limb —Stussy said with hatred. Seeing Kara's beautiful appearance only fueled her fury further—. Edward, catch her. I'll even let you play with her too —she added with an arrogant smile.

—Awesome, mommy! Thanks! —exclaimed Weevil, raising his bisento—the same type of weapon Whitebeard used. With a look full of greed, he stepped forward, ready to fight Kara.

—I hope you last longer than the other toys; they die too quickly —Weevil sneered.

Kara didn't say a word. She simply moved with astonishing speed, appearing right in front of Weevil, shocking him with her swiftness.

Then, Kara aimed her punch directly at Weevil's stomach, activating her ability with haki to destroy everything in its path.

Weevil had no time to defend himself—only to use his Armament Haki to endure the blow. Upon impact, he was sent flying several meters backward as a deep wound formed in his stomach. However, it wasn't a fatal injury.

—That hurts… —Weevil muttered angrily before charging at Kara, swinging his weapon.

Kara merely ducked to dodge the attack, and everything behind her was sliced apart just by the force of Weevil's swing.

Knowing that Weevil could use haki to defend himself against her power, Kara changed her strategy and aimed at his leg, increasing the magical power in her attack to the point where the ground beneath them was destroyed.

—Aaaah! Mommy, it hurts! —screamed Weevil as he clutched his bleeding leg, tears forming in his eyes.

—Don't worry, dear. Mommy is here —said Stussy as she threw a strange box. From it emerged threads and needles that quickly stitched Weevil's wound shut.

Kara did nothing, only watching with interest to see what the old witch had planned.

—How dare you hurt Whitebeard's son?! —Stussy shouted, pointing at Kara.

—Doesn't seem as strong as Whitebeard in his youth… Calling for backup was an exaggeration, but if I hadn't, they would have bothered me later —Kara muttered before charging at Weevil again at full speed.

She appeared in front of him once more. Now, his leg was reattached, though covered in stitches. Kara raised her own leg and struck Weevil's stomach with full force, sending him flying.

—Son! —Stussy screamed in anger—. Who are you? Why don't you have Whitebeard? He's my husband! —she said quickly.

Kara, who still hadn't retrieved her vice admiral cape, ignored the old woman effortlessly and walked toward Weevil, who was struggling to stand up.

—Looks like I'll have to use this —Stussy muttered, pulling a controller from her purse and pressing a button.

Kara watched as Weevil's muscles began to harden, and his once-foolish expression shifted into one filled with rage.

—You fool… You made me use the special medicine. Now, there won't be anything left of your body to corrupt! —Stussy laughed maniacally.

—Die! —Weevil roared, suddenly appearing in front of Kara, who was surprised at how much faster he had become.

She quickly dodged the attack by throwing herself to the side, while Weevil's strike obliterated the ground where she had just been standing.

Even though Kara had remained expressionless throughout the battle, she realized that Weevil was nothing more than an experiment created by his mother. But that didn't mean she would have any compassion for him.

Once again, she used her speed, combining her magical power just like Gildarts to enhance her punches. However, she mixed it with Soru and Sky Walk, making her one of the fastest in the Marines—only surpassed by Kizaru.

Kara began circling Weevil at high speed, searching for a weak point. Now that his muscles were strengthened, she could feel that his Armament Haki protected him passively. If she wanted to injure him, she had to use the same level of Haki or find a weakness.

Since increasing her Armament Haki was difficult for her, she opted for the second option.

Weevil tried several times to strike her, but only succeeded in destroying the ground behind her.

Kara took advantage of one of the weak points Weevil left exposed when attacking and quickly delivered a punch with all her strength.

—Crash —Kara whispered, activating her power at maximum.

Weevil's shoulder was reduced to minced flesh, and his arm fell to the ground.

—Tsk. I guess this is enough from me —Kara said, slightly tired from using all her magical power just to sever Weevil's arm.

In reality, she could keep fighting without issue, but she noticed something approaching rapidly on the horizon.

—They're already here… They're fast —she murmured, regaining her emotionless expression and forming a faint smile.

—T-that's the Buster Call?! —Stussy screamed in fear.

Without a second thought, she started running, but an ice wall appeared in her path.

—Y-you… You're Admiral Aokiji… You can't capture me, I'm Whitebeard's wife! If you do, you'll start a war just to save us! —she lied, trembling as she saw Aokiji, who simply yawned.

The warships, which usually numbered only eight with five vice admirals, now totaled ten, with most of the vice admirals stationed in Marineford.

—Overkill… —Kara muttered, casually jumping onto one of the ships and becoming a spectator as the vice admirals attacked Weevil.

It only took them a few minutes to finish him off, acting in perfect coordination. While some defended, others attacked, taking turns unleashing their most powerful strikes, whether from a Devil Fruit ability or a Haki-enhanced attack.

By the time Kara realized, Weevil lay on the ground, covered in blood and no longer breathing.

Stussy, on the other hand, was now a block of ice, being transported to the prison ship.

—For someone who complains that sensei is too harsh, you still keep him in your heart —Tokikake said with a teasing look.

Several vice admirals who got along with Kara to some extent also looked at her with the same expression.

—I don't know what you're talking about… Now I have an excuse not to be forced into Armament Haki training —Kara replied, sitting back in a chair, completely relaxed.


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