Chapter 66: 32. A Legend (part 2)
"Reggie… told me everything. He said that you wanted to make me the next holy knight by reigniting the motivation within me. He told me that you wanted Reggie to lie, saying that he will be the next holy knight.
When in reality… you just wanted me to grow stronger." I said to the grave, and I regretted everything very much.
"And now… it's too late. I can't even show you… how strong I've become…!"
I said once again, and I even dropped to my knees. Tears fell once more, and my hands grabbed a hold of the dirt on the ground.
"I'm sorry… for being such a disappointing son!! I'll promise I'll continue to do my best from now on, and I'll become better than you!" I declared in front of his grave.
They say that promises made in front of a grave is a promise kept until death. And as any promises that were made that way, I will keep this promise no matter what.
"I will avenge you, and I will become stronger!"
With that declaration, my real goal has been set. Originally, I wanted to just grow stronger so that I can be an independent self. But now, I have an even better goal in front of me.
Reggie can be the next holy knight. To hell with me being a holy knight.
I will be… a manhunter. I will find the man who killed you… whatever the cost.
"Are you done?" A soft voice was heard behind me, and I turned around to find the empty face that belonged to someone I know.
"The others are asking for you. The army is going to launch a counter attack on the dark republic. Are you coming?" She asked with the same blank expression, and I would've mistaken her to be inconsiderate if I didn't know her better. But, seeing her expression now, I can tell she looks very sad.
"I'll go. I'm not missing this chance." I said while standing up and wiping my tears, and Nyssa walked forward. She then hugged me out of nowhere, and I got quite startled by this sudden act of hers.
"I saw hugs can be a good mental support. I just want to help out, somehow." She said with the same plain tone, and I laughed a bit seeing her being so awkward.
"Thank you… Nyssa. I appreciate it." I patted her slender back softly, and I realized just how tiny she is now that we are making contact.
She is… very small, huh?
"Then, let's go." Nyssa then let go of the hug, and she pointed her hand out for me to grab it. "Take my hand."
She said so plainly, not realizing how romantic this act of hers is. I just smiled genuinely, and I took her hand carefully. In an instant, my whole body was cladded in the wind, and I could feel my weight disappear as I began to float upwards.
"W-Woah…" I said while being slightly worried, and Nyssa just giggled.
"First time flying?"
"Yeah… Earth origins aren't supposed to be away from the ground. And yet, such a thing happened to me twice today." I said how I feel to her, and she just held my hand tighter.
"Then, don't let go of my hand. I can't promise you'll survive the fall." She said as she kept us on air, and we have gotten quite high up from the ground.
Beforelong, she started moving us towards the castle quite slowly, and flying with her like this felt so freeing in a way. I am scared of heights, but this feels amazing.
We arrived back at the castle after so long, and I realized the soldiers were gathering outside at the yard. I noticed the soldiers are a mix between earth nation knights and water empire soldiers. There are also knights from Ellen city who looked more modern than others.
Finally, the group we're looking for is waiting at the front. Nyssa landed us right near where they are, and I noticed Nathan is currently out on a wheelchair.
"W-Why are you out?" I asked Nathan, but the man covered in bandages only grinned at me.
"What do you mean? I can still fight like this." He said while lifting his hand that still looks broken.
"I can just shoot things from far away and make them go 'boom-boom', you know?"
"If anything, you're the one going 'boom'." Lily angrily commented next to him, and the poor prince could only laugh in pain.
"Are we waiting for anyone?" Miss Hilda asked Lily's sister who also just arrived from talking with the soldiers, and she nodded at us.
"Yes. A package from Fiordall is coming soon to help us out." Princess Frisena said, and Nathan looked like he wanted to jump out of the wheelchair.
"D-Don't tell me it's--"
"It's her." The princess said hurriedly, and Nathan is sure that he wants to jump out.
He then looked around for possible hiding spots, and he finally turned his gaze to me. "Jonah. Hide me in your house."
"W-What happens to make enemies go 'boom-boom'?"
"Please Jonah! I will die--"
Before Nathan was able to finish, the loud sound of a massive Steelbird arriving above us was heard. The Steelbird was three times larger than any other ones, and we can tell the reason was because the quantity of passengers was much larger.
The giant Steelbird landed itself on the large empty spot in the yard not too far from us, and the hatch was opened after a while. From there, a hundred soldiers began to march out of the inside, forming a line outside the Steelbird. Once the soldiers are all lined up, the line splits in half allowing their general to walk through the center, looking around to search for anyone to talk to. Seeing the dark armor they were wearing, everyone knew immediately the identity of this powerful person.
The Dark Knight of Fiordall, who was also said to be the strongest knight in the history of Fiordall.
The dark knight landed their gaze onto us, and she immediately started walking this way with haste. I thought she saw Princess Frisena because she was supposed to be our leader. But it turns out…
"H-Hey, Felicia!! Long time no see!!" Nathan greeted the dark knight, and I searched around me to look for him.
Apparently he was already far away from me, trying his best to run away from the scene. From the distance, Nathan only waved his hand while trying to move his wheelchair, and it didn't take long before the wheels started to move away.
Nathan did his best to spin the wheels with his broken hand, but the dark knight is more than healthy enough to chase after him. The strong knight ran like a cheetah and kicked Nathan's wheelchair until he bounced out of it, and they landed their thick boots on top of Nathan's chest.
"I left you for one month. One. Month." The dark knight said with an angered voice, and Nathan looked like he was in deep pain.
"It's lovely t… to see you too… I can't breathe!!"
It seems like their dynamic is quite unique…
"W-Wait… he is still badly wounded…" Lily came to them running out of concern for Nathan's health, and the dark knight stared at Lily for a while.
The two only stared at each other silently for a few seconds, but then the dark knight turned their gaze back to Nathan.
"This… is the poor princess you managed to fool?" The dark knight asked with a cold tone, and Nathan only smiled at Lily coming to save him.
"She is my girlfriend! Don't touch her--AAAKKKKK!!!!!!"
Holy… I can actually hear his ribs getting broken.
The dark knight then pulled their foot away from Nathan's chest, and Nathan was left gasping for hair while crying from his broken ribs. The knight then turned their full attention to Lily, and they took off their helmet.
Revealing… a very… beautiful and pretty lady with beautiful purplish hair and eyes.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Felicia, the Dark Knight of Fiordall." The dark knight said cheerfully while lifting her hand for a handshake, and Lily was still very oblivious of what was going on. But after connecting the dots for a bit, she finally understood.
"Someone he has been chasing for seven years…"
"Oh, so he has told you about me. I must warn you, he is a player and a pervert." The dark knight, Felicia, turned a very disgusted glare at Nathan who is still writhing in pain on the ground.
Nurses and doctors have arrived with stretches and anesthetics, and he is going to be taken care of very soon. And whilst he was being taken away, Lily just laughed seeing what just happened.
"I know, right? God, the nerve he had for approaching me." Lily said in agreement to the knight, and the beautiful older lady only nodded.
"Shall we talk about it over some tea?" The dark knight invited, and Lily looked confused.
"I prefer coffee…"
"Same! Cappuccino?"
As the two walked away leaving the yard, everyone else only clapped their hands at how Nathan got mercilessly abused. It's like they all agreed that he deserved that.
Meanwhile, I can only watch it all happen.
"Girls are… very scary." I commented, and a soft giggle was heard next to me.
I turned my confused eyes down to Nyssa, who is barely half my height. She looked embarrassed for laughing like that, and I only lowered my face to drill into her face deeper.
"Did you just laugh…?"
"… Nope."
"You laugh, didn't you?"
"You heard it wrong. I was coughing."
As I tried my best digging the truth from Nyssa's face, the vice headmaster had no choice but to be left alone with Eric. And listening to me and Nyssa talk, they cannot feel more pained.
"Being single is hard…" Miss Hilda commented, and Princess Frisena only coughed loudly before leaving. Meanwhile, Eric just shook his shoulder.
"Sounds like a weakness, to me."
Well… at least the world has calmed down.
For now.