Origins of Fate

Chapter 68: 33. Commoner's Perspective (part 2)

"Any advice? Or do you have anything else you can tell me about the dark republic?" I asked the guild leader again, asking for more. And the crook leader only shook his head.

"It feels like… You owe me a favor. But at this point, it has become too expensive…"

"I'm close with the second prince. I can tell you any information if you'd like to know about him." I said to make him intrigued, and the guild leader turned happy instantly.


Of course, I only told him some wrong things. It's wrong for me to sell my own ally like this, so the information I gave him is mostly false.

"So he has a weapon that can increase his origin output!? Such a powerful thing exists??" He asked, and I nodded with a smirk.


Of course, no such thing ever existed. That was just his Limit Break, a pure skill that we learned through hard work.


"This is… priceless! That weapon is like a legendary weapon!" He yelled out of amazement, and I cleared my throat so he could focus back onto me. 

"Oh, right. Well, I can say for certain that if such an event like this were to happen again, the same exact situation will repeat.


The royalties will abandon their citizens. The enemies will gain exactly what they wanted. And next time, who knows how many citizens will die, and who knows who is the next target that the dark republic is going for."


What he said… isn't wrong. I need to find a way to make the royalties confess so that such a thing won't happen again.


"All right. You've helped me enough. Is there anything you want to find out?" I asked the guild leader in return, and he only smirked at me.


"Where are you… currently?" He asked with a smirk, and I got confused.


Where… am I? That sounded like an obvious question, no? But looking at his face, I can tell exactly what he is asking.


"Those guys are really impatient, huh?" I said to him, and he only giggled.


"There are a lot of people who want you dead, you know? Considering your bloody past."


"Well, let them come. I'm not afraid." I said while standing, and he looked confused by how I'm about to leave. "I'll be staying in the earth nation for a bit. I can't say how long, but if they miss me, then they should come immediately!"


"What!? You best not escape until they arrive, or my head will be taken!" He said angrily, and I just smirked at him.

"Relax. I'm not afraid of anyone." I said with confidence, and I left his office. 


I can tell that guy is going to announce to the world about my whereabouts, but let the bastards come. I'll be here for a while, anyway.


Arriving outside, I noticed that the day had gotten dark. From what I remembered, Princess Frisena told us that there will be a planning meeting at the glowing table at the castle lobby. It's to discuss our plan on attacking tomorrow, so it's best if I attend it.


And… who knows. Maybe I'll cause a riot.


I started heading back to the castle right away. On my way back, it looks like the destroyed parts of the city have started cleaning up. It is quite sad that all those people died because the knights couldn't protect them, but that's the reality of our world.


I'll expose those bastards once and for all. On the table, in front of everyone.


Arriving at the castle, I noticed that all the soldiers were now resting on the yard. Camps are set up for the soldiers to stay, and it seems like everyone is enjoying their time bonding with each other. I can see earth nation knights and Fiordall knights talking loudly on a campfire, and I can also see a friendly brawl happening to test out each other's physical strength.


Well, I still have time until the meeting starts. Why don't I take this chance to play around?




All the soldiers surrounding the half a meter arena cheered when a muscular knight of the earth kingdom was knocked down by a Fiordall knight. The Fiordall knight looked so much larger than the muscular knight he just knocked down, and everyone seemed to be loving him.


It's rare for earth nation knights to lose in a physical battle. After all, earth nation knights are known to be muscular savages, and they loved their bodies more than they loved the earth. And looking at how big that Fiordall knight was and how hairy he looks, he really puts these knights into shame.


"Anyone else!?" The gigantic Fiordall knight challenged, and everyone else only cheered. To their surprise, a person landed on top of the arena.


"Mind if I join in?" I said after climbing up, and everyone immediately studied my appearance. My body is hidden by the long black robe, and only my head and the dirty blue scarf can be seen. Seeing my mysterious appearance, the Fiordall knight turned confused.


"Who are you?"

"Eric Axwell. You?" I said honestly, and the knight of Fiordall only smirked at me.


"I am Borne! First Division commander of Fiordall!" The Fiordall knight introduced himself, and I was in awe at his identity.


In Fiordall's military, the highest position is held by the general, The Dark Knight. Below that is the Vice General who is probably back in Fiordall guarding the kingdom. Below those two are the division commanders, starting from the first division to however many that Fiordall has.


And this guy is one of those division commanders. He is very high ranking.


"And I'm just a student from the Ellen academy. Please, educate me." I said while forming a pose, and the division commander grinned.


It didn't take long before he started running at me, and I prepared my body for him to come. His height is almost twice that of mine, but I'm more than trained enough to deal with giants like him.




In an instant, the commander's head is upside down. He fell to the floor face first, rendering everyone shocked.


"W-What just happened!?"


"The commander fell! He lost!"


The soldiers watching us can only commentate in confusion. After all, what I did was too fast.

"You… You're really fast!" The division commander tried standing up, and I just folded my arms as I waited.

"And you're very tough! Looks like you'll need a couple more beatings."


"Try it if you can!" Commander Borne started rushing at me again, but I simply moved away. By the time he turned his eyes to me, I already started moving.




And the commander… fell to the floor face first again.


Just how… did the commander fall like that? His body was so big, and the little guy's movement was too fast!


That's probably what everyone was thinking. My movement was indeed too fast for the normal eyes to see. But to the commander who is well trained, he must've realized what I did.


"You… You're not only fast…" He said while trying to get back up, and his head felt extremely heavy. "But you're also knowledgeable of the human body."


"That's right." I nodded at him, and I pointed my finger at his neck. "Because you have such a big neck, it's very easy for me to aim for all the weak spots on your neck muscles. All I need is to punch that area, and you'll be feeling very sleepy."


It's the same concept as knocking someone out by smacking their necks. But because his neck is as big as my body, I can't just easily smack it. I will have to punch it.


And this guy is very tough. Normally people would fall from one smack, but he is about to get up again after my second punch. He is very-very thick skinned.


"Amazing sparring! But don't you think that's kind of cheating?" From afar, the sound of a woman was heard as she watched the fight.


Everyone turned their gaze to her, and I realized why she is here.


"It's starting?" I asked her, and the vice headmaster nodded at me before turning around.


"Come on. We need you to plan for the siege tomorrow."


After that, the vice headmaster just left for the meeting. It will be held in the big room inside the castle, so I'll just get there in a sec. What I have right now is more important.


"Sir Borne." I called the commander, and he turned his confused gaze to me.


"Do you mind if we have a short chat?"

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