Origins of Fate

Chapter 71: 35. Fort Chaos (part 1)

Character : Eric Axwell, Fort Chaos




Dawn has arrived, and all units of the alliance legion have gathered in the front yard.


The sun is rising on the horizon, and thankfully the air wasn't that cold. Had it snowed last night, I don't think I'd be able to stand firm like this in such a morning.


The four joined armies of the earth nation, Fiordall, Valkaria, and Ellennoire had gathered on this large yard. Not just that, tens of Steelbirds including three very large ones are parked in the yard as well. Some that didn't fit were forced to stay flying on top of our heads, ready to transport the soldiers to the location.


I stood alongside the first unit, the main unit that will attack through the front gate. This unit consisted of all the capable combatants, and our goal is to wipe out any opponents that come our way. Other than that, our elites must also deal with any elites that were stationed on the enemy base.


The first division will be led by the dark knight of Fiordall. Because she is the military general of Fiordall, it's only natural that such a powerful individual be the leader of the main fighting force. Supporting her will be the academy students, Jonah, Nyssa, Lily, and me. Other than that, we'll also bring the vice general of the earth nation as the second in command, and supported by the first division commander of Fiordall. Our army holds the highest number of soldiers across all units, so we will be the main fighting force.


The second division will be the backup unit. It's led by Frisena, and their army is large enough to be a flexible backup in case the unexpected happens.


The third division is for transport and communication. Our vice headmaster will be one of the head operators for the mission, and it is led by Frisena's right hand woman, the short girl with round glasses, Miss Lenka.


"All unit leaders, report for communication check." Miss Lenka said through the communication watch on our hands, and only the leaders were given permission to talk.


"First unit of division one, codename A-1, reporting." From the device, the dark knight spoke to the communication watch from her side.

"Second unit of division one, codename B-1, reporting." Vice general Evan of the earth nation reported.


"First unit of division two, codename C-1. Is the second prince tied to the chair like we discussed, Lenka?" Princess Frisena's voice was heard, and Miss Lenka looked like she was holding back her laughter.


"Yes, we… did our best. He kept on burning the ropes, so we used steel chains to keep him in place." Miss Lenka said for everyone to hear, and I can hear all the soldiers laughing in the yard.


The scene was quite famous. Ever since last night, Nathan threw a tantrum for not being allowed to join the mission. Even though he got beat up by the dark knight, he kept on trying to bring himself to the mission. And this morning, we all noticed he disappeared from the left wing room, and a soldier found him hiding on a random Steelbird.


Simply said, the soldier was rewarded, and now Nathan got tied to the wall with chains. Miss Hilda made sure that Nathan stayed there, so we all had nothing to worry about a wounded guy going to the battlefield.


"Do you think he would hate us for this?" Lily asked out of worry while sitting on the Steelbird, and Jonah just laughed.

"Honestly, I would be the one hating him if he decided to appear on the battlefield." Jonah said with an annoyed grin. "That guy got broken bones, and he wants to fight elite knights? I think he hit his head or something."

"Aren't you the one who broke his fingers?" I pointed out, and Jonah turned away from the embarrassment.


"In any case, tying him away so that he can't hurt himself is the best for everyone." Also on the passenger seat next to Lily is the dark knight of Fiordall. Lady Felicia, who looked so beautiful without her helmet on.


Nyssa is also sitting next to Lily on her left. On my seat, there's only Jonah and I. Unfortunately for Nathan, he was left behind.


"I heard you broke his arm bones again this morning…" Jonah asked out of concern, and Felicia just chuckled hearing that.


"If you know anything about him, his ability to feel pain is very different compared to normal people." Felicia the dark knight told us, and Jonah still looks concerned.


"He… shouted a lot when it happened, though."


"That was him acting in pain to get sympathy out of everyone. I've known him long enough to tell that guy is the definition of weird. He just doesn't feel pain like everybody else." Felicia explained what she knows, and we all were quite surprised about that.


"That's a thing?" I asked, and the dark knight nodded. She then turned her attention to me and was reminded of our conversation after the meeting last night.


"Speaking of being a thing… I never got the chance to hear about how you got your origins." Felicia said out of the blue, and I immediately started panicking.


"That was a secret!" I said loudly, and she covered her mouth.

"… Oops."


"What is this… 'Origins'? As in, Plural? Two?" Lily managed to catch on, and I just cleared my throat.


"How long until we get there!?" I shouted so that the pilot could hear us, and the pilot turned around to tell me.


"In about fifteen minutes, sir!" The young pilot doesn't seem to be that angry about me shouting, and I let out a sigh because now everyone is staring at me with questions.

"I'm not telling anything." I said coldly, and my three classmates only drilled their stares at me.


"Well, it's not rare for a person to have two origins. You'd be surprised by how many people I know kept theirs a secret for so long." The dark knight said to everyone, and we turned our surprised gaze to her.


"What are the two origins people usually have?" Lily asked out of curiosity, and the dark knight tried remembering.


"I remember a doctor with water and light origin. Because he has two origins, his ability can even heal lethal wounds, so he became a doctor. Then there was a mercenary with a dark lightning ability. I've never seen him before, but he was quite famous. I think his name was…


Axel Cleric?"

… How…


Immediately, I can sense all the glares turned to me. All three of my friends stared with cold glares at me, and the dark knight quickly remembered something.


"Oh!... Oh…?" She connected the dots together, and she finally turned to me. "Is Axel Cleric your cousin?"


"Okay, that's enough. You've failed miserably to try keeping my secret." I said coldly to the dark knight, and she only laughed while covering her mouth.


"I'm sorry, I'm just too honest, sometimes. I remember three years ago I saw what underwear Nathan was wearing, and I accidentally told everyone about the color during dinner with the royal family." The dark knight told us a wonderful story that we never had to know about, and she just laughed as if it was really funny.


"I don't think Nathan will be happy if he knows you told that to his friends." Lily said out of concern, and Felicia became more surprised.


"Oh!... I just did it again, didn't I? Oh, please don't tell Nathan!" She apologized so genuinely, and it seems like this is a real problem of hers.


She just can't keep secrets. I feel very regretful for even saying anything to her.


"So, you have…" Jonah turned to me, but I just lifted my hand at him.

"I'm not telling."

"O-Okay…" Jonah looked quite confused, and I just let out a sigh as I stared at the dark knight.

"Sorry." She lifted one hand while covering her mouth, and it's very hard to hate her if she is so pretty.


After the short chaotic talk, we finally arrived at the location of the fort. The Steelbird only took us to about two kilometers away from the fort to avoid any ambushes, and we landed quite far away. After landing on the empty snow field, we all stepped out of the Steelbird and took a look around, especially at the fort.


"That castle is massive…" Jonah mumbled while studying the castle from afar, and we all agreed at how big it is.


"How many of the ten commanders do you think are in that castle?" Lily asked Felicia, and the dark knight pondered about it seriously.


"I'd be surprised if there's more than five. But, it's not like anything can truly surprise us when we're this strong." Felicia said while turning to the academy students, and it sounded like she was trying to cheer us up.


And it worked, because Lily looked so confident. Jonah is also punching his fists together while activating his earth origin powers, and Nyssa looks as blank as ever. Meanwhile, I am curious as to how we are going to approach this.


The plan involves the dark knight, our strongest fighter, to go through the front door and capture the enemy's attention. And whilst that is happening, the second unit of the first division will attack the castle from behind, pinching them from two places.


But, that is still a very tough duty for the dark knight. Everyone tried to avoid relying on a single person on this attack, but it seems like she is very confident in her abilities.

"Relax, you guys. I'll win us this battle without taking too long." Felicia said while taking out her longsword, and I noticed the sword also colored black just like her armor.


She put on her helmet with her left hand, and she began marching towards the castle. "Just like planned, just stay behind me while I cause havoc. Don't attack unless you are told to do so."


Everyone heeded her command and followed behind her. Aside from us, all the other soldiers of the first division are also marching very slowly to the castle. More and more of our soldiers are arriving from the Steelbirds, and we are slowly marching to take over the fort.

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