Chapter 49: Coming Home
Time passed again and I watched as Chiron grew more and more unsettled as I continued with my prank.
But I stopped once the exams came around. By then Grover had stopped looking out for the "new monster" as he and Chiron had spoken about said monster seemingly targeting the centaur and not me.
Most of the exams were easy, especially the Latin and math exams. But I did have help during it because my Grimoires had all the ability to save knowledge and teach it to me in a way that I would understand and not forget.
The strange nightmares related to math and different languages probably helped as well.
But this didn't matter to me as much as it should have because just a day before the principal of the school had given me a letter telling me and my mother that I would be welcomed back to the school.
So I here I was, sitting in the commonroom of the dormitories, something I hadn't done much during the year, listening to other kid talk about the islands and different countries they would visit in their summer vacation.
Grover was strangely absent during this so I went looking for him and I suspected that he was in Chirons office right now. Probably talking about me again.
The walk to his office wasn't as long as it might appear at night but it was lined with hoobeprints burned into the ground, only ending right in front of the door.
I knocked on it.
"It's open! Please come in." came Chirons elevated voice from inside.
"Hello Mr. Brunner, I was looking for Grover and thought I would first look here."
"And what would give you the idea that he would be? I certainly hope I don't appear to be to close to my students?"
I was a bit confused about what he was implying but after having him as a teacher for some time now I could tell that this was his attempt at humor, as weird as it was.
" No sir, you do not. But I do remember Grover coming to you whenever he had questions." I replied, as neutral as possible, even if the corner of my lip was raised slightly from amusement.
"Well, the young Mr. Underwood isn't here. But while I have you here Mr. Jackson, I hope you paid close attention in my class. You might need it in the future."
This baffled me for a bit. Obvious much.
Of course I was going to need it, I was a demigod if you didn't know.
Instead of voicing my sarcasm and blowing my cover I just thanked him and left.
When I returned to Grover and my room, he was already there, his things already packed.
I began packing my own stuff as soon as I was back. It didn't take as long as I had expected since I had some of the more important things already in either my inventory or the Home-Dimension.
Once both of us were packed we left the school grounds. There on the sidewalk right in front of it was a gaggle of kids, already waiting for their parents to pick them up. Some others were walking towards a bus stop, the same one Grover and I had to get to.
Once we had reached it, the bus stop was covered in graffiti, questionable liquids and broken glass, we talked about our plans for the summer. And when it was my turn I said:" Oh you know, I will probably go to Las Vegas for some time, maybe go gambling. I may or may not become a wanted fugitive during the summer as well but that is still up for debate. What about you?"
Grover then in return just gave me a non-answer. Well, atleast he had already learned that I was highly capable of detecting lies, especially with him.
After a few more minutes of Grover and I talking about our plans, with Grover mostly thinking I was just joking when I told him I would be visiting my favorite uncles home and wanting to meet the people that had safe my live before, we suffered beneath the summer heat.
Then, finally after waiting to dam long for it to come, the bus arrived. Our travel was mostly calm for most of the ride with the obvious interception of the fates, how they snipped someone's string in front of me and Grover looking like he was already picking the flowers for my funeral. No thank you. That right belongs to my mother.
The ride to the bus station was mostly like canon, down to even the most minute details with Grover having to go to the restroom for a bit once we had arrived.
There wasn't much that I was willing to change during it as it would be inconsequential regardless of what I said or did. It wasn't worth to change anything either.
Once Grover had disappeared to do his business, I retreated to an alleyway and used Layer Travel to reach the small apartment I lived in. But I didn't enter immediately. Instead I waited outside for my mother.
This would be the first official time I would meet her even though I already knew her.
I had to wait for about two hours before she finally came, during which time I had played with a bit of magic and my skill:Forge. Some neighbors came by as well, asking me how I had been and if I needed anything. I just told them that I was waiting for Sally and wanted to stay outside and away from Gabe for as long as possible.
Then finally she came.
At first she stood at the end of the hallway, probably questioning why I wasn't inside yet, but then she rushed towards me and enveloped me in a bone crushing hug. I could almost feel my eyes pop out. Needless to say I reciprocated the hug just as intense.
What followed was the climpering of keys, the unlocking of the door and her constantly asking me questions about my school life, grades and if I had made any friends.
Gabe, when he had heard us enter hadn't even gotten up to greet us and just demanded my mother to make him and his gambling friends a new dip for their game of poker while taking a swing of beer followed by a big drag on his cigar.
I really wanted to cave in that hollow skull of his, maybe cut of his hands before that. He had hit my mother once already and I didn't want to imagine how often he had done so while I was at school.
You know how Gabe looks, like a tusk less walrus with a matching IQ and a tendency for violent threats.
I think I will be talking with my mother about what we will do from here on out as Gabe was no longer of use and quite frankly, I was already a bigger danger than most of the demigods out there.