Chapter 51: Sally Jackson, a mother.
She stared at me.
I was expecting anything, from: "You are not my son!" to "Who are you and where is my son." EVEN"GET AWAY FROM ME!"
But I suppose I should have known what would come. Honestly how could even think she would say anything like that.
For a moment she just stared at me. In shock and suprise, but not in fear or hatred. Then she hugged me. And cried. She had hugged me, pressed my head against her and mumbled sweet words into my ears while her tears soaked my shirt.
I reciprocated the hug and I too, did cry. We spend a few minutes, it couldn't have been more than 10, just doing this.
After that we began talking, we talked about when the change had occurred, what had happend over the last year and of course the pranks I had done.
To be honest I had originally feared what my mother would say when I told her about what I did to Chiron, but during our talk she told me that it was justified.
No, it was not something she approved of, but she did say that I had every right to do as I did.
Let it be known that Sally Jackson was the best mother in existence.
We talked even more and while I didn't tell her about the system itself I did tell her about me being reincarnated but having retained my memories. And again, just like when I revealed my recent changes, she once again told me that she didn't care about that. She said that she cared for me as her son, regardless of who or what I was or am.
I felt relief wash over me but there were still a few things I wanted to say. Things that would eventually come to light regardless if I wanted to or not.
So I told her about being adopted by the fates and how they were like additional divine parents.
I told her about me being gay at which she choked with laughter. Not because she thought it was a joke, but because as she told me "I knew the day you convinced me to buy you blue nail polish."
Huh, I don't remember that.
Another thing I told her about was my recent stint as a ghost and how, even now, I still had some residual but permanent effects from it. For example I was cold most of the time which resulted in me seeking out warm and sunny places just to feel comfortable. Of course the lack of warmth didn't really affect me either.
It had also left me with a much closer connection to the darker side of my powers.
And finally we talked about...
[Host, your Class has been locked in. As have your bloodlines. The Skill: Nightmare will still be in effect. You have three skills you can choose to help you during your adventure.]
The system had announced as the almost silent stomping of hooves was heard from outside followed by the bleating of a goat. Grover was here.
Mom and I had talked about this, as I had already told her that we had to wait for Grover to come before we could depart.
However, since I had told her much earlier and she didn't have to learn what happend from a stressed out satyr, we had already packed our things so that I wouldn't be unprepared for camp.
When Grover came to the verandah we were still siting by the campfire, our hair already smelling like the smoke, with my suitcase already packed and hidden inside my inventory.
At first he appeared to be confused as to why we weren't inside, since it was actually raining quite heavily, something neither Mom nor me noticed since the water droplets seemed to curve around us and the fire, but Mom interrupted him.
"I already know Grover. Just get into the car. Percy, let's go, the sooner we arrive the better."
As we left the campfire where we had cried our hearts out, the burning embers reflected on something in the sand, throwing beautiful fractures of light around while the rain was still avoiding the fire.
A hand, gloved with long fingers, soon reached into the sand and slowly gathered up what was inside. The man, for it was one, had stepped out of nothing. There had been no shadow that slowly revealed him, not sudden lightshow just the sudden switch between here and not here.
And while Percy, Grover and Sally were driving towards the camp, the man stood there, his eyes, deep blue and filled with the shadows of nightmares and monsters, followed the lights of the car as from further away a tortured sound bellowed.
And then a deep resonating voice, scratchy like an old recording or someone that hadn't spoken in far to long, sounded out.
"Alas, this story finally begins. I cannot wait for it. Father told us so much about it, how it was living during the time of Percy Jackson. I wonder, will the sea ever find out just how important their child is? Or will it think nothing of it and just go along with it.
I wonder brother, how long will it be before you lose patience and find our father. How long before you awaken what has yet to be?
And what will you do, oh family of mine? We are here, unrestrained but hidden, powerful but unrecognized. When will the time of vengeance come.
Tell me sisters, what will you do once you come out of hiding. Will you torment or will you not?
But all of us know one thing, our time has yet to come, or has it already passed?"
The man watched as the Minotaur, something universally known as old and powerful, rushed past him. It didn't notice, but if it had, it would have been a sight to see.
"There it goes, that poor imitation. Let's see how you fare against Percy Jackson, let's see if Father was right in calling you pathetic. But not now, the chapter is almost over and I have to go. But I will be there, watching this story unfold.
And who knows, maybe I won't be the only one watching. I am sure Nocturne will be there soon."
Not many would have heard the man speak, but I did.
Who was this man?
Who was the father he was talking about and what about his family, why did this sound so sinister?
And who is Nocturne?