Chapter 270: Battle For Ircron : Headless
Miasma swirled, blown away as a brown blur moved around, ground and rocks exploded, towers and siege weaponry were rendered to splinters, golems and undead soldiers were ground to dust, the blur gaining speed and power each time it kicked off something, never stopping for even an instant, endlessly gathering momentum and destructive potential. Your journey continues on empire
All to destroy Loimos, he had called forth a large amount of miasma, not to damage his attackers, but to block their sights, especially that of the hidden sharpshooter, time would tell whether this smokescreen was of effect, or if it was to be coupled with mirrors.
Latir-e-se's whip sword slashed through the miasma, the bright green shine of life force sticking to its blade, Loimos quickly noticed that the life arts of the death hunters had gone through a most qualitative change, the difference was like night and day, an impossibility for what he was seeing to simply be due to a difference in skill between the ghoul huntress and the hunters he had encountered before.
Slashing right through him, he made to sure to switch the flow of his death force to external, expanding it as far as possible, preventing the life infused weapon from approaching him, the huntress had an easy solution to this problem, simply cancelling the life arts, wrapping the supple blade around the skeleton, and then activating it, taking a hand from the undead with ease.
Mound of rot growing like a most despicable bloom, reforming into the lost limb, bone and clothing alike, for it was all rot at the source.
He analysed the ghoul huntress's fighting style, clearly, she focused on dismembering, her life art preventing any sort of regeneration, Loimos's death force was potent enough to overpower this meagre art however.
The rabbitfolk slammed onto his back, folding him, ripping him in two as she kicked off, each dropkick from her was actually two attacks in one, the initial landing, and then the push of her continuing bouncing around, despite his upper and lower half clearly being separated, Loimos remained like normal, like throwing sand, the skeleton dispersed miasma, bright flickers within this thick mist.
Latir-e-se jumped back weightlessly, before the miasma could erupt like a cloud of explosive powder, his body already mended, he shot a compressed bullet of his dead mana, then two, then bone spikes, more of those two, then compressed projectiles of blood, some of them flaming, some not, certain forming into blood beasts after losing their velocity.
Circulating mana into the blade of his polearm, a pale blue shine surrounded it, expanding its size, Loimos swung rapidly, forcing the death hunter back, she must not have been confident against the infused blade, as she did not attempt any attack.
Obviously, the rabbitfolk soon appeared again, causing destruction all around as he continued building up momentum, soon coming slamming onto his back for the second time in a row, her reinforced boots came right out the other hand, Loimos's enter chest area underneath his mantle had turned into goopy black blood, the mantle breaking into dust, leaving her nothing to kick off from and stuck in place.
Raising her arms defensively, she assumed a mana reinforcement meant solely to block damage, or so she should have, but instead, this woman just focused on her fists and arms, veins bulging dangerously, absolutely whaling on Loimos's helm and skull, bending it inward as it continuously returned to its original form, until his neck snapped around, the deep purple glow appearing, expanding outward like a beacon, every living that were not perfectly angled away from him was momentarily blinded.
Although not quite as powerful as Vwoldtnir's, this blinding light was built upon the teachings of the ghoul lord, some of the victims found their eyes aching, dark spots appearing within their vision as they partly recovered.
Latir-e-se was lucky to be directly behind him, as for the rabbitfolk, called Yuhu, she was put on full blast, which did not stop her from battering Loimos, even as she cried blood and her ocular globes felt on the verge of exploding, arms bursted from the skeleton, war scythes manifesting into each of them, except that both ends were the head of scythe on these ones, infusing the blades with all dead energies and death force at once, spinning at wild speeds.
"Oh shit man, I can't see crap, but I smell death approaching!" Yuhu seemed to be enjoying herself, just as the spinning blades closed in, menacing to tear her apart, it made no doubt that she would not be able of resisting.
Just as Loimos sliced halfway into her however, he threw her away, the instant he inflicted a mortal wound, he sensed something from within, a perfect sphere of life suddenly engulfed the daring rabbitfolk, explaining why she had been so direct when fighting him, the life that just expanded was not her own, and it was even stronger than that of the ancient tree.
Loimos's left arm and part of his face was reduced to nothingness as he was caught into it, feeling the control over his rot weakening, momentarily stunned, the sword whip wrapped right around his neck, infused with a life art, taking it right off.
A strong force washed over all in the area, blasting the miasma away.
"General Loimos!" Herlbe shouted out, having never seen such powerful life, and his general had just eaten it at nearly point blank, it had come out of nowhere as well, this life had been completely concealed until the last moment.
The revenant was ready to drop the original orders and tear right through the elemental champions and wounded iron king to help, but Loimos raised his remaining hand, although he had lost power over his creations, his body and attire he carried with himself at all times remained in place even then.
This meant to stand down, the minor lord settled down at once, Loimos regaining his footing, his decapitated head melted into rot, the entirety of Loimos's powers and abilities were shaken by the life just now, he was certain of it, that unknown, one trick pony of a rabbit had somehow, erupted with the life of the one.
Seemed like this innocuous beastfolk somehow had ties with the enemy of all undeads, thankfully, the blinding glow from Loimos and subsequent mortal wounds had still put her out of commission even after being healed by the life force.
Having disappeared in a haze of flames, Tamaris had not sent out their warriors without putting a fail safe in place, even had Loimos bisected her, she would have been taken away and sticked back together, The Volcano Witch had access to healing flames of great strength and being transported back into the life haven that was Tamaris currently, Loimos did not doubt that Rosemary would have made it happen.
But this meant that he only had Latir-e-se to worry about now, and he had to make do with only one arm, he still had his sword attached to his waist, his war scythe having been reduced to smithereens, the ones he had just manifested fell apart, and he could call upon his rot at the moment, and at least for the next few minutes.
A hail of projectiles came flying, now that the miasma was gone, the line of sight was restored.
Kicking the ground were that he had previously turned into a swampy area, he launched part of it toward the ghoul huntress, running toward her in a circular path, bringing her sword back to its solid version as she stepped to the side, diverting Loimos's punch, the whip form was brought back, wrapping around his forearm, tearing it apart once the life art was used.
At the same time however, the skeleton stepped onto one of her foot, rot gathering into the soil below, turning it into a swampy puddle, he could not quite manipulate or create rot right now, but as was shown by the fact that his armour and mantle were still present, it was not the same story for the decay that condensed around him at all times, this was the rot from his disembodied head.
Solidifying, Loimos stepped back, his sliced forehead turning to blood and binding her sword hand, allowing him to land a kick straight to her jaw, which she could not soften on account of being locked in place.
Disappearing in a burst of flames, he had knocked her out.