Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Chapter 493: Answerless Enigma

Aramap had arrived, his armour being under repair, he had come without its familiar embrace, not that it mattered, his protective gear was not much superior to that of any other knight, and seeing how some of those had been slashed and diced like paper caught in between the ocean and a tornado, hoping to be protected by iron was simply nonsensical.

"What sort of insult was that? I have to admit, that somehow hurt my feelings a little bit- So stand proud blondie, you have managed to deal some damage at least" The Death Dealer simply forced her foot down, detaching her victim's head from their shoulder as all attention was instead diverted toward Aramap.

Despite the incredible hit he had just landed on Maliah, she stood unscathed, absolutely unfazed.

"What sort of magic is that?" the first knight had not forgotten any of his weapons however, currently holding a spear and javelin each in the right and left hand respectively, unlike those that had come before him and been defeated, he showed no sign of fear or apprehension even as he clearly saw his attack connect and deal zero damage.

"Magic? I guess one might call it that, but my usage of energies isn't refined enough to be actual spellcasting… But anyways, since you want to know so much, the reason your little javelin didn't hurt me isn't because I used a spell or anything of the likes, no… It just wasn't strong enough to overcome my natural defences" giving him a big smile, Aramap could only see a slight blur as she vanished from where she stood.

"Impossibly resistant and fast? I have a hard time believing a small woman like yourself achieving such strength without the active usage of magic" legs tensing up, he leapt to the side, narrowly evading a stab aimed at his left lung.

Maliah was spinning her blade around, speeding off and reappearing somewhere else all around the knight, cloak sometimes fluttering wildly as it should after such acceleration, sometimes unmoving as though she had just walked, sometimes loudly, and others without a sound.

"I'll have you know that I am of average height where I am from, and taking malnutrition into account, I would say that I am pretty damn tall!" she couldn't help but smile broadly even as she attempted to feign anger, increasing her swiftness tremendously, beginning to look as though she was in multiple spots at once.

"But anyhow…" a cut appeared on Aramap's back "...Since you don't understand…" on his shoulder "...I'll explain it to you, why I am so good…" on his thigh "...I am neither a great arts user, a mage or even one that has built her own way…" upon his back again, his face, his hands, his other arm, his chest, stomach, feet, ankles, all were superficial cuts, barely bleeding at all.

Aramap was unable to react at all, he could see her in many places far from him, he swung at the air using the full length of his spear, but to no avail, he was being struck repeatedly without any occasion to counter attack.

"You are… Quite the monster… It's getting me riled up" blood covered the knight's face as a slash appeared on his forehead.

"Riled up? I hope you don't mean it in the way that I think, I really dislike when my victims enjoy getting tortured and hurt" standing far in front of Aramap, the fin-limier reappeared, this time not disappearing the moment afterwards.

"...But anyways, I don't often get to do it, so listen attentively, I am what you could call, a freak of nature, but in a good way" locking eye contact with Maliah, the first knight analysed his opponent in as much detail as he could gleamed, which was not much as everything but her head was wrapped in that awfully long and wide cloak, he had basically no idea what she might look like beyond her height and face.

Brown hair, brown eyes, a small stature… The word that best described her appearance was, mundane, there was nothing notable or even remotely unusual about how she looked, only appearing a bit exotic to him because she was from another continent but even then, the plainness of The Death Dealer was painfully noticeable.

Neither unsightly nor beautiful, she could have hailed from peasantry or royalty, he could have seen her anywhere, doing anything and not thought twice of it, simply average, so average that he could only feel a palpable sense of uncanniness when looking at Maliah, being so regular in all facets was ironically, utterly abnormal.

Like a monster trying much too hard to fit in amongst people.

"A freak… Yeah, I can see that…"

"Refrain on the provocations, I am speaking-"

"I don't care how or why you are so strong and skilled, I am more interested in knowing what sort of horrid thing you hide behind your facade" Aramap spat on the ground, his saliva mixed in with blood.

"Excuse me?" a vein visibly popped on the side of her head.

"You can't fool me, you've cut my flesh, I have been slashed enough time to discern a few things just from that… And the web-covered skeleton from last time felt more emotive than you, why don't you shut up and come at me as yourself?" he couldn't actually tell the difference, but he just felt like that everything, like that show of anger just now, was an elaborate play.

Maliah's expression and entire poise suddenly fell flat, like a burning iron was instantly engulfed in ice, that lack of expression only reinforced the uncanny feeling Aramap had been feeling.

"As myself, you say? How pretentious, you think you felt something when I cut you? That's impossible, you felt nothing, my strikes are so fast that your flesh didn't even register it, see how your wounds bled for longer than they should have? It's not an effect of my blade or an ability, your body just realised later than it was supposed to and allowed more blood to seep" running her tongue across teeth and pushing against the upper lip whilst maintaining that perfectly flat expression, eyes subtly rolling downward, irises barely visible.

"I can do that because of my special constitution and energy trait… None, zero of all the energies within my body are allowed to flow out, they simply cannot, but yet, I have enormous reserves of all of them, that was already the case when I was born, but no one noticed, carefully tucked away within me, only mages would have noticed it…"

"...Another thing of importance is that I continuously produce more of all energies, they accumulate, more and more… But of course, if it cannot flow out at all- It should reach its limit eventually right? And indeed, I should have exploded when I was in the womb still, but I did not, because I am a freak of nature, and I was also born with a special body that naturally processed all of those energies, nourishing my physical body continuously, to this very day"

Without rhyme or reason, Maliah suddenly returned to her smiling and jovial self, chuckling as she stared at Aramap's pale face.

"I am a good actress aren't I? Which is true, what I just showed, or what I currently am? You can't tell"

"But anyways, as a bonafide freak, that was not all, in fact, my energy trait is not just the fact that they can't leave my body, but also that it cannot even be used to enhance my body, many things can be done, but not the most basic, funny isn't it?"

She now stood right in front of Aramap, the knight exhaling as Maliah tenderly pressed a dagger against the bump of his thyroid cartilage.

"But Lady Maliah! What does that have to do with you pulling out weapons and putting them away? I hear you well Aramap!" rising up on her toes to get closer to the knight's height, decided to continue her monologue no matter what.

"That's because your beautiful lady was also born with an innate ability, but enough explanations! I'll demonstrate it to you, right now!" pulling away, dagger disappearing beneath the cover of her cloak as she instead pulled out a twinblade.

"It's all fun and games, but my bony associate has given me a clear time limit, after that, the cavalry will show up and kill everyone in probably unfunny ways"

Twirling her new weapon like a majorette's baton, Maliah went out to deal as much as possible.

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