Phantom Exorcist: The Spiritbound Cultivator

Chapter 5: At the ancient market – Part 1

Lionel entered the ancient market, his eyes taking in everything around him curiously. It was his first time there and everything intrigued him.

There were antiques, paintings that seemed to have transcended ages, gemstones that were hard to find anywhere, hard-to-obtain herbs and much more. It was as if he had opened a treasure trove.

Surprisingly, the market wasn't as empty as he thought it to be. Instead, people were walking around and the business was in full swing. 

Even though he wanted to explore more, he was on a mission. So, Lionel first looked for a shop that sold talismans and cinnabar pens. Although he was stuck at the Ghost Sense, he had spiritual energy in him. He could start practicing drawing the talisman.

But before he could find the shop, he was attracted by shouts from somewhere nearby. His feet automatically took him in the direction from where the sound was coming, his penchant for drama making him forget about his mission for the time being.

Once he approached the shop, he heard an argument between the shopkeeper and another man.

"This is an authentic painting. How can you say this is fake?" the shopkeeper argued while the old man didn't believe him even once.

"This painting is fake. You cannot convince me otherwise. I am not going to buy it."

Lionel glanced at the old man who seemed to be in his late fifties or early sixties. The man had a clean and straightforward temperament. The aura around him was filled with righteousness and Lionel's impression of the man rose significantly.

However, when he looked at the shopkeeper, his deductions were completely different. The man's eyes were gleaming cunningly. No matter how much he looked at him, he seemed like a swindler. Nothing about him seemed right. Lionel even felt that all the objects in the man's shop were fake. There wasn't even one authentic item.

The public wasn't helping the old man. They were just interested in the drama. Even when the shopkeeper almost forced the man to buy the painting, nobody stepped forward to intervene.

Unable to tolerate such ruffian behavior, Lionel stepped forward and pushed the painting back. He even shielded the old man behind him.

"I have never seen a hooligan behave so audaciously in the presence of a crowd," he remarked, compelling the shopkeeper to back off.

"Neither have I seen a crowd so inhuman that they are willing to watch the thug have his way but not interfere and uphold justice. My eyes have opened today."

The crowd was stunned speechless. They were just mere spectators. Yet, they had been called inhuman. They didn't know if they should bash the young man or feel guilty about their behavior.

Lionel ignored all of them and turned towards the old man who was staring at him gratefully. "Are you alright, Sir?"

The man nodded, smiling at him faintly.

"Good." Returning his gaze to the shopkeeper, he gave him a displeased stare. "When did it become alright to force a customer to buy things? Shouldn't it be the customer's choice whether they want to buy anything or not?"

The shopkeeper had no words of retort. His mind went blank when facing such an aggressive man.

"Moreover, you are even passing off a fake as an authentic item. I should commend your courage."

The shopkeeper was agitated this time and he glared at Lionel. "Who are you calling a ruffian? You are the ruffian here. And who told you that this painting is fake? This is authentic and if you auction it, it'll go for millions."

Lionel scoffed and rolled his eyes in disgust. "Then, keep your painting to yourself. We cannot afford it. Sir, shall we leave?" He turned towards the man who hadn't spoken a word since he had intervened.

The man nodded at him and Lionel led him away, ignoring the shopkeeper's curses. He didn't even react when the man threatened to sue him for tarnishing his shop's reputation.

"Thank you, young man. Thank you so much. If not for you, I'd still be arguing with him," the man thanked him sincerely and beamed at him strangely and Lionel frowned on seeing his odd expression.

"No worries. Be careful, Sir. There are more fake items here than authentic."

"You seem to know a lot. Would you mind helping me?"

Now, it was Lionel's turn to be speechless. He was just helping the man evade the swindler. How did the situation turn into this?

Lionel didn't have the heart to reject him on seeing his hopeful gaze. Eventually, he relented and agreed to help him.

"What are you looking for, Sir?"

"Before we begin, would you mind telling me your name?"

Lionel hesitated. But on seeing his righteousness, he didn't dither anymore. "Lionel."

"Good, good. I am Walter Higgins. It's a pleasure to meet sure."

"The feeling is mutual, Mr. Higgins. Now, would you mind telling me what you are looking for?"

Lionel wanted to finish helping the man soon and return to his mission. The more he dawdled, the more he'd delay his cultivation and improvement.

"I am looking for an authentic painting, Lionel. It's a gift for my father."

"I see. Let's take a look around first, shall we?"

The man agreed instantly, having no qualms with his suggestions and the duo started walking in the ancient market. While Lionel kept a look around for any authentic paintings, he didn't forget to note down all the shops selling talismans and cinnabar pens. 

Lionel and Walter walked around a few lanes, but couldn't find anything authentic, that is until they found a shop that barely seemed to hold anything worthwhile from outside.

But in Lionel's eyes, the place was a goldmine. He found quite a few items that could be sold for a few hundred thousand dollars if not millions. Without hesitation, he entered the shop, forcing Walter to follow suit. 

Lionel ignored the man behind him. Instead, he focused on the painting hanging behind the counter.

"You should buy this painting, Mr. Higgins," Lionel suggested. His eyes were filled with admiration as he stared at the powerful strokes.

It was the painting of a majestic stallion. Its black, lustrous hair flew with the wind as it galloped in the meadow. Even a casual glance was enough to show how awe-inspiring it was. It screamed of power, royalty, and respect. The painting was stunningly beautiful and so life-like that it seemed the stallion would jump out of it any time soon. 

At first glance, Lionel knew that it was an authentic painting and if they auctioned it, it would go for millions.

"This one?" Walter frowned and studied the painting. However, he couldn't find anything astonishing in it. It seemed like a normal painting.

"Yes. It's my suggestion. It's up to you to follow it." Lionel hadn't missed Walter's skeptical look. He just led him to an authentic painting. The decision to buy lay in his hands. 

"You should listen to him." The shop assistant's eyes flashed with greed when he saw the customers. They were the first customers in a long time and he couldn't help but be giddy with excitement.

"This is one of the most valuable pieces in our shop. Since you found it, I'm going to sell it to you for three hundred dollars."

Lionel was speechless at his words. Did he even know how valuable the painting was? Three hundred? It was a marvelous deal. He had thought it'd cost at least a few thousand.

Walter wasn't convinced. He didn't find the painting that attractive and he pursed his lips thoughtfully. Although he wasn't willing to buy it, he didn't have the heart to disappoint the young man who had helped him before. 

"I will only pay two hundred and fifty," he haggled and the assistant cursed under his breath. But he still agreed to sell it. Even though it wasn't the price he had stated, he would still make a profit of fifty dollars. He rolled the painting and placed it in a scroll case before handing it to his first customer in a long time. 

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