Chapter 9: Friendly competition pt. 4
Hopeless. That's what it was hopeless, utterly.
My enthusiasm was stomped into the ground, any semblance of pride washed away as soon as the match began. Match... More fitting to call it an execution.
I had lost count of the number of times the life had been snuffed out of the embers of my rebellion. Each and every time a torch had been raised against tyranny it was quickly quashed by overwhelming force. In the face of that overwhelming force, the bystanders quickly acquiesce to the growing invader. In which that force only metastasizes and develops greater influence over the environment.
Eventually the tendrils of its influence pervades all the tissues in the system, with false promises, threats, actual violence. Anything to get the desired result, no matter the cost.
This spectacle was just another event in that calendar, never to be altered. Preordained, this was inevitable. Step into the habitat of a wild animal and it would quickly establish a hierarchy. That's all he was, an animal. Filth. Worse than human.
We've been wrong all along. Human stand at the precipice of life in name alone. Animals still rule the kingdom. Our surroundings allow it, no they feed off of it. And in what? The meagre pursuit of some inconsequential gains? Extra credit for their next college? Accolades for the school? More funding and government grants?
...That's what my sacrifice is worth? What all our sacrifice is worth?
To be mere dolls handled by this disgusting creep? The staff, parents, students, everybody can merely laugh it off, say 'that it's all for the greater good' and continue with their day?!
Just how much longer does this have to go on? Does he not bore of these charades?
Of course we have no chance of winning in these conditions! Isn't it obvious?
We have the lowest string of players against the first string accompanied by the devil himself. What a joke. This isn't just an adult against children, it's such an obvious hazing. As if an elephant were stepping on an anthill all for its own amusement.
Hammering that thought into our minds a lighting fast set came from the opposition. Ayanokouji was currently in rotation as a right wing against the only adult of the other team. Rapidly the opposition jumped as his head appeared over the net, a quick. Ayanokouji was too slow in position, all that he could do was watch as the impending hammering rained down over him.
The raucous cheers of the watchful students, members of the team and his own classmates would no doubt destroy that will to fight over time. Eventually even the motivation, instinct and will to jump will completely wither away. That was already the case with Mishima, his face no longer twisted into anguish or disappointment when he was thwarted. Instead to be defeated, demolished and degraded was only a inevitability of life. A simple facet that was accepted as the truth organically.
The first set was indicative of that difference. 10-25 that was the score of this set. Reflected on the panel clear as day for all to see. Obviously, not in our favour. A record-breaking 6 of those points were actually scored by us. Two blocks, three spikes and a single service ace. The other four were all positional errors made on the other side. They were purposeful. The team was looking down on us, purposely aggravating or attempting to rile up the team. Usually the set would end earlier, like a mercy kill. Instead, they insisted on playing the full set just to draw out our humiliation.
But that was the funny thing...
Why are they even bothering? All of us had given up a long time ago. My will to fight had dwindled to its last ages prior. This wasn't the first time this same song and dance had been done, and it wouldn't be the last.
That savage would quickly use his specialty to embarrass and destroy any who even slightly threatened his grip on this school. Using the fundamental beliefs of a child, might rules all. And it worked, the teachers no better than children quickly turned a blind eye when the benefits came in. When one person turns another 8 follow suit. Leaving not even 10% of the student body to witness the damage spreading from this pervasive monster. Of course, having no great incentives on their side and all benefits staying on the side of power, led to this unfair situation.
The last open resistance against him was the track club. That was also destroyed in its futility. And an old friend along with it.
When a new student arrived and could take the limelight for a brief moment, this was the result. Any attempt to garner attention. He can't live without the attention, the praise. Oh, I'll make you known all right... Just you wait... I'm prepared to give anything for that...
"Kamoshida-sensei would you mind showing that serve once again?" The object of this hazing finally decided to speak.
"Oh! Perhaps thinking you could receive it?" Of course he would look excited for that...
"Not that presumptuous, I just wanted to try it. It looks fun. I mean this is a practice after all, I'm sure you wouldn't mind teaching us." There's no possible way he hasn't realised this is a ruse!?
"...Right you are. I may have got a bit too carried away. Forgive me." What a bunch of empty words.
"Well then, watch closely."
At the back right of the court on the opposition's side. He tosses the ball a drastic distance away from himself, enough for a run and leap into the serve. As the ball reaches its apex, he takes a powerful lunge and springs until his outreached arm would meet the apex. Finally, his palm batters the ball rocketing it towards our centre court, directly towards Ayanokouji. The thundering sound of ball meeting flesh resounds through the gymnasium. Frighteningly the ball deflects and bounds off into the distance after connecting with him. The stinging could practically be felt by every onlooker, the heat and redness of the skin visible for everyone to witness. Yet nary a sound or expression shifts in response to those stimuli.
I don't get him... Here we are getting absolutely demolished, no chance for a win, ridiculed by the other team, looked down on. And... he isn't batting an eye. Sure, it makes sense you wouldn't be good at a sport you play the first time, but seeing your own team lacking any intention to win would make anyone dissatisfied. So why?
That last set before the match began had gotten my hopes too high. I had repeated these same routines times in the past. An opening seems apparent, a method it doesn't matter what to finally knock down that monster's facade of strength. To finally show what he really is; a child. An overgrown bully who believes he has the right to toy with people just because he's talented.
But each and every time that rebellion is proven futile. The insignificant revolt I formed can barely cast a shadow upon his court. And every single time that realisation sets in, the only outcome waiting is punishment...