Phoenix in The Marvel

Chapter 13: 13. Signal

Location: Classified Headquarters, New York

In the silence of the night, the screen of one of the giant monitors suddenly turned blood red.


Sirens wailed as the cold light of the monitors illuminated the faces in the room one by one. One of the terminal operators adjusted his headset, his voice shaking.

"Sir! We have an emergency! We have detected an extremely powerful energy signal!"

The door opened sharply. A tall, authoritative-looking man with a stern expression walked in - Nick Fury.

He glanced at the screen as he entered, frowning. "How big is it?"

The operator swallowed. "Sir... It could destroy the entire city. And the energy is still increasing. If it continues at this rate, it could affect several states."

There was silence in the room.

Just then, Natasha Romanoff-Black Widow-appeared next to Fury. Her eyes were glued to the screen, she had her usual calm expression on her face, but inside she was clearly sounding an alarm.

"It's not like a nuclear explosion," she said, her voice thoughtful. "It's... different. More... organic."

Fury narrowed his eyes. "Organic?"

Just then, another agent, Clint Barton, rushed in.

"Sir, this energy isn't coming from a machine or a reactor," he said, handing Fury a pill. "It's... coming from a living thing."

Fury and Natasha turned to the screen at the same time. And what they read was... illogical.

ENERGY SOURCE: UNIDENTIFIEDFury's eyebrow twitched.

"Tony Stark?!"

"We've been trying to contact him, but he's not responding," Natasha said. "His energy levels are still rising."

Fury gritted his teeth. He had a feeling - this was not normal.

"Gather the entire team," he said, his voice hard and clear as a single command. "If Stark is up to something crazy, I want to know about it. If it's a threat..."

His eyes locked on the signal flashing on the monitors.

"We'll do whatever it takes."


It had a soft rhythm, echoed by Tony rubbing his hands. The pale blue light emanating from the computer screens added a faint glow to the dim atmosphere of the room.

And in Tony's arms, the tiny disaster sprawled peacefully.

It had spread its two wings slightly, clinging to Tony's shirt with its tiny claws and resting its head on his chest. Like a kitten.

Tony sighed softly. "How did that little thing get to me so fast, Jarvis?"

Jarvis' voice echoed with his usual calm. "I think it's because you were the first familiar figure to him, sir."

Tony narrowed his eyes. "Could it be that he thinks I'm his father?"

At that moment, the little disaster released a tiny spark from his nostrils.

Tony instantly raised his eyebrows. "Hey, hey! Let me know if you start shooting electricity!"

The little bird just hummed, rubbed its tiny beak against Tony's T-shirt, and fell asleep on the spot.

Tony took a closer look at the creature. It was tiny, but incredibly strong. And... he trusted it.

The thought lit a spark in Tony's mind.

All his life, people had either wanted something from him or admired his intelligence. But this little thing?

She needed Tony's presence.

And it warmed her in a strange way.

Just then, the door opened and Pepper walked in. She approached Tony, tablet in hand, but a few steps away she saw the scene.

She narrowed her eyes. "Mr. Stark... you... are... feeding a bird in your lap."

If Pepper had heard that Tony Stark was getting a pet, she would have made fun of the person who said it.

Tony spoke without looking up. "What a keen sense of observation you have, Miss Potts. That's why I hired you."

Pepper crossed her arms. "Can I get you some coffee? Or would you like some formula?"

Tony smiled. "Bring both."

Pepper took a deep breath and shook her head from side to side. "Anyway, don't forget your meeting. Besides, the media is starting to ask about the strange lights in the sky."

Tony frowned. "Is there anything the media isn't talking about?"

Without answering, Pepper turned and headed for the door. "Take a good look at that creature, Mr. Stark. It seems to trust you more than you realize."

Tony was silent for a moment as the door closed.

Then he shook his head from side to side. "Come on, it's nothing like that."

Jarvis' voice sounded. "Sir, Pepper Potts' analysis is usually quite accurate."

Tony looked down at the small bird in his arms. It was sleeping peacefully.

He sighed. "This is great. I'm practically growing a little nuclear reactor."

Jarvis continued. "Looks like you're officially a parent, sir."

Tony took a deep breath, then looked down at the tiny creature in his arms.

"Apparently so."

sorry for the shortness of this chapter. it will be fixed in the following chapters.

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