Chapter 129: Chapter 129: Sharpedo Arrives!
The preliminary round continued, and as Court approached to chat, Sato welcomed the conversation with a good mood.
After all, they were the first two to qualify, making them the most relaxed contestants in the arena, they could now just sit back and watch.
However, their focus quickly shifted back to the stage, as a Trainer with a striking red afro entered the battlefield.
"I know him! That's Flint from the Sinnoh region, he's quite famous there!" Court folded his arms and spoke with a serious expression.
On the battlefield, the red-haired Flint commanded Infernape and Drifblim, facing two opponents alone and completely dominating them!
From this distance, Sato couldn't determine their exact levels, but based on their performance, they were at least High-Level Elite!
The second match ended even faster than expected.
Flint's battle style was like an erupting volcano, after swiftly defeating his first two opponents, he overwhelmed a third contestant with ease.
As the second match concluded, Flint stepped down excitedly, exchanging a hug with a Trainer with yellow hair.
"That's Volkner, son of Sunyshore Gym's Leader. He and Flint are considered Sinnoh's two brightest rising stars!"
It was clear that Court had done his homework, as he spoke fluently about these two well-known competitors.
Sato, of course, also recognized them.
However, compared to the future versions he remembered, these two were still far too inexperienced.
In the future, Flint would become Sinnoh's No.1 Elite Four, constantly challenging the Champion's throne, but never quite managing to claim it.
Even so, his strength was undeniable.
As for Volkner, he would eventually inherit Sunyshore Gym. Under his leadership, Sunyshore Gym became known as Sinnoh's strongest Gym!
There was even a time when Volkner, frustrated by weak challengers, outright refused to battle them, simply handing out badges instead.
Despite this, he was never removed from his position by the Sinnoh League!
Soon, it was Volkner's turn to battle.
His Pokémon were Raichu and Luxray.
Unlike Flint, who had an aggressive battle style, Volkner simply stood still, making no attempt to attack.
But strangely, no one dared to challenge him!
And just like that, he advanced effortlessly!
The most absurd part? Neither the audience nor the waiting contestants seemed to think there was anything wrong with this!
Sato glanced at Court, who wore a complicated expression.
Both of them had to put on an elaborate performance just to secure their spots, and were still being whispered about behind their backs.
Meanwhile, Volkner? He just stood there without using a single move, and still passed without question!
Reputation carries weight.
Since the tournament lacked excessive formalities, and the battle royale format made everything highly unpredictable, the preliminary rounds moved surprisingly fast despite the large number of participants.
As the tournament continued, many Gym-affiliated Trainers stood out, impressing the audience.
Even from Sato's perspective, some of the strategies and battle techniques he witnessed were things he had never seen before.
This was an eye-opener!
By the end of the first day, the preliminary rounds were already complete.
The referee used a loudspeaker to announce the schedule for the next day, then dismissed the contestants.
Everything was far simpler and more direct than Sato had imagined.
Before leaving, the head referee made a point to emphasize:
"The preliminary rounds don't attract much attention. But starting from the next stage, numerous League officials will be watching. A strong performance might get you noticed, whether for sponsorships, training opportunities, or even direct League recruitment."
Unlike the main League Conference, which was more about entertainment, the Young Elite Tournament's primary goal was to scout and nurture talent!
The next morning, Sato arrived at Mauville Gym on time.
On match day, each Trainer had to draw their own opponent. This prevented match-fixing and ensured that contestants were tested on their ability to adapt.
First round of the main tournament: 32 contestants down to 16!
Each contestant could use only one Pokémon, and if their Pokémon was defeated, they would be eliminated!
Sato drew his match number, this time, he would be one of the last to battle.
"Contestants 1A and 1B, please proceed to the battlefield!"
In the waiting area, two Trainers stood up, giving each other a quick once-over before walking toward opposite sides of the arena entrance.
Since it was a one-on-one format, the battles proceeded quickly!
Second match… Third match… Fourth match, Flint entered the field!
Once again, he sent out a Fire-type Pokémon, this time, Rapidash.
His opponent sent out Blastoise, gaining an immediate type advantage.
However, even with the elemental disadvantage, Blastoise stood no chance against Rapidash's relentless assault!
In the fifth match, Court took the stage.
And the Pokémon he chose…
Was Wigglytuff. A muscle-bound Trainer with a Wigglytuff…
This was hard to watch!
However, Court's next performance left those who had underestimated him completely stunned!
The seemingly adorable Wigglytuff was relentlessly beating down its opponent, a Crawdaunt, a notorious Water/Dark-type menace!
At first, Crawdaunt struggled fiercely, but the moment Wigglytuff got up close, it completely stopped attacking!
With overwhelming strength, Court secured an easy victory!
Sato, however, noticed something unusual, toward the end of the match, Crawdaunt's condition seemed off.
It was clear, it had fallen under Attract! Wigglytuff's Ability, Cute Charm!
Next up, another familiar face entered the battlefield, the representative of Fuchsia Gym, Kanto Region: Koga!
Without using any poison-based tactics, his Arbok dominated the battle, defeating its opponent with sheer power.
His strength was terrifying!
The matches continued until 3 PM, when it was finally Sato's turn to compete.
When the contestant who drew 13B saw that his opponent was Sato, he couldn't hold back his smile.
This was a guaranteed win!
Sato glanced at him, vaguely remembering that he was from the Hoenn Region, but beyond that, it didn't matter.
"Contestants 13A and 13B, please proceed to the battlefield!"
"Go, Sceptile!"
"It's been a long wait, Sharpedo, prepare for battle!"
According to the rules, both Trainers had to release their Pokémon simultaneously.
Unfortunately, Sharpedo's first match turned out to be against one of its worst possible opponents.
Not only was it a Grass-type, but it was also Sceptile, Hoenn's starter known for its incredible speed!
"Kid, this will be quick! Sceptile, Leaf Blade!"
Sato looked at his opponent, who already thought he had won, and couldn't even be bothered to respond.
"Sharpedo, Protect!"
From the contestant area, Court frowned, watching the match unfold.
This battle would be tough for Sato to win. And seeing Sharpedo open with a defensive move, Court felt a tinge of disappointment.
Similarly, while the other contestants might not care much about Sato due to his age, many spectators had their eyes locked on him!
Like Court, many of them expected more from someone considered a prodigy.
That is, except for one particular individual, who had barely arrived at the venue around noon after getting lost.
Howard, the Goldenrod Gym Leader!