Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Chapter 208: Ace Versus Sabrina

For the first time in a LONG time, Sabrina struggled to keep her emotions in check as Ace floated forward to battle her, his entire body enveloped in a reddish glow from him using his psychic power.

Though she had a thought in the back of her mind about red and green being complementary colors, Sabrina forced herself to focus even as she thought back to all the times she had forseen this day coming.

Contrary to what most people believed, foresight was almost never exact. There were certain events that were unavoidable, but the vast majority of futures were subject to change depending on any number of variables that existed at any given time.

Take the attempt to murder May and Dawn five years ago for example.

Sabrina had forseen the dead bodies of the two girls that basically confirmed that their plan would work. But then they were saved due to a variable she hadn't known about. Ace Ketchum.

It was the same thing with battles, where Sabrina couldn't actually forsee what her opponents would do unless they already had a clear-cut plan, which rarely happened. Right this minute for example, all she could see as she glanced into the future was her battling any one of Ace Ketchum's pokemon as he deliberated which one to use.

Regardless though, the outcome of the battle would remain the same, as was what would happen afterwards. These were two futures that Sabrina had not seen any sort of divergence since the day she first foresaw them.

That was the second type of future, those that would come true no matter what.

These were typically major events that would bring about some kind of turning point, such as the death of Giovanni.

Sabrina had witnessed the death of Giovanni MANY times over the last several years, though not necessarily in the way that it had happened. In one future Ace strangled the life out of Giovanni with his bare hands. In another Ace had thrown him from the top floor of the Silph co building, and in another Giana herself shot him in the back. Most of his deaths that Sabrina foresaw though were at the hands of Mewtwo, the majority of which had been incredibly gruesome.

There were only a couple other things that Sabrina had seen in her life that had been set in stone. And while she considered each one to be significant, none were more so to her than the two futures she had seen that would occur that very day.

"This will be a three on three match between Ace Ketchum of Pallet town, and Sabrina, the Gym Leader of Saffron city." Announced Cassandra, one of Sabrina's Gym trainers.

"A three on three? I feel special." Ace said with a cocky smirk, one that made Sabrina's heart flutter in her chest.

She had seen him smirk like that a thousand times ever since the day she had first encountered him, always at the women around him who's minds she was riding in to watch him. But never had she seen him smirk like that at her.

"You are a special guy." Sabrina replied robotically, not knowing how to respond. Not only was Sabrina unused to talking to Ace in person, but she was struggling to maintain a hold on her emotions the longer she was in his mere presence. And if she failed at that, then her abilities could go berserk.

"You may begin." Cassandra declared from the side.

"I choose you-" Ace began on his side while Sabrina sent out the first of her pokemon.



The same moment that Sabrina's Mr. Mime appeared in the arena, so too did Ace's Honedge as it floated in the air ominously, the sash gripping it's sheathe before removing it to reveal a blood-red blade.

'Am I the one being seen through, or is it just luck?' Sabrina wondered to herself, the edge of her mouth curling upwards slightly before returning to it's previous straight line.

'Reflect, Light Screen and Protect.' Sabrina mentally commanded Mr. Mime, who immediately put up several shimmering barriers around itself. The moment the barriers were up though, Honedge suddenly disappeared.




A sound akin to glass shattering echoed in the arena as Honedge reappeared, after using Brick Break to shatter both the Light Screen and Reflect, before being halted on the Protect. And even then numerous cracks had spread from where Honedge's point had hit it.

'Again.' Sabrina hurriedly told Mr. Mime, who quickly began to erect more and more layers between itself and Honedge.

"Smash them Honedge." Ace said casually, and his pokemon did just that.

With one more concentrated strike to the same weak point, Honedge shattered the Protect before using Brick Break to shatter each barrier between itself and Mr. Mime, leaving the psychic/fairy type no time to mount any sort of counter attack. And as the final barrier shattered, Honedge shot forward as it's blade oozed a sinisters aura.

"Shadow Claw." Ace stated with a smirk, right as Honedge slashed downwards to deliver a devestating attack onto Mr. Mime.

'Sucker Punch!' Sabrina told Mr. Mime with a growing sense of urgency, who immediately swung at Honedge with a fist of darkness.


Instead of connectng, Honedge used it's sheathe to block the attack before attacking once again with Shadow Claw.

"Mr. Mime is unable to battle." Cassandra stated as Sabrina's pokemon lost consciousness, after only two attacks.

"Incredible..." She uttered while looking at Honedge in awe. This wasn't the first time she'd battled against one, but Ace's Honedge seemed far stronger then the ones she had seen in the past. And the reason why that was the case was quickly revealed.


Before them all, Honedge suddenly began to shimmer with light as the sword-like pokemon split into two, before the light died down to reveal the newly evolved Doublade.


The clear sound of metal striking metal echoed through the arena as Doublade struck both sword blades against one another, before they floated back to Ace.

"AWESOME~!" Ace declared as he reached out to them, and took each of Doublade's handles in both of his hands.

Sabrina watched in disbelief as the sashes on both blades wrapped around Ace's arms, before he began to swing them in unison around himself.


Ace's voice roared as he swung the blades around him, slicing through anything and everything unfortunate enough to be too close.

It was times like this that Sabrina desperately wished she could read his mind like everyone elses.

But they had a battle to fight, so Ace reluctantly ended his fun as he recalled Doublade into it's pokeball. That short moment was enough for Sabrina to realize just why his Honedge, now Doublade, was so powerful though. After all, she knew that anyone foolish enough to grab a Honedge by it's handle would have their life force drained by it. If Ace was doing so though, then he was most likely substituting his aura for his life force.

It was nothing short of a genius way to make his Doublade significantly stronger in a shorter period of time.

Sabrina was excited to see what else Ace would show her, as she sent her second pokeball out. "You're up Slowking."

"Ok ma'am." Replied the pokemon that appeared, surprising Ace and the others.

"I think this is the first non-Legendary aside from Lucario that we've seen speak." Ace commented while glancing back at his partner. Sabrina knew the only other exception was Gardevoir and Ralts, but they both had the Telepathy ability, which was incredibly rare even amongst psychic type pokemon.

"I shall take that as a compliment. It is rather common amongst my species though, as we devote most of our time to study and research after evolving. So of course we commonly learn to read, write and speak the human language to make our efforts more efficient." Slowking stated as if it were a matter of fact.

"Huh. That's a new one..." Ace stated with a curious look on his face, before he smirked. "Well, let's see how your smarts fare against THIS! GYARADOS!"


As soon as it appeared, Ace's Gyarados roared with such intensity that the entire arena shuddered while almost everyone was forced to cover their ears. The redhead on Ace's side, Misty if Sabrina recalled correctly, even cowered behind May in fear of the Atrocious pokemon.

"Begin." Cassandra stated as soon as both pokemon were ready.

'Power Gem.' Sabrina mentally commanded Slowking.

"Of course." Slowking stated as the red gem on it's helmet began to glow, before unleashing a powerful blast of rock type energy at Gyarados.

"Hydro Pump!"


With another ear-shattering roar, Gyarados expelled a powerful torrent of water from it's maw at Slowking, enveloping the Power gem and blasting the Royal pokemon across the arena.

"That hurt..." Slowking commented as it slowed it's flight through zero gravity with it's psychic powers. It hadn't taken much damage from the water type attack, as a water type itself, but the force of the attack still hurt.

They didn't need to worry about future Hydro Pumps though, as Slowking promptly used Disable to ensure that Gyarados couldn't use it for the remainder of the battle. It then opened it's mouth in a wide Yawn, as if it was exhausted, which produced a bubble that flew right at Gyarados.

"Use Hurricane on yourself!" Ace hurriedly ordered Gyarados, obviously hoping the move would allow it to move about the air like it was flying. And while his idea did have some merit, unfortunately for them Gyarados was too slow as the bubble hit it square in the face.


The effect was immediate as the Atrocious pokemon was suddenly assaulted by a wave of drowsiness, causing it to yawn tiredly as it struggled to stay awake. Unfortunately for it, it was borderline impossible for a pokemon not to fall asleep after being hit by Yawn.

"Gyarados, use Crunch!" Ace hurriedly tried to order his pokemon, no doubt knowing there was only so long before it fell asleep.

"Gya..." Gyarados groaned as it struggled to stay awake, even as it used the winds produced from Hurricane to launch itself forward at Slowking.

"I think not." Slowking stated as it easily evaded the attack, resulting in Gyarados instead crashing face-first into one of the floating boulders around them.

"While others may enjoy slogging it out like savage barbarians, I prefer a less direct method of fighting." Slowking explained while controllng it's movements with it's psychic powers.

"Like so."

At that moment all of the surrounding rocks that weren't chained down began to glow with psychic power, before they all suddenly bomarded Gyarados from all side.

"If Gyarados does not wake up soon, then it'll lose." Sabrina said to Ace as Slowking continued to attack it, even using the move Power Gem to attack directly from a relatively safe difference. She was curious to see what he would do in response.


Ace however, did not reply. Instead, he was just staring at Gyarados intently as Slowking continued attacking it.

"And now for the finisher." Slowking said as it powered up the strongest Power Gem yet, creating a concentrated sphere of red light in front of it's head.

"Wake up, NOW!" Ace suddenly yelled at Gyarados, his voice carrying a pulse of power that made Sabrina flinch, and even Slowking stalled slightly when it heard it. But Ace's shout had done it's job.


Gyarados awoke with a roar as it glared at Slowking, before moving faster than Slowking could follow as it slammed it down to the ground below with an Aqua Tail.

"Now finish it with Hyper Beam!" Ace roared before Sabrina could process what had just happened, his body literally gowing with his excitement as a mass of power formed in Gyarados' mouth, before it shot the attack directly down at Slowking.


The entire building and even the surrounding area shook from the force of the attack, giving tribute to the terror and strength that Gyarados have been known for for centuries.

And once the light from the attack died down, they all saw a massive crater in the middle of the arena with an unconscious Slowking in the depest part of it.

"Slowking is inable to battle." Cassandra announced, declaring the loss of Sabrina's SECOND pokemon.

"Outstanding..." Sabrina uttered, in awe from the sheer strength of Ace's pokemon. And not only was this Gyarados not even one of Ace's strongest pokemon, he had THREE of them!

But, Sabrina wasn't out of options yet.

"This is my strongest pokemon." Sabrina said as she recalled Slowking, and her final pokeball floated in the air before her.

"Win this for me, Alakazam." Sabrina declared as she sent the pokeball out.


The moment Alakazan appeared, everyone aside from Sabrina, Ace and Cassandra groaned as they clutched their heads as a splitting headache instantly assaulted them.

"Interesting choice." Ace said as his hand flittered over each of his pokeballs, before he finally settled on one. "If this is your strongest pokemon, then I should use one that has the best advantage. I choose you Absol!"


Admittedly, even Sabrina was more than a little surprised as the Disaster pokemon appeared before her, floating coolly and calmly in the lack of gravity.

"Shall we kick this up a notch?" Ace asked her with a smirk, holding up his hand to display the ring he wore upon it as he did so.

"I'd almost think you read my mind." Sabrina said as she lifted up her own arm, displaying the bangle she wore that also contained her Keystone.

In unison, the two of them lifted them up as both of their pokemon were encased in a multicolored sphere of light that indicated Mega Evolution.


"I think it's time you gave me my Marsh Badge." I told Sabrina after she led me to the room where she intended for me to stay the night.

It was an obviously different room from the rooms that Misty, May, Dawn, Joy and Chloe were led to, namely in that it was personalized while a king-sized bed dominated the middle of the room.

"I apologize, but I seemed to forgotten where I stored your Marsh Badge." Sabrina answered in her usual emotionless tone, her expression remaining as stoic as ever. Or maybe not.

As Sabrina looked up at me, less than a foot away from me, I noticed a subtle gleam in her eyes that had nothing to do with psychic power.

"Perhaps, if you were able to read my mind, then you might be able to find it." She added as an afterthought, and I KNEW I could see a hint of anticipation in her unusual aura.

"Alright then..." I said slowly while looking Sabrina up and down, recalling our 'training' that we usually performed ever since I unlocked my psychic powers.





The snapping of threads, and clatter of buttons hitting the ground could be heard as I literally ripped open Sabrina's red dress, exposing the sheer dark green bra and matching panties underneath.

Either because she had been expecting it, or because of how well she could maintain her emotions, Sabrina didn't even flinch as I tore open her dress, nor when I pulled it off of her so that she was standing there before me in only her underwear.

"I wonder if you stored it somewhere close by..." I murmured to Sabrina quietly, my fingers trailing lightly up and down her arm, prompting a rising of goosebumps on her porcelain skin.


As Sabrina remained silent, I brought my hands up towards her chest to trace the edges of her sheer bra with my fingertips.

"Is it perhaps, somewhere on your body?" I asked her, before slipping my fingers up under her bra, groping Sabrina's breasts.



I felt my lips curl upwards as the faintest sound escaped Sabrina's lips from my hands groping her chest, her already erect nipples pressing into my palms as I kneaded them.

"Not here?" I hissed at her, before retracting my hands and reaching around to unclasp the bra, allowing it to fall to the ground to reveal Sabrina's bountiful breasts to me.

I took a moment to admire her pale mounds, peaked with blood-red nipples, before lowering my gaze to the only part of Sabrina's body that was still clothed.

I shoved Sabrina so that she fell backwards onto what was obviously her bed, before immediately crawling on top of her so that I was looking directly into her indigo-colored eyes while my hand traveled down to the waistband of her panties.

"Perhaps you stuck it here?" I whispered while toying with her waistband coyly, as if debating whether or not to slide my hand under to caress her pussy directly.

Instead, I swept my fingers over the thin cloth to trace her slit teasingly.


Again, Sabrina stubbornly kept her lips closed to ensure no sound left them, prompting me to up the ante as I began to slowly rub her through her panties with three fingers, while I slowly rubbed her clit with my thumb.

No matter how much Sabrina was able to control her emotions, I knew it was a struggle for her to actually maintain her composure as I brought her closer and closer to climax. After all, even if she entered the minds of the girls I was with, or I teased her while doing all sorts of things when we were mentally connected at night, neither of those held a candle to the real thing that she was being forced to experience right here and now with her own body.

I continued to tease her pussy with one hand, while I also leaned down and took one of her rock-hard nipples into my mouth to nibble and suckle while maintaining eye contact with Sabrina, bringing her ever closer and closer to climax. And then, right as she was about to go over the edge, I stopped.


Though she did not say anything, I could actually feel the frustration coming from Sabrina now as I denied her her climax.

"Lets get these out of the way~!" I said while climbing off of the bed, and standing in front of Sabrina as I reached for the waistband of her panties.

This time I actually pulled them down her slender long legs, and off of her entirely before tossing them behind me as I grabbed each of Sabrina's ankles and manually spread her legs.

"On my~!" I practically wolf-whistled at the sight of her most precious place. Not only did Sabrina shave and wax herself in anticipation of my arrival, she also prepared a little somethin somethin for me.

"And what might this be?" I asked while looking at the little string that was hanging out of Sabrina's little butthole.

For the first time a slight blush crept into her cheeks as she looked away pointedly, while I released my hold on one of her ankles as I reached down to give the little string a tug. A moment later I pulled out a condom that the string was tied to, and within which was something that looked suspiciously like a Marsh Badge.

"So THIS is where you hid it!" I exclaimed while eagerly claiming my seventh Badge, leaving me needing only one more to qualify for the Indigo League conference, and the right to challenge the Elite Four.

But those were concerns for later, as I tossed the condom and Badge onto the dresser that was sitting off to the side, and returned my attention to Sabrina.

"Now that I have that, lets see what I can do to make you scream~!" I stated while dropping my pants, and freeing my cock as it bobbed happily from being freed of its constraints.

Now it was standing at attention as I looked down at Sabrina's pussy, which glistened with need to be filled by my cock. And let it not be said that I left a lady wanting.

I grabbed both of Sabrina's ankles once more, spreading her legs manually once again while also pulling her so her butt was on the very edge of the bed. This put her close enough to me that my cock head was rubbing directly against her needy pussy.

"From this point on, you are MINE." I growled at her.

"Always..." Sabrina replied, speaking for the first time since I began searching for my Badge. Then, without further ado, I plunged my cock into her virgin cunt.

"AGNH!" Sabrina cried out as I impaled her, forcibly stretching her virgin hole open while also tearing through her maidenhood.

I know it must have been quite painful, but Sabrina never indicated such as I bottomed out into her virgin pussy, stuffing it completely full of my cock so that there was a slight bulge in her belly.

I gave her a moment to adjust to the sensation of being filled up, before releasing her ankles and grabbing her wrists instead, pulling sabrina's upper body up so that she was flush against me while her legs immediately wrapped around my waist.

"Here comes the main thing." I told her, before I began to thrust into her repeatedly. And try as she might, Sabrina was unable to completely keep her emotions and voice in check.

That became apparent the first time I made her cum, which resulted in her psychic power exploding uncontrollably as her entire body was enveloped in a green light.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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