Chapter 313: 313. Destiny Deoxys 6
That was the very same Rayquaza that Ash had always wanted to catch, one for a very very long time.
In fact, Rayquaza was definitely one of his favorite Pokémon's of all time.
At the moment, Rayquaza has set his sights on Deoxys' true form, and rage began to show around his body, for the last 4 years or so, he had been looking for this moment again, to finally be able to utterly crush this unknown creature.
Four years ago, when the two Deoxys landed on the earth within the meteorite, Rayquaza was the one who ha chased them down, and a extremely close ranger destructive Hyper Beam had blasted the purple-core Deoxys into millions of fragments of energy.
Even with Deoxys' powerful recovery ability, it took him a full 4 years to come back to its true form. But the green core of the other Deoxys had been brought back by Professor Lund was not able to wake up in the past four years, even though it was the one greeting more nutritious. All it was able to do was to only form a diamond-shaped energy crystal like thing, and wander around LaRousse City endlessly.
It took Professor Lund more than 4 years to seem to have found a way to revive it.
Tory led everyone to Professor's Laboratory in the center of their current location. On the way, he once again met the same Plusle and Minun who fled out of the window in a hurry.
Yuko came out of the building and welcomed them inside for safety.
Professor Lund also went out to look for Tory, but was led into the surging crowd of evacuees by the robots and human guards. Yuko had just contacted him some minutes ago. He had already left the vicinity of LaRousse City and was with the local Officer Jenny and her propel, who were also the main group to organize the evacuation of everyone safely from the city.
May and Brock looked back at Ash and saw that his figure was still standing there, with his new form Sceptile and his bulky Swampert standing in front and next to him.
His figure was an amazing sight to see.
At this moment in sky above LaRousse City, seeing taht Rayquaza was destroying all of his Double Team clones, Deoxys finally got angry.
It wasn't ready to let Rayquaza come back to hinder what it was here to do after all these years. Since it can't be defeated, it was best to isolate it from the outside world.
Deoxys' powerful Psychic burst out and actually built a huge protective shield in the sky of LaRousse City.
Even with Rayquaza's destructive offensive power, it's barrrier can't be destroyed so easily, it will at least take some minutes of constantly attacking. It will only run around like a headless fly outside, so it's best for it to stay inside for now.
The impact of this protective shield on the entire high-tech city was devastating, even compared to the initial damage it did when it first came down and destroyed all the nearby hardwares.
There was no wind that was blowing within this protective shield, and the high-tech wind power stations that supplied energy to the entire city stopped working almost immediately, and all electricity was switched to the rarely to ever used emergency power.
Not even signals could be be received and transmitted from one side to another, and contact with the outside world was no longer possible as it was some time ago.
Even the Poké Ball holding system began to sigh of failure, making the Poké Ball unable to open up normally.
Ash had already tried to use Combusken's Poké Ball, but unfortunately it seemed that ge will have no role to play before the protective shield was removed.
Fortunately, his newly evolved Sceptile and Swampert were by his side from the get go, not to mention one of his strongest Pokémon's of all time, the small electric rat on his shoulder.
No matter what the situation is, Ash was not panicked, panicking was never a good thing when someone in trouble. Other than that, Ash currently did not have the luxury of being panicked when he was the one in power, the one to make sure that the people here don't end up dead.
He made Sceptile revert back to its regular form from its Bonds Evolutions fork, and then hurried inside to the Laboratory for some recovery.
In the Laboratory, everyone also seemed to have discover this and were also feeling very frustrated about their whole situation right now.
The appearance of Ash made May feel like she saw her savior, which she kind of actually did, and she rushed to kiss him in front of everyone.
She didn't care about everyone looking at them, she just wanted to be with him again, feel him close to her chest again.
The only jealous ones amonst them was Sid and the twin sisters.
Sid hoped to be in Ash's position; while the twin sisters hoped to be in May's place, kissing Ash.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Ash gave her a light kiss in her forehead. Sceptile and Swampert also came over holding up some of the Vending Machine robots they found when they were returning from their battle, and the twin sisters immediately cheered up.
"What? Why isn't this thing opening up?!" They tried to use their passports to open it, but there was no response at all from these dead robots.
All Ash did was to tell his bored Pikachu to immediately discharge the smallest amount of electricity he could and use it in the robots, and immediately after that, the robot immediately moved, and all the food inside was sprayed out like a machine gun.
All Ash did was watch the group enjoying their food happily. As long as their stomachs are full, they should not be so panicked and he could worry less about them and focus more on Rayquaza and Deoxys.
Then he turned to Rafe, Yuko and others, "I realized something while I was battling the clones; although those Deoxys clones were capturing every Pokémon and humans they saw, they have no real intention of harming them. All they are ding now was transporting them to some place else to make sure they don't unnecessarily harm themselves."
"For now, the most important thing for us is to figure out why Deoxys came here in the first place and to see if it has a purpose behind it."
"I have also discovered something about this while matching the results that this place holds." Rebecca came forward holding the computer and said.
Everyone knew here that Ash was much more stronger than them. Not only was he unharmed by those Deoxys' clones large numbers, but he was also calm enough to bring back food and water for them. He has become the literal lifeline of everyone here.
They also realized that it was also them that was holding Ash back from going full power.
"I discovered that the green diamond-shaped thing that Tory showed us before and the purple aurora that appeared in the sky last night had a very strong correlation in their wavelengths, like a unique way of communicating!" Rebecca, one of the two smart researchers in the group, showed her findings and made them into images with simulation that showed the two wavelengths on the computer was indeed like what she said. The only difference in them was their initial wavelengths and color, the rest was all the same.
Ash nodded and looked at Yuko next to him, "Yuko, may I ask what kind of experiments you and Professor Lund's group were conducting in this Laboratory?"
Everyone agreed that if there was anything that would attract Deoxys to come to this city, it would be found at the Laboratory, the only place that held any connection to the Mythical Pokémon.
Since Ash, their leader asked this, Yuko could not hide it and led everyone to the basement area of the Laboratory.
There, they found the green core!
Obviously the purple core Deoxys was here to find it's missing friend, so as long as it appears, the Deoxys' will stop and leave this place, hopefully.
Of course, that is after Ash sees if they have any compatibility with each other, if they don't, Ash won't waste such large amounts of time and resources into them.
Rayquaza appearing here wasn't something Ash expected, but it was still something he was happy with. Of course Ash had to give priority to catching Rayquaza, that much was very obvious to him, and he was fully prepared.
He had gotten himself a Master Ball just for this case, as he knew an Ultra Ball wouldn't work for such a powerful Pokémon such as Rayquaza.
But now this guy is still trapped inside with the angered Rayquaza, and his mission was obviously to resurrect this green core Deoxys.
"However, to activate the equipments here, the emergency power alone is not nearly enough, not by a long shot!" Now the strategy to complete the task has been found, the only thing needed here was power.
For Ash and Pikachu, electricity was the least of their concerns, they had tons of it.
"So, how much do we need?" Ash said as he was getting ready.
"Well, for an emergency situation like this: we would need the power equivalent of powering up the whole city over 100 times for at least a couple minutes! But just how the hell are we going to get so much?!" Yuko was very confused and overwhelmed, like she should be.
"Sorry, Tory, but I'll beat up your father until I can't anymore if I'm alive! Jsut why did he make such an impossible emergency power situation?! Why the hell couldn't he make it any lower?!" She was even more pissed at his father for making such an impossible solution.
Professor Lund had always been very arrogant about his work, and he had never thought something like would have ever happened. This is the reason why he made it like this, this was all a joke to him at that time.
Some place else, Professor Lund felt cold sweats on his body, 'What is happening?' He thought.
Little did he know that he would get the beating of his lifetime after this thing was over.
"Don't worry about the electricity, let me try it." Ash slowly stepped forward and showed the Z-Ring on his wrist to the dazed crowd after hearing what Yuko said.
"Pika pi!"
"Ash, what are you going to do?" Rafe watched as Ash slowly embedded a crystal-like rhombus into the bracelets holder.
"That's one of Ash's special power. Only the unimaginable bond between Ash and his Pokémon's can unleash such a devastating special move." It was Max who had to explain what it was to everyone.
The golden light was flowing out of Ash's body, rising and flowing around him, and Pikachu's body was also bursting with bright colorful electric embers, allowing him to absorb the light that Ash was releasing.
This time, Gigavolt Havoc was used to power the machine that was needed to have enough power to power up the whole city over a hundred times.
However, this time Gigavolt Havic was very different. This time, Ash and Pikachu was required to further control this skill as to not blow up this whole area into ash's. They needed to be extremely precise in where they release all the pent up energy in.
"Get ready!"
Ash gritted his teeth and roared. Yuko had already made all the needed preparations after hearing Ash's previous commands, just waiting for the seemingly huge current to be injected into the needed instrument.
To the audience, they really thought that it was God itself that was making and releasing all of this power!
The surging electric current had actually been successfully controlled and injected into the instrument bit by bit, tiring both Ash and Pikachu out with the long process.
"It's working! That's awesome!" Yuko could hear the loud sound that was coming from the instrument. This was an alarm of overloaded energy input and imminent overload.
She quickly suppressed the shock in her heart and without any hesitation, she immediately pressed the switch on.
They all saw a many green energy beams injected into the green core.
This crystal was slowly releasing a dazzling light, and another Deoxys came to life right in front of their eyes. The green aurora enveloped everyone, like seeing a drema.
At this same moment, Rayquaza finally broke through the barrier created by Deoxys. He was extremely furious and wanted to settle the score with those two Deoxys.