Chapter 17: Chapter 17: All against one
As I despaired and the Hypno seemed to revel in my suffering, his attitude suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and he glared at me with a fury I can only describe as personal resentment. I was startled to see myself like this, only to realize he was actually staring at something behind me. Without waiting too long, I started to turn my head when I felt a hand land on my shoulder and push me back.
My surprise was even greater when I identified that the hand that pushed me and seemed to be preparing to fight was from another Hypno who just turned to look at me and gave me what I interpreted as a reassuring smile.
The appearance of this new Hypno puzzled me, at first this Hypno looked somewhat battered, had parts of its fur missing and looked visibly tired, as if it had not been treated in a long time, when he noticed that I was looking at him he just smiled at me and raised his thumb and then focused on the threat in front of him.
The Crazy Hypno glared at his new rival in fury before raising his pendulum-wielding hand and attacking him with a rock levitated with psychic energy. The battered Hypno was barely able to react, making a face of great effort and counterattacking with his own psychic energy, barely deflecting the attack.
As the two Pokemons exchanged attacks, I turned to look at Nidoran♂, who had his eyes focused on me while his ears moved from side to side, somehow capturing how the fight was developing, as if waiting for me to shout some instruction so that he could participate.
For a moment it crossed my mind to join the fight, but I couldn't waste this opportunity to flee, so I quickly picked up Nidoran♂ and started running towards the path ahead, I had barely taken a few steps when I heard a loud sound behind me, turning my head I could see how the Crazy Hypno had the battered Hypno on the ropes, it wasn't just his condition, it could be noticed that the Crazy Hypno was much stronger than his rival who could only dodge and deflect his enemy's attacks with difficulty, feeling a hint of guilt I could only bite my lip hard as I thought about what I would have to do - am I really going to abandon my savior? I don't know if this is a fight for dominance or if this battered Hypno really came because he saw me in danger but would I really be able to have peace if I abandoned him to his fate here? - I meditated while I was frozen by indecision.
Without wasting any more time I hit a tree hard and shouted: "DAMN IT" and then released Nidoran♂ and took a Pokeball from my belt to immediately throw it at the Crazy Hypno, who, being too immersed in his rival, could barely notice the Pokeball that hit him full on the head while a red ray absorbed him, without giving him time to fall to the ground I quickly shouted to Nidoran♂: "Use Double Kick the Pokeball and get it away from here!"
Nidoran♂ who seemed to be attentive to what was happening did not hesitate for a second to jump strongly and kick the Pokeball that quickly flew away from where we were, while the Pokeball moved away I could see how it exploded and from a strong light came the Hypno that, due to the momentum and the trajectory of the kicked Pokeball, flew away with the remains of the destroyed Pokeball.
As we watched the Crazy Hypno fly away I grabbed the backpack hanging from my shoulder and began to take out the objects it contained without worrying about dropping them, as best I could I grabbed the potions I was keeping and quickly approached the battered Hypno who just looked at me strangely while I skillfully applied the Potions to his wounds, I had barely finished applying a bottle when I felt that electric sensation in my head, but this time it didn't feel like a forced intrusion, this time it felt almost too docile, so I stopped and watched the battered Hypno raise his hand that was holding his pendulum and then hear a distorted voice in my head "YOU... WHY COME BACK?" The voice sounded almost static, very different from when the other Hypno sent Mother Clarisse's voice to my head.
"I don't really know why you helped me but at least I'll give you the chance to beat up that psycho Pokemon" I said starting to apply the second potion to his wounds while speaking in an urgent tone "But this is just to give you a little bit of an advantage, I still don't understand why, but that Crazy Hypno is too powerful so I don't think it will take long for him to come back, we'll have to hurry and Nidoran♂ and I will do what we can to give you some advantage" the battered Hypno opened his eyes wide with a contemplative look and then nodded and closed his eyes as he seemed to concentrate on what was approaching.
Almost as if summoned by him, we were all stunned when we heard a scream in the distance. It was definitely that Crazy Hypno who sounded even more furious than ever, almost humiliated, so we could only hear the trees falling until in the distance we saw him running towards us with a blue energy surrounding him acting as a kind of psychic dome around him, like an unstoppable force destroying the trees in his path.
"That thing definitely shouldn't be here, it must be at least 10 levels higher than any other Pokemon here " I said softly as I felt sweat running down my neck, the Crazy Hypno was already close to our position, almost as if it dropped all pretenses and was looking to overwhelm us with its raw power, "Nidoran♂, Hypno, don't stick together, it can't hit all three of us! Especially you and I Nidoran♂, a single hit from that monster would finish us off, prepare your poison and wait for an opportunity!" I yelled as the two Pokemon nodded and we quickly took distance from each other.
The Crazy Hypno didn't even flinch at our improvised strategy and was fully determined to run me over with his unbridled charge. It seemed that the idea I had with the Pokeball had turned him completely against me. As best I could, I jumped to the side avoiding the psychic charge that although it didn't hit me, it did manage to give momentum to my jump making me crash into a tree, leaving me confused for a moment which the Crazy Hypno didn't seem to want to waste as he stopped dead before turning to where I was and began to prepare to make another psychic charge.
Nidoran♂ and the battered Hypno reacted in time with a well-timed combination of Leer and a Psychic-powered rock, luckily for us Nidoran♂'s Leer managed to catch the momentary attention of the mad Hypno giving the Psychic-powered rock the opportunity to hit the enemy squarely in the head. In those seconds of confusion I made an effort to stand up, leaning against the tree I collided with and shouted to Nidoran♂ : " Quickly tackle him with everything you have!" Nidoran, who was watching the mad Hypno take a moment to orient himself, jumped strongly, shortening the distance and using his body he gave the rival an improvised tackle.
Nidoran ♂ 's punch barely moved the Crazy Hypno , - there is a big difference between using the Tackle attack that makes use of Normal Energy and an improvised attack from a Pokemon that doesn't actually know the movement, the price of not knowing how to use Energy Type is that a lot of power is sacrificed, luckily for us that punch had another intention- I thought while I grabbed the side of my body trying to endure the pain until I smiled when I noticed a slight purple aura around the Crazy Hypno.
"From now on it's a battle of attrition, we have to beat him here and now before he tries to escape!" I shouted as I made an effort to throw a Pokeball at the crazy Hypno who, although he was fighting the pain of the poisoning, reacted to my movement and angrily moved the hand that was holding his pendulum to deflect my Pokeball upwards.
Nidoran♂ and the Battered Hypno seemed to understand what he was trying to do, since although neither of them had enough individual strength to beat him, if we combined efforts we could exhaust him, with the poison on our side even if we can't do any real damage to him eventually the Crazy Hypno will fall.
What followed can only be described as a battle without quarter, the crazy Hypno stopped trying to attack us with his brute power and decided to start levitating rocks again, with them he could try to attack all three of us at the same time, but luckily for us the fact of dividing his attention too much made him lose a lot of precision, as long as we kept moving his attacks barely grazed us.
It wasn't long before I noticed the Crazy Hypno starting to take a few steps back, which wasn't that far-fetched since even though the Crazy Hypno had an overwhelming advantage in power, it constantly had to dodge the levitated rocks sent at it by the battered Hypno , the constant distraction of Nidoran 's Leer ♂ that somehow functioned as an Agro Boost in battle, and my attempts to wear it down by throwing Pokeballs at it that particularly scared it for some reason.
Although it seemed like we had gained the advantage, the truth is that we weren't in the best condition either. As a human, even if my resistance was superior to that of my old world, that hit against the tree hurt me enough that I couldn't move too freely. Even Nidoran ♂ was exhausted, even if he hadn't received any direct hits, the fact of dodging and having to draw more of the enemy's attention when he focused too much on me was already taking its toll on him. Not to mention that before all this mess he had already had an exhausting battle with the Ekans we were trying to hunt, so it was only a matter of time before a carelessness would cause the crazy Hypno to finish one of us off.
While my head was working at full capacity to come up with a plan I noticed how the crazy Hypno stopped attacking for a second to grab his side with his hand, apparently the poison although weak combined with the stress and tension of the battle was causing havoc to his body, not wanting to waste that mistake I shouted with all my strength "Hit him both with the strongest thing you have!" The two Pokemons without thinking much prepared themselves and approached simultaneously, Nidoran ♂'s horn shone with Flying-type energy to hit the crazy Hypno with a Peck while in synchrony the head of the battered Hypno shone to then propel itself and hit it with a headbutt that against all odds seemed particularly powerful since it managed to push the crazy Hypno against a tree behind it.
As the Crazy Hypno crashed into the tree I could notice a strange little movement in the treetop, but before I could examine it more closely I watched in horror as the Crazy Hypno stood up with an expression of indescribable hatred, suddenly he closed his eyes and began to accumulate Psychic energy, I don't know what attack he was forming but you could see some blue energy waves shaped like rings that seemed ready to attack us.
Whatever it was, that must have definitely been his ace up his sleeve, his final attack. We didn't have to be experts to guess that with the amount of psychic energy those rings contained, none of us would have any hope of surviving. Out of the corner of my eye, I could even see how the battered Hypno put on a resigned face and just closed his eyes.
Not wanting to accept fate and with a desperate plan, I quickly grabbed a medium-sized rock that was still next to me, a product of the crazy Hypno 's previous attempts to finish me off, and threw it hard straight at his head, the Crazy Hypno, even though he had his eyes closed, he somehow reacted to my attack and with practice acquired in deflecting my Pokeballs, with a gesture of his hand he sent the rock that I threw at him with even more force upwards.
While that was happening a small smile appeared on my face, the rock propelled by the Psychic force of the crazy Hypno hit the top of the tree that was behind the Pokemon, which to the surprise of even the crazy Hypno shook and three Pinecos fell from it , visibly upset, which suddenly began to glow before exploding in a resounding manner, forcing me to close my eyes and cover my head in an improvised manner.
The explosion was quite striking, even after a few seconds nothing but smoke could be seen around the now downed tree, while I hoped to have some visibility I spoke in a low voice hoping that Nidoran ♂ could hear me: "stay alert Nidoran ♂" I said as little by little the remains of the tree could be seen and at the base 3 completely unconscious Pinecos and the crazy Hypno struggling to remain standing.
I was honestly surprised, this Hypno had endured too much and was still standing, even if the explosion was from a lower level Pokemon the damage couldn't be ignored, now with 3 simultaneous explosions along with the energy it wasted on us, the attacks it received and even the poisoning, the fact that it could get up already said a lot.
But all that punishment was not in vain, in fact it could be seen that the Crazy Hypno was not far from fainting, he seemed to be more focused on staying standing than continuing with his attacks, after a few seconds that seemed like hours in which the tension was felt almost physically, the Crazy Hypno raised his hand that was holding his pendulum ready to do something, so armed with courage and ready to end this madness I yelled to Nidoran ♂: " Use Peck on the pendulum string!" Nidoran ♂ who was already prepared to act gave a strong jump with his illuminated horn and launched himself against the Crazy Hypno 's pendulum .
The crazy Hypno seeing my Pokemon approaching wanted to counterattack, but was stopped by a Psychic force and stood still for a second, almost as if it were planned, the battered Hypno used what was left of its energy to stop the rival for a second, giving Nidoran ♂ the opportunity to reach the pendulum and successfully break the rope.
When the pendulum fell, I took advantage and quickly picked it up and then took some distance. The crazy Hypno seemed to have all traces of strength abandoned his body, as he fell to his knees with a gesture of despair and began to hit the ground in frustration.
The battered Hypno looked at him with a sad expression and then slowly walked towards him, the crazy Hypno only raised his face when he saw his rival in front of him and with a gesture of resignation and with what I would swear were tears of frustration he closed his eyes waiting for his fate, the battered Hypno regretfully began to light up his head and with a dynamic movement he headbutted the crazy Hypno leaving him completely unconscious.
For a moment we all stood in silence staring at the unconscious Crazy Hypno , silence that remained until I spoke: "He may not be able to use his Psychic energy without this" I said raising the pendulum I had in my hand "But he is still a dangerous monster, so I will have to keep him locked up" I said before taking the Great Ball from my belt and throwing it at the unconscious Pokemon.
You might think that a normal Pokeball would be enough, but knowing that this Pokemon was of a higher level I decided not to take any risks, it only took a few moments and a few light swings before the Great Ball stopped moving and the characteristic PING! was heard before returning to my hand considering the capture was done.
With the Great Ball in hand, tiredness caught up with us all before we fell back with a shared laugh of relief, even the serious Nidoran ♂ gave a small squeal of happiness at this shared achievement, we rested for a couple of minutes before sitting down with great effort, after this whole event I felt like I could trust the battered Hypno so I asked him: "Psychic Pokemon can talk to us telepathically, right?" I said remembering how before the fight he had been able to communicate with me with a few words "Can you tell me what that monster was doing here? As far as I know, those of your species and pre-evolutions live in the surroundings of the most central cities of Kanto " I said as I turned to look at my new friend in search of making sense of this whole situation.
The Hypno seemed a little conflicted, but after thinking about it for a few seconds he raised his hand holding his pendulum and felt that familiar sensation of electricity in my head before hearing " I'M NOT VERY GOOD WITH THIS, I CAN'T TELL YOU, BUT I CAN SHOW YOU, CAN I?" I heard that static voice in my mind, I nodded and closed my eyes before seeing what I can interpret to be the memories of the Hypno in front of me.
The first thing I saw was two small Drowzees peacefully playing with a Hypno in an open field illuminated by the beautiful light of the sunset.
Trainer License
Trainer: Maxwell Jones
Hometown: Pewter City
Sponsorship: None
Money: $5,500 Pokedolars
Badges: None
3 Potions –
3 Rage Candy Bar
2 Pokeball
1 Red handkerchief (With 20 Oran Berrys)
-27 Spaces Available- ↑
Gender: Male
Level: 13 ↑
Movements: Leer, Peck, Focus Energy, Double Kick, Poison Sting ↑
Gender: Male
Level: 42
Movements: Pound,Confusion,Hypnosis, Head Butt, Psybeam, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater.