Pokémon: My Name is Lucario

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Fierce Battle with a Ferocious Gyarados

Chapter 19: Fierce Battle with a Ferocious Gyarados

South of Moonlit Forest.

Nestled against the mountain range that separates parts of the forest lies a crescent-shaped lake. The water is exceptionally clear, and in the center are scattered rocks of various sizes. Slightly further off, a waterfall cascades dramatically from the cliff, tumbling onto the boulders below and dissolving into countless glittering droplets in the sunlight, eventually flowing into the lake.

Atop the largest rock in the center of the lake, a blue, duck-like Pokémon had a pensive look on its face.

"Leader, our scouts discovered that Snorlax recently attacked Sunrise Valley, where he has long been on friendly terms. The reason is unclear, but he was driven away by the valley's Squirtle leader and the other Pokémon. I suspect something very unusual about this attack. We should remain vigilant in case Snorlax decides to come after us next."

Standing nearby was a Poliwhirl, spherical in shape with a white belly featuring a black, counterclockwise swirl.

"What's there to fear?!"

With a splash, a dragon-like Pokémon emerged from the water beside the rock. Three dark teal crests rose from its head, and its fierce face looked extremely agitated. "A Normal-type Pokémon can't possibly beat me in a place teeming with Water-type energy. Grrr!"

"Gyarados, be quiet."

The Golduck leader shot the Gyarados a glance.

"Grr!" Though Gyarados still looked enraged, it reluctantly fell silent under Golduck's pressure.

"Lapras, what do you think?" Golduck asked.

A short distance away, a Lapras with a bumpy gray shell, shaped somewhat like a plesiosaur, swam over to the rock. "We cannot ignore the threat of Snorlax. We must stay on guard. But more importantly, we need to understand what happened during the attack on Sunrise Valley. I doubt Snorlax would attack, without reason, a place he helped build."

After a moment of silent deliberation, Golduck's face relaxed, as though it had settled on a plan.

"You have a point. Poliwhirl, you'll lead a team of our Pokémon to Sunrise Valley and gather details about the attack. Lapras, you and Gyarados will organize our capable fighters, enhance patrols around the perimeter, and report back immediately if anything unusual occurs."

Lapras nodded. "Understood."

"Grr, I alone can beat Snorlax. Why the fuss?" Gyarados huffed, sinking back into the water.

"Leader, regarding the investigation of the attack, it might no longer be necessary," Poliwhirl said.


"When I returned, I heard that Sunrise Valley has already sent Pokémon to investigate. I suspect they'll head here first to request your help."

"So, they want to borrow that move, do they?" Golduck mused. "It's not a bad idea at all. But do you know who's coming? Vileplume or maybe that battle maniac, Scyther?"

"Neither. Supposedly, it's the outsider Machoke who rarely leaves the valley, plus a never-before-seen Pokémon."

"A newcomer, huh? Another one rescued by Squirtle, I'd guess... Heh, interesting."


Meanwhile, Riolu and Machoke left Sunrise Valley, following the meandering stream that flowed out from it.

"Clank." Riolu kicked away a small rock by the bank, then turned to Machoke and asked, "Hey, brother, where exactly are we headed?"

Consulting a paper map from his backpack, Machoke checked briefly. "We're going to Moonlit Lake in the south of the forest. Following this stream will take us there."

As Machoke indicated the giant lake icon on the map, Riolu inquired, "Moonlit Lake? The place you mentioned that's ruled by Water-type Pokémon, right? What do we want there?"

Machoke tucked away the map. "The trouble is we have no clue where to start our investigation, and we don't know Snorlax's whereabouts. We have to ask that one for help. Don't be fooled by them being a Water-type – they have a very useful special skill. You'll see when we get there."

Machoke spoke mysteriously, piquing Riolu's curiosity. He recalled what he knew about Golduck from his past life:

"A duck-like Pokémon that evolves from Psyduck. With webbing on its hands and feet for fast swimming, plus the ability to use powerful Water-type and Psychic-type moves…"

He pictured Misty's dopey Psyduck from the anime and wondered what a mature, evolved Golduck would be like in this world.

As they followed the stream, the terrain gradually sank lower, and the water began to surge, becoming a full-fledged river rushing between cliffs on either side.

Catching sight of the change in scenery, Machoke's eyes lit up. "We're getting close."

For some reason, possibly due to the odd disturbances in the forest, they encountered no other Pokémon along the way. Even the usually abundant Caterpie or Weedle were nowhere to be seen. Water-dwelling species like Goldeen and Tentacool were also absent, making the journey a bit eerie.

At Machoke's words, Riolu—half-ready to yawn from boredom—immediately perked up.

"Whooosh," the nearby rapids roared louder. Beyond the thick undergrowth, a crescent-shaped lake and a mighty waterfall spilling down from the cliffs came into view.

"Wow, how spectacular!"

Even Machoke, who had visited once or twice before, looked impressed by the scenic grandeur.

"Come on, let's go," Machoke said, snapping out of it. He and Riolu walked around, gazing about as they reached the lakeshore.

Suddenly, the water near the bank burst open, and a serpentine, blue-scaled Pokémon emerged. It stared at them with fierce eyes. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Gyarados! Riolu marveled at the sight of the impressively huge Pokémon, once a humble Magikarp that evolved into this formidable sea serpent. Riolu couldn't help but admire its imposing aura.

In his past life's games, Magikarp was among the most common Water-type Pokémon caught by players. Yet upon evolving, Gyarados gained significantly enhanced stats, including high Attack, plus access to powerful moves like Dragon Dance and Outrage, and could hold its own in many battles.

Machoke stepped forward. "We come from Sunrise Valley. We're here hoping to request an audience with your leader, Golduck. We need his help."

Gyarados lowered its head, regarding the two Pokémon, still bearing a terrifying scowl. "Even if you're from Sunrise Valley, you'll have to defeat me first if you want to see our leader. Graah! Who'll fight me?"

As it spoke, Gyarados slammed its thick tail on the water's surface, sending waves surging around them.

Seeing Gyarados's unwavering stance, Riolu and Machoke exchanged glances. Riolu's eyes practically screamed, "Big bro, you handle it, I'll back you up."

Machoke, however, simply smirked. His body shifted, stepping away rather than forward. "Gyarados, if you're so set on a battle, let this little brother try you first."

"Huh? Big bro, are you serious?" Riolu muttered, eyeing the six- or seven-meter-tall Gyarados towering over his own 0.8-meter frame.

"Hey, Flying-type has an advantage over Fighting-type, you know!" Riolu couldn't help but complain.

Despite his protest, the face of adversity still stirred excitement in Riolu. He readied himself for battle.

Gyarados, delighted at the prospect of a fight, roared, "Iron Tail!"

No sooner had the words left its mouth than Gyarados twisted, its thick tail shimmering silver as it slammed down.

"An ambush! That's dirty—!" Riolu barely had time to respond and could only brace himself, crossing his arms overhead as fighting energy surged through him.


The tail, coated in steel-type energy, collided heavily with Riolu.

"Urgh," Riolu groaned, his arms going numb from the shock. The blow drove his feet deep into the riverbank, but Riolu wasn't about to just swallow the hit. Iron Tail was a physical move, and Riolu's Counter took incoming physical damage and returned it with double force.


Riolu stepped in with a loud shout, the swirling energy multiplying the damage as he crashed his right fist into Gyarados's body.

"Graaah!" Gyarados howled in pain, its massive body reeling backward.

Taking advantage of his successful strike, Riolu hastily leapt back, widening the distance between them.

After all, eating that Iron Tail had cost him a chunk of HP. It was prudent to stand clear for a moment.


Riolu quickly opened his backpack, pulled out an Oran Berry, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Nothing says we can't eat a berry mid-fight," Riolu thought. Seeing his health bar restore itself, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Grr—!" Gyarados steadied itself, roaring as water-type energy surged violently around its body.


It came crashing forward like a giant wave, the raging water towering and fierce, enough to cause even the bravest Pokémon to flinch in fear. Yet Riolu's Ability was Inner Focus, preventing him from flinching. Even facing the mighty Waterfall head-on, he was calm.

"Facing Waterfall, using Counter might not work well for me to strike back. So let's go with—"


Time seemed to freeze in that instant. The splashes from Waterfall, the specks of dust in the air, and Gyarados's ferocious expression all turned crystal-clear in Riolu's vision.

He could even sense the flow of the move itself, the part that was vulnerable.

"There's the opening!" Riolu's eyes flashed. He twisted aside, dodging Gyarados's Waterfall. Immediately, his paws were coated with silver-gray energy, forming two razor-sharp claws, and he slashed at Gyarados with Metal Claw.

Gyarados, carried forward by its momentum, could only twist desperately to avoid the slashes. It succeeded in escaping by rolling violently, but its frustration boiled over.

"Graah, you brat, you're pissing me off!"

Faced with Gyarados's rage, Riolu sensed a menacing aura rising like a storm around it. Breathing grew difficult under the intense pressure.

"Could this be a super-strong move… Outrage?" Riolu guessed, swallowing nervously.

Bloodshot red light filled Gyarados's eyes, and its aura soared. Even Machoke, who had been watching with amusement, stepped forward protectively, posture now serious.


Furious, Gyarados roared skyward, about to lash out in a frenzy. But just then, a soft, melodious singing voice drifted across the water.

"La… La–la–la…"

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