Pokémon: My Name is Lucario

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Outcome of the Prophecy

Chapter 22: The Outcome of the Prophecy

At the shores of Moonlit Lake…

"Thank you for letting us ride with you. Feel free to visit our valley anytime," Machoke said politely to Lapras, who gave a silent nod before diving back into the tranquil waters.

"Big bro, the place from the prophecy… that wouldn't be…?" Riolu hesitated, his ears twitching.

"Yes," Machoke confirmed. "A place filled with flying Pokémon—it must be there."

"...You gotta be kidding me," Riolu groaned, recalling his near-death encounter with that crazed flock of birds. "Those damned birds aren't easy to deal with… Fighting-types are weak to Flying-types, you know."

Just as Riolu finished his complaint, a new voice interrupted.

"That's why our leader sent me to assist in this investigation."

A figure emerged from the lake—a Poliwhirl, with white-gloved hands and a spiraling pattern on its belly, stepping onto land.

"You're… Poliwhirl?!" Riolu immediately recognized the Pokémon—it had been standing silently beside Golduck earlier.

Machoke was momentarily surprised but then grinned, extending a hand for a handshake.

"Welcome aboard!"

Poliwhirl, however, ignored the handshake, simply staring at Machoke with an expressionless gaze before turning away and following them without another word.

What's with this guy? Riolu thought. Between the bullying he witnessed earlier at the lake and this Poliwhirl's cold demeanor, his opinion of the Pokémon at Moonlit Lake had dropped significantly.

Machoke, however, remained unfazed and simply adjusted his backpack before motioning for Riolu and Poliwhirl to move out.

Their next destination? The Forest Nest.


The Forest Nest—Heart of the Moonlit Forest

At the very center of the Moonlit Forest stood towering ancient trees, their heights unmatched due to the land's rich soil and abundant sunlight.

Up above, where the sun's warm glow was strongest, these enormous trees had interwoven branches, forming a natural aerial metropolis. This vast, leafy expanse became home to countless Flying-type Pokémon, earning it the name "The Forest Nest."

And ruling over this skybound kingdom…

Was none other than the king of birds himself—Pidgeot.

As they neared this massive domain, Riolu felt a lingering unease, his ears twitching in high alert.

Memories of his first near-death experience resurfaced—the relentless assault by frenzied Pidgey and Pidgeotto still haunted him.

"...Last time, my right arm was broken, but at least I managed to cripple that elite Pidgeotto in exchange. Even if they come back for revenge, I'm not alone this time. Machoke is strong enough to handle most of them, and Poliwhirl should be able to clean up the rest."

Thinking about the two reliable powerhouses at his side, Riolu regained some confidence.

"Still… if those damned birds just stay in the air, I'll be completely helpless. I can't even get close to them, let alone fight back…"

Riolu's mind raced. Maybe I should start learning a Rock-type move?



Poliwhirl's sudden warning snapped them back to reality.


The air filled with the chaotic flapping of countless wings.

"We're heavily outnumbered," Machoke observed. "We can't take them head-on. Hide for now."

Without hesitation, the trio slipped into the underbrush, crouching silently as they peeked through the gaps in the foliage.

Leading the aerial squadron…

A familiar figure—Pidgeotto.

Despite a visible injury on its right wing, the bird Pokémon soared through the sky, its crimson eyes gleaming with malicious fury.

Trailing behind it was an entire flock of Pidgey, Pidgeotto, and Spearow—a formidable force of Flying-type predators.

"...Nope. Nope. NOPE."

Riolu internally crossed out his earlier battle plan.

No way in hell am I fighting that!

His fur bristled as he watched the sky darken under the sheer number of beating wings overhead.

Even if I leveled up 10 times, I'd still be nothing but bird food.

The three Pokémon stayed hidden, barely breathing, until the flock had finally passed.

Just as they were about to stand up…

"Wait… what's this?"

Riolu suddenly froze—his foot had stepped on something soft.

He looked down.

A small, dirt-covered hand lay beneath his paw.


Riolu leapt backward with a shriek, his mind immediately flashing to every horror movie scenario possible.

Machoke and Poliwhirl whipped around, entering battle-ready stances, scanning the area for a threat.

"…What the hell are you screaming about?" Machoke scowled. But then, he followed Riolu's gaze—and his expression changed.

Beneath the leaves and mud lay…

A small, unconscious human child.



Machoke quickly flipped the child over, brushing away the dirt and leaves.

The boy looked no older than ten. His face was pale, his breathing faint—but still present.

"...Still alive," Riolu murmured, exhaling in relief.

He felt an unexpected surge of joy—this was the first human he had encountered since waking up in the Pokémon world.


"A flying Pokémon… a collapsed figure in the forest…

Could this child be the key to our investigation?"

Machoke connected the dots, recalling the vision from Golduck's Future Sight.

Riolu glanced around. "His bag is over there."

He picked up a small backpack, shaking it lightly—rattling noises suggested there were items inside.

After a brief discussion, they decided to bring the boy back—but where?

Returning to Moonlit Lake would take too long.

Heading back to Sunrise Valley might be safer, but time-consuming.

Just as they debated, Poliwhirl silently approached a massive tree, placed his hands on its bark, and released a pulse of mysterious energy.


The tree trembled—then, a wooden ladder unraveled from above.

"Secret Power!"

Riolu's eyes widened in realization. Poliwhirl had just used Secret Power to create a hidden treehouse.

Without a word, Poliwhirl took the human's backpack and climbed up first.

"...Maybe he's not so bad after all," Riolu thought. "Just… emotionally constipated."

Adjusting the unconscious boy onto his back, Riolu followed.


Inside the Hidden Treehouse

The secret base was surprisingly spacious.

Riolu placed the boy down, marveling at the natural architecture.

"Man… this move is OP. I need to learn this."

While Riolu admired the treehouse, Poliwhirl spat out a stream of water, cleaning the dirt off the boy.

With the grime washed away, the child's features became clearer—short black hair, athletic clothing, and sturdy sneakers.

The boy's eyelids twitched, then slowly opened.

His eyes widened in shock as he stared at the three Pokémon around him.

For a moment, there was complete silence.




Riolu's ears twitched. The kid's words didn't match any human language he had ever known.

"Crap… I don't understand human speech anymore?"

Machoke sighed and dug through his backpack, pulling out an earpiece-like device.

After placing it on the boy's head, the child's expression lit up in excitement.

He opened his mouth—

This time, the Pokémon could understand.

"Hello, Pokémon! My name is Takuma!"


Above the treetops…

A shadow with wide wings silently descended.

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