Pokémon: Newborn Ash Ketchum – Starting from Hoenn region

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Special Training in the Forest & The Attack of Seviper

The sun shone brightly through the thick canopy of the Hoenn forest as Ash and his friends finished their lunch. With full stomachs and high energy, Ash was ready to get back to training.

"Alright, everyone! Let's begin training!" Ash called out, standing up with excitement.

His Pokémon immediately gathered in front of him, eager to train.

"Swellow, you'll work on Steel Wing and Aerial Ace! Try to hit fast and accurately, just like how Pidgeot trained you."

"Swellow!" The bird Pokémon spread its wings and took to the sky, ready to start.

"Eevee, keep practicing Crystal Burst and Iron Tail with Pikachu. Pikachu, you focus on building up your electric energy to form an Electro Ball."



Phanpy was placed on a special training device designed to increase its strength. Meanwhile, Tyranitar was working on its Fire Punch, using powerful strikes to improve the technique.

Ash then turned to Treecko, who was casually chewing on its twig.

"Treecko, you should learn Absorb. It'll help in battles by letting you recover health while attacking."

"Treecko!" The small Pokémon nodded, determined to get stronger.

Unlike Bulbasaur and Bayleef, Treecko didn't have Vine Whip to grab opponents from a distance, so having a move like Absorb would give it an advantage in battle.

May and Max were watching nearby.

"Look at Ash! He's training all of his Pokémon so well! Meanwhile, your Torchic still hasn't learned a single new move," Max teased, smirking at his sister.


May smacked Max on the head, her face turning red. "Shut up, Max!" she yelled.

Brock chuckled. "Ash has really improved. He's balancing training and strategy well. If he keeps this up, he might win the Hoenn League this time."

Ash scratched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed. "Heh, I wouldn't go that far."

Then, he turned to May. "If you don't know how to train Torchic, you can use this training device. It'll help Torchic get stronger and faster."

"Really? Thanks, Ash!" May smiled and strapped the device onto Torchic.

A Sudden Battle!

As training continued, the bushes nearby rustled loudly.


Ash turned to see Treecko standing in front of a wild Seviper!

Meanwhile, May's Torchic took one look at the large snake Pokémon and immediately ran behind Treecko, shivering in fear.

"Aaaah! Torchic!" May cried out.

"Chic!" Torchic hid behind its trainer, trembling.

Ash quickly scanned Seviper with his Pokédex:

[Wild Seviper]

Type: Poison

Ability: Shed Skin (Can heal from status conditions over time)

Strength: Elite Late Stage

Moves: Poison Tail, Haze, Wrap, Slam

Ash's eyes narrowed. This Seviper is strong. Treecko needs to be careful.

"Treecko, use Quick Attack!"


Treecko dashed forward at high speed, aiming to hit Seviper before it could react.

But Seviper was faster than expected. It quickly wrapped its long body around Treecko, squeezing tightly with Wrap.

"Treecko, break free with Leaf Blade!"

Treecko's tail glowed bright green, and with a sharp swing, it slashed Seviper's body. Seviper hissed in pain and released Treecko, but immediately countered with Poison Tail, striking Treecko hard and sending it flying back.

Treecko groaned and slowly got up, panting. It had taken a serious hit, but it wasn't ready to give up.

"Treecko, I know you can do this!" Ash encouraged. "Try using Absorb!"

Treecko hesitated for a moment—Absorb was a move it had never used before. But trusting Ash's words, it focused.

A faint green glow surrounded Treecko, and small energy waves extended toward Seviper. The energy latched onto Seviper and started draining its strength.

Seviper hissed angrily, trying to shake off the attack, but Treecko's Absorb kept weakening it.

"Yes! It's working!" Ash shouted excitedly. "Now, finish it with Leaf Blade!"

With a final burst of speed, Treecko dashed forward, its tail glowing bright green again. It slashed Seviper across the face with a powerful strike.

"Hisss!" Seviper let out a final cry before collapsing to the ground.

Treecko stood tall, breathing heavily but victorious. Suddenly, a warm glow surrounded it—an indication that it had grown stronger.

Brock grinned. "Treecko just leveled up! That was an amazing battle, Ash."

Seviper slowly opened its eyes and, realizing it had lost, turned and slithered away into the forest.

"Should we chase it?" May asked.

Ash shook his head. "No need. If we meet again, it'll be another battle for another time."

Max raised an eyebrow. "That sounded way too dramatic."

"Yeah, seriously," May added, crossing her arms.

Ash just smirked and shrugged.

A New Addition to Team Rocket

Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, Seviper was exhausted and starving. As it slithered through the trees, it stumbled upon Team Rocket, who were enjoying their lunch.

Before they even realized what was happening, Seviper lunged forward and devoured all of their food in one bite.

"HEY! THAT WAS OUR LUNCH!" Jessie screamed in rage.

Then she took a closer look at Seviper… and her eyes widened in shock.

"You! You're the one who ruined my beautiful hair earlier!" she shrieked, her face turning red with fury.

Seviper tilted its head in confusion.

Jessie's rage exploded. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!"

With incredible speed, she unleashed a flurry of kicks and punches, knocking Seviper to the ground.

James and Meowth's jaws dropped.

"Did… did Jessie just beat a Seviper with her bare hands?" James whispered.

"She's scary when she's mad…" Meowth gulped.

Seviper groggily opened its eyes and looked up at Jessie. Instead of fighting back, it suddenly had a realization—this human was terrifying. Maybe it was safer to stay with her rather than fight against her.

Without hesitation, Seviper slithered up to Jessie and rubbed its head against her leg, showing submission.

Jessie blinked. "Huh? You want to come with me?"

Seviper nodded.

Jessie grinned. "Well, well, well! Looks like I have a new Pokémon!"

She pulled out a Poké Ball and tapped it against Seviper's head. The Poké Ball clicked shut, and just like that, Jessie had caught a new Pokémon.

James clapped his hands. "With Seviper on our side, we'll finally capture Pikachu!"


And with that, Team Rocket set their sights on Ash once again.

Onward to the Next City!

Back with Ash and his friends, they finally reached the outskirts of Littleroot Town.

"Aaaaah! Finally, civilization!" May sighed dramatically.

Max smirked. "You mean food, don't you?"

May ignored him, already thinking about what delicious meal she'd eat first.

Ash, however, was thinking about something else. His team had grown stronger, and their journey was just beginning.

With Littleroot Town ahead, new adventures awaited them.

To be continued!


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