Pokemon: Reborn As Ash; Hoenn

Chapter 28: Hoenn

Ash, "Jiraichi, Max, how was the final celebration?"

Max, "It was good. It went off without a hitch."

May, "That's a relief."

Gou, "Yeah, I was worried Butler messed it up."

Ruby sighed, "That man requires a lot of mental help."

Ash, "Oh! The verdict has been decided?"

Ruby, "He is going to prison and will be receiving mental help. Prison time is twenty years though."

Jiraichi, -Thank you for the help and the extra security.-

Ash, "Do not worry about it. Where's Molly?"

Max smirked, "Jhoto's Jiraichi is keeping her busy. She is definitely your cousin Ash."

Ruby chuckled, "I can see that."

May, "Are you ok Jiraichi?"

Gou, "You look faint."

Jiraichi, -I am exhausted and honestly I am old. I need to enter sleep again.-

Ruby nodded, "Alright."

After that it was an emotional goodbye between Max and Jiraichi who according to the other Jiraichis would be asleep for a millennium again. It was the responsibility of becoming the leader of their clans and Ash could not help but feel fascinated by all of it as it was not in the movie. The last ritual was more quiet compared the ritual earlier and once that was done May hugged her brother and carried him to their shared tent. Ash stopped Molly who wanted to go after them and told her to give the two siblings privacy and talk to them at a later time. Ruby and Gou agreed, they had been moving on fumes and without sleep, the food helped a bit but they needed sleep.

Ash yawned, "Good morning."

Lucario, -Morning Meema, we prepared the breakfast for you.-

Diance puffed up, "Ance di."

Abra chirped, -We made fruit pancakes, Meema. Well, Lucario did and we helped.-

Eevee, "Vui."

Absol, "Sol."

Phanphy, "Phan phan phy."

Ash, "Awww! You are so sweet. Are those the berries we picked? Nice, fresh food is best food."

Gou yawned joining them, "Morning."

Cinderace, "Ace ace."

Alakazam, -Morning partner.-

Gou, "That looks good alright."

Molly, "I slept the whole day and then the whole night too."

Mudkip, "Kip."

Max, "Same."

Breloom was hovering over Max a little worried still, "Loom bre."

Max, "I promise I will be ok Breloom."

Ruby stretched, "Hey guys! I remember there is a beach ahead of us."

May woke up from her sleepy state, "Really? A beach?"

Ash grinned, "Awesome! We deserve a break. Let's eat and clean up. We can have a beach day after the last few days."

Max nodded, "Yeah, I think that is a good idea."

Gou, "Awesome we have a plan."

Ash, "Milotic will you stick around a bit longer?"

Milotic, -Obviously, I have to make sure you all are ok.-

Orion, -I see, so this is a regular occurrence then?-

Milotic, -Running into troublemakers? Yes, I am afraid so.-

Orion, -Oh dear!-

Milotic huffed, -Why do you think I keep training non stop.-

Treeko looked at her with stars in his eyes, "Ko treeko tree."

Lucario, -The other humans especially the ones obssesed with Legendaries are a pain in the neck that keeps appearing over and over again. While the Legendary Pokemon keep appearing like a normal type in front of Meema, which leads to Meema becoming a target.-

Ash laughed, "Are you still angry with Giratina?"

Lucario, -Not exactly Giratina but I guess you could say so.-

Ruby, "I mean, I can't blame Lucario or Milotic considering you dealt with some crazy things."

Ash, "I mean, it was not intentional."

Gou wiped the plate dry, "Not to forget Lord Mew literally dumped the responsibility of raising a Legendary Pokemon baby on you."

May, "I would be out of my wits end if that happened to me."

Max, "Right? You make it look pretty easy though. But here I am trying my hardest and feeling lost just taking care of baby Houndour."

Ash, "Well, I do have Lucario to help me out and I guess being an Aura user helps too."

Lucario deadpanned, -Riley has a Lucario and Aura too. He does not raise a Legendary Pokemon baby.-

Ruby, "Speaking of have any of you answers your phones yet?"

Gou, "Can't my extra battery charge got ruined in the fight back there. Need a new one to recharge."

May, "Same, I bet mom and dad are freaking out right now."

Max, "Understatement May, I hope we don't get grounded for this."

Molly, "Noooooo! I just started travelling."

Ash, "Hey, hey, we can just explain we ran out of batteries. No need to freak out and complicate things to worry our parents."

May had comical tears running down her face, "Yes, except somehow mom always knows if something happened."

Gou muttered, "It is a super power, a super power I tell you."

Ruby chuckled, "Yeah, mom somehow just knows when something happens."

Ash got up after finishing the clean up, "That just shows they worry about us and care."

Gou, "I guess so. Shall we head out?"

Ruby, "Yup."

May, "Beach, beach, beach."

Molly, "Beach day, beach day."

Max, "I hope nothing happens this time."

Milotic, -Let's not jinx ourselves and head there quickly.-

That made Ruby laugh but they started to head towards the beach, in all the Legendary Pokemon run around they were unable to relax. After trekking through the wilderness for a few minutes they reached the beach and changed into swimsuits to swim and wash up. They did not have time to take a bath or swim earlier and cleaned up like it had been years instead of a week of no bath. As they were relaxing after a thorough wash Milotic agreed to help Eevee, Absol, Phanphy, Abra, Taillow and Treeko train together in the water. Despite starting training Ash was still on the edge of placing the three poke babies on active list but he knew he could not coddle them.

Milotic shouted for the Pokemon to dodge, -Who is there? Show yourself now.-

Corpish appeared, "Cor cor."

Milotic huffed, -I already have a mate you arrogant brat. You are nothing compared to him.-

Lucario chuckled darkly, -And Milotic mate for life, you will do well to respect that.-

Corpish sweated at the dark laugh, "Cor cor pish cor."

Ash, "Oh my! What do we have here?"

Milotic, -Partner, this brat thinks he can match my mate. Can you believe it? The fucking audacity!-

Ash, "Ara! Ara! Milotic would be unhappy to find someone was trying to make moves on his mate when he is not around."

Treeko, "Tree tree treeko tree."

Lucario, -Of course, Treeko. He did disturb your training.-

Max, "Ooh!"

May, "Pokemon drama."

Molly, "My phone is not fully charged yet or I would make a recording."

Ruby, "I am just glad there outhouse is working without problems."

Gou, "Yeah, Ash managed to calm his brothers and from having them rush down here."

Ruby, "Silver and Red are very protective of him. I get it in a way. Ash is not a pushover but it is obvious once he decides to help someone he goes out of his way to do it."

May, "True. Not like you can say anything about it. You basically raised Orion over there."

Ruby, "And after that none of the other Legendary has crossed paths with me."

Orion opened one eye and huffed, 'That's because I made my claim very loud and clear. Diance still has ways to go before she can do it.'

Max, "Corpish is attacking Treeko."

Molly, "And Treeko is ready to fight back too."

May, "I mean Corpish did interfere with the training. I would be annoyed too if someone interrupted me when I was learning with mom."

Max nodded, "Yup."

Molly, "Ditto."

Gou, "Hey, for a wild Pokemon that Corpish is strong. That is one strong crab hammer and razor shell."

Ruby, "Hmm... I agree. I wonder if he is a young Alpha. He definitely looks like he just became an adult."

Orion, -That is a possibility but it would take years of training.-

May watched as Treeko knocked Corpish out, "You know I just remembered we were planning on having a beach day after the circus was over."

Milotic, -Pokeball please partner.-

Ash, "I got a heal ball here. It will help with the bruises till we get to the Pokemon center."

Milotic, -It will do. Pokeball go. Huh! I can understand why you enjoy doing this partners.-

Lucario grinned, -It is satisfying but we need to be able to lead the battle to make it satisfactory.-

Milotic hummed as the ball pinged before settling, -I did it.-

Ash grinned, "You certainly did. You are powerful, smart and beautiful."

Milotic flushed, -Thank you.-

Diance had stars in her eyes now as she started to chatter making Ash chuckle and pat her head gently. Milotic beamed as she cooed and talked with Diance while Treeko handed the newly caught Pokemon to Ash for a check. The grass type would not admit it but he had not held back while battling against the meddling water type, though he had to admit for a wild Pokemon Corpish was pretty strong. Treeko narrowed his eyes, it was possible that just like him that shellfish was no doubt training to become a leader of his own clan. He would have to up his training and get stronger, he was not losing to anyone who was not Master Lucario.

Treeko pulled Ash's sleeve, "Treeko tree tree."

Ash, "Hmm.. I see, you want to get stronger."

Treeko nodded, "Treeko."

Ash tilted his head, "Well, why don't you join me during meditation?"

Treeko frowned, "Ko?"

Ash, "Do not misunderstand. I am an Aura user, so that means you are not meditating for just peace alone. You are also meditating to train your Aura. You already know the basics right?"

Treeko nodded remembering the first training, "Treeko ko."

Ash, "Great, that will make training easier and faster for both of us. Pokemon have a stronger connection with Aura compared to humans. I have no doubt you will get strong, you are smart one after all."

Treeko nodded eyes glinting then looked at the pokeball pointing at it and inquiring what Ash would do with the interfering water Pokemon. Ash chuckled and said he would train Corpish too, it would be better than having the water type mess with the wrong group and get in trouble. Plus, Corpish looked like someone who could be a strong rival for Treeko with the right training and guidance instead of letting him run around like a wild child. Corpish looked around as he was called outside and stared at the dark haired human who was smiling at him and behind him was the grass type daring Corpish to try something.

Ash, "Hello Corpish, since you lost you are one of my Pokemon now."

Corpish's jaw dropped, "Cor?"

Ash tilted his head, "Yup, now come join us for some lunch. We have enough for everyone."

Corpish followed after the human, Ash, the other Pokemon called him and received a plate of food. It smelled really good and Corpish dug in getting a chuckle from Ash and the older Pokemon. Honestly Corpish knew he would have lost against the older Pokemon but he still wanted to try and battle just to test himself. He was admittedly very interesting in Milotic training Treeko but now he wondered if it was under orders from the human trainer. Corpish had ignored them in the beginning thinking they were newbies, it was very odd now that he thought about the whole thing. Normally humans trained Pokemon, there was hardly any human who let their Pokemon train other Pokemon that only happened in the wild.

Lucario, -I know what you are thinking. Ash allows us older ones to be in charge. He encourages us to act as Alphas.-

Corpish, "Cor?"

Lucario, -Because while most Pokemon hare the same age limit as humans, there are Pokemon who will live longer than humans.-

Corpish stared, "Cor corpish."

Lucario, -It may be a long time in the future, but it does not help to start training.-

Corpish looked at Ash with new interest, "Corpish cor."

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