Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 10: First Family Dinner 7

As we were talking to each other my uncles families started coming in some of there children were not yet 5 years old. So they were coming together then I saw young man come in with his starter shinx. That is looks quite cute and it is a green level potential.

"Oh a shinx it also looks strong"

"Lareot got a good starter"

Lareot came with a energetic smile on him in the hall and it's shinx also looking like very proud of itself like a lion.

Lareot is first son of Duke's youngest brother and his father got his son a very strong starter.

His father also came in with his wife and Lareots younger brother who looks like 1 year old in same batch as me.

After then came Menson's family with his younger sister who is 3 year old. She waved at Menson and went with her parents to greet others.

Now came my mother with Reiss well main family started coming. Reiss came he is almost 5 but has not gotten the starter yet, My mother also came near me and greeted others

"Oh Meson and Lucan thank you as always for taking care of Rex"

"No problem Aunty" they also greeted back with unison.

Well in close family rather than offical meeting mostly everyone is comfortable with calling Uncle and Aunty.

"Rex don't make any trouble for them"

"Don't worry mother I will stay where I am until the event ends"

"You don't need to go that far" She said with a chukle

"Ok enjoy yourself let's go Reiss we can greet others"


As they went away two boys came in with both were 8 year old and they both have chimchar on there shoulders they were Reco and Ron these twins who are my 7th and 8th brother came with my 3rd mother.

( 3rd mother - 3rd wife of Duke, if it's biological mother then they just call mother else with number and mother)

After them came the 2nd mother with 1 boy and 2 girls. The boy is my 2nd brother who is 18 year old and has infernape on his side, the girls are my 4th and 6th sisters they are of age 15 and 10 respectively and they have Budew and pachirisu on there shoulders. All were green level pokemons except infernape it was dark green level.

Hmm my 2nd brother had chimchar as starter my sisters also had chimchar which can be now evolved. That Budew looks strong it has not even evolved yet but it's green.

And now entered 1st Mother with the 2 boys and a girl. That girl is my 3rd sister and she is 17 year old. She has a Misdreavus besides her and it is green level. The 5th brother who is 13 year old has Skorupi on his shoulder which is green level , his starter pokemon was piplup which I think should have evolved now. He is the most talented brother I have as a pokemon trainer he is not just smart he also knows the big picture and has all qualities to become a ruler and he also trains very hard. If not for the age there was no question about inheritance of the Duke which would have belonged to him. And then came the first brother who is 19 years old and he also has infernape besides him with dark green.

As they entered first brothers infernape looked at the second brothers infernape for a brief time cold battle went on between them.

Well they were both rivals and 1st and 2nd brother were in full race to get the inheritance they are also wary of 5th but as they have more influence in the family and more backing they are leading this race. And they have battled a lot with each other so infernapes also battled from when they were chimchar.

Eventhough 1st brothers infernape is stronger slightly than 2nd brothers it was just due to 1 year age difference but it is not so much now.

"Infernape stop it we will resolve that later" 1st brother said with smile and then it ended.

After the enterance room went silent , everyone was quite and now was waiting for someone to enter.

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