Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 12: First Family Dinner 9

After everyone sat and hall became silent again.

Well that was quite an entrance and now that gibble is the pokemon with most potential I have seen and I doubt I will see above that potential in the near future.

Everyone started whispering in about the gibble and how strong the grandfather was.

Well the strongest in the family matters a lot when we talk about the strength and influence of that family.

Because of the current strongest who is grandfather is not available just the presence of his is enough to make other dukedom fear to make enemies with our family , if old king was not in good friendship with grandfather the current king should have also been wary of him.

"Is that really the gibble, psuedo legendary pokemon!! "

Lucan asked with amazment knowing the answer

Well if you are wondering about how everyone knows about the pokemon just by looking well it is basic learning here and everyone must learn about pokemon and know all of them it is like a subject pokemons , there are also subjects like pokemon moves, pokemon evolution etc well we will check that later.

"Yes that's gibble how amazing!! I also want one"

I said with excitement well just for show.

"Even if Duke himself wants to give you he can't , don't even dream such things"

Meson tried giving me some reality checks which I already know.

"But how did he got a gibble? "

"Well don't he amazes us every time he comes, sometimes with pokemons or in any other way he tries to increase our mental standards for some reason"

Meson said as he sighed.

"But it only gives depression to family as to how he is above the reach of everyone and no one can reach his strength"

Lucan said with saddness as I know he wants to become like grandfather.

"You can definitely become as strong as grandfather Lucan and munchlax will be as powerful as drapion"

I gave him false motivation just to show my naiveness.

"Ya ya don't try to fool me I know you are just pulling my legs"

"Munchlax munchlax!! "

Lucan said with munchlax also trying telling me to stop these lies.

As we and others were having the talk

Duke stood up again and after that hall again became silent and then he started

"Hello everyone, I am glad you have gathered here for this month's family dinner and also same time we will also celebrate father's return so now I announce that the event will begin"

With the announcement event official started.

Well this event is mostly like a party where somewhere music is playing , there is lunch present as a buffe where anyone can eat and there is also some sparring grounds present in the hall where small pokemons spar it is like a festival in a hall.

Other than this after getting chance each family goes and greets Grandfather in person if there is someone who is newly born or got new pokemon starters when Grandfather is not present then it is must to meet the grandfather. This is very good opportunity for young one's to get in the good side of Grandfather and get his backing, getting his backing means getting almost whole families backing and even duke has to follow his decision.

As the event started everyone again went on there way greeting each other, while some children went to play pokemon matches in the arena while some went to eat like Lucan he also dragged both me and Meson with him to eat. Even though evenyone was doing other things there eyes were always on the chance of greeting Grandfather. It was in reverese as the hall entrance, here people with high status greeted grandfather first and so on.So they were like waiting in invisible line knowing what number they have to go.

As I started eating some food starters first Mother with here children went to greet Grandfather.

After first mothers greeting 1st brother went and greeted Grandfather with respect and then also greeted father and after that he introduced his infernape.

"Oh your little Monferno has evolved into infernape good good"

Grandfather praised the first brother while patting the gibble.

First brother also become very proud after hearing this

"Yes Grandfather after evolving it has become very strong"

"Hmm.. good you are doing well"

After hearing this he went back and after him came 3rd sister she has Misdreavus on her side also greeted both father and grandfather at same time with elegance.

"Oh look our little princess has grown into a young lady when I was away, how are you doing"

"I am doing great grandfather"

"Your misdravous looks shy but seems powerful you have caught very good pokemon"

"Thank you grandfather"

Hh.. to me it looks like that misdreavus is afraid of gibble so it's hiding behind it's trainer.

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