Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 19: First Family Dinner 16

As I was talking to the 6th sister , 3rd sister also came with 5th brother.

3rd sister Lian also looked same age as 6th and she looked like a researcher just came out of his office to stroll around.

"So Rex can you lend me the snorunt for a little bit after competition is complete I have not seen a snorunt before and ice types are also very rare in this area"

"Well no problem for me but I am returning the snorunt to grandfather after competition is complete so you can ask him for the snorunt"


Well she is confident enough that grandfather will give her the snorunt as he also likes her smartness, she didn't choose chimchar as stater and she was the first one to get starter from grandfather it was Gasly as she specially asked for it and she also had other pokemons which are mostly ghost type. She likes to research about pokemons and don't know the exact point she rearch on but who cares.

"Hey Rex you have grown a lot from the last time I saw you"

Samon pleasently greeted me like a very good person well and you have seen me just one month ago what do you mean by grown a lot.

"Yes 5th brother Samon I am doing great"

"So excited about the first match"


He talks like a very good big brother.

"You should also be excited Reiss"


"Ok both do well also stay careful pokemons battles are dangerous accidents can happen in between"


After this short conversation we talked some similar things and bid farewell to each other.

As we waited the almost all families have completed there greetings with grandfather and also the butler has almost finished the competition venue outside.

And as the time came for the competition as we all went outside there was a pokemon stadium present in the Duke's place not far from the main mension. It was usually used for training the pokemons for the people who live here.

After we entered the arena all people took the seat. There were some VIP seats available where Duke and Grandfather sat with other main family members, grandchildren sat on the lower side so that they can enter the stadium easily and there was a gible at the center of the stadium.

Well when grandfather said they have to defeat the gible it was only gible there was no one going to instruct gible in these matches.

And then there was main butler present besides Grandfather holding a jar which has the folded papers of participants names written on it and he will pull out any one participant and will be that participants turn. Well simple way to call it randomly.

As all people came in and settled down the competition officially started.

Butler came in front of everyone to give starting pitch.

"As this times competition is going to start I will repeat the rules,whoever defeats the gible first will be the winner of the competition, the sequence with which the participants will enter will be decided randomly , after each match the elixers are available for the gible so that it can recover itself for next match quickly. Are there any questions regarding this? "

Well no one questions grandfather's arrangements and I don't think anyone will have doubts.

After some silence

"Ok as there are no questions this competition will begin"

As he said this people cheered loudly, well even though there are competitions going on in kingdom this competition is very rare and everyone enjoys it.

After announcement butler went to the jar picked it up and hold it near grandfather and then grandfather took a paper and gave it to the butler and butler announced the name


As the name was called everyone started looking at the part of stadium where he was sitting.

Reco looked very surprised and confused what to do, he was just thinking of enjoying the show didn't expected he would get the first chance.

Butler seeing this told him to enter the stadium and start his match.

After quickly calming himself he got up and entered the a stadium and stadium became very silent all were waiting for the start of first match.

As he came to right place Reco called his pokemon

"Go chimchar we will win this competition"

"Chimchar!! "

After butlers

"Begin!! "

Match started.

"Go chimchar ember!! "

As chimchar used ember Gible also started running at chimchar while dodging the ember also started preparation for a tackle.

As Reco saw this

"Chimchar use jump in the air and use fire spin"

As chimchar jumped into air to stay away from the gible at the same time prepared for the next attack . As gible saw this it also went directly towards the chimchar who was using fire spin and coming towards it as they got near Reco felt excited he knew fire spin was more powerful than the tackle and with this he will get intial advantage but as gible got near it's hand started glowing with white light and as Reco saw this he got panicked and wanted to give a instruction to chimchar but it was too late and chimchar firespin collided head on with gibles brick break and as the gible who was showing off his sheer strength hit chimchar so hard that chimchar flew out of official ground and landed behind the Reco.

It happened so fast that he couldn't believe it and as he saw behind him chimchar was already fainted.

Stadium as it was silent before starting the match was silent the whole time and before anyone could even cheer the match was over.

And the gible who looked like he didn't even need elixers to heal himself for next match started warming up again for next match with moving his hands.

"Gib Gible!! "

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