Pokemon : Reincarnated into pokemon world as a Fanfic

Chapter 24: First Family Dinner 21

As Drian entered the stadium he released Infernape for the match.

"Infernape use flame thrower!! "

As infernape used flame thrower it again looked like the same strategy everyone copied from Meson but to everyone's surprise this time Gible didn't go in , instead Gible just dodged the attack and tried finding good opportunity for attack.

After dodging for some time it used dig.

Seeing this Drian smiled

"Infernape you also use dig!! "

Infernape also went in the ground trying to find the Gible. But as soon as infernape went in the ground Gible came back on ground with a mocking smile.

"Gible!! "

And before Drian could command anything stadium strated shaking.

Earthquake? So that Gible just used dig to trick it's opponent to also use dig so that it could use Earthquake and do damage. Not even it is learning from previous mistake but also learning how to use those strategies on the opponent.

And then infernape came up looking hurt. It was obvious result as that Gible is just strong and that infernape got critical hit by earthquake which is also a very strong move.

This is great initial disadvantage like loosing a knight or Bishop in early game of chess. Now the opponent only needs to continue the match without making blunder and he can win the match.

Drian's face was distorted he didn't know what to do now. He first thought if he used the same strategy he can win but that Gible didn't fall for it and now he just got tricked by Gible.

As he was coming up with new strategy Gible started approaching infernape with very fast speed. Due to this Drian gave quick instructions looking to again check if the old strategy will work.

"Infernape use flame thrower!! "

And this time Gible just went through it using dragon rush. But to his surprise it failed miserably as compared to previous strategy this time the distance was very small so even if Gible went through flame thrower Infernape didn't have much time to use another consecutive move and so infernape got hit by the dragon rush.

Before infernape could recover two giant purple claws appeared besides Gible and with those it again attacked infernape. As infernape got hit again it's condition looking very bad Drian scraped all the strategies and went with trump card move.

"Infernape use flare blitz"

He should know the side effects of flare blitz so it is a final attack

Gible seeing the infernape with fire covered on it's all side started approaching it with fast speed again used dragon rush.

As both collided headon with big explosion everyone could guess who will be the winner.

The Gible came out, it looked hurt and it was being hurt by burn.

That Gible is just too unlucky wasn't there only 10 percent chance of getting burn from flare blitz.

And on other side infernape was lying down fainted.

Yes the match was over. And many were disappointed. All were expecting a battle which will go until end to get the winner, but the initial earthquake was the key to open the match and the flame thrower was a wrong choice at that time as Gible was just too close.

Drian with a angry face took back infernape. No one will be happy after being tricked by a land shark.

"You were disappointment today"

Throwing the anger on infernape he returned to his seat.

I can see Grandfather who is also currently looking very disappointed with this match he didn't even comment anything and directly picked the next opponent.

After seeing the name butler announced it.

"Reiss!! "

And here it comes the youngest to participate in a this kind of competition until now.

Well when I will battle I will be the youngest until then you have the title big brother.

"Good luck Reiss!! "

"Good luck"

Me, Meson and Lucan gave him some encouragement as he was looking nervous.

"Thanks guys"

With Reiss steped in the stadium, he released his pokemon, with no surprise it was glaceon.

"Glaceon!! "

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