Pokémon: The Battle Ranch Chronicles

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Festival At Ranch

After a furious battle with Samuel Drakos' Gyarados, David Lindenberg's Ambipom, Marcel was able to score a victory. But the whole place was suddenly surprised by ghost Pokémon emerging from the shadows of their trainers.

"Mom's going to freak out..." Jake murmured to himself, but there was no time for reflection.

Jake turned toward his mother's Decidueye, Maya, who was watching the situation carefully with her sharp eyes. "Maya, can you fly us down to Dad? He'll know what's going on!"

Maya gave a sharp hoot of acknowledgment. She exchanged a glance with Houndstone, who barked and jumped back into Monika's shadow. In an instant, Maya swooped down and gently grabbed both cousins with her talons, lifting them effortlessly into the air.

As they flew down the benches and over the battlefield, Jake could see chaos erupting below. People were hurriedly calling out their Pokémon, unsure of what was happening, their faces a mix of confusion and fear.

"LOOK!" Jake pointed to the spot where Samuel had been standing during the challenge. But now, three figures cloaked in blinding white light appeared, their forms flickering in and out of visibility before vanishing completely.

"Who are they?" Monika frowned, clutching onto Maya's talon as they glided through the air.

The moment they landed beside David, Houndstone emerged once more from Monika's shadow to guard her. David was already prepared, his Meganium Meg and Houndemon Fluffy beside him, both tense and ready for battle. Fluffy's three heads were on high alert, two growling menacingly, while the third let out a friendly bark at the kids, a sign that she was still there to protect them.

"Come here!" David waved them over. There was a grim look on his face, one that Jake rarely saw.

Before they could ask what was happening, David scooped up Jake and gently placed him on Meganium's broad back, settling Monika behind him. Meganium's long, sturdy Vine Whips extended, wrapping protectively around the children.

"Meg, if anything happens, you take both of them and run. Got it?"

Meganium let out a low growl, a ripple of defiance in her voice.

"I WANT TO STAY AND FIGHT!" Jake slightly shivered as the large Pokémon's emotion was transfered to him, too.

"Dad! She's saying she wants to stay and help!" Jake translated, his voice shaking slightly with both fear and pride.

David gave her a soft smile, running his hand along her neck. "I know, girl. But I need you to take care of them. That's your job, okay?"

The moment lingered between them as the bond between trainer and Pokémon strengthened. After a brief pause, Meganium nodded.

"Uncle David, what's going on?" Monika asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

David glanced at her, then out at the battlefield. "Someone's trying to teleport here, but the ghost and psychic Pokémon are protecting this area and blocking them."

He turned to Samuel, who was still standing by his side not sure what was going on. "Samuel, if you've got more Pokémon, call them out now."

The Kalosian trainer nodded, his face confused but stern. With a swift motion, he released two Pokéballs from his belt. In moments, a bulky Poliwrath and a large hungry-looking Feraligatr stood ready beside him, their battle instincts kicking in.

As Jake and Monika scanned the surroundings, they realized the scale of the danger—more and more figures were materializing across the battlefield, shrouded in the same eerie white light as before and vanishing after a few seconds.

"Look, it's Grandpa!" Jake shouted, pointing toward Joe, who was charging toward them with his Oranguru levitating by his side. David frowned and motioned for Fluffy to follow him, rushing toward his father.

"And there's Mom!" Jake pointed in the opposite direction. Eva and Angie, one of the ranch's foreman, had just been teleported onto the field by a Girafarig, the giraffe-like Pokémon with another head on the tip of its tail shimmering under the sun and probably belonging to Monika's father.

The blonde and redhead wasted no time, sprinting toward the kids on Meganium's back. "Jakey!" Eva called out, concern etched across her face. "What's happening?"

"Yeah, why were we teleported here?" Angie added, her voice breathless.

"We don't know!" Monika chimed in, her eyes wide. "Uncle David was fighting Samuel, and suddenly ghost Pokémon started jumping out of our shadows! And now someone's trying to teleport in!"

Eva and Angie exchanged uneasy glances before Samuel approached them with unusual swagger, though his eyes lingered on Eva in her house dress with deep cleavage. He gave a charming smile and bowed deeply, taking Eva's hand and pressing a kiss to her fingertips, then doing the same with Angie.

"Bonjour, mademoiselles," he purred, his accent thick. "And may I know your names, beautiful ladies?"

Eva blushed slightly, while Angie giggled, her hand covering her mouth. But before they could introduce themselves, Monika interjected with a firm tone.

"That's my amazing aunt Eva and our wonderful Angie. But ladies listen, this guy was just defeated by Uncle David! Marcel wiped the floor with his Gyarados!" the young girl said with a smug grin.

Samuel frowned at the reminder of his loss, but before he could respond, the air near them shimmered again. Several figures tried to teleport directly onto the rocky island in the middle of the water battlefield. All the Pokémon growled and tensed.

"EVERYONE!" Joe's voice boomed from the tribune as his Oranguru levitated beside him, amplifying his voice. "STAY CALM AND CALL OUT YOUR POKÉMON. THERE IS AN ATTACK ON THE RANCH. THE ROYAL GUARDS ARE TRYING TO LOCATE AND ELIMINATE THE ASSASSINS. BE READY!"

The weight of Joe's words sent a chill through the crowd. The atmosphere shifted from confusion to urgency as trainers called out their Pokémon for protection.

David, now returning to stand beside Eva, turned to her. "If you see Lunatones, attack immediately. Don't hold back." His voice was low, filled with intensity.

Eva nodded, fear flickering in her eyes, but there was no hesitation. "Got it."

Eva and Angie exchanged a brief glance before instinctively reaching into their pockets. In a flash, Eva's Venomoth, Lenny, and her Dustox, Speedy, fluttered into the air, both buzzing protectively around her, their wings shimmering in the sunlight. Her Cubchoo, Baloo, positioned himself in front of her, his little paws raised as icy energy swirled between them, ready to fight.

Angie wasted no time either. Her Koffing floated into the air, letting out small puffs of gas as it hovered near her. Next to it, tall Toxicroak and massive Alolan Muk appeared, both immediately slipping into combat stances, muscles tensing as they prepared for whatever might come next.

More figures began to arrive, including Rachel, Monika's mother, striding confidently into the gathering with her pink Starmie, Patrick gleaming by her side. Spotting the tension and the fact that everyone had their Pokémon out, Rachel acted quickly, releasing her sleek and mischievious Liepard and huge frightening Toxtricity, both of which sauntered and strutted forward with a playful air, contrasting the serious atmosphere.

Rachel's arrival was like a burst of fresh air, her witty demeanor immediately lightening the mood. She sauntered up to the group, one hand casually on her hip, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she observed Samuel still eyeing Eva with a little too much interest on her cleavage, trying to charm her with his suave demeanor.

"Hey, man," David growled, narrowing his eyes at Samuel. "Stop eye-balling my wife."

Samuel raised his hands defensively, though the smug grin on his face made it clear he wasn't taking the warning too seriously. "Sorry. Can't blame me for appreciating beauty."

Before the situation could escalate, Rachel stepped in, laughing loudly, her voice cutting through the tension. "Hear, hear! Someone's feeling jealous!" She shot a teasing look at David. "How do you even know who was flirting with who, when you were busy catching bad guys on the other side of the planet?"

David's expression soured into an uncomfortable grimace, the kind that said he didn't appreciate being the butt of the joke. Meanwhile, Samuel's grin grew wider, and Eva simply covered her face with her hand, half-embarrassed, half-amused by the whole situation.

Jake, sitting atop Meganium, blinked in confusion. "What do you mean, Auntie? What's flirting?"

Rachel turned to him with a wink, her voice dripping with mischief. "Oh, Jakey, you want to be a Pokémon trainer, so you don't need to worry about flirting for a while. But when you find a girl you really like, come to me, and I'll explain it all to you."

Jake's face scrunched up in distaste. "Gross! Why would I want to like some strange girl? I have you, Mom, and Monika! And both grandmas. I don't need anyone else."

Rachel threw her head back and laughed, her gigantic violet Toxtricity mimicking her playful energy by strumming a few electric chords across its chest, as if providing background music to her amusement. "Oh, sweetie, that's a great answer. You'll keep us all safe from heartbreak!"

Eva, still red-faced, smiled at her son. "That's my boy," she murmured with a playful grin, though a part of her was grateful for Jake's innocence. It was a small reprieve from the ever-growing complexities around them.

Monika, sitting on Meg the Meganium behind Jake, groaned, shaking her head. "Jake, you have no idea what you're saying. Just wait a few years," she muttered under her breath.

Rachel, catching Monika's words, gave her daughter a knowing smirk. "Oh, he'll learn soon enough. But for now, let's focus on what's more important than flirting—like staying alive through this chaos."

She glanced around the group, noting the alert Pokémon and the increasing intensity around them. Despite her lighthearted entrance, Rachel's eyes flicked to the battlefield where flashes of light continued to pulse ominously around the people, her Starmie, Toxtricity and Liepard at the ready, quietly anticipating the next move.

David, still watching Samuel cautiously, took a breath and refocused on the situation. "Let's just hope we don't have to find out how good everyone's flirting skills are in the middle of a fight," he muttered dryly, causing Rachel to chuckle once more. But underneath the banter, a palpable tension remained.

As the final pulses of light faded into the distance, an uneasy silence blanketed the battlefield. Every person and Pokémon stood still, holding their breath, expecting the inevitable attack to finally descend. The air was thick with tension, and eyes darted nervously as if anticipating something to emerge from the shadows.

Then, with a sudden flicker, Baron Dvořák materialized in their midst with a Gallade, his arrival as sharp and cold as his presence. His cold, calculating eyes quickly swept over the gathering, lingering for a moment on the assembled group before they locked onto Joe, who was already striding toward him with purposeful steps.

A quiet murmur ran through the crowd as people noticed the Baron's appearance. His reputation preceded him, and the unease in the air grew thicker. David, sensing something important, motioned to the others. "Let's head over," he said quietly, his voice steady but laced with curiosity and concern.

As they began to walk, Samuel made sure to position himself just behind Eva, his eyes subtly tracking the sway of her hips and butt as she walked. He wore a satisfied smirk, evidently enjoying the view. David, leading the group, didn't notice the behavior, but Angie and Rachel did, the first one giggling and the second one throwing a sidelong glance at Samuel and rolling her eyes with exaggerated exasperation.

"Classy," Rachel muttered under her breath, causing Angie to stifle a laugh.

Before they could reach the conversation between Joe and Dvořák, the baron raised a hand and, with the help of Joe's Oranguru, his voice was amplified across the area.


The tension in the group shifted slightly, some relief creeping in but still tinged with the aftertaste of danger. People began to lower their guards, though no one dared recall their Pokémon just yet. Jake, clutching Meg's vine for support, exhaled a shaky breath, glancing behind himself at Monika, who gave him a reassuring smile.

"Hear that? Everything is fine, now."

As they moved closer to Joe and Dvořák, Baron Dvořák's sharp gaze shifted toward David, his expression hard and grim. His eyes darkened as he faced the group directly, focusing on David and Rachel. "Mr. Lindenberg," he began in a formal tone, each word delivered with the weight of someone who rarely spoke apologies, "I believe I owe you an apology. And to you as well, Mrs. Prochazka."

Rachel, caught off guard, raised an eyebrow. And David's eyes widened. Apology was the last thing that they expected. "What?" Rachel asked, a hint of wariness in her voice.

Dvořák's icy gaze softened ever so slightly. "You see," he continued, "there were three Sleepers attempting to attack your facility. We managed to intercept them before they could strike, but... we lost two royal guards in the process."

David's eyes widened. "Lost?" he repeated, his voice thick with shock. "You mean..."

"Dead," Dvořák confirmed flatly, his voice grim and without embellishment. He paused, allowing the weight of the word to settle over the group like a dark cloud. "I didn't realize the gravity of the situation when we discussed the previous attack. Your family—both you and your brother-in-law—managed to survive attacks that even our trained men did not. Stay sharp. This is far from over."

The coldness in Dvořák's tone seemed to slice through the air, leaving an unsettling chill behind. David, visibly shaken, took a deep breath and look at Dvořák's extended hand. David grasped it firmly, though the handshake felt more like a formality than a gesture of solidarity.

Rachel, usually quick with a witty remark, remained quiet, processing the baron's words. The loss of life, the scale of the attack, and the acknowledgment that their family had been in the crosshairs weighed heavily on her. Even Samuel, who had been inappropriately staring at Eva's legs just moments before, stood more solemn, the reality of the danger sinking in.

Dvořák, having delivered his message, stepped back, and without another word, Gallade whisked him away, leaving the group in stunned silence. The sudden teleportation left a vacuum where the baron had stood, the air still thick with the tension of what they had just learned.

David, still gripping Jake's shoulder protectively, turned to his family. "We need to be more careful," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "This isn't just random attacks anymore. We're being targeted."

Eva reached out and squeezed his hand, her face pale but determined. "We'll be ready," she replied softly, her eyes meeting his with fierce resolve.

Rachel, finally shaking off her own moment of silence, crossed her arms and quipped, "Well, if anyone tries that again, they better be ready for more than just our Pokémon. We don't go down without a fight."

Jake, still holding onto Meganium's vine, looked between his parents and Rachel. "Mom... Dad... will we be okay?"

David looked at him, resting a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "We'll be okay, Jake. We just need to stay alert, and trust our Pokémon. We've got each other's backs."

Jake nodded, still visibly shaken but trusting his father's words. Meganium let out a soft rumble, tightening its vines gently around Jake and Monika, as if to reassure them both.

As the family stood together, the weight of the battle that never fully came lingered over them. But for now, they had a moment of calm. They could regroup, prepare, and be ready for whatever might come next.

The realization sank in that there would be no battle and that the assassins had been eliminated. So the tension across the ranch began to evaporate like mist under the sun. The once-alert Pokémon responded immediately, their battle instincts retreating as they sensed the danger passing.

David's Houndemon, Fluffy, was the first to release her pent-up energy, all three of her heads raising to the sky in a victorious howl that echoed across the grounds. Samuel's Feraligatr, never one to miss an opportunity to make noise, let out a deep-throated roar in response. Rachel's Toxtricity crackled with electricity as it strummed its chest like a guitar releasing a powerful Overdrive into the air, and Angie's Toxicroak puffed up and croaked a menacing laugh. Even the ever-calm Maya, Eva's Decidueye, joined in and released a relieved hoot. Before long, a chorus of triumphant cries erupted from the gathered Pokémon, each eager to release their tension in a show of strength.

"Victory might be pushing it," David muttered with a chuckle, scratching the back of Fluffy's neck as he felt the relief wash over him. He glanced at his Meganium, who had been faithfully holding Jake and Monika on her back. "Meg, I think you can put them down now."

Meganium let out a happy trill, carefully lowering the kids with her Vine Whip and placing them gently on the ground. As soon as their feet touched solid earth, Jake and Monika darted toward their mothers, eager for comfort after the adrenaline-filled ordeal.

Eva, already kneeling, scooped Jake into her arms and hugged him tight. "Sorry, honey, I didn't tell you about Maya. I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

Jake beamed up at her, the tension in his small body easing as he looked over at Maya, who stood proudly by their side. "That's okay, Mom. Maya was awesome as always!"

Maya hooted proudly, puffing out her chest and standing tall, clearly basking in the praise from her trainer's son.

Rachel, with her characteristic swagger, bent down and tousled Monika's hair. "Same goes for you, little lady. Your dad and I thought it'd be best if Goofy went along with you, but, uh... forgot to mention it."

Monika grinned, her eyes lighting up with mischief. "Goofy can come with me anytime, Mom. If he could come out in school, that'd be awesome. He could scare off the older kids, and I'd be the coolest one there!"

Rachel chuckled, shaking her head. "Coolest, huh? That's my job, missy! We were thinking about your safety, not your social status. So don't go getting any ideas about making Goofy your personal bodyguard."

Monika crossed her arms, pretending to pout. "Well, he'd do a great job. Those kids would be terrified!"

Rachel shot her daughter a mock stern look. "Yeah, and you'd end up in detention! Let's leave the scaring to Halloween, okay?"

As the playful exchanges continued, Samuel recalled his Pokémon back into their Pokéballs and sidled up next to Angie with a smug grin. "So, does it always get this exciting around here, or did I just show up on a good day?"

Angie smirked, crossing her arms as she shot him a sideways glance. "Oh, mister, this is just a Tuesday for our ranch. Stick around long enough, and you'll see more action than you bargained for."

Samuel leaned in, his grin widening as he shot another not-so-subtle glance at Eva's cleavage. "Well, I just might stick around then. There are things here, that I'd like to see."

The readheaded Angie rolled her eyes, clearly catching where his attention lay. "Eyes up here, champ. You're gonna hurt your neck if you keep staring like that."

The Kalosian trainer chuckled, but his eyes wandered back toward Eva. He stared a little too long at her swaying figure, a bit too entranced to notice Rachel's sharp gaze.

Rachel, always quick to catch on, wasn't about to let it slide. "Hey, Kalosian boy," she called out, snapping him back to reality, "if you're gonna keep ogling my girl like that, you better start paying rent. This kind of entertainment doesn't come for free."

Samuel coughed, turning red as he shifted awkwardly. "Just, uh, making sure she's alright."

Eva raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Right. Because I definitely needed your expert visual analysis."

Angie, watching the scene unfold, snorted. "Sam, maybe keep the staring for the upcoming festival. I can promise that the fireworks will be impressive. And they won't punch you in the face."

Meanwhile, Joe, ever the pragmatic ranch head, noticed the crowd lingering, unsure of what to do. He nodded to his Oranguru, who amplified his voice again, sending it booming over the ranch. "EVERYONE, YOU HEARD THE BARON. THE ATTACK IS OVER. PLEASE HEAD HOME AND STAY ALERT. MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE AND READY."

Slowly, the various trainers began to disperse, some teleporting away, others heading back toward their homes with their Pokémon in tow. Joe joined his family, his sharp eyes still scanning the area for any lingering threats.

"Dave, what do you think?" Joe asked, his voice low as he approached his son.

David's face was still pale, the weight of the day's events hanging over him. "I can't believe it. Two guards... dead."

Joe's expression softened slightly, a sign of empathy. "Frank managed to hold one of the Sleepers off on his own. The royal guards were facing three of them, and yet... two of them didn't make it. How strong were these guards?"

David frowned. "Or how clumsy?" Joe added, a bite of sarcasm slipping through.

David shook his head. "Come on, Dad. These aren't rookies. I saw their Pokémon—Haxorus, Noivern, Druddigon, even a Drampa. They weren't weak by any stretch."

Joe grunted. "You're right... but still. Two dead guards on our ranch? That's not something you hear every day." He sighed deeply, the gravity of the situation hitting him.

Before David could respond, Jake came running up, excitement lighting up his face. "Grandpa! Did you see the Dragapult?"

Joe's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Dragapult? Where?"

Jake bounced on his feet, eager to tell the story. "Charlie—I mean, Prince Charles—had a Dragapult! It was hiding in his shadow, just like Maya was with me! And it was huge, Grandpa. So cool!"

Joe raised an eyebrow, growling enviously. "A royal guard Dragapult, huh? You're one lucky kid, Jake. Not many people get to see a Pokémon like that. Those dragons are something else. It must've been one powerful guardian."

Jake beamed with pride, feeling special in a way that made the day's fear seem like a distant memory. "It was awesome, Grandpa. Maybe one day I'll have a Dragapult of my own!"

Joe chuckled, ruffling his grandson's hair. "Keep dreaming, kiddo. But who knows? You just might have some dragon of your own."

As the tension from the would-be attack faded and the crowd began to disperse, the Lindenberg family stayed close, watching the last few people leave the field. The excitement of the battle that never happened was already starting to give way to the everyday rhythms of life on the ranch. David was wiping sweat off his forehead when his eyes caught sight of his mother, Anna, furiously texting on her phone near the edge of the clearing with a Chatot perched on her shoulder.

David walked over to her, curiosity piqued. "Mom, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

Anna didn't look up from her phone but sighed deeply. "You can fight all you want, but I still have a festival to organize, David! And no, it's not easy. I've been scrambling to find a decent musician, and it's not going well."

David raised an eyebrow. He was not able to switch from battle mode to practical mode as quick as his mother. "A musician? For the festival?"

"Yes, a musician," Anna repeated, fingers flying across her phone. "Do you think it's easy finding someone last minute who won't ask for a small fortune?"

As she continued texting, David couldn't help but chuckle. His mother was unstoppable when it came to organizing events, but even she had her limits. "Anything I can do to help?"

"You can talk to your father," Anna said. "But no, actually, I think I've managed to book Kling-in-Park. You know, that world famous rock band that has recently re-appeared with a new singer? It took a bit of convincing, but I got them."

David's eyes widened. "Wait, Kling-in-Park? Mom, that's huge!"

"Yes, yes, I know," she said with a wave of her hand. "But it's not just the music, David. There are food stalls, games for the kids, and even microbreweries. Apparently, several of those contacted me as soon as they heard about the royal visit. They want to present their best products here. It's turning into a full-scale show."

Monika, overhearing the conversation, joined them. "Food stalls? What kind of food?"

Anna, finally looking up from her phone, gave the young girl a proud smile. "We've got all sorts. Regional specialties, sweets, and plenty of options for kids. I've arranged for a few families from neighboring farms to set up stalls too. We'll have fried Magikarp, spicy Torchic skewers, and even desserts made from Berries grown right here."

Jake, who had been listening quietly, piped up. "And what about games? Are there any Pokémon battles?"

Anna smiled warmly at her grandson. "Oh, there will be games, Jakey. We'll have a lot of activities for kids and adults—mini tournaments, catching challenges, even obstacle courses for both trainers and Pokémon. I want this to be a weekend everyone will remember, especially with the royal visit."

Rachel joined the conversation, overhearing the excitement about the festival. "And let me guess, you're planning on judging the microbrewery contest yourself, aren't you?"

Anna chuckled, finally relaxing a little. "Oh, don't tempt me, Rachel. But no, I'll stick to running the show. Someone has to keep things organized!"

As the festival preparations unfolded, the Lindenberg Ranch bustled with energy. Anna was in full organizer mode, ensuring that everything was perfect for the weekend fest. She had personally arranged the arrival of food providers and local microbreweries, making sure that each vendor had a spot on the vast meadow that stretched across the ranch's outer fields.

One by one, trucks rolled in carrying regional specialties—fried Magikarp, spicy Torchic skewers, grilled Lechonk tenderloins and chops, burgers with Tauros meat, baked goods made from fresh Leppa and Oran berries, and an array of sweets that would appeal to kids and adults alike. Several bohemian microbreweries, excited to showcase their best craft Lagers, Ales, IPAs and Stouts, set up their stalls, tapping barrels and getting ready for the crowds. Anna made sure that every food stall was in the right place, walking up and down the meadow, her phone glued to her hand.

"Make sure you set up the grills away from the ice cream truck," Anna called out to one of the vendors. "We don't need melting ice cream before the festival even starts!"

The vendors laughed, knowing Anna's sharp organizational skills kept everything running smoothly. Even the weather was under control. The forecast had predicted rain for the weekend, but the trainers from the ranch who had Pokémon with Sunny Day all teamed up. Typhlosions, Ninetales, and a few trusty Torterras gathered to disperse the rain clouds with synchronized beams of sunlight. Even Charmander managed to help. By the time the first entertainment trucks arrived with carnival games and rides for the kids, the sky was clear and the sun shone brightly.

One of the trucks carried massive bouncy castles and carnival games for children—water balloon tosses, a ring toss with Pokémon plushies as prizes, and obstacle courses designed for kids and their Pokémon. Adults had their own share of entertainment, including a stage for live music, beer gardens, and even a small battling ring for casual trainer bouts. The whole area was alive with activity as vendors set up, each preparing for the festival's grand opening.

Then came the musicians. Kling-in-Park's management team arrived with promises to bring the band in by early evening on the day of the festival. Anna couldn't help but smile—this was a huge win for the festival. The band had a massive following, and their arrival would surely draw even more people to the event.

The weekend arrived, and with it, a sense of nervous anticipation. The Lindenberg family and the ranch's trainers were anxious—after all, this was not just any festival. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people were expected, and the royal family's sponsorship meant the event had high stakes. There was always a lingering fear of another attack, especially with such a high-profile guest list. David, Joe, and the other trainers worked hard to keep security tight. And everything was coordinated with the royal guards. Each trainer assigned to security duties had at least three Pokémon out to assist in keeping the grounds safe. Royal guards, discreet but vigilant, were also strategically placed throughout the ranch.

By the morning of the festival, the gates of the ranch were packed with hundreds of eager locals, all excited to see what the event had to offer. The line stretched far down the road towards Iglaustadt, with families, trainers, and vendors alike waiting to get in. By 10 a.m., the festival grounds were teeming with life. Food stalls were buzzing, the smell of grilled Lechonk and fresh berry pies filling the air. Kids were already bouncing around in the inflatables, while adults browsed the beer gardens.

At noon, the excitement peaked as Anna took to the large stage set up near the main ranch house. She greeted the crowd with a broad smile, her voice booming through the speakers. "Welcome, everyone, to the Battle Ranch Festival! We are thrilled to have you all here to celebrate with us. And now, please join me in welcoming our main guest— His Highness, our beloved prince Charles!"

As Anna stepped back, the crowd erupted into applause. Several television stations were there to capture the moment, their cameras focused on the royal prince. Prince Charles stepped onto the stage, looking every bit the part of a charismatic leader despite his young age. With his hand raised, he smiled at the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming!" he began, his voice strong and confident. "I've spent the last few days here at the Battle Ranch, and I must say, I am incredibly impressed. Not only is this place a source of powerful and promising Pokémon for young trainers, but it is also a very important part of our kingdom's security, thanks to the skilled trainers who work here. I am honored to be part of this celebration, and I look forward to seeing what the ranch and Lindenberg family have to offer."

The crowd cheered, cameras flashed, and Charles waved before stepping down, his brief but meaningful speech marking the beginning of the festival's peak hours.

Jake, accompanied by his ever-loyal Charmander, was practically bouncing with excitement. His parents were busy with festival security, so his Uncle Frank was happy to take him around to explore. "Let's go see what games they have for kids!" Jake said, tugging at Frank's sleeve.

Frank grinned. "Lead the way, young man. But let's find some games, which can be played by adults as well, okay?"

As they wandered through the festival, Jake spotted a section where kids could participate in catching challenges and battle simulations. He dragged Frank over, eager to test his skills. They spent the next hour bouncing between the games, even Charmander was enjoying every second.

Meanwhile, the royal guards were preparing for their special presentation—a mock battle between two of their dragon-type Pokémon, Noivern and Flygon. A crowd gathered as the two dragons took to the sky, their trainers directing their flight in intricate patterns. The crowd watched in awe as the dragons swooped and dodged each other, though Jake noticed something strange.

"They're not using any moves," he pointed out to Frank, watching the mock battle unfold.

Frank nodded. "Yeah, the royal guards are careful not to reveal too much. But still, we're lucky to see dragon-types in action."

After the performance, several royal guards allowed the public to take photos with their dragon Pokémon. Jake, eyes wide with excitement, managed to snag a spot in line. When his turn came, he stood in front of a Hydrapple, grinning ear to ear. The creature resemble a large red apple with green snake sticking a head out of it.

"This is strange Pokémon," Jake remarked. 

"Well, but that doesn't mean it's weak." his uncle replied.

Then the apple shook and more green serpent heads appeared.



Both the boy and the little Charmander were in awe by the behavior of the weird dragon type.

"How many are there inside?" Frank turned to a trainer who was standing next to the Pokémon.

"Actually, this is only one creature. But it consists of seven syrpents." the guard explained.

"Seven of them in one apple?" Jake exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, the thing is, the syrpents usually don't have the same goal, or same mood. So the Pokémon is hard to control. But when they have one single target, Hydrapple becomes really powerful!" the guard proudly explained.

"Are they rare?" Frank asked with curiosity in his voice.

"You know how it is. All dragons are rare here in Bohemia," the guards shrugged, "but this one is from Paldea. And I heard that some people are breeding the Applin line strictly because of food. They found them and their syrup delicious."

"People eat them?" Jake exclaimed in panic and looked again at the red and green creature.

"But they are so awesome!!"

Both Frank and Jake had more questions about the Hydrapple, but there were other people behind them in the queue, so they were forced to leave.

"Let's go over there!" Jake was pouting only for a few seconds before he started pulling Frank towards other queue. 

It was the Hydreigon that truly fascinated him.

As Jake stepped forward, his heart raced with excitement. He had seen many Pokémon before, but none quite like Hydreigon. Its towering, three-headed form with large bat-like wings was both awe-inspiring and intimidating. Jake, without a second thought, reached out and touched the scales of its middle head. The moment his hand connected, something strange happened.

Jake's mind suddenly flooded with thoughts—not his own, but ancient and powerful. He could feel the presence of the massive dragon, its consciousness immense and vast, like a deep, endless well of strength. Hydreigon's thoughts were unlike anything he had ever experienced before. They were slow, deliberate, and filled with an ancient obedience, shaped by countless years of serving its trainer and the royal family.

"I am bound. I serve. I destroy if commanded. I—who is this?" Hydreigon's mind swirled in confusion as it became aware that someone—some small being—was listening to its thoughts. For a brief moment, the dragon hesitated, uncertainty gripping its ancient heart. Its powerful wings began to beat faster, creating gusts of wind that startled the people nearby. The dragon's many heads began to twitch, as though searching for the intruder in its mind.

Jake, meanwhile, was enthralled. He could hear the thoughts of this majestic beast and felt an overwhelming connection. Without thinking, he spoke back—not aloud, but with his thoughts. "Hi! I'm Jake! You're so big and strong! I didn't mean to scare you—I just wanted to say hello!"

Hydreigon's panic spiked as it sensed the young boy's thoughts reaching out to it. Its wings beat harder, creating a swirling whirlwind around them. The people nearby began to back away, fearing the dragon might go berserk. Frank, seeing the situation escalating, shouted over the noise, "STAY BACK! EVERYONE, GET BACK!" He knew what was happening—Jake was communicating with the colossal creature, but Hydreigon's reaction was unpredictable.

The trainer of Hydreigon rushed to the scene, desperately calling out commands to try and calm the massive dragon. "Hydreigon, easy! Stand down!" he yelled, but his words seemed to have little effect. The dragon's thoughts raced, trying to make sense of the small boy who had intruded upon its mind.

Jake, though, didn't waver. He reached out again, both physically and mentally. His hand touched Hydreigon's scales, and his thoughts, while simple and filled with the excitement of a six-year-old, carried a surprising strength and clarity. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just think you're amazing! I can hear your thoughts, but I didn't mean to make you scared. You don't have to be afraid. I'm your friend!"

Hydreigon's many eyes flickered in confusion. It had never encountered a human—especially one so small—who could speak directly into its mind. The creature's panic began to subside, its wings slowing their frantic beat. The winds around them died down, and the dragon's heads lowered, still staring at Jake with curiosity and something close to awe.

"Friend?" Hydreigon thought, slowly processing the word. "You… are not like the others." The massive dragon's mind finally calmed, its chaotic thoughts replaced by curiosity and understanding. It recognized that this small human, somehow, had connected with it in a way no one else had before.

As Hydreigon's massive form relaxed, the tension in the air dissipated. The crowd, which had backed away in fear, began to ease as well. Hydreigon's trainer stood there, stunned. He had never seen his Pokémon react this way to anyone, let alone a child. "How… how did you do that?" he asked, his voice filled with astonishment.

Jake grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I dunno! I just… talked to him! He's really nice!"

In a surprising move, Hydreigon, now completely calm, leaned down and gave Jake a playful lick on the face. The boy burst into giggles, wiping away the dragon slobber with a laugh. "That tickles!" Jake exclaimed, his face lighting up with joy.

The royal guard was utterly speechless. "Hydreigon… never does that. He's never been so... so intimate with anyone."

Frank, who had watched the whole thing unfold, let out a sigh of relief and stepped forward, clapping a hand on Jake's shoulder. "You've got a real gift, kid," he said with a proud smile. "Not many people could calm down a Hydreigon, let alone talk to one."

Hydreigon, still towering over Jake, regarded him with what could only be described as a newfound respect. The ancient dragon had met many powerful trainers in its lifetime, but none had reached its mind the way this young boy had. Hydreigon's wings fluttered softly, and with a final, approving snort, it turned to its trainer, as if to say, This one is different.

As Jake patted Hydreigon one last time, the crowd, now more curious than fearful, began to approach again. Frank ruffled Jake's hair, chuckling. "You sure know how to make an impression, kid."

Jake beamed up at his uncle, proud of what he had done. "I think Hydreigon just needed someone to talk to," he said with a smile, and for a moment, the young boy and the ancient dragon shared a quiet understanding.

Frank stood by, holding little shiny Charmander in one arm and carefully feeding it small pieces of charred meat with the other. The tiny fire lizard eagerly nibbled at the snack, its tail flame flickering happily as it devoured the tasty treat. Frank couldn't help but chuckle at Charmander's enthusiasm, but his real focus was on Jake.

Jake, his excitement boundless, was darting from one dragon Pokémon to the next. He raced around with pure joy, unable to contain his wonder as he marveled at the Drampa, Garchomp, and Archaludon. His eyes lit up as each massive dragon seemed to respond to him, lowering their heads curiously or letting out soft, approving growls.

The royal guards had quickly picked up on something unusual. Every dragon Pokémon that came into contact with the young Lindenberg boy seemed to react in a peculiar way—first with mild confusion, then with a noticeable change in demeanor, almost as if they had met an old friend. They were more playful, less tense, and even the usually aloof Noivern had allowed Jake to pet its leathery wings. The guards exchanged wary glances, but none could deny that their Pokémon were in remarkably good spirits.

"Keep an eye on them," one of the royal guards muttered to his companion. "That kid's got some kind of magic with these dragons, but we can't afford any accidents."

Frank glanced over and gave a reassuring nod to the guards, noticing their watchful eyes. He understood their concern but couldn't help but feel a sense of pride watching his nephew bond with such powerful creatures. Jake really does have a gift, he thought to himself, though he kept a close watch as well, just in case.

Jake, meanwhile, was completely oblivious to the adults' concerns. He bounced around, his face flushed with excitement. "Uncle! Charmander! Look at the Dragonite! It's so big and it smiled at me!" he shouted, waving at his uncle.

Frank smiled, giving a thumbs-up, but his attention was soon drawn to the loud crackle of Anna's voice booming through the amplions scattered around the ranch.

"We have a big surprise for you," Anna's voice declared with a hint of excitement. "Last year's top coordinator has agreed to show up and perform some of the signature tricks. I urge everyone to head toward the grass battlefield. The show will begin in half an hour. If you need directions, ask any trainer in the yellow uniform, and they'll guide you."

A wave of excitement rippled through the crowd. The mention of a top coordinator sent the air buzzing with anticipation, especially among the younger visitors. A group of girls nearby started squealing in astonishment, bouncing on their feet with glee. Top coordinators were like celebrities in the Pokémon world, renowned for their ability to put on dazzling performances that combined battles with choreographed moves, turning Pokémon contests into unforgettable spectacles.

"Oh my gosh, it's gotta be Emilia! She won everything last year!" one of the girls shrieked, clutching her friend's arm.

"Do you think her Primarina will be there? I have to see that Aqua Jet move she did in the finals!" another girl added, her eyes wide with excitement.

Jake, always curious, tugged at Frank's sleeve. "Do you think that the coordinator will battle against some of these dragons?" he asked, his face scrunching up in confusion.

Frank let out a hearty laugh, kneeling down to Jake's level as he handed Charmander the last bit of meat. "I don't think so, kiddo. Coordinators battle differently. They use moves to make their Pokémon look...well, beautiful. They create these fancy shows with sparkles, light, and all kinds of cool tricks. It's like a performance, and the crowd loves it."

Jake nodded and grinend. "I knew that. But Charmander has never seen it. Can we go there? I want to see the tricks!"

Frank smiled and ruffled Jake's hair. "If you insist so much... Let's head over and find a good spot."

As the crowd began to shift toward the grass battlefield, Frank and Jake followed, with Charmander now perched comfortably on Jake's shoulder. Along the way, they passed a few more food stalls that had been set up earlier in the day, the scent of roasted meats, sweet pastries, and freshly fried treats wafting through the air. Several local breweries had also set up shop, their unique craft beers drawing in crowds of adults eager to sample the best the kingdom had to offer.

"Your grandma really outdid herself with this festival," Frank commented, nodding toward one of the drink stands. "She's even got the brewers from Goldenrod City here. Those guys are impossible to book."

Jake wasn't listening, already sprinting ahead toward the battlefield with giddy anticipation. Frank laughed as he hurried to catch up. The festival had only just begun, and the excitement in the air promised that the day would be filled with unforgettable moments.

Emilia Martinek, the coordinator slated to perform at the festival, was a well-known name in the Bohemian Kingdom. Hailing from Reichenberg, a bustling town known for its many clothing and nanotechnology industries, Emilia had always stood out in her vibrant, artistic hometown. Reichenberg's blending of fashion and high-tech industry had a significant influence on Emilia's style and creativity. But her passion wasn't for machines or clothing—it was for Pokémon and the art of contests.

From a young age, Emilia had been captivated by the idea of expressing herself through Pokémon battles, but not in the traditional sense of power or brute force. She adored the elegance and precision that coordinators brought to their performances. Growing up, she would spend hours watching Contest Spectaculars on TV, mesmerized by how Pokémon could be trained to turn moves like Ice Beam or Flamethrower into works of art. It wasn't long before she wanted to try her hand at it.

Her love for contests blossomed when she was nine years old, after receiving her first Pokémon, a Fennekin she named Fleur. Fennekin's fiery grace perfectly suited the glamorous performances Emilia envisioned. With Reichenberg's focus on fashion, it was easy for Emilia to incorporate her town's unique flair into her routines, adding an extra level of sophistication to her performances. She combined beauty, precision, and spectacle with her innate creativity, soon making a name for herself on the local contest circuit.

As Emilia's talent grew, so did her ambition. She took part in her first regional contest at the age of fourteen and won third place. It was around this time that she spent a transformative summer at the Lindenberg Ranch. The vast, open fields and the family's nurturing approach to Pokémon training left a lasting impression on Emilia. She became close with Anna Lindenberg, who gave her contacts to some of the best coordinators who taught her how to blend power and beauty into her contest moves. That summer gave her not only memories but also a deeper understanding of how to connect with her Pokémon. She spent her days practicing routines with Fleur the Fennekin, incorporating ideas she learned from the trainers on the ranch, and refining her techniques. By the end of that summer, she had the poise and finesse of a seasoned coordinator, and she never forgot the lessons learned from her time at the ranch.

Emilia's big breakthrough came just last year when she entered the Bohemian Kingdom's Grand Festival, the most prestigious contest in the region. The final round was nothing short of dazzling. Emilia's Delphox, Fleur's final evolution, faced off against some of the best coordinators in the kingdom. Her routine was a perfect fusion of her signature elegance and raw power. Fleur used Psychic to manipulate embers from her Mystical Fire into a shimmering cascade of stars, creating a breathtaking visual display that captivated both the judges and the audience. The highlight of the routine was a move Emilia had been perfecting for years—combining Fire Blast with Dazzling Gleam to create a fiery spectacle that erupted into brilliant, rainbow-colored light across the stage. The judges had never seen anything like it. Emilia's creativity, paired with Fleur's precision, earned her a flawless score, and she was crowned the top coordinator in the Bohemian Kingdom.

When Anna Lindenberg reached out to Emilia to perform at the Battle Ranch festival, Emilia's excitement was palpable. The memories of her summer at the ranch came flooding back, and she was eager to return. Not only was it an opportunity to showcase her talents in front of a wide audience, but it was also a chance to give back to a place that had nurtured her when she was young.

As she arrived at the festival, stepping out of her transport with her signature purple scarf fluttering in the breeze, Emilia radiated confidence. Her dark auburn hair was styled in loose waves, and her outfit—a sleek, flowing gown embroidered with sparkling fire patterns—was a nod to her fire-type Pokémon and Reichenberg's fashion roots. Fleur walked gracefully beside her, exuding a calm but intense presence. Despite the glamour and prestige that now surrounded her, Emilia still carried herself with the same warmth and enthusiasm she had when she first visited the ranch.

Her return to the Lindenberg Ranch wasn't just a performance—it was kind of a homecoming. She was here to give a spectacular show, yes, but also to reconnect with the place that helped shape her journey.

Jake and Frank settled down on the tribunes around the grass field, finding a good spot with a clear view of the battlefield. Around them, the air was buzzing with excitement. Families, trainers, and kids all crowded in, eager to see the famous top coordinator. A ranch trainer stood at the edge of the battlefield, waiting for the last of the audience to settle before speaking. With the help of his Espeon, whose eyes glowed as it used Psychic, the trainer's voice was amplified across the field.

"I am pleased to welcome the wonderful Emilia Martinek, who will be performing in a few moments. Now, everyone, let's make some noise for Emilia!"

The crowd erupted in cheers. People clapped, whistled, and shouted her name. A group of younger girls near the front screamed in excitement as they eagerly anticipated the arrival of their idol.

Suddenly, Emilia stepped onto the battlefield. She was as dazzling in person as she was on TV. Dressed in a sleek, sparkling gown that shimmered with fiery reds and deep ocean blues, the design of her outfit perfectly mirrored the Pokémon she was about to perform with. Her auburn hair cascaded down her back, and she wore a confident smile as she waved to the crowd, her eyes glinting with excitement.

Beside her, her two Pokémon strode forward with grace and power. Delphox, her longtime partner, was a commanding presence, its lithe, fox-like body standing tall as it held its fiery branch in one paw. Its red-and-gold fur flickered in the sunlight, and it gave the crowd a calm yet focused stare, flames flickering in its eyes. On the other side was Primarina, Emilia's elegant water-type. The sea lion Pokémon glided smoothly next to her, its pristine white and blue scales shimmering as though they were made of liquid. Its long tail swished with every step, and the pearls that adorned its head and neck sparkled in the light.

The crowd's noise reached a fever pitch, with even Jake and Frank joining in the applause. Jake was wide-eyed, completely in awe of the Pokémon. Even Charmander was transfixed, staring at Delphox with a mix of admiration and excitement, its own small flame tail flickering more brightly than usual.

Emilia took her place in the center of the battlefield, her smile widening as the crowd's energy fueled her. With a flourish, she raised her arms, and her Pokémon moved into position. The show was about to begin.

"Delphox, Primarina, let's show them what we've got!" she called out.

Delphox lifted its fiery branch, and with a flick, sent a wave of flames spiraling into the air with Mystical Fire. The flames twisted and twirled in a perfect spiral, their color shifting from deep red to bright orange. At the same time, Primarina sang out with a melodious cry, using Sparkling Aria. A giant orb of water formed above the battlefield, shimmering as if it contained stars within it.

For a moment, fire and water hung suspended in the air, the two elements seemingly in opposition. Then, with a nod from Emilia, the two Pokémon launched their next moves. Delphox unleashed a dazzling Fire Blast, sending a star-shaped burst of flames towards the water orb. Just as the fire was about to collide with the water, Primarina used Ice Beam, freezing the outer layer of the orb.

The crowd gasped in awe as the flames hit the frozen orb, creating an explosion of steam and light. The battlefield was filled with sparkling mist, and through the haze, glowing embers danced around like falling stars. Primarina then gracefully spun in the mist, using Moonblast, sending radiant light through the fog, creating a dazzling array of colors that illuminated the entire field.

Jake could barely contain his excitement. "Wow, look at that, Uncle! It's like a firework show but with Pokémon!"

Frank chuckled, clapping along with the crowd. "She's good, kid. Real good. That's the kind of performance you don't forget."

Charmander hopped up and down in Jake's lap, clearly inspired by the sight of Delphox's fiery prowess.

As the performance continued, Delphox and Primarina worked in perfect harmony. Delphox used Will-O-Wisp, sending ghostly blue flames dancing across the battlefield, while Primarina created rings of water with Aqua Ring that the flames passed through. Each time the fire met the water, it burst into glittering sparks, sending the crowd into another round of cheers.

Emilia's finale came as Delphox created a massive wall of fire with Flamethrower, only for Primarina to gracefully leap through it, unharmed, using Aqua Jet. The contrast of the blazing fire and rushing water created a stunning visual, and as Primarina landed, it sent a shower of sparkling water droplets into the air. The battlefield glistened with light as the performance drew to a close.

With one final bow from Emilia and her Pokémon, the crowd erupted into applause, cheering and whistling louder than ever. Jake was on his feet, clapping as hard as he could, his face lit up with awe and admiration.

"That was amazing!" Jake shouted, still mesmerized by what he had just witnessed.

Frank grinned, ruffling Jake's hair. "That, my boy, is what a real top coordinator can do. Looks like you're not the only ones with talent around here, huh?"

As Emilia waved to the crowd and her Pokémon bowed beside her, the excitement in the air was palpable. The performance had been everything the audience hoped for and more, leaving everyone with wide eyes and smiles as they prepared for the next part of the festival.

After Emilia's performance ended, the crowd buzzed with excitement, still riding the high of the spectacular show. Jake was practically bouncing on his feet, his eyes wide with delight.

"Are you hungry, little Lindenberg?" Frank grinned at his nephew, his voice teasing yet affectionate.

Before Jake could answer, Charmander, who had been perched on Jake's shoulder, immediately jumped up and down, nodding furiously.

Frank laughed, his booming voice drawing a few curious glances from people passing by. "Looks like Charmander's a Lindenberg, too!" Jake joined in the laughter, his cheeks turning pink as he hugged the small fire lizard close.

"But let's get going since someone is hungry," Frank winked. "Tauros or Lechonk meat? What do you think?"

Jake carried Charmander in his arms as they walked. The Pokémon seemed deep in thought, eyes squinting as if weighing the pros and cons of each option. Jake mimicked the expression, furrowing his brow dramatically as if deciding between the two was the most important decision of the day.

"Let's find a stall with a grill," Frank suggested, patting Jake on the back. "Then we can pick whatever looks good."

"Yeah!" Jake agreed, giggling as his stomach growled loudly at the mention of food.

They made their way back towards the food stalls, the large field bustling with activity. The delicious scent of grilled meats wafted through the air, making all three of them—Frank, Jake, and even Charmander—start salivating. The crackling of grills and the sizzling sound of meat was music to their ears.

"What do you want?" Frank asked Jake, but Charmander was again quicker to respond. He wriggled out of Jake's grasp and began hopping up and down, pointing enthusiastically toward a large, juicy slab of well-toasted steak on display.

Frank chuckled and gave the little Pokémon a playful scratch on the head. "Yeah, I thought that might catch your eye."

Approaching the grill vendor, Frank greeted him with a grin. "Hello, sir. We've got some hungry customers here. Let's see… the well-done steak for our Charmander, those ribs for me, and…"

Frank glanced down at Jake, who was staring intensely at the sizzling food options. His eyes finally landed on a particularly juicy looking sausage. "That one! The sausage!" Jake exclaimed, pointing decisively.

The vendor smiled warmly. "Good choices, coming right up!" He handed over their orders in a large takeout box as Frank paid. They took the box of mouth-watering food and made their way towards a large tent, where people were sitting at long tables, enjoying their meals.

As they neared the tent, Jake suddenly tugged on Frank's hand. "Look, it's Mom!" he exclaimed, pointing to a table where Eva was sitting, deep in conversation with Miss Newman, Jake's schoolteacher. The two women were laughing, each holding cups of ice cream.

Jake hesitated for a moment when he saw his teacher. "Are you in trouble at school?" Frank teased, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Jake shot back, frowning slightly. "I'm just surprised to see her here, that's all."

When they reached the table, Jake beamed up at his mother. "Hi, Mom! Hi, Miss Newman!"

"Hello, ladies," Frank greeted them with a polite nod.

"Good afternoon!" Miss Newman smiled at them warmly, while Eva stood up and hugged Jake tightly.

"Jakey!" Eva cooed, ruffling his hair. "You hungry? Want the rest of my ice cream?"

Jake glanced at the cup but politely shook his head. "No thanks, Mom. We just got our food." He grinned at his mom, then turned to his teacher, who looked at him with curiosity.

"So, Jake, how are you enjoying the festival?" Miss Newman asked, leaning in with interest.

Jake's eyes lit up as he remembered everything he had seen. "It's awesome! There are dragon Pokémon here! We saw Hydrapple and Hydreigon, and—and then we saw the coordinator! It was so amazing!" His excitement bubbled over as he spoke quickly, his hands moving animatedly.

Meanwhile, Charmander scratched eagerly at the food box Frank was holding, smelling the steak that was still inside. Frank chuckled and shook his head. "You hungry little monster," he teased, wagging a finger at the fire lizard before setting the box down on the table.

Jake giggled as his mom offered him her ice cream again. "Go ahead and eat, Jakey. I'll cut up the steak for Charmander," Eva smiled, grabbing a knife to slice the large piece of meat into smaller, more manageable portions for the Pokémon.

As they all began eating, Miss Newman excused herself when her boyfriend came over to fetch her, leaving the family to their meal. Charmander chomped happily on his steak, while Jake enthusiastically told his mom all about the dragons and the show, repeating himself several times as he ate. His mouth full of food didn't stop him from talking, which earned him a few gentle scolds from Eva.

"Jakey, don't talk with your mouth full," she reminded him, laughing softly.

Frank leaned back in his chair, watching the scene unfold with a warm smile. "Yeah, we are all enjoying this fest."

Jake nodded, his cheeks puffed with sausage. "Best day ever!" he declared, his voice muffled but filled with pure joy.

As they sat together, the festival buzzed around them, but in that moment, it was just them, enjoying each other's company and the delicious food.

After they finished their meal, Eva fetched her Venomoth, Swanna and Durant, who were basking in the sun just outside the tent. Lenny's wings shimmered in the fading daylight as Eva gently coaxed it to her side, while the other two were still lying down with closed eyes. Eva had to continue her patrol around the festival grounds, ensuring there were no threats or surprise attacks that could disrupt the evening.

Frank, seeing his sister preparing to leave, offered once again, "Sis, you sure you don't want to switch places? I can take over for a bit."

But Eva shook her head with a smile, her hand resting briefly on her brother's shoulder. "Thanks, but I've got this. Besides, my gang and I need to stretch our legs. Or wings." She turned to Jake, pulling him into a tight hug. "You two have fun exploring! And behave, alright?" she said with a wink before heading off, her Pokémon following her.

Frank stretched his arms. "Alright, boss, what should we do next?" he asked, looking down at his nephew, who was already scanning the festival for something fun.

Jake's eyes lit up when he spotted an area packed with kids. "Can we try the games?"

Frank grinned. "Lead the way!"

They arrived at a lively section of the festival dedicated to children's games. The area buzzed with excitement, kids darting from one activity to another.

First, they tried Ring Toss—a game where the goal was to toss colorful rings around the necks of life-sized stuffed Pokémon. With each successful toss, the player earned points that could be traded for prizes. Charmander stood beside Jake, bouncing up and down excitedly as Jake took his turn, managing to land a few rings around the neck of a giant Pikachu plush.

Next, they moved to the Water Balloon Battle, where kids armed with water balloons teamed up with their Pokémon to try and splash each other. Jake and Charmander teamed up against Frank and his Boldore, who was surprisingly good at dodging the balloons, much to Jake's annoyance. "You're too fast!" Jake laughed, finally managing to land a solid hit on Frank's shirt.

After drying up, they went to the Pokémon Obstacle Course, where kids and their Pokémon raced through tunnels, over hurdles, and through hoops of fake flames. Jake and Charmander enthusiastically took part, with Charmander accidentaly lighting the hoops on real fire. Luckily, the operator of the Obstacle Course was quick to quench the fire with his Froakie and its Bubble Beam. Even though Jake and Charmander didn't win the race, they had a blast trying.

After a few more rounds of games—like Whack-a-Diglett and Pikachu Toss—the evening started to settle into a different rhythm as the main event of the night approached: the return of the legendary band, Kling-in-Park.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, and the air was filled with an electric buzz as the crowd gathered in front of the stage. The band had been on hiatus for a long time after the tragic loss of their lead male singer, but tonight marked their comeback, now with a new female lead vocalist. The stage was set up with bright lights and speakers that echoed across the entire festival ground. As the first notes of their music, mix of metal, hip-hop and rock hit the audience, both teens and adults began gathering around the stage, excitement buzzing in the air.

Even though Jake wasn't all that interested in the band, he could tell that Frank was. His uncle's eyes lit up when the band started playing their biggest hits. Jake noticed how Frank's foot tapped to the beat and how he sang along with the music, clearly lost in the moment.

"Do you like this band?" Jake asked between the songs, watching him with curiosity.

"Like them? I love them!! They were my favorite back in the day! They're legends," Frank said, his voice full of enthusiasm. "It's good to see them performing again. And I don't care what people say about the new singer, she's awesome, just like the original one was!"

Jake, understanding that his uncle had taken him everywhere he wanted all afternoon, didn't want to ruin Frank's evening. He smiled and sat quietly beside him, letting Frank enjoy the music. Charmander lay down at Jake's feet, resting but still alert, its tail flame flickering gently as the music played.

The crowd sang, danced and cheered, the band giving everything they had as they performed their hits one after the other. By the time the concert ended around 10 pm, the air was buzzing with excitement, and the night sky was dark, save for the bright festival lights.

Anna Lindenberg then stepped onto the stage. "Thank you all for coming! We hope you've had an amazing day here at Battle Ranch's festival. We're so happy to have hosted this event with all of you. Now, to close out this incredible evening, we have one final surprise—fireworks!"

The crowd cheered again as Anna wished them all a good night. As people began to slowly drift toward the exits, the lights around the festival dimmed. Suddenly, the sky was lit up with a massive explosion of colors. Fireworks erupted in brilliant patterns—reds, blues, greens, and golds danced across the heavens, lighting up the entire ranch.

Jake stood mesmerized, his eyes wide as he watched the fireworks explode above him. Even Charmander stared at the sky in awe, its tail flame flickering in rhythm with the bursts of light.

"Wow..." Jake whispered, his voice full of wonder.

"Spectacular, isn't it?" Frank smiled, watching the night sky.

As the final firework burst into a cascade of shimmering gold, signaling the end of the show, Jake felt a deep sense of contentment. It had been an unforgettable day, and as the colors faded from the sky, he knew he would remember this moment forever.

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