Pokémon: The Battle Ranch Chronicles

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Old Stories and a Party

The group exited the Fire Cave without further incident, the cool air outside a welcome change after the intense heat within. As they made their way back to the base of Battle Ranch, the conversation was light, and the prince's spirits were high after the match.

At the ranch, lunch awaited them. A large table was set up under the trees, offering a spread of traditional food. Prince Charles's eyes lit up when he saw what was on the menu.

"This is fantastic!" he exclaimed, taking his seat. "Roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut—one of my favorites. How did you know?"

David chuckled, pleased to see the prince so enthusiastic. "Well, we went online and found out what you like."

Charles dug in eagerly, savoring the familiar dishes, while the guards ate with more restraint but equally enjoyed the meal. Conversation flowed easily, and the prince commented on how well everything was prepared, praising the simplicity and richness of the flavors.

After lunch, Charles leaned back, satisfied. "That was perfect," he said, wiping his hands. "Now, I believe I have a reservation at the climbing wall in town?"

Captain nodded. "Yes, Your Highness. Your driver and the guards are ready whenever you are."

Charles and his guards soon departed for the nearby town, while David headed to the battlefield to face the next challenger for his Frontier Battle. Two hours later, after an eventful afternoon, the prince returned to Battle Ranch. Seeking a quiet moment, he retreated to the library to catch up on some emails.

The library was a peaceful sanctuary, filled with tall bookshelves, their contents offering a window into centuries of history. Charles found a comfortable chair by the window and began scrolling through his messages. The sound of the door opening drew his attention.

Frank, David's brother-in-law, walked in with a clipboard under his arm. Dressed in his ranger uniform, he looked like a man who'd spent his day in the wilderness. "Your Highness," Frank greeted, giving a polite nod.

"Frank Prochazka, right?" Charles said, looking up from his phone. "David's brother-in-law?"

"That's me," Frank confirmed with a grin. "I hope I'm not interrupting. I keep records of the Pokémon around the ranch, and I store them here."

"You're not interrupting at all. I've got a bit of a break now," Charles replied, putting his phone down. "I've been meaning to ask, what's it like being a ranger around here? I imagine it's more exciting than most places."

Frank chuckled. "Exciting is one word for it. It's a mix of adventure and routine. I track the Pokémon in the area, make sure everything stays balanced, and help out when there's any trouble with wild Pokémon getting too close to the ranch."

Charles leaned forward, intrigued. "What kind of Pokémon do you usually deal with? Anything unusual?"

"All kinds," Frank said, flipping through his notes. "We've got Fire-types in the cave you visited today, some rare Water-types by the river, and even the occasional Flying-type that migrates through. It's always changing, depending on the season."

"That sounds like a lot of responsibility," Charles commented. "Do you ever run into anything dangerous?"

"Sometimes," Frank admitted. "There is an area close to this ranch, which is governed by a Victreebel. And the Pokémon is known to eat some trainers who were too foolish to venture into its territory. Luckily for everyone, it stays within its borders. But otherwise, nothing dangerous. Just a regular poachers from time to time. We know the land well. And the Pokémon here know us, so we've got an understanding, in a way."

"Victreebel? And poachers? You must have been through tons of adventures, right?" prince asked with excited expression.

Their conversation continued for a few more minutes before Frank stood up to leave. Just as he reached for the door, he hesitated. "Your Highness," he began, turning back, "I've got to ask... do you like comic books?"

Charles's eyes brightened. "I do, actually. Why?"

A smile crept onto Frank's face. "I thought you might. Follow me."

Frank led Charles to a hidden corner of the library, where older, dust-covered shelves held stacks of worn comic books. He pulled out a few and handed one to Charles. "These are based on the work of Foglar, a famous writer. They're not your typical superhero comics, but stories about boys going on adventures in nature, solving mysteries, and learning about life along the way."

Charles flipped through the pages, the hand-drawn illustrations depicting groups of young boys exploring the wilderness, climbing trees, and facing moral dilemmas. "This is brilliant," he said, clearly intrigued. "They don't make comics like this anymore."

Frank nodded. "No, they don't. Back in my day, these were the stories we grew up with. No superpowers, just real adventures."

Charles continued browsing, lost in the nostalgic world of the comics, before looking up. "What else is hidden in this library?"

Frank hesitated before leading the prince to another section. "Well, we've also got some journals and diaries from the previous owners of the ranch. If you're into history, they're worth a look."

Charles ran a finger along the spines of the old leather-bound books, stopping when he saw a familiar name. "Charles Lindenberg," he said, picking up the journal. "Charles, just like me. Let's see what he was up to."

Frank watched as the prince opened the journal and began reading. The prince smirked as he read aloud. "It says here that Lindenberg served under Duke Jaromír IV of High Castle. A distant relative of mine. It describes Jaromír as 'ambitious,' but Lindenberg calls him a 'rich fool.'"

"Sorry 'bout that. Well..." Frank started to apologize for the long-dead man, but prince stopped him with a grin.

"I know that many of my ancestors were crazy. Some were even killing each other, don't sweat it."

As Prince Charles continued to leaf through Charles Lindenberg's diary, he found the description of an ambitious expedition organized by Duke Jaromír, brother of then king some 400 years ago. The prince read aloud as Frank listened attentively.

"Duke Jaromír," Charles began, "had planned a grand sea voyage, hoping to find new lands to claim. He wanted Charles Lindenberg on board not as a navigator but because of his powerful Water-type Pokémon. The duke believed that Lindenberg's creatures could calm the seas, ensuring smooth sailing."

Frank leaned in closer. "That's a smart tactic—using Pokémon to control the elements. Makes sense for a voyage like that."

Charles nodded, his eyes scanning the neat handwriting of the centuries-old diary. "Lindenberg wrote that his Water-types—though he doesn't mention any species—were instrumental in keeping the ship steady through storms. They sailed smoothly for weeks, with nothing much happening on board."

He turned a few more pages, his voice slowing as he read about the mundane routine of life at sea. The crew spent their days mending sails, fishing, and telling stories to pass the time, while Lindenberg often noted the serene but monotonous days.

Then Charles's voice grew more animated as he came to the part where their expedition reached an island after several weeks of sailing.

"Their first encounter with the island's native tribe was tense. Lindenberg described the scene vividly. The tribe emerged from the dense jungle, curious about the foreigners, while the crew, hungry from the long voyage, eyed the lush vegetation and abundance of various creatures as potential food."

Frank nodded. "Sounds like quite a meeting."

"I would pay to see that," Charles grinned, but then continued with reading. "Lindenberg notes that despite the language barrier, they were able to communicate enough to barter. And interestingly, it wasn't just their goods that impressed the natives. It was Lindenberg's Pokémon. He writes that the tribe was fascinated by the creatures that accompanied him."

Frank smiled. "I guess Pokémon transcend language, even back then."

"They must've," Charles agreed. "According to Lindenberg, their curiosity turned into respect when they saw his Water-types. He describes how they moved gracefully through the shallow waters near the island's shores, calming the waves just like they had during the voyage. This display seemed to assure the tribe of their good intentions."

Charles flipped a few more pages and raised an eyebrow. "Now this is interesting. It says here that the chief of the tribe proposed a Pokémon battle."

Frank chuckled. "So even then, battles were a way to settle things. And even between people who had nothing else in common."

"The Duke agreed," Charles continued, his voice taking on an amused tone, "and, of course, Lindenberg was chosen to represent the expedition. He didn't seem too thrilled about it, but he writes that he couldn't refuse the Duke."

Charles's eyes skimmed over the next few entries, filled with detailed descriptions of the Pokémon Lindenberg faced. "Listen to this," he said, "he describes his first opponent as 'a monstrous insect, towering over its trainer, its exoskeleton glistening in the sunlight. It had long, sharp claws and a bulky, armor-like body, moving with terrifying speed.'"

Frank rubbed his chin. "That sounds like... Golisopod?"

"I've never seen that one," Charles replied. "Lindenberg doesn't name it. He just describes its look. He notes how difficult it was to damage the creature because of its thick armor, and it retreated quickly when it took a hit. But he managed to defeat it."

The prince continued, reading about Lindenberg's next opponent. "The second was 'a massive beast, with tusks the size of a man's arm, its fur covered in frost. Its sheer size shook the ground beneath us, and when it charged, it felt like an avalanche.'"

Frank's eyes widened. "That's got to be Mamoswine. I can only imagine how intimidating that would've been for someone back then."

Charles chuckled. "You must be right. Lindenberg seemed shocked by its power and speed, especially in the heat of the island. But he was able to defeat it with the help of his Pokémon."

Prince quickly flipped to the next page, his expression turning serious. "And then... 'the sky darkened as a massive bird, wreathed in flames, soared above us. It shrieked, and the very air around us grew hot. Its wings sent flames cascading down onto the battlefield.' It must have been a Moltres!"

"Or a Talonflame," Frank chuckled softly.

Charles grinned. "Talonflame is lame. Moltres is better. But Lindenberg doesn't say how he managed to defeat it, only that it was the most difficult battle of his life. He describes how the bird's fire was unlike anything he'd ever seen, and how his Pokémon struggled to keep up. But eventually, the bird flew away and Lindenberg's Pokémon was still standing."

Charles paused for a moment, letting the imagery settle. "It seems the battle earned the tribe's respect. They continued to trade with the sailors, offering food and supplies before the expedition eventually left the island."

Frank leaned back, visibly impressed. "That's some story. But what happened after they left the island?"

Charles turned the pages, his expression growing more thoughtful. "The return voyage wasn't as smooth as the journey there. Lindenberg writes about a thick fog that rolled in shortly after they set sail. He tried using his Water-types to disperse it, but nothing worked. They were lost for days, unable to see the stars or the sun."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "A fog that even his Water-types couldn't clear?"

"Exactly," Charles replied with his eyes focused on the words, his voice low. "They were drifting aimlessly, and the crew was beginning to lose hope. But then... Lindenberg describes seeing 'a great white beast in the sky, its wings outstretched like sails, cutting through the fog. Its eyes glowed, and as it flew above us, the fog parted, revealing the way home.'"

Frank stared at Charles, clearly intrigued. "That... that sounds like it could have been Lugia."

Charles nodded slowly. "Wow! Do you think they really met THAT Pokémon?? Lindenberg didn't recognize it, of course. He just described it as a creature of legend, appearing when all hope was lost. It guided their ship back toward familiar waters, and they eventually made it home."

The prince closed the diary and let out a deep breath. "Quite the adventure."

Frank nodded, still processing the story. "It's amazing to think that even 400 years ago, people were encountering legendary Pokémon. And to write about them in such detail..."

Charles placed the diary back on the shelf. "There's a lot of history in this place. More than I expected."

Frank smiled. "That's this Ranch for you. The past is never too far away."

Prince Charles carefully placed the diary of Charles Lindenberg back on the shelf and reached for another one, this time belonging to Michael Lindenberg, a grand-uncle of the current ranch owner, Joseph Lindenberg. Michael, who was known for his adventurous spirit, frequently traveled abroad to capture exotic Pokémon and bring them back to the ranch. As Charles skimmed through the diary, he read with fascination about Michael's journeys to far-off lands and his unconventional methods of capturing Pokémon. Since Pokéballs were not as widely used then, Michael relied on sedating the creatures and transporting them by ship or air.

The prince paused at a particular entry that caught his attention: Michael had encountered a pack of Liepards while traversing a dense jungle. As Charles read about Michael's clever tactics in managing to escape without harming the wild Pokémon, the library door creaked open, and David entered.

"Your Highness," David greeted with a respectful bow before nodding at Frank, who was leaning against the shelves.

Charles looked up with a grin. "Oh, hi. Frank was just showing me around your impressive library. I didn't realize your family had such colorful stories hidden away in these books. Our family history is mostly filled with politics, diplomacy, wars, and marriages—no fun stuff like this."

David and Frank exchanged amused glances. "Well, your ancestor did fund that sea expedition," Frank remarked.

"But what did he do, really?" Charles replied with a smirk. "He brought the money while everyone else did the hard work."

David and Frank looked at each other uncertainly, unsure of how to respond.

Charles waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry, guys. You can speak freely."

David chuckled nervously. "In that case, would you be interested in spending the evening with us? My wife and I have several Pokémon relaxing in the garden, and we could grill some meat, have some drinks, and just chill."

"Hmm..." Charles appeared deep in thought for a moment before a playful grin spread across his face. "Honestly, I was disappointed no one tried talking to me like a normal person sooner. Aside from those two kids I met before the attack, everyone here has been so uptight. I'd be happy to join you, David. Let me check with the guards. They'll have some complaints, but hopefully, I can convince them to stay outside your home."

David exhaled in relief. "Great! And Frank, would you come with Rachel and Monika?"

"I'll ask them," Frank said, before looking at Charles. "If..."

Charles immediately grinned. "Hey, I've already met Monika! I'll be happy to see her again!"

As they left the library, David and Frank discussed the logistics of the evening, including whether offering beer to the prince would be appropriate, given that he was only twelve and technically underage. Meanwhile, Charles went to speak with his captain of the guard, as expected. The captain opposed the idea and insisted on keeping guards close by, but Charles managed to compromise, allowing them to be stationed outside David's house.

The evening arrived, and despite the chill of early autumn, the atmosphere in David's garden was warm and cozy. This was thanks to David's Meganium, who had been in the garden all afternoon using Sunny Day to create a warm microclimate for herself. She was also keeping a watchful eye on Charmander, who had been soaking up the pleasant heat all day. The little Fire-type was bouncing around Meganium, clearly energized by the warmth in the air. As he tried to release an Ember into the sky, something unexpected happened—Charmander unintentionally boosted the heat even further, causing the air to shimmer with intensified warmth.

Meganium looked down at the young lizard, surprised but also proud. She cooed softly and began teaching Charmander how to properly control the move.

Shortly afterward, Eva arrived home with Jake from school. Both mother and son were surprised to feel the warm weather as they stepped into the garden. "Wow, it feels like summer out here!" Jake exclaimed, ready to run and hug Charmander, but he stopped short when he saw the little Pokémon sitting on the ground, panting heavily with Meganium leaning over him protectively.

"Mom, is Charmander okay?" Jake asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Eva smiled reassuringly and took his hand. "Let's go see, honey."

As they approached, Meganium raised her head and greeted them with a soft trill, gently nudging Charmander to his feet. The small Fire-type looked up, surprised to see Jake and Eva, and then ran over, gesticulating excitedly.

"What's up, buddy?" Jake asked, bending down to hug his Pokémon. Charmander stepped back, closed his eyes in concentration, and after a few moments, his skin started to glow faintly with heat. The sunlight around them intensified, and the air grew noticeably warmer.

Meganium cheered softly, encouraging him.

Jake's eyes widened in amazement. "Mom, Charmander just made it warmer!"

Eva giggled. "He's learned a new move—Sunny Day! Isn't that right, Meg?" she asked, turning to the large sauropod. Meganium nodded proudly.

Jake hugged Charmander tightly. "You're amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

Eva chuckled. "Alright, you lot, let's clean up the garden a bit. Your grandparents are coming, and your father invited Prince Charles too. We need to get everything ready."

Eva took a deep breath as she surveyed the garden, mentally preparing for the tasks ahead. The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the garden, and she knew they didn't have much time before the guests would arrive. She clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, gang, let's get this place ready!" she called out, already thinking through how to best assign tasks. She reached for her Pokéballs and released her team. Lenny, the Venomoth, fluttered gracefully in the air, her wings shimmering in the sunlight. Baloo, the Cubchoo, looked around curiously, while Britney, the Ribombee, buzzed with excitement. Maya, her Decidueye, perched lazily on a nearby tree, her eyes half-closed in what looked like sleep. And finally, Remy, her Sizzlipede, darted out, immediately zig-zagging around the garden.

"Okay, Lenny, you're on moving duty," Eva instructed the most reliable Pokémon. "Use Confusion to shift the tables and chairs into place. You know that arrangement. And we will need a few more chairs around the table too."

Lenny gave a calm nod and her eyes glowed, as she began effortlessly levitating a couple of chairs and placing them around the garden table. She worked quickly and efficiently, moving the larger items with ease.

"Baloo, Britney, you two can help clean up," Eva said, already knowing this might be a bit chaotic. "Try to pick up any fallen leaves or branches."

Baloo excitedly waddled off, immediately sneezing and sending a spray of ice that lightly dusted a nearby chair. Eva sighed but quickly turned to Britney. The Ribombee zipped around, gathering little bits of dirt and debris, though most of it ended up scattering more than being cleaned up.

"Maya, can you help them?" Eva looked up at the Decidueye. But the large owl was ignoring her trainer and pretended to be asleep. Eva just rolled her eyes and let it be.

Jake stood nearby, watching the Pokémon hustle. "What can I do, Mom?" he asked, bouncing on his toes with Charmander in his arms.

Eva smiled at him. "Alright, Jake. I've got an important task for you. Can you bring out the cutlery and napkins? We'll need them for dinner."

Jake nodded enthusiastically. "I'm on it!" he saluted, racing inside.

Meanwhile, Remy, the Sizzlipede, was darting around like a firecracker, nearly tripping Eva twice. "Remy, stay out of the way!" she scolded, trying not to trip over him again. Remy skidded to a halt and curled up near the grill, clearly sulking.

Eva sighed but knew better than to deal with a sulking Sizzlipede while managing everything else. As she started setting up the plates, she spotted Remy pouting near the grill and had an idea.

"Jake!" she called, turning back toward the house. "Can you grab the charcoal for the grill?"

Jake came rushing back out with a handful of napkins and the cutlery. "Sure thing, Mom!" He dashed inside again to fetch the charcoal.

Eva walked over to Remy, crouching down. "Hey, buddy, I could really use your help now," she said, her voice soft and coaxing. "Why don't you heat up the coal? We need a nice fire going for the grill."

Remy's antennae twitched, and he perked up immediately at the idea of being useful. He slithered over to the grill, his body radiating heat as he expertly started warming up the charcoal. Soon enough, the coals were glowing orange, perfect for grilling.

Just as they were getting the last touches ready—Lenny floating a final chair into place and Jake with Charmander carefully laying out the cutlery—Eva caught sight of David coming through the gate.

"Smells like we're almost ready!" he called out with a grin, surveying the scene.

Eva turned to him, wiping her hands on her apron with a satisfied smile. "Just about. How was your day?"

"Busy, but good," David replied as he made his way toward the grill. "This looks fantastic. Everything in place?"

"Mostly," Eva laughed. "Though, some" she glanced at Britney and Baloo "have been more of a distraction than help."

David chuckled. "Sounds like a typical day."

As they continued preparing the garden for the evening, the smell of the grilling meat mixed with the warmth from the Sunny Day, making it feel like summer in the middle of autumn. It was shaping up to be a lovely evening, and the anticipation for their relaxed gathering was palpable.

As the last of the food was prepared and everything was set, David, Eva, and Jake took a moment to appreciate their work. The garden was warm from the lingering effects of Sunny Day, and the smell of grilling meat hung in the air.

Before long, David's parents, Joe and Anna, arrived. Joe, a tall elderly man with a quiet demeanor, gave David a nod of approval, while Anna, always full of warmth, immediately found Jake and pulled him into a hug.

"Look at you, getting taller every day!" Anna smiled. "Are you ready for a fun evening?"

Jake grinned, "Yeah! And guess what? Charmander learned Sunny Day today!"

"That's wonderful!" Anna clapped her hands in delight.

Joe and Anna made their way toward the small bench near the pond, where the calm water reflected the golden light of the setting sun. Mimi, Eva's graceful Swanna, glided effortlessly across the pond, her white feathers shining in the light. Joe pulled out a small bag of fish food they'd brought with them, and soon Lumineon, Alomomola, and Gorebyss swirled near the surface, eager for a snack.

"They always seem to know when we have food," Joe chuckled softly, tossing some into the water.

Anna smiled, watching the fish dart around. "It's peaceful, isn't it?"

A few minutes later, Eva's brother Frank, along with his wife Rachel and their daughter Monika, arrived. Jake, who had been helping David at the grill, spotted Frank and dashed over to him, excitement bubbling in his voice.

"Uncle Frank! Guess what? Charmander learned Sunny Day!"

Frank grinned at his nephew and ruffled his hair. "Sunny Day, huh? That's a big one! I bet he's proud of himself."

Rachel, always quick with a joke, walked up behind them and teased, "Sunny Day? Well, I hope he knows how to turn it off before we roast out here!" She gave Jake a playful wink, making him giggle.

As Rachel walked over to Eva, Frank joined David at the grill, eyeing the sizzling meat appreciatively. David handed him a beer and the two clicked their bottles together in a casual toast.

"Cheers. You got here just in time," David said, flipping the meat with one hand while sipping his beer with the other.

Frank took a swig and leaned on the grill. "On the way here, I saw a Bombirdier flying overhead. Pretty late in the season for them, isn't it?"

David raised an eyebrow. "Bombirdier? This time of year? That's odd. You sure?"

"Definitely," Frank nodded. "It was heading southwest. Maybe it's lost."

David scratched his chin. "Could be. Might be worth keeping an eye out. You know how they can get around smaller Flying-types. Last thing we need is one of them swooping in and causing a panic."

Rachel, meanwhile, had brought a large batch of homemade cookies and made her way to Eva, who was arranging the plates of prepared meat. She set the box down and grinned. "Figured we could use something sweet before the prince arrives. Or maybe after he leaves so we can relax."

Eva laughed. "You and your cookies are always a hit. I just hope they are just plain cookies. With no special ingredients or plants included."

Rachel grinned. "Relax. I'm not a teenager anymore. And we don't want to do that while that royal kid is here. Altough, I could bake those sometimes again. What do you think?"

Eva dodged the question by handing over a bowl of vegetables.

"Help me bring this to the table?"

"Of course," Rachel chuckled, grabbing a the bowl and following Eva. "And don't worry, I won't bake any special batch until everything is nice and quiet around here again."

Eva rolled her eyes.

Rachel finally changed the topic. "By the way, did Jake tell you how proud he is of Charmander's new move? He's practically glowing."

"Oh, yes, he won't stop talking about it. And don't think I didn't catch your joke earlier about the weather!" Eva replied with a playful nudge.

Rachel winked. "What can I say? I like keeping the mood light."

Across the garden, Monika had found Jake and the two cousins were already plotting their next adventure. Monika, always the creative one, suggested, "Let's play hide-and-seek! The garden's perfect for it. And maybe we can get Maya to join us?"

Jake's eyes lit up. "Yeah! If Maya hides, she'll be the best! She can blend into the shadows."

The two children eagerly ran toward the Decidueye perched lazily in the tree, but Maya didn't even open her eyes. The owl Pokémon was clearly in no mood to entertain them today.

"Come on, Maya, please?" Monika pleaded, but the only response was a soft snore.

Jake sighed, "She's not budging."

Monika shrugged, "Oh well. Let's play chase with Remy instead!"

"Yeah!" Jake agreed, and they darted off, finding the energetic Sizzlipede coiled near the grill. Remy, always ready for a game, uncurled himself and eagerly chased the children around the garden, zigzagging between the flower beds with surprising speed.

As the evening continued, laughter and conversation filled the garden. Just as David flipped the last of the sausages on the grill, the sound of the doorbell rang through the air.

"I'll get it," David said, wiping his hands on a towel before heading to the front gate.

When David opened the gate, he was greeted by the sight of Prince Charles trying to pull off a rather impressive attempt at an incognito arrival. He wore oversized black sunglasses, a scarf wrapped awkwardly around his neck, and a baseball cap pulled low over his face. Despite the effort, the large black van idling on the curb gave away his true identity.

"Your Highness," David greeted with a chuckle, "I don't think anyone is fooled by the disguise."

Prince Charles grinned and removed the sunglasses. "Hey, a guy can try, right?"

"Come on, everyone's already here," David said, gesturing toward the garden.

As Charles stepped inside, the usually calm and sleepy Decidueye, Maya, perched in the tree, suddenly stirred. Her sharp eyes narrowed, and her gaze locked onto the prince—or rather, something behind him, something in his shadow.

Jake and Monika, who had been playing near Maya, noticed her shift in posture. "Uh-oh," Monika whispered. "Maya's looking at something again."

Jake's eyes widened as he remembered the incident a few days ago when a large Dragapult had emerged from Prince Charles' shadow. "It's probably that Dragapult again," Jake muttered. He cautiously approached Maya, speaking softly. "Hey, Maya, it's okay. Prince Charles and his Pokémon are our friends."

Maya snorted softly, her feathers ruffling, but she didn't take her eyes off the prince's shadow, remaining watchful.

David, noticing the tension, gave a quick glance toward the Decidueye. "Maya's a bit of a guard around here," he explained to Charles as they walked across the garden. "She's just… protective."

Charles nodded, though he could feel the weight of Maya's stare. "She's got good instincts."

Once they arrived at the tables, the mood lifted again. The aroma of grilled meat filled the air, and the table was set with plates of freshly prepared dishes. Eva was serving a platter of roasted vegetables, while Rachel arranged bowls of salad and condiments.

"Ah, the prince himself," Rachel teased as Charles stepped into the garden. "Good disguise, by the way. Very subtle."

"Thanks," Charles replied with a chuckle. "I'm trying to blend in, obviously."

As everyone settled around the large outdoor table, David took a seat next to the grill, while Frank grabbed another beer for himself and the prince. Charles joined them, and soon the food was being passed around.

Jake, who had been sitting quietly for a few minutes, suddenly piped up. "Prince Charles, I'd like you to meet someone!" He stood up and ran toward his little Charmander, who was busy bouncing around near the table. "This is Charmander. He just learned Sunny Day today!"

Prince Charles smiled warmly and crouched down to get a closer look at the eager Fire-type Pokémon. "Charmander, huh? That's impressive, Jake! You know, we have a few Charizards at the High Castle. They're some of the strongest Pokémon we've got— I was told that they are often mistaken for dragon-types, but they're all Fire and Flying."

Charmander's eyes widened with excitement, his tail flame flaring up slightly at the mention of Charizard. He bounced on his feet, clearly thrilled at the idea that he could one day become that powerful.

"You'll get there, little guy," Charles said with a wink. "Just keep working hard."

As they ate, the conversation flowed naturally. The evening breeze was warm, thanks to the earlier effects of Sunny Day, and the atmosphere was relaxed. Prince Charles entertained the group with a few stories from the royal family's life, particularly about the current prime minister, who, on television, always appeared confident and composed.

"But when he's at the castle," Charles said with a grin, "he's like a totally different person. I swear, the guy gets flustered over the smallest details. Once, he spent nearly twenty minutes trying to figure out how to sit down for a formal dinner—he kept moving around on the chair and putting his hands on the table and off the table every two minutes."

Everyone laughed, especially Rachel, who quipped, "Sounds like the guy could use a lesson in common sense."

Joe, who had been sitting quietly beside Anna, leaned over and whispered to his wife, "It's kind of sad, though, isn't it? Charles has to act so mature for his age. He's only twelve, but he talks like someone twice his age."

Anna nodded softly, watching the young prince with a compassionate gaze. "Yes, but he seems to be handling it well. Better than most adults would, I think."

As the meal continued, the conversation drifted to lighter topics. They discussed the Pokémon around the ranch, talked about the last weekend festival, and even a few humorous family moments. Eva, with Rachel's help, brought out a dessert platter of pastries, and they all indulged in the sweet treats.

As the evening light faded and the garden grew darker, the mood became even more laid-back. Frank, always prepared for a moment like this, pulled out his guitar from the corner of the garden and strummed a few chords. The soft, melodic sound instantly quieted the chatter, and he began to play a familiar folk song.

Rachel joined in, singing softly, while the others listened. Soon enough, Monika added her voice to the mix, and even Jake and Charmander tried to hum along. The garden was filled with music and laughter as they all called for their favorite songs and Frank played them all be heart.

Prince Charles, though usually in the public eye, seemed completely at ease here. He laughed along with the family, clapped his hands to the beat, and even tried his hand at playing a few notes on the guitar, much to everyone's amusement.

As the evening wound down, the fire crackled softly from the grill, and the stars began to twinkle overhead. It was a simple gathering, but in its simplicity, it was perfect—family, friends, Pokémon, and music, all together under the evening sky.

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