Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Chapter 52: Doku's Venom!

As the four winged bat makes its appearance the two extremely vocal watchers make their opinions known, as the battle resets.

"Pii! Pichu! (I'm telling you she should've kept in Kage! He was clearly about to punish that candy cane!)"

The small Pichu on the bleachers shouts out at it's trainer while pointing at the still clean battle field. "And I'm telling you that there was no way! Kage surprised me, that's for sure. But! He's limited. I can tell that Furret is really well bred, so it probably has its hidden ability Fur Coat! Not only that but since it's a shiny its already much stronger than other Furret's! Kage just doesn't have the ability to break through that sort of wall!"

The teen fires back with multiple fingers raised before throwing another glance towards the field. "Kage is really strong for his age and species. But with Furret being naturally stronger and Kage really only knowing physical moves, he's playing right into Fur Coat!" In response the Pichu just huffs while pumping out his cheeks and turns back to the arena.

'Gold is right...I actually don't know many special moves..The only ones I know are Ember and Snarl, while on the physical side of things I've got Scratch, Tackle, Quick Attack, Dig, Poison Fang, and Hone Claws, plus my halfway learned Amnesia. Even though I can use special moves it's just way to complicated at the moment. It's like flexing 2 muscles you've never moved before at the same time..One to grab the energy and another to shape it into what you want.'

I'm currently resting inside of my Pokeball, attempting to soothe my aching body from the repeated use of Quick Attack and the Play Rough that rocked my body. 'The only reason I figured out Snarl is due to it using my vocal cords that I can manipulate very easily. While I learned Ember through trial and error with Houndoom for weeks, despite having decent potential for it.'

Sighing I "look" out of my Pokeball and towards the resetting battle field. 'This should be interesting..Doku has the advantage but the Furret is some type of grappler? The fact that Wrap was the move she tried to use to end out battle kinda gives it away, plus she's fucking huge...Though Toxic stall should put her down easy.'

Changing perspective, on the outside of the Pokeball Amelia and Doku both stretch with the large bat stretching one of their wings over their body and Amelia does a similar action with her arm.

"Do you need anymore time?!" Whitney keeps up her light tone at the substution, while the pink Furret looks slightly confused before staring at the Pokeballs at Amelia's waist and gaining a determined look on her face.

Amelia finishes her strecthes at the same time as Doku and nods her head towards the large bat before responding. "I'm ready!"

"Then let's go!"

[Battle Start!]

"Doku start off with Agility!" "Candy use another Coil!"

Both Pokemon start off the battle quickly and begin to use their respective moves before each trainer finishes their commands. The four winged bat launches into the air, while Furret coils their large body and stares towards the flying bat.

"Candy! Use Thunderbolt!" "Doku! Air Cutter!"

Whitney shouts her command as soon as Candy's inital move complete and puts Amelia and Doku on the back foot, or wing. The electricity fly's off the pink Furret in waves and discharges in a stream towards the bat. The Crobat fires 8 cuts of Flying type energy that intercept the streaming electricity causing both attacks to destabilize mid air.

"Dive with a Poison Fang!" "Candy use Wrap!"

Crobat dives through the air in a spiral, folding their wings in on itself to accelerate further. while the candy cane colored Furret only waits in the same coiled motion. As the two get within striking distance of each other the Furret immediately pounces, launching from their tensed position with all four legs outstretched.

Less than half a second after the Furret's pounce Crobat jerks it's body and uses the momentum of the spiral to shift to the left while opening back up its wings revealing their fangs now dyed in a thick purple syrup of toxic poison.

As both Pokemon collide an immediate reaction is heard as the Furret cry's out it pain as their left shoulder has been bitten through past their normally impervious Fur Coat1.

Candy!---[/// ]

Then both Pokemon tumble to the ground with Furret attempting to work through the pain as Crobat pumps more and more venom into the Pokemon's body.

"Doku! Use Leech Life!" "Candy Squeeze it! Use Coil again!"

Bot trainers let out another command and this time Doku moves much faster than Candy as the Crobat redoubles its efforts and sinks their fangs deeper into the already writhing Furret and begins to sap their energy.

The Furret manages to get the rest of her limbs around the bat but by then its too later as they stiffen before relaxing their body and go unconscious.

Candy!---[ K/O ]

[Battle End!]

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