Pokemon The Mirage Of Illusions

Chapter 60: Wrong Turns...

Holding up the already very heavy baby Larvitar in my now Meowth arms I give Caterpie a icy glance as they walk to the side of me.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself? We were supposed to have them hatch later so we could transport them easier!" As I speak the sleeping puedo legendary slightly grumbles and I bring my tone back down.

While I'm struggling to keep the baby in my arms Caterpie doesn't respond and only has a slight wobble of they're head as if to say "I didn't know." I then choose to ignore the blue antenna bug to save my blood pressure and I instead focus on the Misdreavus whose gone quiet after the hatching of Larvitar.

'Where then hell are we? I thought I knew where the hell we were but apparently not...How far did Misdreavus send me? And how'd I lose track of my map?!' I once again pull out a illusion of a marked map from my fur, looking at it gets me the same result I found the previous 4 times. I'm lost.

'...Fuck..' Sighing once more at my predicament I put away my map and continue to walk down the beaten path. It being the only constant around, other than the ever present activity filled trees.

As I walk my irritation only grows as I take step after step. 'Another thing! Where the hell are the road signs!? This is a relatively long route! It's kinda cut in half already but it still takes a while to get to the nearest city on foot, it should have some sort of distance markers for when people travel through here!'

"Misdreavus? Are you sure this is the way back?" As I ask the oddly quiet ghost they immediately perk up at me speaking to them before flying Infront of me. "I'm glad you asked! Well this area is the best area from sighting so I'm taking you on the more scenic route! In a couple of minutes we should come up to a very unique rock formation!"

As Misdreavus speaks her tone gets higher and higher with her floating becoming more and more erratic. "*Sigh* That's great and all, but I need to get back to my trainer as fast as possible. Unless you want to carry this 100 pound baby?"

As soon as my less than friendly tone is picked up Misdreavus pauses in her explanation of the area and responds in a still excited but noticeably calmer tone. "I see, Well we're quiet close by now! I think...."

"Alright...Wait, what do you mean by I think!?"

As I lose my cool Larvitar takes the disturbance to heart and starts to whine and they start pushing off of me, digging their small claws in my arms. "Damnit. Caterpie! Put them back to sleep will you?"

"Handing" The baby to the small insect my arms gain some slight reprieve. "Misdreavus! please tell me you know where we're going?"

Massasing my arms I call out to my fellow ghost and I only get a unsure look in response. "Umm..Don't get mad..I might've taken a wrong turn somewhere...But! I know where the..What's it called? The..The city! I know where a city is! If we take a shortcut we'll get there super quickly!"

"...So your telling me you made a wrong turn? We didn't even take any turns!? You know what? It's fine...Just take us to the city..." Choosing to let go of the...idiocy Infront of me I regrab the now asleep and now wrapped up in string Larvitar and start to follow Misdreavus.

'Why is everyone I involve myself with a fucking idiot?'




'Good news we made it to the city...Bad news is that it took 3 Fucking Hours!' 

After my impromptu marathon while carrying a 100 pound 1 foot tall baby puedo legendary, that also for whatever reason hates everyone except Caterpie we finally made it to Ecruteak City.

Though contrary to my expectations instead of a nice city to wait for Amelia in the only thing I get is an evil team breaking into a dance theater of all things..'Who would've thought? Team Rocket harassing some Kimono Girls?'

To set the scene, I am currently behind the burned tower along with Caterpie, Larvitar, and Misdreavus. Using Misdreavus's chort cut brought us off the normal route and due to one of her, quicking becoming iconic "wrong turns" we ended up behind to city. much to my annoyance.

'Though I suppose it's a good thing right now..' This brought us to the scene we're seeing right now which is the kidnapping of one of the Kimono Girls by a squad of 4 Team Rocket grunts and one differently dressed man. His uniform only has a smaller red R on their left shoulder and they aren't wearing any hat letting their brown hair go free.

"Hurry! I must find achieve my destiny!" The different man speaks in a strange tone as if he's speaking to a god, with such unstelling reveince in their tone.

"Shut up. We'll get you your destiny, so shut up and do your job." Unexpectingly another man steps out from a side of the building and into view. Unlike the other grunts and the even the other man he's wearing a silver colored uniform.

The brown haired man just narrows their eyes before heading into the Burned Tower after the Grunts move their "Cargo" into the tower.

*Breathe* *Hold* *Exhale* 'Well what the hell do I do now?'

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