Pokémon: Unlocking The Path to Supremacy

Chapter 18: CHAPTER 18

A few days later, Aoki emerged from the dense forests surrounding Route 102 and arrived at Petalburg City.

His Pokémon had undergone significant improvements in both strength and experience during their time in the wild.

• Boss Lairon – Quasi-Elite (Peak)

• Relicanth – Quasi-Elite (Early)

• Frogadier – Superior

• Combusken – Superior

The progress was astonishing, especially for Combusken and Frogadier, both of whom had only recently evolved.

Among them, Relicanth had been primarily used for defensive purposes, acting as a sturdy shield in battle. However, its low base stats and limited growth potential meant that it would require tremendous resources to even reach the Elite level, let alone Champion.

Aoki had no intention of investing heavily in Relicanth. Instead, he would keep it as a strategic countermeasure for emergencies. Just like during the encounter with Team Magma, when Relicanth's durability had provided a crucial advantage.

Petalburg City

May walked through the city with a heavy heart.

She knew that returning home meant parting ways with Aoki. The thought of it made her chest tighten. If only she were old enough to begin her journey, she wouldn't have to say goodbye so soon.

Outside Petalburg Gym, Aoki noticed her gloominess and gently ruffled her hair.

"Alright, May. It's time for you to head home. Once you're old enough to travel, we'll journey together."

May's eyes lit up at his words, her mood immediately improving.

"Really? You promise?"

Aoki nodded with a small smile.

"Yep!" May grinned and, regaining her usual energy, pushed open the doors to the gym.

Inside, Norman, Mitsuko, and Max were already waiting.

"Sis! You're back! Brother Aoki, what Pokémon did you get?"

The first to rush forward was Max, his ten-year-old face filled with curiosity.

In the Pokémon world of the manga and games, trainers typically began their journey at ten years old. However, in this real-world adaptation, the official age for trainers had been raised to fifteen, making Max old enough to officially register but still too young to travel alone.

Although Max had acknowledged his sister's return, his main focus was still Aoki.

Like any young aspiring trainer, he was eager to learn what Pokémon Aoki had chosen as his starter.

"I got a Torchic… but now, it has already evolved into Combusken."

With that, Aoki released Combusken, whose fighting spirit surged as it emerged from its Poké Ball.

"Whoa! Torchic already evolved?"

Max's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"…But I still like Treecko better." He pouted, revealing his usual stubborn streak.

Combusken's eyes twitched in irritation. However, instead of reacting aggressively, it simply glared at Max, an intimidating fighting aura radiating from its stance.

Norman, who had been observing quietly, finally stepped forward.

"In just over a month, your Torchic has already evolved into a Combusken?"

His sharp gaze examined Aoki's Pokémon closely.

As a seasoned Gym Leader, Norman could tell that Aoki's Combusken was far stronger than the average one. Its muscle tone, firm stance, and glowing feathers suggested excellent care and training.

What stood out most was Combusken's energy levels—it exuded an aura of immense potential.

"You've got real talent as a trainer," Norman finally said, nodding in approval.

Aoki rubbed the back of his head, feeling a sense of pride but maintaining his usual humility.

"It's all thanks to Combusken's own efforts."

Of course, he knew that his training methods, Pokéblocks, and strategic planning played a major role.

The Celadon/Rainbow Pokéblocks, which were advanced nutrient-rich supplements, had accelerated Combusken's growth while enhancing its aptitude.

If a normal trainer had been raising Torchic under ordinary conditions, it would have taken at least six months to reach the same level.

This was the difference between systematic training and casual training.

Norman's initial skepticism toward Aoki—mainly because he had "stolen" May's affections—gradually faded. Seeing his dedication and talent, Norman couldn't help but admire him.

A Gifted Aron

Suddenly, Max noticed something new on May's belt—a Poké Ball she hadn't had before.

"Sis, did you get a Pokémon?" Max asked curiously.

Norman and Mitsuko also turned their attention to May.

May puffed up her chest proudly.

"This? Aoki gave it to me! It's an Aron!"

She tossed the Poké Ball, and a shiny-plated Aron appeared with a determined cry.

Norman's expression immediately changed.

"Aron? That's a rare Pokémon."

His eyes gleamed with admiration.

Aron's final evolution, Aggron, was known for its impenetrable defense and overwhelming power. Norman had seen Champion Steven Stone's Aggron before and recognized the enormous potential within May's Pokémon.

If trained properly, this Aron could definitely reach the Elite level.

Norman turned to Aoki.

"You just gave her such a rare Pokémon?"

Most rookie trainers would never give away such a valuable Pokémon so easily.

"It's fine," Aoki said nonchalantly. "I already have Boss Lairon. Raising another Aron would be too much, and May needs a strong partner."

Besides, he had his sights set on other rare Pokémon—like Bagon, Larvitar, and Gible.

Norman nodded in understanding.

Raising multiple Aron would be an overwhelming burden, even for an experienced trainer.

At that moment, Norman made a mental decision—he would personally train May and invest a significant amount of resources into her Aron's development.

If raised correctly, it could become her strongest protector in the future.

Mitsuko suddenly sighed theatrically.

"Well, if you're willing to give May such a rare Pokémon… I suppose we'll have to give her to you as well."

Her playful words caused May's face to turn bright red.

"M-Mom!" she stammered, flustered.

Norman chuckled at his wife's teasing, while Max pouted in jealousy.

"That's not fair! I want an Aron too!"

Norman interrupted his son before he could continue whining.

"Max, do you think Aron just falls from the sky? It's an extremely rare Pokémon."

"But why does May get one?" Max grumbled.

Mitsuko smirked.

"That's because, unlike you, your sister will be someone else's responsibility in the future."

May glared at her mother, her face burning with embarrassment.

Aoki, amused by the exchange, finally spoke up.

"If I come across another Aron in the wild, I might consider giving you one, Max. But only if it's not an outstanding specimen—because I'd want to keep that for myself."

Max immediately perked up, his earlier frustration disappearing.


Aoki chuckled, knowing that he had just earned another admirer within May's family.

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