Chapter 5: The First Wave
A deafening sound echoed throughout the world as everything changed and shifted with the sudden teleportation. The first thing Ranma noticed was the sky, it was dyed an eerie red that seemed to pulse with the beat of ones heart. Cracks, cracks in the freakin sky began to appear reality seeming to be peeled back. The fucking sky was breaking apart. Vague shadows of creatures began to claw their way out of it and a torrent of howls and shrieks hit them like a pressure wave
"Ranma" Raphtalia shouted.
He looked and noticed what she had seen, they were standing on a road in the middle of farmland with a mountain to their side. "What" he asked about to move "
"Look" she said pointing
There was what looked like coal mine "Where are we?" he asked.
"I think we're near Ryute Village"
That had been another possible place for them to have gone but Raffan had been stuck in his head the whole time so they decided to do that instead. "Given the fact that the country did not know where the wave was going to hit he got the idea behind Raphtalia's words. Ryute was could not have been prepared properly.
A group of people rode past him mounted on horses, the three other heroes and their twelve companions moving at fast clip towards the Wave of calamity. Even from there the masses of dark monsters could be seen smelt and heard. That was perfect they could strike the monsters while they were gathering and draw the attention he on the other hand could...
A large group of monsters split off from the main bunch that thickened where the heroes were headed. A arrow of light flew into the air and exploded, some kind of signal, his eyes followed the branching monsters, if the road at his back led to Ryute than those creatures were headed its way and they were closer to it than he was currently.. Behind him he could hear the marching of footsteps and the pounding of horse, it sounded like an large group headed to the wave. Well that made sense these were the forces that had stopped the first wave, between them and the three heroes they should at least last long enough for him to deal with the splinter group.
Picking up the Raccoon girl who blushed but did not complain he began to dash at towards the horde of monsters aiming a little bit ahead to try and meet their vanguard from the front. As it turned out by doing this he found himself at the town of Ryute a mere thirty seconds before the horde would reach them.
Adventures and soldiers alike stood ready their faces pale outnumbered hilariously they knew there was very little chance this would turn out well. But stand they did ready to face the wave of darkness about to engulf them, he put down his companion she would have to walk the rest of the way to the battle he had something to do. He gave Raphtalia one last nod before he started running.
He jumped clearing the line of adventures and soldiers, the men and women stared in shock as the suicidally outnumbered hero of the shield charged the horde of darkness. Even the monsters seemed to be able to feel a bit of shock as the slowed for the barest instant. There were locust like monsters, skeletons with weapons, ghouls with weapons. Swarms of large wasps that belonged in nightmares, and in its center a large monster. A Ghoul fifteen feet tall and build like a brick wall. A brick wall that wore armor and had an axe big enough to split a well sized tree down the middle with ease.
That one was Ranma's target, the otherworldly martial artist clashed against the wave of calamity for the first time. The wasps were the vanguard and there where the first monsters to reach him. Perhaps one hundred in all, they died in the first moments. Every single one of the attempt to swarm the Hero stingers flaring out like daggers ready to tear rend and pierce flesh.
Ranma jumped a few feet into the air and spun, it felt like so long ago since he had learned this incredible ability Kachu Renshin Amaguriken from which after rigorous training the student will have developed an amazing speed, allowing him/her to throw a thousand punches in the time it usually takes to throw one. When a move is made by a master of this art, it seems like nothing more than a blur and the offense and defensive moves are nearly indistinguishable.
And Ranma Saotome while not the most powerful master of anything goes...yet... he was without a doubt the second. And master meant master, to the eyes of the soldiers and adventures it was exactly that. A blur of fists one hundred deflections and several hundred attacks over the blink of eye. The wasps exploded, literally becoming almost unrecognizable, even as he landed the martial artist was moving.
A line of skeletons stood in his path blades flailing as he avoided ones slash and with a massive punch send the armored body flying backwards breaking through several other skeletons and two locust's. He blocked a blow on his right as he stepped through the hole he had made. He kicked out with his left leg sending the poor skeleton through ten of its compatriots. The monster moved to surround but even as they did he charged up and threw Moko Takabisha straight in front to him. The blast of pure life tore through the skeletons and ghouls like butter tearing a straight line to the biggest monster in the horde glancing of its armored leg and into a group of Locust's where it exploded killing scores.
Ranma charged the gap, had he been in girl from he would have made it to the monster easily, but in guy from about half way through weapons began to strike, swords, claws, spikes, using his shield to protect his head he let his body take most of them, and every single one glanced on him. Several of the more rusted sword simple shattered to pieces, his clothing and skin combined turned claw and fang as if it were the strongest plate mail.
So this was the power of the shield hero, hell he was properly tougher than Ryoga now. The one area of combat his rival had surpassed him in, but now it seemed things had changed. The large ghoul let out a roaring battle cry as Ranma neared him and the gap his ki blast had created closed. With a laugh of pure battle lust he jumped using the heads of the monsters as stepping stones.
The Shield morphed into the Sword Horn from as he leapt to the side still balancing on skeleton heads to avoid a mighty swing from the head monster. The swing cracked the ground and destroyed about ten of its own monsters as Ranma focused his ki to his legs and leapt forward and up destroying the monster he had been standing on with the force of it.
He just made it over a horizontal cut from the huge axe and Ranma stuck as he smashed into the creature's head the Sword Horn piercing flesh and bone alike. Backed by his guy form's supernatural strength the things head simply exploded grey matter raining on the monsters behind it. The large body fell backwards crushing more of the monsters beneath its dead weight.
Ranma by in the first ten seconds of battle had killed the commander and a fourth of the monster horde. That was when the town defenders hit them Raphtalia the point of an arrowhead formation of soldiers and adventures.
The horde was already in disarray and the unity became shattered as that happened, Raphtalia was a monster on the battlefield, her Katana sheared bone, flesh and chitin with equal impunity. Her body bent and swayed using her agility and strength to its fullest as she ducked a blow and cut the creature that had done it in half at the waist. Moving forward her blade blurred as she moved past four ghouls. There was a pause before black Ichor shot everywhere and bodies fell to pieces.
Ranma jumped off the body and began treating thought any monster close enough, whether through bravery, stupidity or they simply did not care the monsters did not flee from him. Locusts dashed forward only to be thought back there chitin exoskeletons shattered and there life fading with the black Ichor the monsters had for blood. Those watching would later recount an almost whirlwind like blur of motion as anything that came within ten feet of the shield hero left that area looking like they had gone through grinder.
Intermixed with the deadly assault of fists, feet and pointy shield several more lethal balls of ki were thrown out hitting groups of monsters who looked like they might be regrouping. The Town defenders also did well, there weapons were empowered by the aura of the Sword Horn which raised allied attack. The monsters were weaker from the same aura which lowered theirs. Several of the defenders almost fell but the Shield Hero or his companion were always there at the right moment, taking hits if necessary to save the lives of the defenders.
The battle ended in three minutes as the last of the monsters were finished off by the defenders. Ranma took a moment to catch his breath and made his way over to Raphtalia, who was bleeding from several cuts, he himself only had some minor bruising so he ignored that and closed his companions wounds with a touch to the shoulder, ki healing was an amazing thing.
Ranma turned to look at the otherworldly crack in the sky, he needed to get over just in case things were not going well "Raphtalia" he said.
"Yes Master" she answered understanding his intentions.
"Ranma!" he stated "Not master" he grabbed a bottle from his side and dumped it over his head, and boy became girl they needed speed right now.
Girl from was still strong enough to easily pick up Raphtalia, around her the town defenders stared with their mouths open. Well that happened a lot "Make sure to watch out for stragglers" she told them before dashing off towards the wave.
She had never before moved at full speed, but here and now for the first time she did. Raphtalia held on for dear life as the world took on a strange stretched look. The crack in the sky grew bigger and bigger at an alarming rate as Ranma arrived on the scene of the battle.
They had been coming up a hill and she had lept skyward clearing one hundred feet as for a moment they seemed to glide over the battlefield. It was a good way to see what was happening, the forces of Melromarc was facing the wave head on. The crack from which the monsters were pouring through acted as a choking point part of the forces were trying to keep it contained while the other part was facing the ones that had gotten through. It seemed the heroes companions had split up among those groups. The beefier warriors were with the part of the army holding back the gate while the mages supported the Knights and soldiers involved in the open part of the conflict.
She spotted the other three heroes a short distance away from all this fighting a rather tough looking creature. It stood fifteen feet tall on all fours with the wide strong shoulders and paws of a lion. Its back end was black with sharp goat like hooves and where its tail should have been was as black snake that looked venomous as hell.
The creature had three heads in the front centermost being the black head of a lion with a mane of blood red. To its left was the head of a dark furred goat with curling obsidian black horns and acid dribbling from its lips and mouth. One the right was the head of a black scaled dragon had spit fire at any opening it could see. Each head had eyes that glowed red with dark power and its movements were faster than a creature of its size should have been able to do.
But the three legendary heroes seemed to be faring quite well against it, Itsuki was standing far back moving between mounds of dead monsters. Every time one of the heads tried to use its breath attack it got an arrow in the roof of its mouth. Even if it did not stop the attack it did make it highly inaccurate. Itsuki was front and center with the thing Motoyasu right behind him the legendary sword dealt ferocious wounds to the neck and body of the monster and whenever a head went for him or the poison snake tail stuck Motoyasu was right there with a pike like spear warding away blows with agonizing thrusts.
"Hold on" she cautioned Raphtalia as they began their descent, the knights on the frontlines of combat had seen a lot. It had been there blood and sacrifice that had allowed them to survive the first wave when there had been no heroes. They had fought monsters from the deepest nightmares and kept their sanity, but a dead drop gorgeous redhead carrying a beautiful Raccoon girl hurtling from the sky was a new one. Especially when the girl landed on top of a ghoul crushing it into a pulp put down the other girl and then seemed to blur in every direction in a single instant.
What was even more shocking was when every monster within a fifteen foot area of the girl was sent flying with broken necks, spines and other less pleasant but lethal injuries.
"The heroes seem to have got that monster under control" she told Raphtalia "You say with the lines and help them as much as possible"
"Master what are you going to do?"
"Its Ranma dammit and I'm don't worry about it."
Turning to face the enemy Ranma charged her ki empowered battle cry echoing over the entire area of combat. She was moving so fast that it seemed like there were ten of the her at once. Each strike was sent to a lethal area as she had not the strength of her male from to pulverise things into paste. But lethal strikes were exactly what they sounded like and monsters died around the rampage of the Shield Hero.
The monsters themselves quickly noticed the change; within their ranks tearing them to shreds was single human girl with a shield. As one the back ranks fell upon the foolish mortal only to find a web of death, every strike a miss, every charge blunted. A few strikes found their mark only to be turned by the power of the shield one or two managed to hit flesh but nothing happened.
The flow of the battle changed then, it was not the humans fighting desperately to simply hold a line. Now the monsters were fighting to hold a semblance of order as a Ranma Saotome tore apart their lines like paper.
Three of the giant ghouls charged her, perhaps out of all the monsters here besides the one the other heroes were fighting they were the only ones capable of doing any damage. But they were big and most of all slow, they could no more hit Ranma then they could hold down a cloud, then they could capture a moonbeam.
The lightest jump carried her over the axe swing, she landed on its haft running up it and jabbing the sword horn through the first's ones brain. As it fell back she leapt off it on to the next one performing the same kill strike leaping up this time. The axe swing from the third missed by a hair's breadth and even as the metal had passed under her she pushed off it using it as leverage. Her shield morphed into the diamond shard shield. Pointing it like a gun at the last ghouls eye while upside down she fired and a shard width of a thumb and forefinger touching and the length of the shield itself shot out like a bullet.
It pierced the eye and had enough force to protrude out the back of the things head before it stopped. As she fell skeletons bunched up spears held up to skewer her as she fell, with a manic grin her hands moved and she caught hold of one of the spear heads balancing her body straight up. The haft bent but did not snap, so like a pole vaulter she used it to flip over the group of monsters and land behind them. They died or re-died in the case of the skeletons in the next instant as blows attack joints and other important parts broke them to pieces.
That broke the dark army that had escaped the crack, its sub commanders were dead. Its formation shattered and a swath of their army had been decimated by the hero of the shield. Ranma sensed rather than saw this and with a leap that carried her above the battlefield she resurveyed the situation. Whoever was commanding the soldiers and knights knew what they were doing, fully half of the forces that had been battling in the field had been transferred to the gate force. Even at half strength the army of the field was in no position to lose anymore thanks to the pure havoc Ranma had wrecked on the forces of the wave.
The Heroes were still in battle with the Chimera and since that seemed to be the next biggest threat on the field that was where Ranma headed. She landed back where she had leapt from aimed herself and jumped at a diganial shield changing back to the sword horn.
Her aim had been true and for an instant she closed her eyes and focused power into the sword horn charging it with her ki as is she was doing Moko Takabisha. Like she expected the shield changed the way her technique worked, the horns glowed as if under intense heat and the glow turned to brilliance as the light merged. Her shield gave off the impression of having a single blade of light rather than two razor sharp horns that it truly was.
She arched the jump at about three hundred feet in the air and began decent, Sword Horn extend she plummeted towards the chimera like a small comet. At any other point in the day the creature might have noticed that but it was furious and desperate as the three insects before it turned out to be a deadly threat.
What was supposed to happen was Ranma crashing into and striking its back and stunning the creature. After all this was the boss of this wave was it not?
What actually happened was slightly different, The heroes and monster looked to the sky at the last second as Ranma with a blazing shaft of pure life smashed into the monster. Smashed and went all the way through it… Everything fell still as the Chimera gasped as its body registered a Ranma sized hole through its back, spine and chest.
The hero of the shield was just as surprised as everyone else at just how much damage had occurred, perhaps the other heroes had been on the verge of killing it already?
The Chimera fell over with a loud *thump* as the heroes of the sword, spear and bow stared slack jawed at the girl before them. Ranma looked over at the corpse frowning the diamond dog had been way tougher than that.
Well whatever not like it mattered, now she just had to go help the gate guard "You three we're needed at the gate lets end this wave."
She did not wait for a response as she dashed past them becoming a crimson blur as she raced across the battlefield. With a tensing of the legs and leap her body flew once more across the field, over the battle lines at the gate and into the center of the creatures trying to push through. More things died as the shield hero tore her way through any within her path, as before nothing could stop her, nothing even came close.
A sound filled the air, a horn whose sound sent chills down the spines of any who heard it. As one the monsters pulled back retreating as above them the sky began to close. Ranma gave them no reason to dawdle as she continued to massacre whomever she could reach.
Faster and faster the crack began to close and Ranma grabbed a ghoul before it could enter. "I dont know if you can speak or relay messages but just in case tell whoever is sending you and your like that the legendary heroes are back and we will annihilate anything sent against us."
Lifting the ghoul in the air she made sure it surveyed the battlefield took in the carnage that had been wrecked. "Now get out of my sight" she tossed the monster back through the crack just as it finished closing.
And with that the second wave was over.
...Well at least the fighting part.
It took a few minutes to find Raphtalia, she was with the soldiers killing off the remaining monsters. Seeing that she was alright Ranma turned away and made her way to off the field of battle. She managed to scarf down some food on the run before she made to the spot she wanted. The battle had been sudden quick, and no prior planning could have fixed what came next. The wounded, the dying lying in rows on the ground moaning in pain or screaming in agony. Most of them had been conscripts gathered together only the core of the gate guard had looked like professional soldiers
The battle had been easy for her but for these men it had been a life or death struggle, nurses in nun like outfits and clerics casting spells, doctors closing wounds moved among the wounded. Each waging their own private war with death, the Sword Horn morphed into the Reiki Shield and she went to work. Starting on the nearest one a young man a bit older than her lay gasping, she touched his heart and stomach.
Chest, lungs, parts of his ribs were punctured, Ki flowed out of her mending, fixing, healing, twenty seconds and done. She did not stop for a moment moving to the next one, a nurse's eyes widen in fear as she saw the shield hero. But the fear left for wonder when a man who had been nearly disemboweled was restored.
Ranma ignored the sudden looks as others realized what was happening, this one taken a spear in the gut, the wound was not deadly but some sort of rot was worming its way through his body. The Ki burned that away mending skin and bone alike, and after than another and another, soon the nurses, doctors, and clerics, stopped their glances the shield hero was saving lives right now and they had to do the same.
Hours passed as Ranma and the others labored, pages ran among the clerics handing out potions that restored mana. They yelped when Ranma grabbed several of her own but after downing them and going back to work the pages made it a point to bring her some along with the rest of the healers. Again who ever ran this army must have know something like this would happen and they had at least made sure the healers would not run out of power.
Granted the potions did nothing to help the exhaustion but nothing was perfect, three hundred soldiers had been involved with the battle. Even with Ranma's help a fourth had taken wounds of some kind, and half of those men had been wounded bad enough to end up here. But the healers, every single one of them worked until they dropped. Two or three dropped, got back up again and started working. Ranma followed their example moving from person to person healing and saving.
Raphtalia found her later that night tents had been set up over the day and patients moved to beds, cots, hay beds, anything more comfortable than the ground. Most of the healers were asleep, passed out from pure exhaustion only Ranma and several of the strongest clerics remained standing.
Ranma was standing over the last person left in the tent she was in, it was another young man. He was badly burned with acid that had eaten away a good portion of his skin and both his eyes one of the unlucky ones who had caught a stray blast of acid from the Chimera. The last mana potion delivered to her lay on the floor drained and as Ki flowed from the hands of the shield hero skin began to regrow. It took every last drop of power to rebuild the eyes and even then it was not the man's original color. They green as Ranma's own now and they blinked open watering at the sudden light that had pierced the darkness and saw women standing over him. Her tired eyes determined, her fair skin matted with sweat, dirt and blood. A body hardened by training and combat, she was beautiful, she was "Minerva" he said.
Those awake those who had been saved by the hero of the shield heard that word and saw that it was fitting "Minerva" they said as if in prayer.
Ranma stumbled and might have fallen but for Raphtalia catching her "Master" she said gently "You've done enough"
Ranma opened her mouth to protest but could only groan in protest, Raphtalia ignored it and carried the martial artist out. Said martial artist was too weak to do much of anything and by the time they were halfway to the spot the Raccoon girl had prepared for them Ranma passed out.
Some inconsiderate asshole woke her up the next morning with a horn none the less, the sleep Ranma had gotten allowed her to get back to her feet and Raphtalia was right there looking like she had been up all night.
A man sat on a horse looking down at her frowning "I was told this was were the shield hero was sleeping where is he?"
Ranma waved her arm with the Shield on it "What" she groaned as her stomach gurgled.
"My message is for the"
She gave him a glare that almost made him wet himself, and the horse was riding simply let loose its bowels right then and there "I'" she said in clipped voice.
"Um, ok they king is putting on a feast for the hero's their presence is requested by the king so he may give them their rewards."
"The king made it quite clear to the shield hero that he was not welcome."
The courier shrugged "I'm merely the messenger"
Ranma sighed "You can tell the king to go screw himself; I have to get back to healing the wounded."
"Um master" Raphtalia whispered "New healers arrived this morning and you healed the last one in critical condition before you passed out."
"Oh" her stomach growled again "Never mind don't tell him that, we will be there." Ranma paused and shrugged "Let's go see if we can borrow horses"
They passed a nurse serving bowls of soup to men in line and Ranma looked at it longingly, on of the men saw her looking "Minerva" he whispered. Every soldier turned and as one they moved out of the way clearing the way to the soup caldron. Ranma blinked, well this was strange but perhaps they were rewarding her the best they could for helping them.
She walked up quickly to the nurse who gave her a look something in between revulsion and respect. That was new one even by her standards she took two bowls of soup one for her one for Raphtalia and walked away. The eyes of the men following her until she was out of sight, "What's going on Raphtalia?" she asked.
"I don't know" The Raccoon girl said just as confused as her master was.
"Hey you" Ranma called out to one of the non wounded soldiers, the man snapped to attention like he was being reviewed. "Yes"
" ease?" there was an awkward pause "Do you know where we can borrow some horses?"
"I know how you can talk to Shield sama" the man said still ramrod straight. He pointed to a tent among the many, it was larger than the others around it but no overly so. "Captain wishes to speak with you."
"What for?"
The man shrugged "I don't know, I'm just a soldier"
The two made their way over to the aforementioned tent it had two well armed, immaculately dressed almost Knight looking men guarding the entrance. "Captain wishes to speak with me" Ranma told them.
"My apologies miss the captain wishes to speak with only you can you companion wait out here?"
"Its fine" Raphtalia told her before things could get awkward.
Ranma moved forward and the men stepped to the side in perfect unison, inside the tent was a plain cot, one chest and desk that looked like it could be pulled apart and moved at a moment's notice. The Captain stood behind it facing the entrance to the tent, to many who first looked upon him he was an unremarkable man, tall with light grey hair and a plain face if it was not for his huge shoulders. Armor always made them look bigger and right now they looked almost deformed, he was taller than her with grey eyes that had seen much, lost much and won much.
Ranma however saw more, the eyes had a strength in them, not the raging fire that powered herself or the strength of stones that underlie the old ghoul Amazon elder. Nor the divine wrath that and rage that was the Phoenix god Saffron. No it was something different something Ranma found more impressive, there was a strength there older and humbler. As steady and sure as the rolling hills, as set in place as the mountains themselves as unchanging in the face of turmoil as the waters of a deep well. This man was dangerous not for his power but for who he was, a kindred spirit one who protected the weak.
"Greetings" he said voice low and rough "Shield hero?"
"Its a long story" Ranma said "And to make it really short certain events cause me to be either man or women."
"Hm" the Captain said "I will not pry, I am Captain Cyril Commander of the Queens first"
"Ranma Saotome hero of the shield"
They exchanged grips and the man's hand was strong, Ranma noted a greatsword leaning against one of the tent posts. "You wished to speak with me?"
"I wished to thank you for your efforts in yesterday's conflict and the aftermath, I was front and center with my men on the field when you arrived." A strange grin flashed over his face for a second " It was a thing of beauty to watch those monsters torn apart."
Ranma returned the exact same grin "Happy to help"
"Your arrival changed the way we could fight, with you there I was able to reinforce the gate force and stop the flow of reinforcements completely. Then when you brought down the Chimera and got the other heroes into the gate guard they were able to push them back."
He looked away eyes distance "Twice before we have battled the wave but never have we managed such a crushing victory." Eyes turned back to Ranma "I saw the other heroes fight, they were good but you, what you did was on a completely different level."
"I had an advantage when I came here" Ranma explained "I was already strong"
Cyril pulled out several scrolls "According to our best best guess we were outnumbered four to one so there were around twelve hundred in battle and that is not including the force that went for Ryute Village. You practically single handedly annihilated the four hundred or so monsters, that attacked it. Thank you by the way for saving the village"
"No problem" Ranma answered.
"You then covered the ten miles between the village and the battlefield, destroyed almost a half of the monsters in the field, killed the chimera and pushed the forces coming through the tear back almost to the point where you could have walked through and to top it all off after that exhausting battle you go over to the wounded and start saving lifes like its going out of style with magic that apparently is on par with master level healing and more versatile to boot."
There was a pause "You killed around one thousand monsters, the boss of the wave and saved over sixty critically wounded soldiers, drank thirty two mana potions which by the way should have killed you and to top it all off you are standing in front of me this morning looking only tired. What the hell kind of level are you?"
Ranma glanced at the stat screen "32" she said
"The Chimera was level 25, the sub commanders those big ghouls you killed were level twenty and the rank and file monsters were anywhere between 10 and 15 even given that you were twice as strong as the average monsters there is no way you should have torn through them like that."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I wish to understand your power"
"So I can build my men around it, so I know how to command my troops when you arrive because apparently you are worth over a thousand soldiers and thirty healers by yourself."
Ranma pursed her lips "When you put it like that it sounds a lot more impressive than it really is, for instance it only took me one strike to kill an average monster and my defense meant anything short of the sub commanders could not touch me. In my world I learned how to strike several hundred times per second, by doing that you lose some of your strength for speed. Did you notice that I never used that ability against the sub commanders in girl from it would not have done much. My mobility enabled me to be in the thick of fighting and stay there thus I did not have to worry about friend and foe every movement, every shadow was an enemy so I did not have to watch was I was doing. That thing with the chimera surprised me as much as anyone else but I think the other Heroes had already weakened it enough so that my attack destroyed it. Again my fighting at the gate was spent inside the horde and not near allies so I could go all out and no bother where by attacks were going."
She paused for a moment "The healing was as impressive as it sounds I'm not gonna lie and that mana potion thing I can't explain that."
A wave of weakness washed over her and she fell forward Cyril's hand shot out and kept her from hitting the desk but she knocked over a seaming mug of tea. "So there are some side effects" The Captain noted, Ranma missed that staring at the liquid on the ground.
"Does tea in this world melt the dirt?" She asked.
The Captain looked at what she was seeing and his eyes darkened at the sight of the liquid eating a hole about six inches into the earth, the weakness passed and Ranma straightened. "Guess not"
The dark look passed and suddenly the man looked tired, if Ranma was guessing right he was the better side of forty. "Fifth one this month" Cyril sighed.
*sigh* "I have no idea, though that was the first subtle attempt at it, the last one was a rockslide."
"What the hell is going on I thought the wave could end the world."
"I know" the captain said with just as much exasperation as ranma felt "Then end of the world is upon us and people still spend time effort and money maneuvering for power." The man looked at the steaming hole in the ground "Thank you for saving my life even if it was only by accident, I should not be bothering you in internal troubles." The tired look disappeared as the man centered himself "I will have to be more careful" he shook his head like a dog shaking off water. "What I called you here for was to offer you my heartfelt thanks, you saved the lives of my men and for that I am in your debt."
Ranma met him eye to eye "I am a martial artist, I protect, you owe me nothing."
A small grin touched the man's face "Now that is what the heroes of legend would say"
"However Me and my companion would like to borrow or buy horses apparently we are being summoned to the castle"
"I see, as it so happens I am being called to the same, it would be my honor if you would ride with us."
Ranma nodded "Sounds good one condition though"
"I need a cup of boiling water"
Several minutes later the now male Ranma and Raphtalia walked to the mounts with the slightly surprised Captain Cyril knowing someone could swap genders and seeing it were two different things. Thankfully the whispers of Minerva among the troops had quieted down most probably did not know of the Shield Hero's curse.
"So what kind of horses do you have" Ranma asked
"We have something better than horses" the Captain answered in his normal tone. They rounded a corner and came face to face with what he was going to be riding. It was something akin to to an ostrich a bird like creature with wings and three pronged taloned feet it was covered feathers which bunched around the neck area where it met the body. There were several different colored ones each ridden by more of those immaculately dressed guards. Only two were open a yellow one and a brown one. "These are philo rial and they put horses to shame"
The brown one made a pleased squawk and nearly knocked the captain over in its excitement at seeing him. Cyril just scratched its head and with a smooth action mounted a saddle attached to it. She will carry you and your companion" he said pointed.
Raphtalia paled slightly as Ranma copied the way the Captain had mounted his and offered her his hand. She took it and he lifted her up placing her in front of him "Hup hup" the Captain called and as one the philo rial moved off at a good clip. Raphtalia tensed up and her face turned paler, it only took a moment of study to figure out what was wrong. "Motion sickness" Ranma said out loud.
He placed one hand on her abdomen and the other over her heart and began to channel his ki, he pretended not to notice the moan that escaped her as he did this. Her parlor returned to normal and they stayed like that for the next two hours. The philo rial's did not seem to tire in the slightest even though they did not slow. It was not long before the castle and the town below it came into sight.
The air was festive almost and people milled about the streets, stores and restaurants with a positive air. All moved out of the way for Captain Cyril he looked both intimidating and important in his legion esk armor. The portcullis was open as they rode into the courtyard and dismounted servants came and began to care for the philo rial's. Ranma and Raphtalia both followed Cyril as he seemed to know where he was going. The sun had set in the sky by this point when they entered the banquet room. With all the flashy nobility and fans of the three heroes milling about their entrance made no stir.
Raphtalia's eyes shone as she looked upon the feast "Such a feast" she whispered.
Ranma's own stomach made a growling sound at the sight as well, even if his body could take the Ki overusage his body demanded compensation for it. That compensation was demanded in the form of food "Thank you for getting me here" he told the Captain.
"Thank you for saving my men hero of the shield"
"I'm starving right now so me and Raphtalia are going to take full advantage of the feast."
"I have no doubt you are starving, the healers by themselves eat enough for a hundred men after their battle healing and you did more than any, agian you have my thanks"
Captain Cyril thumped his fist to his heart almost in the same way military men saluted in Ranma's world. He then turned and marched forward people moving out of his way within even noticing they did so.
Ranma and Raphtalia grabbed plates and piled on the food, rather than going to a table they just stood there and ate. Meat's vegetables, fruits, nuts, desserts Ranma ate them all at some point people around him began to just stare in fascination. Even Raphtalia who ate a great deal found herself for once outpaced by her master.
This had never happened before, Ranma had never been in this kind of state of hunger, at one point he almost ate a candle stick without noticing. Raphtalia pulled it out of his hand just in time, he finally noticed the silence that had slowly filled the room as he put the last drumstick in his mouth.
He looked back down the feast table that had been full when he started, now not even scraps remained. That was when Motoyasu appeared from the crowd having exited on of the side doors, "Ranma!" he howled out.
"Hmm?" was his answer he got as Ranma had a full mouth right now.
A glove flew through the air and bounced off the shield hero's forehead "Duel with me!' the man snarled.
Ranma continued chewing "Hmm?" he said a little louder.
"I know it all! Raptalia-chan was only tagging around with you because she is your slave?"
*Blink*Blink*Swallow* Ranma pulled the half eaten drumstick out of his mouth "Pardon?"
"I did some digging that girl was seen in the ownership of a slave master"
Ranma nodded "Ya she escaped I helped her."
"Sure that would be what you say" Motoyasu answered in disgust. "Have you no pride, no heart?"
This guy was really good at not listening "She is not a slave" Ranma said slowly as if to a intellectually challenged person.
"Then prove it"
"Give her permission to leave you and see if she stays"
Ranma turned to Raphtalia "You do know you're free to leave if you wish?"
"Not a chance in this world or the next" she answered calmly "I am not Ranma's slave he saved me from such a fate."
"Then why have people heard you call him master" asked the spear hero.
"Because he is my teacher, he's teaching me how to write, how to fight, and how to become strong."
Motoyasu's eyes turned grave and sad "I understand miss, you do not wish for the pain the slave seal will give you, you need not say more."
"Slave seal?" Ranma asked confused.
Raphtalia flinched slightly "When slaves are bought from a slave master they are marked normally over the heart." Her hand lowered covering the area between her legs "Sometimes other places, it cause pain when the master wishes it and prevents the slave from acting against their master in any way."
Rage rose in a sudden burning heat but Ranma beat it down Raphtalia's body language was clear it had been down to her more than once. "Are you marked?" he asked ignoring the indigent spear hero.
"No, the seal is expensive and when a slave is sold the price of destroying to previous seal is deducted from the overall value of the slave. So the slave trader's and slave masters who buy and sell don't seal their don't plan on keeping them long enough for them to be of use."
"I see"
"Do not ignore me" the spear hero snarled "Your acting is worthy of an award but I know your true character and I will free this fair maiden from you evil clutches."
Ranma frowned as a huge sense of deja vu "I will free Akane and the pigtailed girl from you sorceress powers Saotome" man he had almost forget how annoying Kuno was.
"Look" he said calmly "She is not a slave, she wants to be here and no I do not use her for personal amusement. Hell for that matter if I wanted a women that badly I am for the only person alive who could use myself."
That shut up the spear hero real good as his mouth moved but no words came out against that fact, "You, you" he floundered.
"I have heard Motoyasu's story" a voice said.
"Oh come on!" Ranma yelled as the King made his way into view, the people parting to make way for the man.
"I have heard that one of the heroes was using slaves, if you refuse Motoyasu's proposal than I shall order it, a duel there shall be."
Ranma just stared at the man "This is meaningless I am" Raphtalia was saying, she was interrupted by a Knight moving behind her. She sensed it at the last second and ducked avoiding a gag that the man had been trying to place over her mouth. Two quick steps put her back to back with Ranma, his hand stopped her from drawing forth the black katana. This was no place for that, Ranma analyzed the situation calmly "Hey Cyril" he called out noticing the Captain standing off to the side looking at the king with an Oh my gods is he really that stupid look.
The man sighed deeply "Yes Shield Hero"
"If I decide to fight my way out will you try to stop me?"
"Even though I know the outcome of that yes I am honor bound to try"
The martial artist nodded turning to Raphtalia "Ok so my prefered course of action is to accept this stupid duel, kick his ass and end this whole thing right now. However its your life we are talking about so I'll leave the choice up to you. Do you want me to duel or fight my way out of this place, I can do either one but I like Cyril."
"Your arrogance knows no ends Shield" the king snarled "These knights are my best lv 70's with all of them here you would have no chance."
"Shut up the adults are talking" Ranma told him easily.
"Ranma you should duel I have every belief that you will win."
"Ok then, thank you Raphtalia after this you get anything you want my treat."
As soon as those words left his mount he felt as If he had said something dangerous, the light that entered his apprentice's eyes told him that she already had something in mind.
"Ok" he said turning back to the fuming spear and king "Lets get this over with"
It should not have surprised him that everything got set up so fast, on the kings command
the servants had quickly and efficiently turned the Royal Gardens into a dueling space. Mein had made her appearance as the Spear Hero waited on the other side. She stood beside her "hero" and looked positively pleased after all he was the shield hero how could he possibly beat the spear hero.
It seemed they had all forgotten the incident at the Dragon Hourglass that or the more likely case they had convinced themselves that he had gotten off a surprise attack. Well far be it from him to begrudge the illusions of fools and schemers. But he at least had to try "You do remember what happened last time I attacked you right?" he said in a bored voice.
The shield hero absently rubbed his chest, you caught me by surprise nothing more I am at least ten levels higher than I was at that time."
So that was where his confidence came from in this world levels were everything, unfortunately for him Ranma did not follow those same rules. Or perhaps better to say he had a huge starting advantage that he was in no way inclined to lose, all hail martial arts.
"Now then" the king said " Let us commence the duel between the Spear Hero and the Shield Hero! The victor and the vanquished shall only be determined either before the finishing blow is directly dealt or when one of them accepts their defeat!"
There was a round of laughter among the nobles, they all knew that a shield was for defence. They were well aware of how one sided this was going to be and they loved it. Ranma grinned to himself this was going to be a lot more fun that it should be.
"This time you have no surprises Shield, we all know about your one attack skill. Do not think that just because you last hit the boss it means anything at all."
Ranma ignored him poping his arms and shoulders he glanced at Mein who was giving him a haughty expression of arrogance and assurance. Rolling his eyes he flicked his eyes back to a much more pretty sight, Raphtalia was standing calmly to the side watching him intently. Several knights had tried to gag her before the match but Ranma once glare from Ranma had served to remind them of what happened last time the hero of the shield had struck a guard. Repairing platemail was expensive and not cost efficient so they left her be.
She smiled as he looked on her and he felt as if he needed no more encouragement, "Begin" the king shouted.
Motoyasu charged almost before the word even finished thrusting his spear "Chaos thrust" he shouted power humming along the length of the spear. The thrust manipulated sevenfold as phantom spears lashed out in unison each striking a different place. It was a good skill especially against against unprepared opponents. However the attacks shared one thing in common range. A complete idiot with a slight amount of training would be able to see that attack that was coming. And if one was not only decently smart but well trained they could guess the range of the spear itself.
At the right moment Ranma jumped back just far enough that the first thrust missed and thus the six other stirks fell short too. The spear hero hissed in frustration as he took another step and thrust the spear again. Stepping forward and to the diagonal he avoided the second attack, one more step took him into range of his fist. Motoyasu fumbled for a moment as he tried to readjust, Ranma tapped him lightly on the shoulder at just the right moment. The spear hero fell to the garden floor "A spear like that is a mid range weapon you should be prepared for someone doing what I just did, its basic tactics for fighting a spear." He gave that statement like a lecturer to a particularly dim witted student.
"Are….are you mocking me?"
"Nope just telling you some basic flaws I see."
The man took in an angry breath and got back to his feet, Ranma saw the motions of his shoulders and core as even thought the man pretended to be waiting he prepared a thrust. With the same move as last time Ranma stepped into the effective range of the spear. Motoyasu smiled and the weapon shrank to a spear only four feet long, with two swaying steps Ranma moved out of range. "Much better" he told the spear hero.
That earned him a glare and another attack as the spear returned to its previous form, Ranma dodged each blow with contemptuous ease making a point of not using his shield at all. "Your form is better than I thought it would be, but" Ranma caught the haft of the spear holding it so it could not be moved. "You telegraph all your attacks I know children you read your movements." Granted those children were from the Amazon Village but the point still stood. The spear morphed out of his hand and suddenly the spear hero was holding a halberg. It was essentially a spear with an axe head on the side.
"Shut up" Motoyasu snarled as he jumped into the air brandishing the weapon like a over sized axe "Guillotine Drop".
Ranma took exactly one step to the left.
The force of the blow cracked the ground and perhaps if Ranma had been unprepared it might have knocked him down. But as it was 'Telegraph" Ranma told him "That was even easier that to avoid than the thrusts.
Before the hero could lift his weapon Ranma put on foot on it and pushed down, once again the spear hero had to morph his weapon to get it back. Around them the laughter had stopped, no one quite understood what was going on right now. What should have been a one sided beatdown was looking like a match between an adult and a toddler.
"Damn you Villain" the man snarled realizing it as well "You think that this is all I have?"
"I should hope not" Ranma told him easily.
"Calm down Spear hero, getting angry accomplishes nothing in fact it makes my life easier. Your attacks are faster when you are angry but."
"Turbulent thrust" the hero howled.
Ranma again took a step and avoided the blow "You are way to easy to read, its almost pitiful."
The man's entire body trembled in wrath "Is that how you played your games back in your world? You found something hard so you raged at it until it went away?"
Motoyasu froze blinking as Ranma waited as calm made its way back to the spear hero. "Anger has its place in a fight, every emotion does but you must be wary, you must train yourself so that even in your anger the power you possess does not lose it purpose."
For the first time confusion won its way to the spear hero's face, he did not ask the question but it was obvious "Why are you helping me?"
Ranma did not want to or feel like answering that question so he did not rather he waited until the spear hero got over that and readied himself for the fight. "I do not know what you hoped to accomplish fiend but you will regret calming me"
*Sigh* at least half of what he had tried to accomplish had worked. The spear hero moved his eyes bright and clearly thinking, his hands wavered slightly and for the first time his thrust met the shield of the Ranma "A faint excellent" he told him "Much much better, however" Ranma ducked a thrust swiped the hero's legs out from under him and moved back "You have a lot to learn, but at least now you know."
In the stands Captain Cyril watched the proceedings from the look they shared for a moment that man understood what he was going and why. The Captain gave him the slightest nod of thanks at his actions, then flicked up warningly to the stands were the king was sitting. Since he was looking he was able to feel the magic that was gathering around the kings daughter. Invisible wind swirled around her body as she watched the match with intense angry eyes.
He almost laughed out loud "It seemed she was planning to make sure her hero won no matter what she had to do. Motoyasu attacked again and Ranma avoided most of the blows while deflected two with the stone hide shield. They were standing over the area of the dueling ground where Motoyasu had shattered the ground. Ever so slightly Ranma stomped on one of the rounded chips of stone sending it flying into the air at eye level. He then gave his most telegraphed punch in the world that Motoyasu avoided hitting the chipped stone head on.
He was not even looking in her direction but the chip of stone shot through the air and smacked the inner part of Mein's wrist. She let out a sudden cry of pain and the magic vanished the controlling will behind it lost concentration.
Motoyasu did not see was Ranma had done but he did see that for a moment his enemy was distracted, the spear changed again it was as long as the original spear but the metal head was yellow and jagged, engravings of runes that flashed with stormy light were engraved on the shaft and glowed with subtle power.
The spear hero moved in a fast rush not holding back anything as Ranma's eyes returned to combat "Thunder's Wrath" Motoyasu howled to the air. Blue electricity exploded from the runes dancing along the length. The metal head of the spear turned white as energy filled it, the spear hero thrust and there was a roar of thunder to accompany the attack.
Ranma simply held up his hand palm facing the blow.
The spear stuck, stuck the exposed hand of Ranma Saotome head on a shock wave of force blasted outward. Painful electricity danced along the shield hero's arm, there was a blinding flash of light that took all sight away. When it faded the spear hero could be seen starring in numb astonishment. A spear thrust that would have punched a hole in stone had penetrated only a quarter inch if that into the martial artist.
With no particular effort the martial artist shoved back sended the stunned hero sprawling, angry blotches where the electricity had burned flesh covered the Ranma's arm and a constant stream of blood trickled out from his palm.
He held up his arm and let out a breath, the power of his ki engulfed it, his mana bar lowered but as it did so skin was born anew and the hole in his hand closed. Motoyasu seemed to have nothing to say, just sitting there staring. "You have shown me your best" Ranma said "Now its my turn."
The spear hero scrambled to his feet as the stone hide shield morphed into the Crystal Shield, he thrust it into the hear shouting "Crystal Encase" Green crystal shattered the earth below Motoyasu's feet. The man yelped as it grew and covered his body over the course of several seconds, he twisted and struggled but the last skill had taken a lot out of him.
Ranma held up his hand "Shield Prison" Four large metal shields materialized around the encased spear hero along with a fifth that covered the top. Chains materialized between the shields interlocking them, words came to Ranma's mind as he prepared the combo ability "Let the embrace of earth be your prison, let the bite of metal be your torment till the end of days, by earth and sacred steel be bound in the might of Gaea"
There was a flash of light that shrouded the shield prison and when it cleared the spear hero could be seen his entire body save his head frozen in metal that had taken the shape of the crystals.
Ranma looked around him calmly "I believe that is game set and match"
The spear hero's face set itself as he tried and tried to move, but it was pointless Ranma had trapped him completely and as it was now he could kill him at his leisure if he so chose. "Well King what say you?"
"What dark forces have you been dealing with shield to gain that power!" The king howled compelay enraged.
*sigh* "There is no reasoning with you is there?
Captain Cyril stood up "My king you shame your office and you shame the queen with your actions do as is required by law."
"You overstep yourself Cyril" The king said in a low dangerous voice.
The man had far too much steel in his spine to even be so much as fazed by such a glare "Do as is required by law or so help me I will do it for you"
That threat seemed like a slap in the face to the king and his face went livid "Arrest him" he snarled.
The knights did not move "Your majesty, we do not have the right" One of the commanders said "He is the Captain of the Queens First only she has the right to arrest him."
Tension skyrocketed as Cyril's guards who had been politely keeping their distance made their distinct presence known as they surrounded their Captain ready to defend him. The king opened his mouth to say something but a smooth voice interrupted him "Enough king"
Ren Amagi hero of the sword approached the king in his black armor beside him was Itsuki hero of the bow in armor of green. "We watched the fight, the winner is clear."
The king closed his mouth, apparently the heroes coming down on Ranma's side meant more than the Captain of the counties frontline defenders. "The winner" he hissed as if being whipped "Is the Shield" he did not bother to add hero to that.
With the crisis averted Ranma walked back to Raphtalia as he did so he snapped his fingers loudly and the crystal prison around the spear hero melted sinking back into the earth leaving no trace.
He took Raphtalia's hand and they said nothing as they walked away nothing really needed to be said the hero of the shield had won and that was that. Raphtalia did not ask for anything though what he had said before the match about her asking for whatever she wanted was clearly on her mind. Well no sense in worrying about it now, beside them Cyril appeared from whatever out of the way passage he had taken.
"My apologies shield hero" he said as he fell into pace with them.
Ranma shrugged "You were doing your duty, nothing to be ashamed of."
The man shook his head "No I would never apologise for that, it is for our kings actions towards you"
"It does not matter, he convinced himself that I raped his daughter and with her holding story it kind of makes sense."
Cyril hesitated "Loyalty or truth" he muttered " Shield hero, hypothetically what would you do I you knew a piece of information that say someone like you had every right to know but did not. However If you knew there is a good chance there would be negative consequences for my country if you did. Would you tell me?"
Ranma pursed his lips "are you sacrificing children to a dark god?"
"Committing Genocide?"
"Are you doing anything reprehensible?"
"The king is but no I am not."
There met eyes "You are loyal to this country, you have an oath to it. Even though I am really curious about what you are talking about I respect that fact that people follow their oaths and promises. What does your oath say?"
"That I should let the queen decide if you should know"
Ranma gently punched the metal pauldron on the man's shoulder "There you have it"
Cyril started laughing then, it was a deep sound one not used to be uttered but it sounded true and full. "I have never met anyone like you Ranma Saotome"
"I am who I am nothing more nothing less"
"I see" Cyril handed him a bag "This contains four hundred and fifty gold coins, the king tomorrow is going to hand out rewards and all he plans on giving you is living expenses."
Between that and what he had gained from the Diamond Dog fight he was decently wealthy now "Thank you Cyril"
"It is the least I can do Hero of the shield"
They reached the portcullis and the Captain stopped seeing them off as they headed into town "I will see you again at the next wave" Ranma called.
"One would hope given that we do not know where they will appear"
Ranma paused thinking "Can't I just meet with you before it and bring you with me, I mean Raphtalia came with me when I was teleported."
Cyril frowned "A three hundred man do know that will severely decrease the experience gain you will get."
Ranma shrugged "During a wave its far more important to protect others than gain power."
Cyril smiled and pulled out a stone "When you are ready put some blood on this and you will be where you need to be." The stone was black and had a sigil carved into its center"
"I will see you then" Ranma told him.
"Thank you for helping us" Raphtalia said.
"As before you are most welcome, I pray your journey will bring you strength" The Captain's eyes sparkled "Minerva"
Ranma did not hear that last part as he had been moving away from the man, he glanced at all the money he had acquired in this past week. Well that only meant one thing in this world, time for better equipment.
There first stop was Oyaji's weapons shop, the old man was sweeping the floor when they walked in "Hello you two" he greeted them "Good to have you back."
He and Ranma traded grips "We are outfitting her" Ranma said pointing at Raphtalia "Since I now have money I want the best you got."
"Um master"
"Ranma" he corrected her.
"Ranma you don't need to"
He waved a hand "Your weapon is fine but lets get you some great armor"
Oyaji glanced at the Katana belted to Raphtalia's side "I see you put it to good use"
Raphtalia smiled at him "I could not ask for anything better Oyaji-san"
"Please call me Oyaji, the san makes me feel old."
"Of course" she said.
He went over to the counter and pulled out several stripes with numbers on them "How much are you willing to spend?"
"What is the best armor you think you can make for her?"
He began his measurements "What level is she?"
" would cost about a thousand silver pieces, from her looks I would say medium armor would be the best and I could retrofit some Drakesteel armor into a Darksteel vest."
Ranma nodded "How long will it take?"
"Three days, I allready have the Drakesteel changing it is the hard part."
"Got ya" Ranma said as he put fifteen gold coins on the table.
"Thats too much" Oyaji said instantly.
"Consider this a debt payed for your kindness when no one else was." Ranma grinned "Besides its not like you can make me take it back."
The old man laughed at that "I did not get to be where I am today by turning away money." He finished up the measurements. "What do you two plan on doing?"
"Gona grab a few more magic tomes, and train up Raphtalia until the armor is done"
"Dabbling in magic are we? Nice."
"About time I happened to magic instead of magic happening to me." Ranma said agreeing.
The shopkeeper frowned at that confused but did not push "See you in three days" Ranma told that him as he and Raphtalia left that weapon's shop. Before heading to the magic store Ranma made a detour to the Dragon Hourglass to check on on the time until the next wave. The time said 40:14:10:09 which would give them plenty of time to prepare.
"I thought you would be here" a voice said as Ranma turned away Ren Amaki hero of the sword was leaning against the wall of the sanctum.
"Ren" Ranma said amiably.
The dark haired boy nodded "You were amazing fighting the wave you know, I've never seen a shield do so much damage."
"Well I had several advantages you three did not."
Ren hesitated "Do you mind if I ask how and what?"
"As best as I can figure in my world things are no where near as advanced as your worlds. From what you three spoke about you had games that did something with your mind to make you think you were in it, correct?"
Ren nodded "It was called nerv gear in my world"
"Ok, well in my world while we did not have video games like that we did have something this" Ranma held up a hand and a glowing ball of ki appeared. "I was able to do things like this long before I came here, in my world martial arts can make you superhuman and it is all based on using your body's life force, your ki to do so."
Ren looked thoughtful "Had you said anything like that at first I would not have believed you." he shook his head "But seeing you jump huge distances, watching you one shot the boss monster."
"To be fair you guys weakened it considerably"
"And then watching you tear through everything else like paper, you have to be around the same level as us but your power easily dwarfs ours."
"What did you come here for Ren?"
"I wanted to ask if you knew a way to get as strong as you?"
Ranma pursed his lips "One my skill screen there is a martial arts skill, do you have one like that."
Ren's eyes flicked up "No I don't see it but I believe you when you say...oh there it is. Through thats funny it just appeared."
"According to the skill I am a grand master of martial arts and I get a ridiculous amount of stat ups, growth boosts, and bonuses from it. I also have a few more things that give me similar boosts but they dangerous and are beyond reach."
Ren nodded at that "Strange that this skill was not there before you mentioned it"
"I would offer to teach you but with the legendary weapons I don't think that is an option."
"Probably not" Ren sighed
"Perhaps there are teachers out there if you looked for them"
The boy looked towards the east "There was a man who offered to show me some of the way of the blade but I was too busy."
"That might be a good place to start"
Ren nodded "Indeed," there was a few moments of silence before he said "Since it seems not everything is on the status window do you know what weapon proficiency is?"
Ranma shook his head "No"
"I see, if you use the same weapon for a long amount of time, it will get stronger. And when a weapon becomes obsolete, you can convert that proficiency into energy and transfer it. Storing energy unleashes extreme powers. This is most important."
"Ok how do I check that?"
"Open your inventory and check the weapons you have been using the status should be there telling you how much energy has been charged."
Ranma opened the stone hide shield, and at first there was nothing but after squinting at it for a moment there was a sound like a bell and the bar Ren had been talking about fell into place.
Stone Hide Shield
True Power unsealed: Damage Reduction /1, Equipment Bonus: Damage Reduction /2 Defense Bonus 10, Bonus Skill: Hide of the Ancestors (Once a day skill that grants a plus /10 Damage reduction to the user"
Proficiency 100
Had Not the damage reduction been only 2 and the defence 7 before?
"Ok I see it so what do I do?"
"Convert it"
Ranma touched the proficiency tab the number disappeared replaced by a message "Acquired 2000 skill energy"
"Alright I got the energy now what?"
"Touch the shield you want to enhance but you may need to take the proficiency points from other weapons to do so" Ranma ended up taking the skill power from nearly every one of his lower shields he did not use any more. With that done he reset the skill proficiency,
Stone Hide Shield
Improvement DR/5
Unsealed Ability improvement DR/5
Hide of the Ancestors(DR/15)
"Wow" Ranma said
"It does give nice bonuses" Ren said by way of agreement.
"Ranma" Raphtalia said "I have the skill proficiency too but only with the katana"
Ren blinked "You have a katana? Where the hell did you find one of those?"
"I knew a guy" Ranma said in a noncommittal way.
The boy laughed "You will tell others the secrets of your power but not where you find things?"
"Not if it will get the one who sold this to me in trouble."
"Apparently its illegal to so much as take one of these weapons out of its country of origin much less sell it."
"Apparently I need ten thousand skill points to reset it, right now I only have two thousand." Raphtalia said as her eyes flicked between Ranma and her stat screen.
"That is a lot of points" Ren said frowning "Nothing I have yet requires that much."
Ranma shrugged "The damn thing talks so I'm not surprised"
"...It talks?"
"Yep, and that's not the strangest thing that has ever happened to me"
"The girl thing?"
"Ya the girl thing trumps all that."
All three of them made their way out of the dragon hourglass sanctum "Do you mind if I ask one more question?"
"Only If you don't mind walking, I have to get to the magic shop."
Ren fell into place beside the two of them "Your battle with Motoyasu you were teaching him weren't you?"
"He was trying to harm you, to humiliate you why would you take the time and risk to help him?"
"In the first place I could have beat him blindfolded with my arms and legs chained together. It was no risk on my part as my little stunt with his thunder lance proved. But the reason is simple, that wave we fought, I would not have been anywhere near as effective as I was without the help that everyone brought. The soldiers that kept the main body near the gate, you three that held up the boss so he could not wreak havoc. I was able to save a village, help kill the boss, fight in the main battle and doctor the injured only because of everyone else there. You, Motoyasu and Itsuki by virtue of the weapons you hold each of you has an incredible amount of potential." Ranma grinned a bit "I want to see what you will become, and perhaps have a few good fights with you when you get there."
Ren was quiet for the rest of the walk until they reached the magic shop "You are a strange person Ranma, but I think, I think," he shrugged "Well it does not matter but it is good to have you on our side."
"I could say the same for you hero of the sword, you died to protect someone else in my mind there are few better ways the go than that."
Ren's eyes went distant "You really think so?"
"What was that quote from that old book?... oh yes greater love hath no man than one who would give his life for his friend."
Ren's mouth twitched "I heard that somewhere too, never thought about it too much though."
They traded grips "Fight well hero of the sword" Ranma said
"Fight well hero of the shield" Ren parroted.
He walked off into the town having apparently having his own errand to run, Ranma entered the magic shop with Raphtalia already knowing what he wanted. He grabbed up the intermediate level magic books for fire, lighting and wind. It had only taken him one night to get the wind magic to work and he was almost done with fire. Thunder was still untouched but it was next on his list.
The old lady looked from him to Raphtalia confused, "Where is the young lady who was with you child?"
Raphtalia's mouth twitched once "She's nearby"
"Ah doing something else right now?"
"In a manner of speaking mam"
The woman's eyes turned back to Ranma then to his shield, they flicked over him noting the lack of weaponry. "Are you the hero of the shield son?"
He nodded, the shopkeeper took in a shaky breath placed a soft hand on his shoulder "You saved my grandson, he lives with his family at Ryute, thank you."
Warmth spread through his core at that, to hear he had made a difference was the best reward he could ask for. He tried paying for the books but the lady would only take half of what they were worth, said that it was the least she could do.
So richer by three magic books and an armor on the way for his companion they made their camp in the planes outside of town. After everything had been set up Raphtalia went to work on her letters and Ranma to his magic…*Splash*...her magic. Despite really not wanting to she made herself pick of the book of flames, beside their camp was comfortably large stream and Raphtalia had more of that medicine on hand so she had no excuse not to try and finish it.
It was annoying though, wind had come so easily not one of her spells had felt overcharged like they had with fire. With tome in hand she got a safe distance away not wanted to accidentally incinerate anything.
She had finished reading the tome before the wave had started so she was ready to try the last spell "Flame Stream" With a breath she focused gathering mana from within herself "I am the hero of the shield who commands the origin of power, I have read and deciphered the law of nature. Become dust at the merciless heat of flame" ""Etain ・Flame Stream"
What was supposed to come out was a jet of flame that remained for a short time, kind of like a weakened flamethrower. What happened was white hot flash of flame that's backlash sent Ranma back clean through a tree and crashing into the next one.
She just stayed there breath knocked out of her lungs "Ow" Ranma whispered. Ki flickered out mending flesh and bone making pain flare up then vanish. Ok so something was really wrong with her fire magic, she was damn sure that flame jet was not meant to be a passable substitute for a jet engine.
"Calm mind, clear heart" she muttered "Something it wrong, how do I find out?"
It came to her after a little bit an Idea that might work, standing back up she began to chant the spell again, but this time gathering less than a tenth of the mana required to power the spell. Ranma did not focus on the results rather closing her eyes she turned her senses to the pathways of ki and mana that shared the same space coursing through her body.
And there it was, the mana took a path that did not follow the path it should have, the magic that was going to create fire took a detour one that led right to where the sacred fire of Saffran the Phoenix god had permanently scarred him. The mana passed through that area of her body, why had she not noticed it before. Ki flowed in veins that closely followed the blood of ones body but somehow it now avoided the area under her scars. It did nothing to damage the way her ki worked otherwise Ranma would have noticed it before.
The spell flared and died without sending her flying but now at least she had a better Idea what was happening. The mana she was using to create fire was being amplified by something within the scar. Trouble was she had no idea what it was, her ki was avoiding that area she could feel nothing of what was happening once her mana was amplified.
But the good part was now Ranma knew how she was going to learn fire from now on, popping her shoulders time to get this party started.
The flames Ranma through around scared earth, toppled trees and generally sent everything within a mile running for their life. Her hand were red and her back still hurt from the blast through a tree but she was not covered in burns so that was a plus. Even though she did not understand it she for now would have to simply treat fire spells as really inexpensive mana cost spells. She did not want to know what trying to overcharge them would do. At least not until she managed to finagle some fire resistance if there was such a thing.
Her new shirt was agian for the most part ripped to shreds but she had bought eight of them for situations like this. Popping her neck she was about to walk back to camp when she saw something strange. Within the area of destructions she had caused as a puddle of blue slime and it was making noises. *Bloop*Bloop* and somehow the noises sounded pitiful and scared. Frowning she walked over to it and crouched taking a closer look at it *Bloop* it made that noise again.
Slime, that was what the shield said it was a low level monster that required hydration to survive. They could digest almost anything but as a general rule they did not attack unless threatened. *Bloop* it said again.
Given how much heat she had been throwing around it made sense that this thing was dehydrated, it made a sad scared noise and again and Ranma sighed. Taking out one of the flasks of water she poured it onto the poor creature.
The effect was amazing. the water vanished into the slime and the puddle began to pull itself together. The ooze congealed into a round ball the size of Ranma's palm, it was blue with two shapes of a slightly darker blue that looked like eyes. On top was an small antenna like thing that was a shade of turquoise with a bulb of yellow at the top. *Boolp*Bloop* was the sound it made in between bounces as it hopped up and down.
"Um you're welcome I guess" she told the creature.
Nodding she turned away and began to walk. *Bloop* Bloop* her head turned as the slime bounced after her. It stopped when she did. Watching it she took one step further*Bloop* it followed her again.
For some reason Ranma felt as if she was watching a puppy that having just been feed will follow the person that fed it in hopes of more. She spend two minutes staring at the slime which besides the occasional *bloop* watched her back.
"Ya know" Ranma said out loud "I always did want a puppy but pop would not allow it."
She knelt down and held out her hand, *Bloop* it said as it bounced happily into her hand. Holding a slime as like holding a water balloon only more viscous and pulsing with life.
A message appeared "A Slime had joined your party."
"...ok then...that happened." Ranma murmured.
Gently she placed it on her shoulder, the body of the slime took on an adhesive like state and it stuck itself to her shirt. The walk back to camp was interesting as the slime nuzzled against the side of her neck.
Raphtalia was kneeling over something her face a mix of excitement and worry "Master" she said as Ranma approved "Look"
Cracks had appeared all over the egg as the baby monster inside got ready to meet the world, Raphtalia turned and blinked "Master is that a slime on your shoulder?"
Ranma nodded "Apparently its part of your party now"
"...ok then" Raphtalia said a strange expression on her face.
The egg shell trembled rocking side to side, in one tremendous effort shell shattered apart. Fluffy pink feathery wings flexed and stretched, wide black eyes and a small yellow beak. A single piece of its egg shell still lay atop its head. In perfect essence it was a very large fluffy extremely cute chick.
The first thing the chick's eyes saw was Ranma and it let out a *Pii* of delight as it bounded off the incubator little wings flapping hard as it landed on Ranma's head. *Pii*Pii* it squawked. *Bloop*Bloop* the slime on her shoulders answered.
*Pii?* the bird turned to the slime on her shoulder.
Ranma looked at the shield for some reason it did not tell him what the baby bird was, which made no sense whatsoever. She reached up and gently scratched the top of the birds head.
*Pii* it squawked happily.
The slime moved from Ranma shoulder to her sternum so that it could see her better *Bloop* it said.
Ranma blinked once and with a shrug used her other hand to scratch the slimes...head?...Body?...plasmoid?.. she did not know. But apparently the slime liked it so that was good, she hoped.
Raphtalia was smiling at her, the girls eyes were shining with something Ranma could not place but it made her feel light on the inside.
"Master" she said calmly "I think things are going to be very interesting for us."
Ranma did not doubt that for a second in fact that was practically the standard of his/her life now. So no she had to figure out how she was going to take care of and train two monsters, thank whatever divine force was out there that monsters bodies kept up with their levels.
Fun days were ahead for all.
Ranma glanced at the remains of the of the birds egg...why the hell not. She picked up the pieces and placed them in the shield. There was a flash of light and Ranma let out a cry as her remaining mana was ripped out of her into the shields itself.
Requirements for the Demon Trainer series unsealed.
True Power unsealed: Monster Growth Correction: Large
"...oh yes fun times indeed"