Chapter 657: The Blood Curse
In Chiron's memory of this world, The Night Mistress did not die so early. In fact she had waited and prepared well before executing the plan for the revenge of her mother on the holy church.
She had executed this plan during the Great War, and then, she had been responsible for a great loss to the Holy Church, as well as killing the Thalus who had been the finger of solitude that had ended her.
It would seem like this time around, the Night mistress believed that she had a ripe opportunity and did not want to let it go. However, it ended up becoming the reason for her downfall.
After all, Over 50 years of planning was better than a few months.
But Chiron did not blame her for this. Hatred was an ever uncomfortable feeling and it must have kicked heavily at her heart.
For the above mentioned reason's weapons were simply graded according to their ability to be able to defend or attack against cultivation of certain realms in specifically raw power.
An example would be that a weapon was graded Bronze rank because it could defend against bronze rank attacks, but could not defend against attacks from a silver ranked cultivator. This was the said agreed norm, but again varied. After all, some weapons could grow. and some weapons by passed certain boundries.
It was like Chiron had once used Emma to seduce a general who was clearly of superior strength, and then easily killed him back when he was a part of the Vandora empire.
One's weakness in an area, did not mean weakness in another.
Then again, It did not mean that all ranks had weapons. In fact, unless a god gifted the treasure like the god tear that he now had, finding a weapon above the Silver rank was like looking for a needle in a haystack, or like seeing one of the twin moons with out seeing the other.
The first one was impossible and the second one only happened once in a couple thousand years.
In fact, the weapons he had collected from the gold rank and demi gods that had died were all in the rank of the bronze, but each had special properties and thus were very special. Like one chain that barely had any attacking power for even one in the copper realm, but once it should bind anything, even a gold rank or Demi god, it would never let go unless the owner willed it or the prey lost all their energy as it fed on that.
Such were the bizzarre weaponry of this world.
In total, Chiron had six of them that he deemed not too bad, and would keep for himself, including Dylan's sword that could make people vomit their organs.
In fact, he planned to not only make it a part of his arsenal, but see how he could merge such a interesting weapon with his Devil's touch.
The other weapons, he would gift them to his servants , and equip them for his glory.
Truly, this bet, as great as it was with letting Manu take over his body had been the right decision. Great risk always came with great reward.
Next, were an increase to his skills. He looked into the system hoping to buy new skills that would allow him the opportunity to be more effective in battle.
He needed skills that were in line with his specific need for each Dantain, and if possible, skills that complimented one another.
As he scrolled through the system skill section, he found something of interest. It was a blood titled 'BLOOD CURSE' Chiron touched it and it opened up.
It was a tome that had to do with how one could control blood in a fashion that it became a literal curse.
Chiron was interested in this specifically because of his ability to be able to control blood.
This was an ability that he got from the contract with his Red fire blood dragon.
Since he was now a magician, then it meant that he could also use curses—at least, that much was Manu's forte.
If he could connect the two of them together, then it could be to his benefit.
And so he opened the pages of the book and what he saw gave him some sense of joy. He could not help but search the system for a particular item, another tome of sorts, but he could not find it.
>>Unable To Find<<
>>Apologizes, the item you search for has significant relevance to this world, and the storyline and as such cannot be accessed<<
His eyes shone at this. Then again, a part of him expected this much. what he was looking for was an old treasure tome of a man that had once put fear into the hearts of men, and creatures alike. a man that had served as a General under the rule and command of the Demon king.
The same one that had commanded an army of undead in any battlefield that he were to reach. He was the only person in the history of this world that Chiron knew of that could will the aura of death like he did.
This person had made a tome of their work, their findings and right now, that was the direction of Chiron's attention.
After all, if he were to combine the Blood Curse and the Death Tome, then he was sure to create something even more amazing. But the Death Tome was said to be missing, and some say that The Death Commander had been buried with it in an unknown location.
Some say that it is in the nether realm, sitting on one of the shelf's belonging to the Demon mother. But Chiron had an idea of where it was. As a result of his knowledge of this world, he was sure of the location
Now, a combination of these two was something that would help his power growth.
But for now, he was going to learn the Blood Curse...