Chapter 663: The Lunch Proper 2
"...After all, from what I gather she still holds a grudge for what happened ten thousand years ago. Also, I heard that the magicians you so readily took in after the last war with the damn elves managed to finally bit ethe finger that fed them."
"If you have a point, Barak... I suggest you get on with it. I do have matters... To attend to. Besides what me, and MINE do, is entirely my business, I do believe that you do well to note that."
Barak gave a dry chuckle, "all this years and you are still as stubborn as ever. You know, my father warned me about you long time before I took on the reins of power. the never dying seer. One that has lived what... ten.. no, twenty thousand years? Surely you do not expect me to believe that age does not bring wisdom. You know why I have called you here. After all, you do have spies in my lands."
In saying this, he waved his hands a few guards brought some beaten people over. Some men, and some others Pigmen. They were quite a distance from the lunch table. However, thes epeople were cultivators and therefore having amazing eye sight.
Lorath nudged the guards that had brought these men and women forward and instantly, the guards stripped them of their clothes.
At first nothing of note was visible on their skin. However, a guard brought forth a particular crystal ball. it was plane like any other. However, bringing it before the beaten prisoners on the ground, it shone in a yellow light revealing the symbol of the Holy church on their chests.
Barak looked up at the face of the seer, expecting an expression. However, impressively enough, he got none.
This woman was ever as cold as he thought she was. One that had stood so long on the peak of power that even such mundane things did not seem to move her.
Barak gave the order with a finger, and Lorath nodded. His eyes staring intently at Thalus before him as he unsheathed his thin ssword with such incredible speed and sheathed back again that no one had actually confidently seen what had happened. All they had noticed was that he had returned back to his position.
And for a while, the place was silent. Nothing had happened. One of the prisoners, seeing the army of the holy church not so far away, immediately got on his feat and attempted to run.
However, he soon noticed himself falling to the ground. At least a part of himself. After all, his eyes still followed, watching his body running towards the army of the holy church, but his head was having bounces on the ground.
Everyone saw this especially the other prisoners. And then one of them looked up to Lorath in the distance. And then a faint realization dawned on him as he turned to the others beside him.
He and the others were already dead, and the worse part was that they knew.
Just then, as he looked to the others, a red line appeared around their neck, and then around his own.
Instantly, their heads fell in unison.
Thalus looked at this and then he looked away in disgust, "so uncultured!"
The seer looked at Barak, "and your point?"
"So I take you know already about the Zodiac families that are now under my command. I ensured that particular message reached your table."
"I do know that when you took over their CRYSTAL BALLS, you found evidence of demon works... what was it, again. A summons I suppose..." she spoke up.
"I see that you finally decide to speak... but thats the thing with these spies, they never get the true story." He waved his hands again. And some maids stepped forward with some corpses. These corpses were terribly mutilated, some missing private parts and some more missing heads and those that were not had then carved out in certain patterns.
All these were evidence of demon rituals.
Thalus saw this and frowned at it. He waved his hands and instantly, the corpses caught up in flames, the servants that had brought them backing off fast.
He adjusted his glasses one more time. "Repulsive."
Lorath gave a small chuckle at the disgust he showed.
"So you bring us— invited for lunch, to show this nonsense?"
"No... Its not nonsense boy! And you Seer knows it."
Thalus was infuriated that he had just been called 'Boy' by Barak. But he did not refute it. He was strong, but he also knew that Barak was not weak. Besides, Barak was a leader of the strongest faction of the zodiac families for a reason.
However, thalus looked to the seer. She had her eyes staring at the corpse that had been burnt to a crisp by Thalus.
And then she turned to barak.
Barak noted her gaze, "...familiar isn't it? after all, you are old enough and vested enough know what that was."
The Seer frowned slightly, "A ritual to resurrect the Demon king..."
"Yes... But to be precis, to resurrect his soul. However, it is quite obvious that even though beast men have more resilient bodies than humans, those corpses are all very failed experiments. They want to bring him back. The Demon king. The One known as the Blood king, and true lord of the nether realm. It would seem that your sister has not been idle these years since the demise of the Elf king."
"These are trivial matters." the seer added, "...besides, i am sure you know that Brother shadow ensures that all demi gods are in their place."
"Yes I do... But at the same time, it is your job to ensure that the Demon mother remains in hers." he suddenly sighed as he sat up right, "which brings me to another matter. One I am sure you know about. After all, it is the reason for all this bloodshed... I want the..."