Chapter 82: Day 47 the meeting
Colt wake up with Ambrosia in his arms he did not remember her coming to bed last night. Ambrosia was naked so Colt decided to wake her up by sliding into her pussy she was wake up and moaning she orgasm multiple times by the time Colt cum in her. Mmmmmm my love your should do that more often. Maybe I will Colt answer. How are the dhampirs Colt ask. They are all bounded to me they are all well trained I would like to take two of them with me today do as you please. After shower Colt met the girls for breakfast ,Nayana, Aurora,Beatrix, and Luna yous will be joining us at the meeting today. Everyone got dress it was about 10:00 when there was a knock on the door and count Vlad walk in he found Ambrosia sitting on Colts lap as he read a magic grimoire. King Colt are you ready for today's meeting yes. Question for you king Colt do you happen to know about poison blood as we call it. Not alot. So I will explain it to you poison blood is deathly to us it will burn us from the inside out but if a vampire would make a blood pack with someone that have poison blood it will not hurt the vampire that have the blood pack but it will limit the blood that vampire can drink to only the blood of who the pack was make with. And for a general rule people with poison blood are vampire hunters. I was told that the youngest son of count Sebastian had a run in with a human with poison blood that can not be my love he not human he is undead. So you say princess Ambrosia all the count should be arriving you and king Colt can go to the meeting hall awhile count Vlad told them. Colt and Ambrosia when in the meeting room when Colt sat down Ambrosia sat on his lap Ambrosia you should get up and sit in the other chair. No my king I belong on your lap she when and bite his neck and suck some of his blood. You are my and I must mark what is mine. My king would you like so of my blood Ambrosia I am not a vampire. I know my king but you are undead and undead like the living. So that eliminates you my dear. No my king I am part of the living undead so you will still like my blood. But I do not have anyway to get to your blood. Ambrosia when with her hand and make her nails enlarge and she cut her neck alittle there you go my love. But Ambrosia Colt this is important for a female vampire to let another drink their blood it something that is not seen often because it shows our weakness. But you been drinking my blood in public for awhile. That is again something the female vampire do not do because we are aspost to be independent and strong but we drinking the blood off our love shows two different ways. One for other female that it my territory and to stay off of and to the males that we are totally submitted to our love. You sure your uncle could come in first my love I am 400 years old you are not the first male I been with and us vampire sense of smell is better that most creatures so when we seen my uncle this morning you could smell you cum inside me.
Did you ever have a lover in those 200 years before you where trapped. I have sex but never when pass sex I had an itch that I needed scratch and that what they did. Did you never have someone you have feelings for someone yes but it would have never worked out he was the bastard child of a count he never had a chance of being with me as lovers I am the princess of the kingdom. And me if I was never trapped no you not a vampire but since we are already lovers and we completed the bound there nothing anymore can do now. Our link is too strong to break. Just then 4 counts walk in and they bow to Colt and Ambrosia princess Ambrosia it been awhile. Raoul, Brandyn, and Silas why are yous here this is for counts and dukes. Because we are the heads of our families. When Ambrosia was talking to Brandyn Colt could let that he was the one she loved before. Count Brandyn yes king Colt after this meeting I would like a duel with you. Fairly well king Colt I accept it. Ambrosia but my love there no reason for Ambrosia it is my final decision and count Brandyn could have rejected it because I did not give a reason but did not this is something we all need. Once the counts walk away what did you do to piss off King Colt that he challenged you to a dual before the princess disappeared we where having sex I was in love with her hell I still am in love with her but my rank never allow it. But also I do not know if I could have beat her in battle. In battle yes that was a requirement she had anyone that wanted her as a lover had to defeat her in battle and fuck her all in one sitting so even if you would defeat her in battle you would have to complete the bond. Consider he was drinking her blood and you can smell him in her he must have done it. Why do he want a dual then to prove to me that he is the stronger one. But if the bond is complete it not that he wants to prove that he deserves to be her equal her lover it for me, him, and her. And that why I will give it my all she was betrayed and she will continue to be in danger. Hopefully he does not kill you I doubt that he does not have a aura of a killer. But I would not tempted him everyone have a bottom line and I get the feeling if you find his it will be the last thing you do. Yea I know. After they walk away my love yes so now want more blood let me cut my neck and I can no Colt answered. Since I drink your blood it seems like I can elongated or retract my teeth like you. Ambrosia why do I smell your arousal because it sexy having my love penetrant my neck with his teeth and if you where to bite me during sex the feeling would be so intense I probably would pass out. So I know what tonight will entails once this meeting is done. As soon as Colt bite her neck she had an orgasm. And once he was done he lick her bite closed she orgasm again really my litte one twice and I did not even touched you. Ambrosia noticed that there was some females just then they seen the little bastard from last night. So his father is count Qadir that explains alot he an asshole that loves to beat slaves and lesser vampires. Just then count Vlad walk in. Count Vlad walk to the head of the table I would like to welcome all the counts and dukes for coming today the reason for this meeting is first princess Ambrosia have been found after 200 years and to vote on how we will deal with the kingdom of freedom from this point on. King Colt from the kingdom of freedom is here to discuss what they are bringing to the table territory lines, trade, and their current relationships with neighboring kingdoms. Once count Vlad was done talking an older count stood up princess Ambrosia it a great relieve to see you in good health and who is that gentleman you are with this is my love king Colt of the kingdom of freedom. Your love do that mean you where defeated in battle yes. First of all I was trapped in a dungeon for 200 years I only been freedom from the dungeon for about a year and in the past year I was sold multiple times as a slave but they thought I was a dhampir. But recently I was bought by king Colt he knew I was not a dhampir but he did not know I was a princess that he only found out after we complete the bond. So this human is you love now. Correction he is not a human he an undead. That impossible one of the counts said. He is the highest type of undead. He an undead lord reply count Vlad yes uncle it been about 300 years since the last one.