Chapter 87: Night 50 vampire attack
Thiago clamp his hands and servants came out of the manor door my servants with yous to your room and for the carriages show my undead the way to the stables and they will handle the rest. Dinner will be served at 20:00. After they where shown to their rooms. Colt wanted to check the magic shop Ambrosia and Elven wanted to go too. Yous can but yous need to charge into something less fancy. Ambrosia charge into a petty skirt will a nice corset. And Elven put in a skirt with shorts underneath and a v-neck blouse cropped short sleeve. Colt pick up Elven Colt what are you doing. We are flying to the market Ambrosia can fly but you can not so I will carry you. He was hold her princess style okay she was soon excited to go plus she is being carry by Colt. Once they got to the market Colt landed and put Elven down. They when to the magic shop Colt look there was not anything interesting they were leaving when a person came running into the shop there vampires attacking the town the city guard need your help. Colt looked at Ambrosia do you think you can help I can try let go. They ran to where everyone was running from and found 10 vampires attacking the city my love they are newly turned. Can you get them under your control most vampires no but I am a royal so yes. She let her aura out as soon as she did the vampires stop their attacks and look at Ambrosia they walk up to Ambrosia and knelt down before you. Just then there was clamping bravo you make my new soldiers submit to you. But how did you do that I am a count level vampire. You should not been able to do that you are ether going to tell me how you managed to do that and I will kill you quickly or I will make you tell me and I will enjoy making you tell me that body the things I could do. Ambrosia laughed at him you are too weak to do anything if you want it try it go right ahead I can use new blood to use to paint my nails. He lunged at her but she step back grab him and slammed him into the ground. You need to try better you bitch let me go she twisted his arm breaking it and let him go he was screaming in pain it no fun picking on the weak. You get beat up pretty bad Odolff. There was a females voice Tessa what fucking took you so fucking long. You ran ahead of everyone and no wonder you got beat she a royal. But that impossible there only a prince I never heard of a vampire princess there was one two hundred years ago her name was Ambrosia.
Before Tessa could do anything Ambrosia was behind her you should just surrender and submit or I will make you. Tessa try to get away but Ambrosia gab her just then someone use blood magic hitting both of them Tessa was knocked out and Ambrosia hit the ground hard but she got back up I am guessing you are the one in charge the founder of this brood yes I am count Raoul and you Ambrosia. So you are the fable lost princess submit to me or die that not happening very well he when to attack her again but his attack was blocked. Ambrosia you have any issues with me killing this bastard no my love you can kill him. Raoul laugh and what will you do I am over 1,000 years old I am strong that you Colt was in front of him before he knew what have happened and Colt punch him in the face so hard he hit the ground how dare you Colt grab him by the throat and pick him up. Die and Colt use black fire Raoul was engulfed in the black flames until there was nothing left. You fucking bastard I am going to kill you Odolff shouted no you will not Colt cast black flames at him killing him. All the newly turned vampire fall over death. What just happened they where too young when it comes to turned vampires they die when you kill the person that created them.And her I can make her my servant Ambrosia say you can if you want to. Ambrosia walk over to her and bite her neck after drinking her blood Ambrosia left the bite heal it self then she cut her hand and let her blood drip intoTessa mouth it is complete she is now my servant. Let go you and carry her they took off and flew back to the manor once back Ambrosia and Colt both quickly showed and got dressed Tessa wake up and sat up holding her head as soon as she seen Ambrosia you make a bond with me. Yes I am now your sevant she knelt before Ambrosia remember that and you will sevant me and my love do you understand. Yes my lady take a shower and here dressed in this yes my lady. Once she got shower and dressed she returned to Ambrosia my Lady what happened after I was knocked out? Raoul and Odolff was killed by my love and why was I allowed to live because I ask my love to let me make a bond with you. My Lady will your love use my body and let others use meTessa asks as she holds herself .Ambrosia make her look her in the eyes only if you asked him to and the only others that will touch you are the other females that are in his bed. My love do not share his toys with other do you understand yes my lady. It is about time for dinner come along. They meet everyone else before they when to the dining room after dinner was done they said their good nights to everyone. Colt, Elven, Ambrosia, Tessa, and Zixuan return to their room. Once in their room Colt gran his book and sat down in a chair. Once all the girls were in bed Ambrosia ask Colt my love you not joining us no Tessa will not be comfortable with that so I will stay over there. And read the girls where disappointed but they did not complain. Colt was almost done the book on ice magic when Tessa walk over to him are you going to come to bed no you will not be comfortable with me in bed but my lady wants you to join her she will be okay without me. Tessa sat across from Colt and just stare at him there was three beautiful woman almost naked in the bed in the room but yet this man could care less. He just sitting over here reading his book. And she is sitting across from him and he not even paying any attention to her. She look at Colt he good look and he look so hot sitting there reading his book not playing her any attention. She was getting wet looking at him not paying any attention. She never have a man simply ignore her she look at herself she wearing a negligee that bearly cover her and he not even look. She have a feeling she have not have in awhile the feeling of need she needs to feel him inside of her. She dropped her negligee to the ground and walked up to Colt she waited for him to turned the page and she took to book out of his hand. You make me horny and I want to feel you inside of me you make me have feelings I have not feeled in one hundred years and you will take responsibility and fuck me she took his pants off and started licking and sucking his dick once she was satisfied it was wet enough she straddled her above his dick and slipped him inside of her and she starts riding him up and down. She started screaming to fuck her harder and Colt started moving his hips with her going deep and harder inside of her when she was almost ready to cum he grabbed her by her hair pull her head backwards to show her neck and he bites her on her neck just above the shoulder blade making her cum hard. After they both finish he carry her to the bathroom and washed them both and fuck her against the shower wall then help her to bed and held her in his arms as she fall asleep. In the Colt wake up to her still sleeping in his arms and all the other girls looking at him what happened last thing we knew you where over on the couch reading and she was over here sleeping you got some explaining to do.