Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 43: Ghost ambush.

Deep in a slumber, Phoebe felt a sudden coldness enveloping her body which caused her sleepy state to fade away slowly. Then she heard unfamiliar voices in her house. Slowly she opened her eyes and let out a loud scream as she jumped from the bed and run to the nearest corner in search of a weapon or anything she could use for self defense.

"Haha, It's been a while since we last saw this scene." Connie placed her hands to her waist and laughed at Phoebe.

Initially when Phoebe had just been reborn, she would scream each time she saw a ghost especially in her house which was supposed to be her private sanctuary. Slowly by slowly and day by day she had grown used to them but not today.

Her eyes darted around as she rubbed them aggressively because she thought her sight was playing games on her mind. No matter how many times she opened and closed them, the sight remained the same. There were ghosts everywhere in her bedroom, taking up all the space. Under her bed, some hovered above it while others had joined her in bed.

"What the hell is going on here? Why so many ghosts at once? I know that i have to mingle with them daily but this is a little too extreme."

The Saxon spirit snickered. "Well, i didn't know where else to send them. There was an accident on Darwin street, all these people have things holding them back from moving on so I brought them here.

Phoebe threw her hands up in defeat and then back down. "I understand but bringing them to my house? That's what the cafe is for so please Connie do your job and take these people there I'll be there in a few minutes."

Connie did as asked because she too saw this as an invasion of their privacy, her entitled self believed that she was the only ghost allowed to roam around freely in Phoebe's apartment.

"Not cool, Ancestor." She pursed her lips pronouncedly to show her dissatisfaction. Slowly the ghosts vanished and followed Connie.

The ancestor spirit stared at her, the chest area in particular. Phoebe noticed and frowned. "What are you staring at so intensely?" She followed its eyes to the pendant.

It was still glowing, after Phoebe and David had body contact, it's like the pendant had gained more energy. Phoebe had realized last night that David was like a human charger, giving off the same energy she got from ghosts.

Even the number of days on the diamond tattoo had increased too, she had gained a full two months to live.

"If you had kissed him maybe you would have gained a year who knows, plus the magic space has had some changes as well."

Phoebe who couldn't wait, rushed to enter the pendant.

Once inside, she noticed that there were ancient books that had magically appeared in the wooden cabin. There were a few books before that had been collected by the former masters of the space over time. Majority of the books were old judging by their appearance.

She stared with a mixture of amazement and shock, the spirit wasn't lying about the place changing with an increase in energy.

"These are grimoires written by the real original witches, they are both useful and very dangerous. The spells in there can be used to even bring someone back to life but like I emphasize all magic comes at a price. A spell like that would easily drain half of your life force.

Some of these books like the Philosopher's manuscript contains unlimited knowledge and experiments.

It shouldn't land in human hands because too much knowledge in the hands of humans is dangerous. I tell you this from experience so be careful with it. Whatever you desire to know it will tell you as long as the knowledge exists." The spirit blew dust off the book and put it back down and picked another.

"This one on the other hand is called the ghosts notebook. You can talk to the spirits on the other side by writing questions. The spirits can even appear in front of you if you ask them nicely. Come here anytime you like and read as much as you want." The spirit thrust it's jaw forward.

Phoebe moved around touching the top books, she was now very much interested in meeting David again because he was proving to be more useful to her than she thought.

When she thought about him, she recalled that almost kiss and she was filled with embarrassment. However, looking around the cabin made her greedy.

[What do I have to lose? Besides I want to see more of what this magical space can bring]

When she came out of the space, Phoebe dressed up and stepped out of the apartment. In her hands was a dish and inside were baked cookies that she baked the previous evening with the intention of giving them to Lydia Baltimore as a thank you gift for inviting her for dinner.

When she rang the bell of the Baltimore apartment, Lydia opened almost immediately. Phoebe handed her the dish and thanked her for the meal, Lydia was overjoyed by the gesture.

"Oh what a wonderful surprise Phoebe, this is really nice of you. I don't usually like people upfront but I have to say that I like you alot and am not the only one." Her eyes moved to Colin whose smile widened the closer he got.

"Pheebs? I can call you that right? I think that we are close enough." Collin asked. He had heard David call her by the nickname last night and had vowed to do the same.

Phoebe chuckled. "It's fine because I believe that we are friends." Came her words that made him scratch his eyebrow.

'Friends?' Collin didn't know whether to be happy or sad because of what the woman he liked had just called him, it seemed like she had just friend zoned him.

He took a cookie from the dish and tasted it, Collin's eyes flew open immediately as he couldn't believe it.

"This is amazing Phoebe! They taste as wonderful as they look."

Other than her good looks, Phoebe Gabriel was an amazing cook. However she had come to hate it because of the Saxons, especially Miranda who was her mother in law. The woman had made it her mission to frustrate Phoebe through cooking just because she never once considered her a worthy daughter in law.

She always tasked her with cooking memorial meals, party meals, breakfast and dinner which had to be done meticulously. If it wasn't because she wanted to be nice and repay Lydia's kind gesture, she wouldn't have baked the cookies at all.

After her rebirth, she had an ongoing enmity with all kitchen utensils.

"Thank you." Phoebe responded to the compliment, her eyes moved around in search of Cassie. She expected the girl to be around somewhere throwing daggers at her but she was nowhere in sight.

[Where is goldie's sister, that rude brat?]

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