Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Driving Course
Langley, Virginia — the headquarters of the CIA.
After just one day at CTU, Owen was sent to a remote area called Lasvia. This small town, about an hour's drive from Langley, housed a CIA training facility.
Since CTU had been formed not too long ago, it didn't have its own training grounds. The agency had originally been part of the CIA, and many of its early personnel were transferred directly from there. As a result, training programs between the two agencies remained closely intertwined, with CTU recruits attending the CIA's courses.
Now, clad in black tactical gear, Owen stood shoulder-to-shoulder with twenty-one other trainees on a wide grassy field. Before them, a man wearing dark sunglasses paced authoritatively.
"I'm your instructor—Maury," the man began, his voice cold and commanding. "Over the next eight weeks, you'll undergo intensive training here. You'll learn shooting, hand-to-hand combat, intelligence analysis, surveillance, counter-surveillance, and tactical driving..."
Maury paused, scanning the line of recruits with a sharp gaze.
"Some of you might be fresh college graduates. Others might be ex-soldiers, police officers, firefighters, retail clerks, or even school bus drivers. I don't care who you were. As far as I'm concerned, here and now, you're all rookies—worthless, clueless rookies.
"There are no men or women here. No CIA or CTU. There are only instructors and rookies. You will obey my commands without question. In eight weeks, I won't be able to turn you into fully-qualified operatives, but I can at least give you the skills to survive—to prevent you from getting your brains blown out on your first mission. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Sir!" the group shouted in unison.
Contrary to movie stereotypes, no one dared challenge the instructor. Everyone, including Owen, stood in line with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity about the training ahead. Owen had no idea if any of the other recruits were also from CTU. He did, however, know how difficult it was for regular people to become CIA agents. His friend Carlos had talked his ear off about it.
Carlos was a CIA fanatic, probably brainwashed by too many Hollywood spy movies. A self-professed adrenaline junkie, he dreamed of living life on the edge. However, despite his enthusiasm, he had failed the CIA entrance exams three times.
Owen chuckled at the thought of Carlos, who was also his co-worker at the Major Crimes Unit. Carlos had influential connections—his uncle, Chief Haviland, often protected him from disciplinary action. Yet, despite his cushy situation, Carlos remained obsessed with joining the CIA. When he heard about Owen joining CTU, he had been insanely jealous. Since then, Carlos had been calling Owen almost every day.
"Now, run five laps around the field!" Maury barked, snapping Owen out of his thoughts.
Without hesitation, the 22 trainees began jogging around the field. Not everyone was young or athletic. There were two women among the recruits, possibly from non-physical professions like the instructor had mentioned.
By the third lap, the differences in fitness became obvious. A few recruits—those who clearly weren't used to exercise—began falling behind, while the two women stubbornly kept pace.
Leading the pack was Donald, a short-haired white guy who lived in the dorm next to Owen's. His military background was unmistakable. Owen suspected a few others might also be former soldiers or firefighters, based on their stamina and discipline.
Owen intentionally stayed in the middle of the group, observing the other trainees. He didn't want to stand out too much on the first day.
The morning consisted solely of endurance training. The afternoon session, however, introduced tactical driving. At first, Owen was skeptical. In America, where driving was a basic life skill, he didn't see how much more there could be to learn.
But within minutes, Owen realized just how wrong he was.
Maury wasn't teaching ordinary driving—this was special operations driving for extreme situations. Owen had received some basic training in pursuit driving during his time at the Major Crimes Unit, but this was on a whole new level.
Maury covered topics like high-speed chases, the differences between front-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive vehicles, techniques for destabilizing a target car, and how to shoot accurately while driving.
Owen was captivated, eagerly absorbing the new techniques. Having honed his driving skills alongside Carlos, he quickly grasped the concepts and excelled in the drills.
Lasvia wasn't an ordinary town; it was a purpose-built training ground with no civilian residents. The recruits practiced their driving maneuvers on a large closed course, where simulated chases and collisions were the norm. Ambulances stood ready to transport any injured trainees to the on-site medical center.
The air echoed with the roaring engines and grinding metal. On the course, two cars weaved and spun in a fierce pursuit. Owen, behind the wheel of one car, executed a perfect drift around a sharp corner, closing in on the lead vehicle.
The lead driver, Catherine, attempted to ram Owen's car from the side. But at that moment, Owen experienced that strange sensation again—a heightened state of awareness where time seemed to slow down.
In this altered state, he could see every movement with crystal clarity. Catherine's car approached in slow motion, and Owen instinctively adjusted his steering to dodge the attack by mere inches.
The world returned to normal speed as the onlookers gasped in awe. To them, Owen's maneuver had been a lightning-fast blur of precision.
Catherine's failed attack caused her car to fishtail dangerously. She barely managed to regain control before slamming into a barrier. Meanwhile, Owen took advantage of her instability, accelerating alongside her vehicle. With a calculated turn of the wheel, he struck her car's rear quarter panel, sending it spinning out of control.
Catherine's car flipped and came to a stop.
Owen hit the brakes, bringing his car to a screeching halt. As the dust settled, Catherine climbed out of her overturned car, covered in dirt and visibly frustrated. Medics rushed over to check on her while the other trainees applauded Owen's flawless victory.
This was the final test of the driving course—a head-to-head challenge between the two top performers. Owen had secured first place with his superior skills and quick reflexes.
"Excellent work," Maury said, stepping forward and clapping. "Tomorrow, we'll begin training on surveillance and counter-surveillance. Rest up and be ready."
Owen couldn't help but smile. He had come to this training camp expecting to sharpen his skills, and so far, it had delivered beyond his expectations.
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