Reincarnated as Subaru's sister (RE:ZERO X OC)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 :The begin of Royal Selection

After all those sort of problems, Kyoko finally can breathing without worries. In this morning, she really have good sleep with hot man beside her.

As a month passed since Kyoko arrived into this world. Which mean, today is the gathering day of the Royal Selection candidates. For Reinhard's father, Heinkel Astrea, he take his leave including his belongings and left the house after he wake up.

The maid who in charge said Heinkel don't want deal with Kyoko again.

Good job, Kyoko. Now you have work harder to get your father-in-law blessings.

Kyoko also maintained a balance relationship with Felt and Old Man Rom from Stolen Goods Warehouse. She and Reinhard once visit them during in this week, to apologize for destroy their house. Currently, Felt and Old Man Rom live in another abandoned building which making Kyoko more guilty.

[During their meeting....]



And so, Reinhard and Old Man Rom chuckled as they witnessed the wholesome moments between Kyoko who hugging Felt tightly, making the young girl suffocating.

As an apologize, Kyoko repay the damage by gives 5 gold coins. Of course, she get it from Reinhard and her knight willing to give it. Because of this, Kyoko and the Warehouse allies have good relationship. Not only that, she also recruited them for several reasons.

First, Felt and Old Man Rom know about slums life better than anyone here.

Second, They have connections with mercenaries, which allow Kyoko able to growing up her army.

Third, Old Man Rom is good strategist while Felt knows about underground or dark organisation. They are good combination and Kyoko don't want separate them, so she decided to take them both.

For another problem, she managed to master the nobles etiquette as well the Lugunica's language and alphabet. Unfortunately, she still struggling for dancing part which mean she accidentally step Reinhard's foot for thousands time during their practice.

Now then, today will be change her fate. She will announce herself as the fifth candidate of Royal Selection. This morning, the maids already prepared herself with beautiful gown which home-made by The Sword Saint himself.

Seriously, that man really definition of perfect person. He can do anything including cooking, sewing and even fight. Thankfully, he isn't expert in bed. That's will be my main strike when I got right time....

Kyoko giggled alone with naughty mind before look at herself in the mirror. She wearing a stunning blue dress yet simple with a bishop sleeves. After finishing with preparing her dress, the maids decided to leave the hair styling to the Reinhard who just arrived in her room.

The Sword Saint suddenly stop his track, stunned by the beauty of his mistress despite wearing a simple dress. He can't help but bring out, "You're looking good in those dress, Milady."

The girl smiled after hearing compliment from the Sword Saint, "All thanks to the hand of handsome man. You also look good in those Royal Guards outfits."

"Haha... It's just my usual on-duty clothes. " He humbled himself before continue walked closer to her, "May I touch your hair?"

Kyoko smirked, her naughty thoughts teasing her knight, "Go on. You can have all of me if you want."

"Please don't tempting me...."

His cheeks burning up as he brushing her hair. Thanks to his Divine Protection of Hairdressing, he manage to make Kyoko's hair into simple yet elegant style with blue ribbon on her hair back as last decoration.

"You really good when touch woman hair. " Kyoko asking after amazed the hairstyle on the mirror before she realised something. If Reinhard know how to touch woman's hair carefully, does mean he done this before?

"Have you touch the others woman hair?"

The Sword Saint was startled by the envy look from his mistress, "No way. You're my first one."

"Well, that's good to know. Because if it, I'm going push you into bed and #### and #### inside me, so you will not able ####-----"

Reinhard looked at Kyoko as he was traumatized by the words that come out from her. He know that she is someone who very very like using vulgar language but this one really get him, "For god sake, Milady. I know you are too energetic today but please..... Please use more soft words..."

"Hahaha!! I just to teasing you, Reinhard. don't mind it. Just like how you don't mind my moans when you try to measuring my body yesterday----"

"Oh my god...."




On the way to the castle, Kyoko spending time playing her hometown's game with Flamm and Grassis, Astrea's servant and granddaughters of Carol. These 12 years old twins really have fun playing with Kyoko for kill time.

Reinhard only watched his mistress have fun with the young maids. He also interested about Kyoko's homeland, since he don't know anything about herself. Unfortunately, he can't bring it out since they already arrived.

"Milady, I will take my leave now. If you need anything, Flamm and Grassis will help you."

"Sure. Let's make my entrance dramatically and marvelous as I'm the the main character here!!" Kyoko said, arrogantly and proudly as she praising herself in dramatic way since her confidence today really in the maximum state.

The Sword Saint give a slightly smile, enjoy his mistress's antics. He bowing politely first before leaving the carriage alone and entering the main hall.




Inside the hall, there are royal guards and nobility who lined up as the Council Of Wise Men taken seat. Subaru arrived with one of the Royal Selection candidate, Priscilla Barielle with her knight, Al. After the whole conversation or whatever, he and Al entering the Royal Guards line.

Reinhard who stand coincidently in front Subaru, turned around and smiled, "As I expected, you're here too, Subaru."

"Reinhard, I've been looking for you!!" Subaru's happy tone instantly changed into threatening one as he grabbed Reinhard's collar clothes, "Where's my fucking sister?"

"Hahaha! No need to be mad, Subaru. She's in very good condition. I don't expect that she will enjoy my accompany." However, Reinhard respond it as if Subaru's wrath is merely a joke.

"You fucking kidnapper.... You know my sister weak against handsome face, right? That's why you use your so-think- low-profile to seduce my sister. I will not tolerate if you try to harrassing her."

"Mm... At this point, I think I'm the victim ones here."

"Nya? Subaru-kyun have sister? I don't know that." Unfamiliar knight walked closer to them. He have female appearance, with those cute kitty ears, anyone can mistake him as girl.


"Oh. You know him, Subaru?"

"Him!!?" Subaru was surprised by Reinhard's words. Probably because he thought that knight is female and not male.

"Yes. He is a knight, Felix Argyle. You may call him Ferris."

"Nya! Thanks for introducing me, Reinhard, but how about you explaining what Subaru implying by the kidnap?" Ferris asked.

"It's just small conflicts. None need to worry." The Sword Saint response with a warm smile.

"That's not small conflicts when you abducted my sister, dumbass."

When the man wore steel armour stand beside the candidates, that's mean the ceremony about to begin. He have green hair and intimidating face considering his position as the commander of Royal Guard.

"Now, if I may be so forward, I, Marcos, the commander of Royal Knight, will direct today's proceedings."




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