Chapter 15: Chapter 15 : Sympathy?
Subaru was laid down on the bed, unconscious, with Emilia as his companion. She felt guilty for what happened, unable to stop it, and blamed herself.
"Emilia, I want to ask you something."
"Kyoko-san?" Emilia looked at Kyoko who stood beside her, accompanied by Reinhard.
"I wonder, what exactly happened between you and my brother that made this idiot decide to make Royal Knights his enemy?"
"That... I don't know... I also wanted to ask why he did that...."
Kyoko sighed. It's hopeless to ask this naive elf girl. But she managed to know one thing after this whole situation: her brother's pride. That guy wants to help Emilia and do everything to protect her, but the main problem in this situation is that Subaru is too arrogant.
"Well, I also don't want to talk about that. I heard that Subaru came here to treat his exhausted gate at Crusch-sama estate. If he wakes up, tell him that he will come me to Astrea's manor."
Emilia becomes silent. Her bangs covered her eyes as her gaze focused on her hips, unable to respond to Kyoko's words. Her brain is filled with many thoughts, feels she's the main cause of this troublesome situation.
"You not going to say anything? I thought you would be hesitant when I want to take back Subaru."
"That's... You're his sister while I'm just a stranger to him. I believe he will follow you. I already cause much trouble for him and you. I-I never asked him to do such a thing. That's why... I don't protest your decision."
"I see..." Kyoko turned around, "For me, I feel bad for Subaru. He put his trust, his everything, to someone who doesn't even recognize him as important----No, for better words, someone who doesn't even appreciate his work."
Emilia flinched, hurt by Kyoko's speech. The stinginess of her words strikes into her guilty heart, "No... That's wrong... I-I..."
"I also can't blame you, Emilia. Both of you are in a complicated relationship, and who am I to say that? I don't even know your full situation. Based on your face, I already know that Subaru does all of this on its own and not because of your order. That guy...."
Unfortunately, Kyoko was unable to finish her speech and walked towards the door, "I will take my leave. Please take care of my brother during my absence."
[In another room]
"Milady, didn't you think that your words are a bit harsh? Why would you go that far to blame Emilia-sama? You know she doesn't do anything wrong at this point." Reinhard asked, watching his mistress take a seat on the edge of the bed.
"Because I want to take my brother back. Emilia, that elf, I know almost everyone here holding guts against her, especially about the rumors she has connections with a witch. If I leave my brother to her, it's a matter of time for Subaru to be cast out from society."
Kyoko continued, "That idiot, I just left him alone for one month but his eyes already changed. As if he already suffered many, many, many painful experiences, like a death."
"Are you saying that Subaru isn't happy living in Roswaal's manor?"
"If he doesn't feel happy, he already come to us. But, here he is, standing for the elf that he met one month ago that made him willing to make the royal knights as enemy."
This time, it's Reinhard's turn to be silent. Based on his mistress's speech, Reinhard knows how Emilia is being untrusted by Kyoko. She holds several huge doubts and is insecure about giving Emilia the power to take care of her brother.
In other words, Kyoko is just being overprotective.
"Milady, you shouldn't build too much wall for your brother. He has his own life, he has his own choice." Suddenly, Reinhard kneeled in front of his mistress, taking off her high heels carefully.
He continued, "In my opinion, you should take care of your health before you take care of your brother. Not because I think Subaru isn't important but because you're his sister, you should guide him instead of control him."
"Ha! Did you just call me a control freak, Reinhard?" Kyoko mocked with the hint of a joke in her tone.
"What if I am?" Reinhard places the high heels on the side and looks back at Kyoko's feet, which have already turned into purple marks, "You are injured. Is this because you jumped from the second floor?"
"At least, I'm not dead yet. It will get healed no matter how long it is."
"Why don't you take care of yourself, milady? Why do you keep saying that everything will be okay when you are not okay?" His hands continue to work, bandaging the bruised right ankle gently.
"I never claim that I'm not okay." Kyoko pulled her right foot out of Reinhard's grip.
The Sword Saint was confused by his mistress's action. He doesn't even finish bandaging her injured ankle, forcing him to look up, only to meet a lack of warmth and emotionless golden eyes.
Kyoko suddenly put her right foot on top of Reinhard's shoulder, who kneeled in front of her as if she were just looking down at him. Behind her malicious smile, she's hiding the dark side of her deep secret, unapproachable other than herself.
With this new appearance of his mistress, he can't help but shiver down his spine. Frightening, Reinhard lost his courage to protest his mistress's action, unable to push the bare feet on his left shoulder.
"Reinhard. What If I told you that I want to control everything?"
This is not his master.
"Let me tell you the truth."
His master is someone who always shows him affection.
"I want to control everyone. I want to be the one who controls the situation. Every single one of my decisions will come true. Everything should be in my hands."
Not someone who gives him a devilish grin, talking about control.
"Reinhard, answer me. " Her palm caressing his left cheek, "What will you do if I want to control you?"
The Sword Saint remains stoic despite all the treatment he gets from his mistress. So, this is the true face of his master.
Kyoko is a control freak, a narcissist, and a callous woman.
He never thought that he would get right on the first try. After spending one month together, he only saw Kyoko as nothing more than a mischievous and kind master. His divine protection of Doubt gives a reaction that Kyoko is good, which is why he decides to approach her when they first meet.
But, if the divine protection is miscalculated, does that mean.... Kyoko is more dangerous than he thought.
Even so, he needs to serve her as his knight. He had already sworn his oath for her. At this point, Reinhard has two goals when he decides to become Kyoko's knight.
First, to protect and guide her, making her the new king of Lugunica.
Second, to keep an eye on her, to prevent her from doing something risky and fixing her personality as the extra job.
"Reinhard. " A small, soft hand wrapping around his neck, gripping it tightly as if it won't choke you, bringing his face up towards her.
"Answer me."
Cold, empty, commanding. She does not ask him, she orders him to answer.
"Milady." His hand caught her wrist and forced it to tighten the grip as he looked at his mistress with a somber expression.
"I will fix you."
[Subaru's room]
Kyoko stands in front of Subaru's room beside Reinhard. Both of them don't talk to each other after previous situations, especially when Kyoko hesitates to walk despite having injuries. Currently, she wearing a slipper instead of her beautiful high heels.
Before she could reach the doorknob, they heard a scream.
"----I've made everything work out all right, haven't I!? When your insignia was stolen, I saved you from an insane killer at the warehouse! I risked my life!! All because you are important to me! At the mansion, too! Things worked out because of me!! Without me, it would been a lot worse!!"
That, Subaru's voice... Did he get into arguments with that elf?
Reinhard was about to reach the doorknob because her mistress stopped in mid-way. He wanted to know what was happening inside there especially when he realized that the higher pitch voice was Subaru's. Then, Kyoko raised her right arm, to stop his action.
"All of it! All of it!! All of it!!! ALL OF IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS THERE!! You should have a greater debt to me than you could ever repay!!"
Right after the scream is done, Kyoko can't hear any interaction or sounds from inside. Several seconds later, the door opened, and Emilia walked out without looking behind or realizing Kyoko and Reinhard's presence.
She leaves, leaves without any words.
"Looks like they have a hot quarrel. I will go see my brother. If you hear a scream, don't come in." Kyoko commanded his knight calmly, entering the room and closing the door.
Inside the room, she could see her brother sitting on the bed, hugging a white cloak with tears. Despite watching her brother in despair and denial, she only looks at her with empty eyes.
"You look like a shit, Subaru."
Subaru's eyes move to Kyoko, "What? You come here to mock me, don't you? Don't you see what happened to me?"
"I already see. I know you quarrel with that elf----"
Kyoko remains unfazed towards those shouting. Her brother just has a mental breakdown but she doesn't feel sympathy.
"Why should I do that? Elf is elf. Human is human. What does that have to do with me?"
"I wonder why you crying for a woman like her. You just know her for a month. You already sacrifice many things for her but she doesn't even appreciate that. So, Subaru, why do you have to waste your tears for that woman?"
Subaru was speechless, stunned by his own sister's comments. She doesn't even know what he going through but dares to speak as if she understands him better than himself.
"Since that elf already abandons you, I will take you to Astrea's manor with me. For your gate healing process, I will ask Crusch-sama to let me borrow her knight----"
Kyoko caught the pillow that was thrown by Subaru before it hit her face. She dropped it on the floor, looking back at her brother.
"I don't understand you, Kyoko. Even though we're blood-related, I never understand you. You're so perfect!! You are always more popular than me, smarter than me!! Mom and Dad always love you more than me!! But, why!!? Why do you never understand me!!? You don't feel any sympathy nor worry when your brother gets beat up by stupid motherfucker!!?"
"Subaru," She gave him a death stare, cold-hearted and unfeeling expression, "What are you talking about? I only said that you will go back with me to Astrea's manor. Why do you keep bubbling something nonsense?"
Subaru is fed up.
"Kyoko, as I thought. You don't feel anything. You're a narcissist, lack of empathy, and a control freak. That's why Takehiko-san died because of you----"