Chapter 6: Chapter 6 : Oath
angerthingen behind Astrea',,s Manor is so beautiful, quietly without anyone. Several unique and exotic flowers that rarely appear in Japan can be seen in this garden. It's so calming and helps reduce Kyoko's anxiety.
She takes a fresh breath deeply before releasing it, trying to enjoy the healing atmosphere, but something from behind her keeps staring at it like a predator.
"I know you have many questions but could you not stare me like that?"
"My apologies. Does my curiosity make you uncomfortable?"
"If it's true, will you be offended?"
"No. It's my fault if I make you uncomfortable after committing that sinful action. I'm deeply sorry for what happens. If my forgiveness isn't enough, you may punish me."
Kyoko's cheeks burning up, "Stop talking about that. I know it's embarrassing, and I also want to apologize for that accident. In this case, I believe I should being blamed...."
She starts playing with her finger, her eyes looking around as if she is trying to avoid contact with the Sword Saint's blue eyes. Her body reaction showed how nervous and embarrassed she is.
"You accidentally get dragged into my problem, and you must be confused about what happened to me last night... So, I believe you need an explanation, but right now, I also don't know why my body would become like that..."
"You mean... Your body acting by themselves?"
"Probably.... I guess? This is second time I pulling my sword." Kyoko moved her smooth finger, summoning her katana in sheaths into her palm out from thin air, making the Sword Saint.
"Since I woke up in this world, I feel something weird happen in my body. I can move like fighter but I never holding real sword. I can slash enemies, but I never kill anyone. In my world, I don't need to shed blood; it's peace where there are no wars...."
Her eyes moving from the katana to the Sword Saint's eyes, "The first time I pulling this sword, I can't feel any emotion. Sadness, guilty, anger, nor happiness. As if I'm a statue among of statue, my body moving by themselves and slain those monsters who want preying me. You already saw it, don't you?"
Reinhard nodded his head. During the fight against Bowel Hunter at the warehouse, He can see how emotionless and cold-hearted Kyoko become after she sheated her Katana, as if she's become different person.
The way she faces the Bowel Hunter, parrying and attacking the enemy like she's an experienced swordmaster who has already trained for her whole life.
"Then, is it what happened last night is the effect of using that sword?"
"You can say that. My eyes are blurring, making me have a hard time seeing. My body will lose its strength. But, the worst of them is the effect that is taking my body for a long time."
Reinhard's eyes become sharper when Kyoko is about to reveal the reason. There are so many things that make Reinhard feel anxious about the girl in front of him, especially when Kyoko pulls her katana. It's releasing huge dark miasma, the witch scent, all the warehouse but none notice it yet.
If the girl in front of him is a witch or one of the Witch Cult members, it will be a shame for him to end this poor girl because he thinks they will be good friends if it's not the witch's scent, making Reinhard cautious.
"After using this sword, it will increase my libido."
"I'm sorry, what?" The Sword Saint was stunned to speak, again.
"Do you need me to speak it loudly!!?" She exclaimed in embarrassment, her whole face already turned into tomatoes.
"I tell you because I want to solve our misunderstanding last night. Okay! I got it! I'm such a filthy woman, worse than the whore last night! I shouldn't do that, especially with the guy I first met!! I'm so sorry if I did something wrong! The girl last night wasn't me!! That's not me, I said the truth!! I also have a hard time accepting this condition!! Why the heck was I pulling that fucking stupid katana last night!!?----"
"Ummm, Lady Kyoko, please calm down---" His first intention was to calm the girl, but what used to do that when Kyoko cut his words?
"You want me to calm down!? Shouldn't you be mad!? I'd done something wrong to you! I stealing your first kiss!"
"Ah." Then, Reinhard realized something. It was not that Kyoko worried about her bold behavior last night, but his first kiss? She blames the whole event on herself and reduces to low confidence because she accidentally stole his first kiss.
"Is that what you worried most?"
"What!?" Kyoko looks at him in disbelief, "You think the first kiss is a small deal!?"
"T-That... I don't think too much about my first kiss. In fact, I never had a single thought about what would happen to my first kiss."
Reinhard is a knight among the knights. He's handsome, strong, and perfect husband material. He's in his marriageable ages, which make him the most targeted to be partner by the ladies. He can charms any age but that guy himself never have single thought about marriage.
"I see. You're truly virgin." She said, in JoJo's expression.
"Pardon me but I don't following what you stated, Lady Kyoko."
"There we go. Your innocent fake smile." Kyoko sighed deeply, "Reinhard, I think you need to take love education when you fall in love."
"Right now, I'm not interested in marriage. If I'm going marry, that probably the head of Astrea's decisions." He said, his eyes gleaming sadness.
"Then, find your love before someone decide it for you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you need to find your love one before your father or your elder or whatever who related to you, decide your live marriage. If you have lover, you don't need to deal with those headaches. Luckily, one of your options is in front of you, me!" Kyoko exclaimed proudly, as she placing her hand on top of her chest.
The Sword Saint chuckled slightly when he hear how arrogant Kyoko can be. Her confidence really make he laughs because the girl who embarrassed for stole his first kiss can be this confident, proudly claiming to take her as his lover.
"That's good suggestion, Lady Kyoko. Unfortunately, I had to decline it."
"Damn.... You really hard to persuade. Well, I have my time."
"Hehe, I'm looking forward for your next action."
Kyoko smirked before grabbing Reinhard's clothes and bringing his face closer to hers. One inch separated his lips from her lips; it was a matter of time before they kissed, but Kyoko refused that.
"The next action will be you're in my bed, Sword Saint."
The heat rose up on his cheeks, leaving a trace of reddish color. He covered his mouth with his palm, speechless, to prevent the woman in front of him from watching his embarrassing expression. She never stops making him shocked; every time, she will do something unexpected.
"I appreciate your intentions, but please don't say that with another guy... People will misunderstand."
"Why would I say that to another guy when I can have you in front of me for myself? Ah, Perhaps you're too virgin to---"
"Lady Kyoko, I think our conversation went off a little bit. How about we go inside and touring my manor?" Reinhard asked, forcedly to avoid the earlier topic.
That's so unknightly, Reinhard. But, I will get along with that.
Both of them entering the Manor back. Reinhard giving tour to Kyoko, showing her interesting place. His manor is big but, it's feel too much empty despite having servants walking around.
The girl wondering, where's Reinhard's parents or family? But if she asks, that probably makes the knight feel uncomfortable. So, she decided to be silent and listen to the Sword Saint's explanation.
The tour reached when both of them arrived in Reinhard's study room. The room consisted of a red carpet, bookshelves, two soft couches, a coffee table in the center of the room, and the Sword Saint's desk. This room clearly was taken care of while the owner was absent.
Kyoko taking a sit in different directions from Reinhard. The Sword Saint must have something important to say when he brings her into this room.
"Now then... Let's get to a point, Lady Kyoko."
Straight to the point?
"You see, currently this country hasn't a king to govern. With all known members of the Royal Family passing away for unknown reasons, The Royal Selection was held to search for a new forty-second monarch of the Dragon Kingdom Of Lugunica, handled by The Council of Wise Man. By the prophetical Dragon History Stone, five young women have been selected as candidates to become the Dragon Maiden and the elected monarch."
Kyoko nodded her head, understanding the explanations about the current country's situation. She's a new person here, so it's not hurt for her to know a little bit about this new world.
"As we know, you already meet one of the candidates, Emilia-sama, who have The Head Mage Court as support, Lord Roswaal L. Mathers----"
"Who?" Kyoko asked, confusedly.
"The silver girl, with pointing ears."
"Ah. That gorgeous girl. I can see why Subaru has taken her. She's his type."
Reinhard only smiled when their conversation went off again, "Back to the story, Lady Kyoko. The dragon maidens would be confirmed through the use of the Dragon Jewels, gemstones contained within insignias that would gleam red if in the hands of a potential Dragon Maiden. It's the insignia that you gave to Emilia-sama when the thief dropped it."
"I don't remember too much about what happened last night since my sight was blurred, but I remember I returned something to that girl. If it's that important, she should take care of it safely."
"I believe there are accidents which made her accidentally lose it. Emilia-sama is a kind person, and she always wants to help everyone despite the discrimination against her. Even so, her naivety is the most concern among the four candidates."
"Four? I thought you said there were 5 candidates." Kyoko confused.
"That's true that there will be 5 candidates for Royal Selection, but right now, there are four of them that were found. As long as the fifth candidate is nowhere, the Royal Selection will not begin. Fortunately, the luck was on my side. Last night, I just discovered the fifth candidate." Reinhard said as he looked at Kyoko with a smile.
Kyoko, who realized those eyes, immediately made a guess, "You don't mean...."
"Yes, as you guess. The Fifth candidate of Royal Selection is you, Lady Kyoko."
The girl froze like a statue that was about to break. She looked at the guy in front of her, a disbelief reaction, of course, thanks to common sense. Anyone will be shocked when they suddenly get transported into another world and get dragged into government problems against their will.
"Reinhard, look at my face. Are there any characteristics of people who can lead the country on there? No, right? So, forgive me for my language but WHAT THE FUCK!!?"
Kkyoko can beat someone but not lead someone. She was born to be a fighter, not a leader. If she's given a choice between playing as strategies or playing as frontier, she will be frontier. That's what happens when she and Subaru play a game; she will attack the enemy, and Subaru tells the plan.
The Sword Saint remains calm after hearing unfiltered cursing from the guest, "I know you must be shocked. My apologies for not telling you this since I thought you already realized it, but it seems you are still oblivious. Let me clarify this, Lady Kyoko, I've just kidnapped you."
That fucking handsome red hair guy giving a happy smile after stating he just kidnapped an innocent girl into his mansion. Not to mention that the kidnapper is The Sword Saint, the strongest title in Lugunica.
"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, THIS CONVERSATION REALLY GOING WRONG THIS TIME!! Why suddenly are you claiming that you kidnapped me!!?"
"Because I separated you from your brother? Currently, your brother stay at Roswaal Manor under Emilia-sama's protection. She's said she want repaid debts after your brother help her. She also want take you, but I have another plan and I don't want complicated conflicts with Emilia-sama side.... So, I decided to kidnapped you."
After Reinhard retells the story without guilt on his face, Kyoko already lost her words to express her feelings. What the heck knight who served the kingdom, doing such terrible crimes, kidnapped innocent girl!?
"Okay.... I will let it slide since you have reason. You kidnapped me because I'm the 5th candidate and you need me to started the Royal Selection, am I right?"
"Your speculation is seems off. That's true that I kidnapped you because you're the Fifth candidate, but I didn't kidnap you, so the Royal Selection will begin faster as fast as they can. I kidnapped you to ask something."
Suddenly, Reinhard stood up from the couch, walked, and kneeled with one knee on the ground on Kyoko's left side. The sword in sheaths was slammed into the floor on his right hand while his left hand was placed on top of his left knee. The knight bows his head, fully giving respect to the woman in front of him.
"Allowed me to accompany you, Milady. I will be your knight, your sword. The one who will make you a king."
As Reinhard waits for the girl to respond, he doesn't expect that he will feel the cold blade on his shoulder immediately. Kyoko placed her sword which suddenly changed shape on the Sword Saint's left shoulder and asked,
"Will you swear to protect me, until the end?"
"I swear."
"Will you swear to guide me into the right path until the end?"
"I swear."
"Will you swear to follow me until the end?"
"I swear."
The blade of the sword raised up from the left shoulder to the right shoulder.
"The death will return to death. The life will return to life. The dark will return to the dark. The light will return to the light. The cycle will continue endless. To obey those placed in authority, to guard the honor of fellow knights, and to eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit. Therefore, in the name of Tiamat, thou shalt be mine knight. Plead your oath, knight."
"Yes! I, Reinhard Van Astrea, swore in my name, will serve you as knight. Until you release me or death separate us, I will continue follow you and protect you from those foes with my sword."
Kyoko looked at Reinhard with smile as she softened her gaze. She's sheathing her sword back into its sheath, despite having calm expression, her inside screaming like a hell. Her body did it again, moving without realised as if she's natural for this situation.
"Reinhard, you may stand up."
The Sword Saint doing what he's been told. He stand in front of Kyoko, give a happiest yet warm smile to her as if the accolade ceremony earlier really give him a meaning of life.
"Are you crying?"
"No, I'm not. I just feel happy."
"Wow.... I thought you were crying because my oath is bad. I mean, I never do that and my body moving it again."
"No, no, no. It's a good speech, milady."