Reincarnated as The Villainess! (GL)

Chapter 2: Reincarnated! (II)

Alexandra thought that she was dead, no she knew that she was dead, but for some reason she could still think and feel things, she couldn't feel pain but it felt as though someone was shaking her shoulders no wait someone was actually shaking her shoulders

"Duke Blanc, please wake up, you have an appointment with the king."

A harsh voice said, Alexandra rolled over, away from the hands that were shaking her. She was curious as to why the person was calling her 'Duke Blanc' because that's clearly not her name she thought as she sat up rubbing her eye's. Alexandra finally looked around the room. The room looked grand, she was sitting on a kings size bed that had silk sheets, and the walls were painted a dark red with paintings covering them. In the corner there was a mirror that reflected the light from the sun, blinding Alexandra as she covered her eyes and stood up facing the person who was talking to her, the person had brown hair and was dressed in a maids outfit

"Duke Blanc, your breakfast is ready, please head down stairs once you have changed"

the maid bowed and left. Alexandra was extremely confused because not to long ago she had been hit by a truck and now she was being referred to as Duke, not to mention the name the maid had used was the name of the Villainess in the novel 'Loving The Saint', Alexandra walked to the mirror her appearance had completely changed, she had long black hair that went halfway down her back, and purple eyes that glinted with the light streaming through the window, she had an athletic build that was the complete opposite of her body from her previous life. Alexandra was totally confused and had no idea what to do, but then she thought about she'd read plenty of reincarnation stories to know how they normally go, there was always the chance that she was just dreaming or hallucinating and the more she thought about it the more absurd her ideas became, it got to the point where she had a massive headache and was feeling slightly dizzy. Alexandra sat down her head throbbing it felt like someone was pushing thoughts into her head, but as they entered they flashed with pictures like she was watching someone's memory, that's when it hit her, she was watching Reagan Nova Blanc's memories. Flash's of Reagan's parents and younger brother flashed through her head, then it moved on to later in her life, where she was at her parents funeral and then it moved on again to her reading a letter from the king asking her to meet him soon because they had things to discuss. Alexandra stands up again sorta understanding her situation she thinks she got reincarnated into the body of Reagan Nova Blanc who was the Villainess in the story Love The Saint, normally she'd be ecstatic but she got reincarnated into one of the only characters in the book that got killed. Alexandra decided that as long as she was in Reagan's body she would do her best to save herself, starting after she found out what the king wanted. Alexandra who reincarnated into Reagan's body got dressed into a suit that fit her perfectly and headed down stairs to eat, and visit the king.

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