Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Battle for the Leaf (Edited)
Minato then got dressed in a second and teleported To the village's front gate. Danzo said "Well if it isn't the lame hokage"
Minato replied " Says the guy who wants to become Hokage and is attempting to destroy Konoha while it's under my protection"
Danzo then got super angry and said" I will rule Knoha after I kill you!"
"Nah, I think I'll send you to jail for betraying the Leaf
"Let's Fight," Danzo said with an angry tone
Minato in then threw 3 Kunai around Danzo and made some hand sign
'Lightning style: Pika Pika Pika ACHOO!'
There was an electric explosion. Turns out there was a fuinjutsu rune written on the kunai. Danzo survived the jutsu using Izanagi. Minato was surprised that Danzo survived but, he noticed that 1 of the 10 sharingans that danzo had in his arm had closed and wouldn't open and Danzo had moved in a completely different spot using 1 jutsu. Minato thought that it was similar to his Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Minato then shifted to Taijutsu and started punching and kicking Danzo. Minato suddenly pierced Danzo's heart with a kunai. Danzo just faded out of existence and respawned a few meters away. Minato kept thinking about Danzo's right arm and what was this jutsu he was using. Danzo then quickly used his wind-boosted shurikens to attack Minato and Minato barely dodged the shuriken. Then at the moment that Danzo released his Izanagi Minato summoned a sword and cut off Danzo's right arm (The Sharingan arm) and said " How many Uchiha did you slaughter to get this arm and why were you experimenting with Lord 1st's cells?"
Danzo replied " That's nunya business b***h" while giving a smirk
Minato then saw that Danzo had a sharingan implanted in his right eye socket and ripped it out.
"Aagh, my eye"
Minato thought 'The chakra in this is less than the other sharingan's chakra, Could it be?!'
Danzo used this opurtunity to attempt to pierce Minato but Jiraya suddenly spawned out of nowhere and slammed a rasengan on Danzo killing him in the process.
Minato continued thinking 'Could it be a dead Uchiha's eye?!' Until Jiraya said "YOOO Minato"
Minato said "Eh?! Sensei where'd you come from?! and where'd Danzo go"
Jiraya replied " I kinda killed him with a Rasengan to save your life. Anyway.."
"Sensei WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH YOU. I NEEDED TO INTEROGATE HIM" Minato said while yelling at him
"..." Jiraya was speechless Minato had never screamed at him like this only Kushina did.
Jiraya then said "I knocked out all of the ROOT Anbu that were on the way here and at the front gate" with a smile.
"Thanks, sensei! I will now go to investigate this arm"
Then Minato teleported back to his home to find a sleeping Kushina next to baby Izuna who was sleeping.