Relic Hunters: The Apex Predators

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Wolfs Den

Upon graduation, a couple of different assignments are available to all students. Most students will enter into a contract with a relic and engage in self-study, focusing on mastering their relic. A lucky few get selected for a special assignment based on their temperament, grades, and overall performance. There are three different special assignments. 

The first and most challenging to get accepted into was the Retrieval Corp. This assault squad was typically deployed to retrieve relics from terrorists who had made unsanctioned contracts with illegal relics. During their retrieval missions, they often save many people and prevent disasters. They are frequently hailed as an elite group of heroes by the public. A majority of the people in the retrieval team have bloodline traits and are contracted to powerful assault-based relics. They primarily handle all internal issues involving relics. 

The second is The Expedition Corp. They handle expeditions outside the wall to gather intel and work closely with the engineering college in District 11 to try to collect as much new information about the world as possible. The expedition team consists primarily of contractors with strong assault and support-based relics designed to help them survive outside the wall. They primarily handle all foreign issues outside the wall. 

The final special assignment is the Shadow Corp. The Shadow Corp is designed to gather information all across New Roark and keep the Institute in the loop about the inner workings of the safety zone. The Shadow Corp is the lifeblood of the Retrieval Corp and Expedition Corp. They all work hand in hand to apprehend rogue contractors and prevent violent acts of terror. The Shadow Corp only recruits people with travel-based bloodline traits or ones that bond with strong utility-type relics. 

Thalia's foot had been shaking nonstop since Tyler asked her to sit down and reminded her of the assignment selection process. A student can only put in a formal request to be placed in a specific assignment, but it does not in any way mean that it is the one you will receive. The only student that gets to pick unilaterally is the number 1 seat of each graduating class on where they would like to be assigned. Even though Thalia reassured Theo, she still wasn't sure if her Tia would allow her to be placed in such a dangerous assignment. She was rather protective of both Theo and Thalia. At the very least, Thalia imagined her Tia signing off on Theo entering the expedition team, where he can request entry into the engineering district city 11. 

In her heart, Thalia knew that there was no other path for her than the Retrieval Team. Like her Tia, Thalia wanted to use her unique bloodline trait to help people and make a difference. In the past four years, Thalia had always shown up to every day of practical combat training. In her final year, she was so feared for her combat prowess that only a select few would even dare to spar with her, let alone fight her. The Institute has a strict rule that bloodline traits will not be used unless both parties agree and an official judge watches the match to prevent serious injury. Thalia was skilled enough to have graduated as the 2nd strongest in her whole class. Her combat prowess would easily land her in the top 10 of the entire school. That is if you don't count the instructors. 

The previous, arguably the most famous team was known as the "Apex Legends. They earned a majority of their fame during a terrorist attack referred to as Liberation Day. They showed up just in the nick of time and apprehended the terrorist, saving the entire Labor District City Three. Their actions directly contributed to the peace and unity of the safety zone. The Legends made the whole idea of being in the retrieval team so romantic for Thalia. They were heralded as heroes and revered as some of the strongest contractors in the safety zone. So, naturally, the retrieval team was a perfect stage for Thalia to achieve her dreams and protect the safety zone. 

Everyone was finally seated, and the bell rang a second time, causing the audience to fall silent. A white flash blinded the audience, and a sweet, angelic voice rang through the assembly hall. 

"Hello, my lovelies," Director Diez appeared from the light floating above all of the students. Her smile and presence instantly brightened up the room. 

"How are my favorite wolf cubs doing today?" The directors asked. The crowd of students was mesmerized by her voice and beautiful appearance. 

Her long brunette hair flowed behind her as she landed gracefully on the stage. Her black pumps clicked across the stage as she walked to the podium. Thalia and Theo seemed to be the only ones immune to their Tia's angelic appearance. They look up to see her gentle eyes and demeanor. 

Thalia noticed Tia smiling down at her, almost as if she had pinpointed her immediately out of the crowd. Thalia smiles back nervously; she quickly retreats into herself. Today is definitely a big day for her, but the crowd is the more pressing issue. She is deadly scared of audiences, and for some reason, she feels like everyone's eyes are on her. It reminds her of when she first came to live with her Tia four years ago. 

Thalia's Tia was the Institute's Director and principal, Dr. Michele Diez. The Director was also among the strongest people in all of New Roark's safety zones, and she was ranked second in the Crimson records. Director Diez was considered second only to the chancellor in terms of ability and power. The audience became restless and talked amongst themselves. They fell silent after hearing the Director's soft voice project throughout the assembly hall. 

Director Diez was dressed in her completely white pantsuit. She was the only person in the school who wore white. The students hypothesized that she wears white because of the nickname she earned during the War of Rising and her achievements that earned her the nickname the "White Ghost." 

The Director's bloodline trait, "Esper," allowed her to manipulate things in reality with almost psychic-like abilities. It is often manifested with levitation, gravity manipulation, attraction, and repulsion. The Director's bloodline trait was extremely rare and so powerful that it's considered the strongest trait in New Roark. The Director's power often manifested itself in a soft white aura. 

She rarely leaves District Seven and is the Institute's Director, headmaster, dean, and protector. Michele was respected in all circles and is loved as the mother and creator of the Apex Institute. Director Diez leans against the podium. Her large breast pushes against the wood, revealing the smallest bit of cleavage. The boys in the auditorium's face light up, and their mouths drop. The Director was known for her domineering power. However, she was arguably more famous for being a contender for New Roark's most beautiful ranker. 

Her eyes scanned the assembly hall, making each student feel individually acknowledged. "I want to congratulate you for proving yourself strong enough to join our little pack." She said, smiling. 

"Today may be the final day you are regarded as students, but you will always be my cubs. Anywhere you go from today onward, you are full-grown wolves capable of handling anything this cruel world hands you! No matter how far your assignment takes you, this will always be your home and Den." The Director's eyes filled with tears, looking out into the crowd. 

"I'm sorry," she said, wiping her eyes. "It's hard for a mother to think about her cubs leaving the den." 

Thalia and Theo looked over at each other and tried not to giggle. Apparently, Tia cries every year at graduation. She was a very emotional person. Her compassionate and soft demeanor almost made people forget how truly powerful and scary her abilities could be. Thalia locked eyes with Tia, and she discretely blew her a kiss. Thalia, embarrassed, scratched her head and looked away. 

Director Diez cried for a few more moments before wiping her eyes again. 

"Okay, no more of that. Now, I want to turn the stage over to a man who needs no introduction—a man who still holds the majority of the records in this institution. The world knows him as the infamous Hell hound of the Apex Institute. However, we call him the super rookie, key player, and savior in the Liberation Day disaster. He is the current captain of the Retrieval Corp and the elite Predator squad. Please welcome to the stage, Captain Dante Elceed!" The crowd bursts out in applause, welcoming the captain to the stage. 

Directly behind the stage stood Dante, clutching and twisting his relic—a black onyx ring called "blink"—back and forth in deep contemplation. His thoughts rushed, trying to decide whether escape was possible. He hates these kinds of events more than anything else. 

Dante would rather be knee-deep in enemy territory surrounded by "S" class criminals. Then, give another infernal speech. 

Dante hates these kinds of events in general because he believes they waste precious time. A majority of these so-called brighter futures were already the son or daughter of some influential jackass, to begin with. Dante thinks that all this Institute has done is validate their egotistical thoughts of how much better they are than everyone else. He is frankly appalled at the fact any of these kids are gaining the opportunity to make a contract. 

At best, they could only fully bond with an ego that is rare and below. "It's almost funny if you think about it because if they are our brightest future, we are in a golden age of weaklings," Dante says in a low, grumbled tone. 

If he were to slip out the back while the Director gave her opening speech, who would notice, he thought. Alexander steps in front of him almost as if reading his mind. 

"Don't even think about it," Alexander says with a devilish grin. Showing off his freakishly straight pearly white teeth. 

"The director told me to paralyze you with a horse tranquilizer if you look like you were planning to escape," Alexander purses his lips. 

"Honestly, that might be preferable to me having to sit through another moment of this boring speech," Dante stretched out his arms and yawned. 

Alexander's grin fades and is replaced with a more sinister smirk. " If you wanted to be my lab rat, all you had to do was ask my friend." Alexander takes a step forward and pulls at his white gloves. 

"No, I am alright," Dante said adamantly. None of Alexander's experiments end with any of the test subjects retaining their sanity. "Fine, I will stay and do the speech," Almost on cue, the Director introduces Dante and calls him to the stage. 

Now, I would like to introduce the man you have all been waiting for: "The legendary hunter and the famed super rookie within the Institute. The man who clawed his way up the Crimson Ranking at the age of 21. He is the leader of the retrieval unit's elite strike force, the Predators. I would like you to give a warm round of applause to your alumni and upperclassmen, Dante Elceed!". 

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