Relic Hunters: The Apex Predators

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Outburst

"Okay, Vincent, I will personally inform the Predators of our decision. You do not need to worry." The director handed the clipboard back to the Vice Director.

"If you say so, mam. I will take my leave," Vincent waved at the siblings and walked away. Thalia tapped Theo and yanked him up by his arm. "Tia, can we talk for a second?"

The Director nodded her head and gestured for them to follow her. They exited the assembly hall backstage and started walking toward the union building in the center of campus. There was a long moment of silence as Thalia and Theo followed closely behind her. The director broke the silence.

"Go ahead, Theo, tell me what is on your mind." Theo gulped.

He was not scared of their Tia. He was more afraid to know the reason he was selected for an assault assignment. He weighed the pros and cons of asking the question. He already knew he could not plead with her to change her mind, so he started second-guessing whether or not there was even a reason to ask or know her reasoning behind her decision. Thalia started to get impatient and just impulsively blurted out.

"How could you place Theo in the Retrieval Corp, knowing he wanted desperately to be in the Expedition Corp? It's cruel to take the one thing you knew he has wanted since we came to this dumb Institute." Thalia covered her mouth, instantly regretting her words.

Her Tia stopped, causing the two siblings to freeze behind her. She turned slowly to face her niece and nephew, who were now frozen like statues. The air started feeling heavy and tense around them. It felt reminiscent of earlier when Thalia was about to unleash a severe beating on Keelan. Only the heat and tense atmosphere could not begin to compare to the amount of pressure their Tia was emitting. Thalia felt sweat drip down the small of her back. It was like nothing they had ever felt before, especially from her Tia. Thalia instinctively knew that what they were experiencing was their aunt's killing intent. It was honestly enough to make her want to claw at her head until she ripped out her hair.

"I am cruel now, am I? I expect disrespect from that Dynasty, Bratt. However, I will not tolerate my own kin behaving in such a manner."

Thalia, paralyzed with fear, fell to her knees, weakened by every syllable from her Tia's mouth. Her aunties eyes glowed, and a faint white aura lined her body.

"I appreciate your fire and tenacity in standing up for your brother. Although I know, I raised you better than to sling insults when you do not get your way."

Thalia looked down, embarrassed and barely able to stand. "I understand and apologize for my rude behavior. I know better than to disrespect you, Tia."

"Good, I am relieved to hear you say that." The Director's aura dissipated, and the air around them returned to normal.

Thalia collapsed; her body felt fatigued, and her mind was still racing from the strain of Tia's killing force.

"Help your sister off the ground, Theo. She is getting her skirt dirty." Their Tia's voice woke him from the trance of fear she placed him in.

Theo helped Thalia off the ground and asked her if she was okay. Thalia nodded her head silently as if she was afraid to speak.

"Now, Theo, you must think my decision was cruel and made without considering your feelings. However, I can assure you that it was not. I need you to trust that I always have your best interest at heart," she said, attempting to reassure him.

"Now, if that will be all. I will see you both at home later tonight. I have another unpleasant bit of news to deliver to someone a lot more disrespectful and defiant than the two of you." She started to glow an ominous white before she floated into the air. Then, a sudden bright flash of light filled the auditorium. The siblings shielded their faces and closed their eyes to protect themselves from the light. A moment later, she vanished without a trace from the auditorium.

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