
Chapter 5: have you ever heard of the hit game RAID SHADOW LEGE-

A/N no, i will not stop with these titles. if I don't know what the fuck is going on, you don't get to know either

Reinhard and I talked a bit longer, and I made sure to slip in a question about where he lived. Not for anything weird obviously. just so that when I inevitably show up at the Raswald estate (which, of course, will be after Elsa gets nuked, hopefully), I can send him letters or something to keep in touch.

Now, There were two reasons for this. One, he was surprisingly fun to talk to (tease). And two, let's be real—Reinhard is basically a walking cheat code, and I wouldn't mind keeping him as an option. Once Emilia was no longer at risk of getting… well, killed, I could defect to Felt's camp. 

but now. our conversation which barely lasted 5 minutes ended.

"Now, thank you for this conversation. It has been most delightful," Reinhard said with that ever-radiant smile of his. "But I must be going. I wish you luck in your endeavor to find the little girl." With a polite nod, he turned to leave, his posture as composed and graceful as ever.

I watched him go, then stretched my arms behind my head. "Well, that went well." I mused.

Emilia, who had been patiently (and maybe a little grumpily) waiting, crossed her arms. "You sure got along with him quickly," she said, eyeing me with mild annoyance.

Puck floated beside her, tail swishing. "Nya~ I think she just has a thing for knights in shining armor." 

I scoffed, walking up and flicking him on the nose "As if, I just know a good investment when I see it. that's all it was"

Emilia tilted her head. "Investment?"

"Never mind that," I said with a grin. "We should get moving. we still need to get your insignia right? or did you forget the second you saw reins Fabulace face."

Her posture straightened as the realization hit her. "Oh, right! Of course! Let's go!" she quickly turned around but "hey! i didn't forget because I saw his face." she whipped around and said. pouting slightly "I was annoyed you ignored us, ok? That was Re~e~ally mean"

I held up my hands in surrender, a teasing smile still on my lips. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry for ignoring you. My bad."

She narrowed her eyes at me for a second before letting out a small hmph and turning back around, marching ahead with determination. "You're such a dunderhead"

Puck floated up to me, chuckling. "You're playing a dangerous shiro~" giving me a boop on the side of my head. "but, we should get going." he turned around and floated after her contractor. 

... oh shit, wait up I thought after a moment of pause I realized that losing them would be pretty bad. so I quickly chased after them. 


an hour of searching later, and subtly guidance later, my plan can be put in motion but first. i need to verify something. "hey puck." I casually called out. i took a quick glance towards the sun. i put my hand out and placed my fingers between the space of the sun and the horizon. 1...2...3 4 5... 6 7 8. 2 hours till sunset, meaning I've got plenty of time, but ideally its best to get there in no more than an hour. i thought before dropping my hands down.

"Huh? Yes?" Puck's voice replied, a bit distracted at first, but quickly snapping his focus back as he floated away from Emilia, who was busy asking a nearby merchant about felt.

He glanced at her for a second, then fully turned his attention to me, his expression shifting into one of curiosity. "Yeah, I'm a spirit. What's on your mind?"

I raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly at his sudden seriousness. "Well, since you're a spirit... I was wondering if you could check what my attribute is? For magic, that is. I might as well ask while Emilia's busy getting her info."

Puck blinked, his ears perking up as he considered my request. "Oh? Is that all? Well, sure, I can do that."

He floated closer, his tail inching closer and tapping at my forehead. "Just a second... Let's see what you've got..."

After a few seconds of soft meowing noises and a tiny flash of light, Puck pulled back, twirling in the air with a pleased grin. "Hmm, hmm, I now know what your attribute is..." he trailed off, his expression shifting briefly. There was a flicker, a moment of something close to fear in his eyes, before it was gone as quickly as it came.

fear? I swear I saw it, I swear. it was there but... Подозрительный I thought before quickly discarding the thought. I saw him twirling around but, that pause was a bit too long for it not to be deliberate. Strange, but not exactly alarming. I tilted my head, watching him carefully.

(I hope you can guess what half her ethnicity is.)

"Alright, that was quick," I said, trying to hide the slight tension in my voice. i really hoped it wasn't something bad. Was I like cursed? why fear? "So, what is it?"

Puck's expression softened, the playful air returning as he twirled once more. "Well, it's not exactly what I was expecting," he hummed, drawing out the suspense like a stage performer. "But it looks like you have a rather unique... attribute..." He let the words hang, clearly enjoying the anticipation.

I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "Meaning?" is it bad? IS IT GOOD? WHY ARE YOU BEING SO FUCKING DRAMATIC?

"Meaning," Puck finally dropped his dramatic act that could give a drama kid a run for his money. a playful smirk tugging at his lips, "you have a mix of multiple elemental affinities... It's kind of rare. Normally, people have one primary attribute—fire, water, earth, wind, or something along those lines. But you..."

He paused, grinning wider now. flying around and plopping on my shoulder "have 3 attributes. fire, wind, and what is usually rare by itself yin. but all together, it's exceedingly rare."

My expression widened - but just a tiny bit - before I quickly schooled my features, barely containing the grin threatening to form. all my luck from rolling all those gacha's has finally paid off. this is the best-case scenario for me.

"Exceedingly rare, huh? Well, that sounds like a very good thing for me, doesn't it?" I mused, a hint of amusement in my tone. Three attributes… My mind was already racing with the possibilities. Fire alone was cool as hell, pun not inte- NO, intend your puns, hiding your puns is a sign of worthlessness and WEAKLING attitude. intend every single pun you say. ahem, proceed

fire can be used for many different things if use well, but the best is yin as it is probably the most useful of the elements. well, if you know how to use a sword that is. now i could go on a 1-hour rant on how useful debuffs are but, I have a feeling I won't get the time to.

"Someone seems happy."

I turned to see Emilia approaching, arms crossed, an amused look on her face. see, no time. its Emilia O'clock right now.

"Happy? No, no, no," I waved a hand dismissively, quickly reining in any lingering excitement. "I'd say mildly intrigued at best. But let's not focus on me. You seem to be in a good mood too. did ya get any good info?" I smoothly redirected the conversation, because telling her about magic now would be a chore. it wouldn't be fun and it doesn't let me gain anything, so I don't care.

Emilia nodded, her expression shifting into something more determined. "Actually, yes. i learned that the girl we're looking for is named Felt, and she's most likely in the slums."

"Well, that simplifies things. Narrows down our search reeeaal nicely, doesn't it?" I drawled, stretching my arms before dropping them with a clap. "Since we've got nothing to lose, might as well get moving."

Without waiting for a response, I turned on my heel and started walking, confidently striding off in a direction.

Puck tilted his head. "Uh, do you even know where you're going?" he floated off my shoulder and watched me walk off.

"Of course, I do." I lied boldly. no shame. I have no fucking clue and I hope they also don't.

Puck, ever the little menace, grinned. "Oh, well, if you do know, then I guess I won't say anything. Lia let's go."

Emilia sighed, hands on her hips. "Puck, that's mean." Then, in a louder voice, "Shirooo!"

I had already wandered a good distance away. Turning back, I cupped my hands around my mouth. "Whaaaat?"

Emilia's expression was a mix of exasperation and amusement. "The slums are in the other direction."

I froze mid-step. Processing. Calculating.

Then, without hesitation, I spun on my heel and started walking the opposite way, completely unfazed. "Obviously. i was Just testing you." I said, a few seconds later I strode past Emilia and Puck like that was my plan all along. "now, let's go."

Emilia blinked, then exchanged a look with Puck.



Puck burst into laughter, his tiny body shaking mid-air. Emilia giggled, shaking her head before following after me.

A/N ok, this was just a tiny bit of stuff I decided to add because the story needs substance and blah blah blah, I thought it was cool in my head when I was in bed, but then I got to writing it and, all motivation gone. so take this. and leave me bee. (also, I FUCKING hate writing as this goddamn site keeps erasing my saved work. mid typing. almost makes me want to switch to a txt file or some shit.)

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