Chapter 42: (29) holding off the monster! and an unexpected team up?
[John there's a missile being prepped to launch in ten minutes!!]
Over the coms I hear Circe informing me of the missle that's coming our way, "looks like umbrella are trying to cover their tracks." I mutter to myself as I turn to everyone else as I hear the loud footsteps coming closer.
"You guys go on ahead, I'll hold this thing off!!" I tell everyone as I nod to Carlos and Ada, "don't worry I'll have Ada explain what our organization is." I tell Carlos as I turn to Ada, "see you at the base." I tell her as she nods and Seres tries to get out of the copter but I hold up a hand, "don't worry Seres, I won't die that easily." I assure her as she looks at me before giving me a teary nod.
And as soon as they took off I take a deep breath before speaking, "I know you're over there Hunk, so I suggest we work together to make sure we both survive this." I say toward an inconspicuous water tower as I hear the loud footsteps getting closer.
And after a few seconds I see a shadow appear and I see a man with an assault rifle aimed right at me, "how did you know I was nearby?" He questioned as I take off my helmet and let him see my face.
(Yeah I know this is a bad move, but it's for dramatic effect, also yes they do have helmets, but only John uses his.-thelostswordsman)
"I knew you were there because I remembered your presence, you killed my mother in cold blood, and while I want to rip you apart right now, we have a big problem coming up those stairs." I say pointing toward the door where we all came out of, "so either you kill me and have to face that monster alone or we work together and survive, so what's it gonna be?" I say to him as the door burst open and Birkin in his second to final form came out.
Wasting no time I throw a couple cryo grenades and watch as they explode temporarily slowing it down as I pull out contagion and open fire as I see Hunk climbing a ladder going to higher ground.
"FUCKING COWARD!!" I shout in an attempt to provoke the grim reaper, but before I could hear a response Birkin broke out of his frozen state, but he didn't look too good, one of his mutated arms was missing and it could barely move it's left leg.
But it caught me off guard when it charged but before it could hit me I hear sniper fire from above and see Hunk holding what I assume was a fallen comrades sniper, "don't make me regret this!" I hear him shout as I activate adrenaline and hold the line, and my Lmg became an unstoppable force of destruction as it mowed down Birkin, as the poison was dissolving the body leaving half its body melted and the other half just fine.
As it shambled closer to me I throw a couple more cryogrenades and when they exploded the form of Birkin was frozen solid! 'This is it!' I think to myself as I pull out my poison claw and take aim.
"Hasta la vista, baby." I quote as I fire my shot and the frozen Birkin shattered into pieces, I turn to see if Hunk was still there but he was gone, "huh, must have left after firing that shot." I say to myself as I move to the edge of the rooftop.
"Hey Circe, beam me up, also send invitations to Carlos, Tyrell, Mark, Annette and sherry." I say to the sky as I wait for my response.
[understood, I sent the five invitations as requested, now bringing you to base.]
As soon as Circe said that I see a light come down and I blink and find myself in my room, "okay now to let the others know I'm okay." And I get up and walk out my room.
As I walk to the command center of my base I notice some operators stationed in the base walking to the pool area of the station, I chuckle as I remember the penguins and open the door to the command center and see Circe and Billy watching live footage of the missle hitting Raccoon city and detonating.
"Well goodbye Raccoon city." I say catching both their attentions, "hey Circe tell the others I made it out okay, and that drinks are on me." I say to her as she just sighs before smiling, "understood, but it will come out of your pay." She remarks as she does as I asked.
And like that Raccoon city was no more, but as our ranks grow, I take a look at earth, "time to get excited."
(If anyone can get that reference you are a cultured otaku)
Well folks I hope you enjoy the chapter because I'm planning on sending John to a solo mission, but question is which one should I do? So I'll leave the two and let you all decide.
1. House of the dead 1
2.Gravity falls season 2 episode 1
And with this I'm out, peace😁✌️