Reverse World: fragment's of the past

Chapter 7: roaming the familiarly strange city(1)

"Boss if you like please revisit the shop." that's what he said right' he thought to himself while walking away into the distance and peaking back to check whether the clerk worker was still peaking at him or not ("MC is just creeped out he's an otaku shut-in or something easily getting crept and feeling weird at the same time what's wrong with him sigh he is a wuss," the voice said to itself.) 

'that guy seriously sold a lot of weird mangas with weird genres books like ShotaxOnee-chan or Skee desh Yandere slip and other books which would just make me ho## I guess that was also a place which sells douj##3# and p*#$# sigh gotta clear my mind for now' he was monologuing to himself while going in some random direction but not his home and checked the time which was displayed on the clock which showed 11:25 AM but the time didn't matter to him. He again started to drift into his thoughts he walked out of the station and finally reached a bookstore and was about to enter it completely but in mid-way, a voice entered his ears, "Good morning dear customer" It was a robotic voice clear and pleasant.

He was astonished so he was staring at the robot in the middle way of the entrance blocking the entrance.

"Please enter the store dear customer you are blocking the entrance," the robot said to him as if to awake him from his stupor.

But he was still staring at the robot blankly he entered the bookstore it was half of his height which would be between 2.8,2.85 inches and it was a cylindrical robot in its upper half it was spherical with big eyes and a cute mouth displayed through its screen while it spoke its expression change.

"hello" he said to the cute robot

to which it made an o-o expression and replied with a "Hello dear customer, how may I help you?" while changing its robotic voice into an angelic neutral voice.

"Hmm I would just like to look around for now"he said to the robot.

"ok if you require assistance you can contact me"

He slowly entered the book store and started strolling the store and pass his time there while picking the books that he liked and reading few of their synopsis and for some he read a few pages of their prolouge

Don't think he was reading some special knowledgeable books he was just looking at so.e random webnovel and Ln mostly they were of revenge or some dark themed books where the main characters were either a villan or either were a anti-hero.

This building had 2 to 3 floors as he

Saw the entrance of the second floor through stairs and the door was closed and there was a scanner there above it it was 'required 3rd grade ai'

Which put him in a deep thought.

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